Note: In this index, the Republic of Vietnam is listed as Vietnam (RVN) or RVN; the Democratic People’s Republic of Vietnam is listed as Vietnam (DRV) or DRV.
- Agency for International Development (AID), 260, 261, 382, 387
- Agricultural situation in Vietnam, 52, 501–502
- Aiken, George, 617, 619, 621
- Air Force, RVN, aircraft upgrades for, 163, 203–204, 311, 319, 329, 501, 739
- Akalovsky, Alexander, 990
- Alliance for Progress, 812
- Alphand, Herve, 107, 132, 195, 196, 239
- Ambassador to Saigon, selection of, 201, 213, 242, 496
- Amnesty (Chieu Hoi) program, 20–21, 52
- Anderson, Robert B., 469n
- Anthis, Brig. Gen. Rollen H., 84n, 99n, 174
- Anti-American sentiment in Vietnam, 746, 804, 809
- Armstrong, Willis C., 68n
- Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN). See Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces.
- Asbjornson, Mildred, 57n
- Australia, 331, 839, 971, 979, 980
- Ayub Khan, Mohammed, 577, 643, 644
- Ball, George W., 15n, 43n, 93,
242, 305n, 397, 398, 569n, 662, 698n, 914n, 1052n
- civilian government of Vietnam:
- congressional resolution on Southeast Asia policy, 350, 356–358
- communist infiltration evidence, release of, 1012–1014
- De Gaulle, meeting with, 402, 464–470
- Gulf of Tonkin events, 610n, 641, 651n
- Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, 634
- international conference on Vietnam, proposed, 469
- Khanh coup, 42
- Khanh government, 435n, 764
- neutral solution for Vietnam, 400
- NSC Working Group on Vietnam, 812, 912, 938n, 943, 958
- U.S. information programs and policies in Vietnam, 1012–1014
- Vietnam (DRV), U.S.-RVN operations against:
- Vietnam (DRV)-U.S. contacts, 351, 543–544, 651n
- war game on Vietnam, 404
- Beaumarchais, Jacques de, 234
- Beech, Keyes, 129
- Belgium, 647
- Belk, Samuel E., 330n
- Bell, David E., 25, 79, 130, 133n, 163, 198, 201, 224, 260, 269, 273, 322n, 330, 337n, 474, 523
- Berry, Lt. Col. Sidney, Jr., 313
- Bien Hoa airfield attack, U.S. retaliation for, 873–882, 885–886
- Binh, Archbishop, 321, 415
- Binh Long, fighting at, 549–550
- Bligh, Sir Timothy, 69
- Blouin, Rear Adm. F.J., 51n, 53n, 202–206, 337n, 602n
- Board of National Estimates, 484–487
- Bohannan, Charles T.R., 477n
- Bohlen, Charles E., 104, 128, 464, 470
- Bolton, Frances P., 331, 618
- Breckon, M. Lyall, 709n
- Brent, Joseph L., 163, 313
- Brink Hotel bombing, 1038, 1043, 1049
- Brubeck, William H., 25
- Bruce, David K.E., 69, 981
- Brunn, Robert, 581
- Buddhist-Catholic conflict, 315–316, 321, 324, 325, 347, 386, 413, 415–416, 540–541, 658
- Buddhist opposition. See under Civilian government of Vietnam; Khanh government.
- Bunche, Ralph, 643
- Bundy, McGeorge, 1n, 4, 5n, 16n, 22n, 49n, 59, 64, 84n, 96, 107n, 130,
132n, 171, 172–173, 174, 189n, 213, 214n, 232n, 242, 271, 291, 305n, 327n, 330n, 349–351, 385, 393n, 396n, 397, 450n, 500, 520n, 569n, 571n, 576n, 583n, 662, 721n, 787n, 811–812, 995n,
1012n, 1060n
- ambassador to Saigon, selection of, 496
- anti-American sentiment in Vietnam, 804n
- China, People’s Republic of:
- civilian government of Vietnam, 815n, 993
- communist insurgency, 297n
- congressional resolution on Southeast Asia policy:
- counterinsurgency operations:
- Geneva Accords, 645
- Gulf of Tonkin events, 651n
- Gulf of Tonkin Resolution:
- Hilsman’s parting memoranda, 175–176
- Honolulu meetings (June 1964), 440–441
- international conference on Vietnam, proposed, 676
- Johnson’s television appearance re Vietnam, 146, 148–150
- Khanh government, coup attempt against (Sept. 13), 766n
- Khanh’s political skills, 830
- Laos:
- Laos, U.S.-RVN incursions into:
- Lodge-Harkins relationship, 298n
- MACV command change, 199
- McNamara-Taylor mission (March 1964), 145, 151–152
- McNamara-Taylor mission (May 1964), 322n
- National Security Action Memorandum 314:
- neutral solution for Vietnam, 14, 191n, 193n
- NSC Working Group on Vietnam, 812, 813, 887, 938n
- Rusk-Khanh meeting, 405n
- Rusk mission (April 1964):
- Southeast Asia, U.S.-U.K. consultation re, 70
- Sullivan Committee, 80n
- Taylor-Johnson reports, quality of, 552–553
- Taylor-Khanh relationship, 805
- Taylor’s conflict with generals, 1036n, 1037n, 1044n
- Taylor’s visits to Washington, 746n, 749, 965
- Thailand, U.S. military deployments in, 176, 511
- third country assistance for Vietnam:
- U.S. dependents in Vietnam, 677
- U.S. information programs and policies in Vietnam, 441
- U.S. military involvement in Vietnam, 290
- U.S. policy in Vietnam:
- administration meetings with congressional leaders, 390
- checklist of progress, 489
- courses of action report, 672–679
- “domino effect” issue, 484n
- funds and personnel for, 262, 272n
- manager in Washington for, 61
- Mansfield’s policy suggestions, 2n, 89, 14–15, 67, 1009n, 1010–1012
- official visits to Vietnam, 67
- options available without congressional resolution, 516n
- U.S. veterans of Vietnam, use of, 1040
- Vietnam (DRV), U.S.-RVN operations against, 27n, 34n, 60
- Bien Hoa attack, proposed retaliation for, 875n, 876n, 881n
- covert operations, 4–5, 372, 646, 676
- economic initiatives, 270n
- military options, 676–678
- naval operations, 677, 796–797
- nuclear weapons issue, 679–680
- political moves in support of military actions, 206
- retaliation for attacks on U.S. personnel, 875n, 876n, 881n, 1051–1052
- scenarios for, 374–377
- target selection, 371
- tit-for-tat military actions, 677
- U.N. actions by U.S. re, 376
- U.S. consultations with allies, 394n, 396
- Vietnam (DRV)-U.S. contacts, 253, 281n, 508, 651n
- war footing for Vietnam, 287n, 289, 291n
- war game on Vietnam, 198–199
- Bundy, William P., 22n, 89n, 97n, 99n, 120n, 176n,
235–236, 248, 250–251, 268, 305n, 327n, 474, 532n, 533n, 558n,
561n, 562n, 569n, 571n, 587n, 662, 673n, 709n, 721n,
782n, 830n, 895n, 909n, 948n, 995n, 1012n, 1013n, 1052n
- civilian government of Vietnam, 815n
- congressional resolution on Southeast Asia policy:
- coordination of Vietnam programs, 173
- counterinsurgency operations, 126n, 442, 443
- Far Eastern Affairs post, appointment to, 106
- Gulf of Tonkin events, 610n, 614n, 651n
- Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, 634
- Honolulu meetings (June 1964), 422, 428
- Khanh government:
- Laos:
- Lodge-Harkins relationship, 298n
- McNamara-Taylor mission (March 1964), 133n, 153n
- McNamara-Taylor mission (May 1964), 322n
- media coverage of Vietnam, 259, 443–444
- National Security Action Memorandum, 314, 747n, 754
- neutral solution for Vietnam, 195n, 229
- NSC Working Group on Vietnam, 812,
886, 887
- basic issues between options, 938–939
- “continue present policies” option, 940–941
- “Courses of Action” paper, 916n
- “fast, unyielding pressure” option, 941
- immediate actions, 940, 964
- meetings, 943, 958
- negotiations option, omission of, 915
- policy options paper, 813
- progress reports on deliberations, 915
- “progressive pressure and talk” option, 941–942
- Project Outline, 888
- Rusk-Khanh meetings, 244, 405n
- Rusk mission (April 1964), 230, 231, 244
- Rusk-Quat meeting, 237–238
- Taylor’s conflict with Generals, 1036n, 1044n
- Taylor’s visits to Washington, 746n, 749, 965
- third country assistance for Vietnam, 980
- U.S. commitment to Vietnam, 488
- Vietnam (DRV), U.S.-RVN operations against:
- Bien Hoa attack, proposed retaliation for, 875n, 876n, 878n, 881n
- contingency planning, 225–229
- covert operations, 342
- cross-border operations and, 226–227
- military timing factors, 444
- political moves in support of military actions, 206, 225–226
- public awareness issue, 343
- reaction fumes for operations, 227
- target selection, 342
- tit-for-tat military actions, 227
- U.S. consultations with allies, 445, 979–981
- Vietnamese (DRV)-Chinese People’s Republic response, 228
- warnings of attacks, 343
- Vietnam (DRV)-U.S. contacts, 335, 351, 651n, 978n
- war footing for Vietnam, 284, 287–288
- Burchette, Wilfred, 353
- Burchinal, Lt. Gen. David A., 343, 605, 608, 609
- Burma, 124, 485, 643–644
- Butler, R.A., 68, 69, 108
- Buu. See Tran Quoc Buu.
- Byroade, Henry A., 78
- Caccia, Sir Harold, 68
- Cam Ranh Bay naval base, 283–284, 290–291, 297, 305, 312, 503
- Cambodia, 14–15,
- Communist infiltration through, 154–155
- Communist victory in Vietnam, consequences of, 918
- Communists, dealings with, 246
- “domino effect” and, 485
- Khanh government, negotiations with, 170, 171
- neutral solution for, 69, 70, 94
- U.N. border patrol, possible, 330
- U.S.-RVN incursions into, 151, 214, 330
- war footing for Vietnam and, 285, 292, 302
- Can. See Ngo Dinh Can.
- Canada (see also Vietnam (DRV)-U.S. contacts), 675, 972
- Cang, Adm., 1015, 1048n, 1053, 1055, 1056
- Cao Dai party, 17n, 52, 1004–1005
- Cao Hoai Sang, 1005
- Carroll, Lt. Gen. Joseph F., 71n, 84n, 706n
- Carter, Lt. Gen. Marshall S., 397, 474, 779
- Castro, Fidel, 74
- Cater, S. Douglass, 350, 524–525, 631–632
- Catholics (see also Buddhist-Catholic conflict), 414, 825
- Central Intelligence Agency, U.S. (CIA) (see also McCone, John A.), 727n
- Chadbourn, Philip H., 422, 426, 433
- Chen Yi, 556
- Chiang Kai-shek, 247n, 252, 258, 410, 486, 557, 667
- Chieu Hoi (Amnesty) program, 20–21, 52
- China, People’s Republic of:
- Chinese Nationalist invasion, possible, 258
- communist insurgency, support for, 409
- communist movements abroad, assistance for, 644
- conflict with U.S., attitude toward, 252
- “domino effect” and, 486–487
- free world operations against, Khanh’s plan for, 667
- French policy toward, 49, 468, 534
- Gulf of Tonkin events, 633
- influence in Southeast Asia, 10
- international conference on Vietnam, proposed, 573
- military capabilities, 112–113
- neutral solution for Vietnam, 32n, 49–50, 234–235
- nuclear capability, 679
- U.N. admission issue, 15, 16, 32n
- U.S. contacts with, 535, 537, 577,
644, 645
- Mansfield’s suggestion for, 1012
- U.S. policy in Vietnam, position on, 537, 555–556, 557
- Vietnam (DRV), relations with, 64, 81–82, 157n
- China, Republic of, 247n, 258
- Chinese minority in Vietnam, 1005–1006
- Civil Guard:
- Civilian government of Vietnam, 810
- alternatives to, 952
- Buddhist opposition, 890, 891, 936, 994–995, 999, 1032
- Catholics’ support for, 825
- charter for, 842–843, 844
- civil servants and, 1004
- formation of (see also High National Council), 803, 818
- Huong’s assessment of, 890–892
- installation of, 858–859
- Khanh’s pledge of support, 859
- Khanh’s plotting against, 908, 911, 1008
- life expectancy, 945–946
- military, relations with (see also “Young Turks” coup attempt below), 860–861, 1008–1009
- ministerial appointments, 860–861
- minority groups, relations with, 908, 911, 935–936, 1000–1009
- National Assembly, 911
- objectives, short-term, 896–899
- power struggle, potential for, 890
- press relations, 1004
- resignations of officials, 891–892
- Suu’s selection as Chief of State, 845–846, 858
- Taylor’s assessment of, 888–890, 949–950
- U.S. efforts to strengthen, 951–952, 958–959, 965–966, 968
- U.S. integration into, 910–911
- U.S. operations against DRV, support for 947
- U.S. protection from coup, request for, 1047, 1048
- weaknesses of, 949–950
- “Young Turks” coup attempt:
- Generals’ defense of, 1039n
- Khanh’s defense of, 1027–1028
- Khanh’s leadership, 1030
- negotiations to resolve, 1031–1032, 1033–1034, 1041–1042, 1046–1047, 1055–1056
- Taylor-Johnson speculations on outcome, 1060–1063
- Taylor’s initial reactions, 1014–1023
- U.S. guidance for Taylor, 1023–1026, 1028–1029, 1035, 1038–1039, 1042–1043, 1044–1046, 1048
- U.S. military assistance to Vietnam and, 1025–1026
- U.S. official statements on, 1026–1027, 1028, 1034n, 1039n
- Civilian Irregular Defense Group (CIDG) program, 786
- Cleveland, Harlan, 399, 628n, 635–636, 641, 643
- Cline, Ray S.:
- Co. See Nguyen Huu Co, Gen.
- Coffin, Frank M., 25
- Colby, William, 84n, 277, 322n, 397, 398, 415, 474, 571n, 830n
- Communist insurgency: area controlled by, 84–85, 100
- Bien Hoa airfield, attack on, 873, 879–880
- Brink Hotel bombing, 1038, 1043, 1049
- casualties suffered, 119–120, 909
- Chinese People’s Republic support for, 409
- civil disorder, focus on, 810–811
- ground attacks from DRV, possible, 686
- infiltration of troops, 62, 109, 154–155, 864–872, 960, 1012–1014
- intensification in July, 548–552
- major offensive, possible, 489–490
- Montagnards and, 786
- political discord in RVN, role in, 745
- popular attitude toward, 414, 545
- propaganda activities, 489, 695
- psychological impact of successes, 263, 539
- quasi-governmental organization, 479
- recruits for, 419–420
- recuperative powers, 950, 951
- reserve forces, 407–408
- terrorism, 25, 95, 241n
- training for troops, 867–868
- troop strength, 123, 547, 661, 871–872
- urban capabilities, 412, 811
- U.S. operations against DRV, effect of, 250, 252, 403
- U.S. personnel, attacks on, 95, 289n, 412, 873, 879–880, 1038, 1043, 1049
- victory in Vietnam, possible, 13, 71–72, 296–297, 484–487, 918–919
- Vietnam (DRV), relation to, 82–83, 123, 156–157, 251, 301–302
- weaponry for, 86, 101, 110, 123, 156–157
- withdrawal of forces, proposed, 128
- Conein, Col. Lucien, 266, 805, 1040
- Congress, U.S. (see also Congressional resolution on Southeast Asia policy):
- Congressional resolution on Southeast Asia policy (see also Gulf of Tonkin Resolution), 72–74, 369, 462
- draft resolutions, 350, 356–358, 490, 513–515
- early resolution, decision against, 490–492, 497
- opposing arguments, 495–496
- options available without resolution, 516–518
- requirements for, 432–433
- supporting arguments, 493–495, 496, 515–516
- timing of presentation to Congress, 377, 512
- U.S. firmness, demonstration of, 511–512
- Cooper, Chester, 197, 198, 201, 350, 351, 397, 474, 489, 993–995, 1012n, 1013n
- Coote, Wendell B., 25
- Corcoran, Thomas B., 602n, 805
- Counterinsurgency operations (see also Laos, U.S.-RVN
incursions into; Strategic hamlet
program; Vietnam (DRV), U.S.-RVN operations
against; War footing for Vietnam; U.S.-RVN incursions under Cambodia):
- air support, 311
- airfield security, 680–681, 881, 882, 885
- Americanization of, 35, 87, 125, 127
- An Long offensive, proposed, 82–83
- border control, 87
- Chinese Nationalist troops for, 126, 167n, 169, 247, 252
- CIA assessment of, 65–66, 84–86
- Harkins’response, 99–102
- civil advisers for, 314
- command and control system, 419, 482–484, 795–796, 813–814
- communications security, 321
- conventional tactics issue, 197–198, 666, 667
- covert checking of reporting on, 5–6, 7–8, 62, 84n
- critical provinces, focus on, 424–426, 442, 443, 461–462, 488, 501
- crop destruction and defoliation, 87
- defense against ground attacks, 686, 688
- deterioration of RVN position, 155–156, 336, 422–423, 429, 948–949
- disbursement of funds problem, 320
- Do Xa operation, 409
- Farmgate operation, 163n
- Goldwater’s comments on, 395n
- government stability in RVN, relation to, 951, 952
- ground operations, U.S. evaluation of, 802
- guerrilla tactics, 163, 180–181, 503, 554
- Hop Tac operation. See Saigon-area initiative below.
- improvements in, 259, 946–947
- infiltration evidence, accumulation of, 960
- JCS recommendations for actions, 86–89, 847–853, 883
- Khanh government policy on, 45–46, 47–48
- National Pacification Plan, 87, 161, 321, 323, 411, 420–421, 505
- Nes’ assessment of, 89–92
- night operations, 21
- operational effectiveness, 418
- political orientation, 63
- popular attitude toward, 65, 136, 347
- populated areas, attacks on, 136
- population control, 285, 302, 416, 659–662
- provincial troubleshooting, 814–815, 819
- psywar-civic action program in provinces, 997–998
- reconnaissance flights, 251
- Saigon-area initiative (Hop Tac plan), 660, 662, 738, 752, 776–777, 814, 859
- Taylor-L. B. Johnson meeting re, 966–967, 968
- timetable for, 149
- U.S. ambassadors’ meeting re, 820–821
- U.S. de facto responsibility for, 124
- Vietnamese (RVN) responsibility for, 155
- Village security, 179–181
- Westmoreland’s assessment of, 736–742
- Coup against Diem, Minh’s account of, 134–135
- Coup against Minh. See Khanh coup.
- Coup attempt by “Young Turks.” See under Civilian government of Vietnam.
- Coups against Khanh. See under Khanh government.
- Couve de Murville, Maurice, 10n, 69, 221, 258, 465, 554–555
- Cox, Gordon E., 281
- Craig, U.S.S., 592
- Creel, Robert, 621n
- Cuba, 105n, 106
- Dai Viet party, 138, 719, 720, 725–726
- Dang-Sy, Maj., 321, 347
- Dang Van Sung, 542
- Davies, Richard T., 633n
- Davis, Rear Adm. J. W., 437–440
- De Gaulle, Charles, 10, 15, 33, 91–92, 107n, 152, 169, 521
- De Leusse, Bruno, 554
- De Silva, Peter, 3, 39, 65–66, 248, 251, 252, 253, 313, 327, 434, 708
- Deepe, Beverly, 1055
- Defense, U.S. Department of (see also Joint Chiefs of Staff; McNamara, Robert 5):
- Defense Intelligence Agency, 71–72
- Defferre, Gaston, 195
- Denmark, 647
- Denney, George C., Jr., 40–41, 82–83
- Depuy, Col., 424
- Diem. See Ngo Dinh Diem.
- Dillon, C. Douglas, 492, 520–521, 608
- Dingeman, Maj. James W., 25n
- Dirksen, Everett M., 223, 224, 330, 331, 620
- Do Cao Tri, Maj. Gen., 38, 40, 731
- Do Lenh Tuan, 237n
- Do Mau, Gen., 32, 121, 362, 694
- “Domino effect” in Southeast Asia, 484–487
- Don. See Tran Van Don, Gen.
- Dong. See Pham Van Dong.
- D’Orlandi, Giovanni, 54
- Douglas-Home, Sir Alec, 68, 69n, 70
- Duc. See Duong Van Duc, Brig. Gen.
- Duke, Angier Biddle, 643
- Dulles, John Foster, 645
- Dunn, John M., 248
- Duong Van Duc, Brig. Gen., 37, 137–138, 731, 764, 769, 770, 790, 791
- Duong Van Minh, Lt. Gen. (see also Minh government), 1, 11, 16, 415, 728, 800
- arrest of, 42
- civilian government of Vietnam, 803, 817, 818–819, 829, 832–833, 834–835, 837–838, 842–843, 844, 846
- counterinsurgency operations, 136
- coup against Diem, 134–135
- economic situation in Vietnam, 19
- field trips, 540
- generals’ arrest and trial, 42, 137–138, 139, 411, 434
- Gulf of Tonkin events, 628
- Khanh, assessment of, 138
- Khanh coup, 136–137
- Khanh government, 744
- Khanh’s campaign against, 671, 710–711, 721
- McNamara-Taylor mission (May 1964), 312–313
- military, return to, 889–890
- money appropriated by, 381
- neutral solution for Vietnam, 32, 33, 264
- Ngo Dinh Can’s death sentence, 265–267
- political ambitions, 721
- Stromberg’s interview with, 134–139
- Taylor’s assessment of, 721
- U.S. dissociation from, 569
- Vietnam (DRV), U.S.-RVN operations against, 27, 28, 30–31
- Duzer, Roger, 533, 554
- Economic situation in Vietnam;
- Eggeman, Capt., 342
- Ehrlich, T., 912–914
- Eisenhower, Dwight D., 148
- Ellsberg, Daniel, 632
- Felt, Adm. Harry D., 203, 204–205, 270
- Fishel, Wesley R., 59
- Fitzgerald, Desmond, 201
- Flooding in Vietnam, 901–902, 908–909
- Flott, Frederick W., 405
- Ford, Harold, 887
- Forrestal, Michael V., 16n, 25, 42n, 43n, 59–60, 64–65, 84n, 89n, 93–94, 132n, 176n, 213–214, 229, 271, 447, 450n, 474, 562n, 569n, 571n, 603n, 706n, 709n, 721n, 755, 782n, 793n, 795n,
895n, 909n, 995n, 1012n
- AID director for Vietnam, 201
- ambassador to Saigon, selection of, 201
- civilian government of Vietnam, 815n, 840n
- counterinsurgency operations:
- French-RVN relations, 232–233
- Gulf of Tonkin events, 614n
- Honolulu meetings (June 1964), 427, 428
- Khanh coup, 42–43
- Khanh government, 386
- Khanh’s political skills, 830–832
- Laos, U.S.-RVN incursions into, 574n
- Lodge, assessment of, 388–389
- MACV command change, 199–200
- McNamara-Taylor mission (May, 1964), 304, 313
- NSC Working Group on Vietnam, 813, 958
- political situation in Vietnam, 314
- Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces, 79
- Rusk mission (April 1964), 233
- Special Assistant for Vietnam post, 543n
- strategic hamlet program, 77–78
- Sullivan Committee, 80
- Taylor-Khanh relationship, 805
- third country assistance for Vietnam, 527n
- U.S. governmental involvement in Vietnam, 79, 387–388, 397, 427
- U.S. military involvement in Vietnam:
- U.S. Mission in Vietnam:
- U.S. policy in Vietnam:
- Vietnam (DRV), U.S.-RVN operations against:
- Vietnam (DRV)-U.S. contacts, 978n
- Vietnam visit, report on, 385–389
- war footing for Vietnam, 289–290
- Fraleigh, Albert S., 478n
- France (see also French policy under Neutral solution
for Vietnam), 647
- China, People’s Republic, relations with, 49, 468, 534
- Gulf of Tonkin events, 635
- international conference on Vietnam, proposed, 468–469, 556–557
- Laos, policy toward, 557, 675
- negotiations policy for Vietnam, 258
- operations against RVN, alleged, 36–38, 58, 264, 265, 285, 294, 302, 380–381
- Position Paper on Southeast Asia and, 972
- SEATO and, 239–240
- Southeast Asia policy, 107–108
- U.S.-Communist mutual withdrawal, proposed, 128
- U.S. policy in Vietnam, position on, 919
- Vietnam (DRV), U.S.-RVN operations against, 239, 520–521
- Ball-De Gaulle meeting re, 441, 445, 449–450, 464–470
- Vietnam (RVN), relations with, 46–47, 53, 188, 232–233, 239–240, 245–246, 319
- Fulbright, J. William, 619, 620, 621
- Furness, George A., Jr., 693–696
- Gard, Richard A., 269, 1001, 1002, 1003
- Gaud, William, 427, 428, 473
- Gaulle, Charles de. See De Gaulle, Charles.
- Geneva Accords, 645, 991–992
- Germany, Federal Republic of, 647, 919
- Gillet, Robert, 234
- Gilpatric, Roswell L., 25, 99n, 473
- Giscard d’Estaing, Valery, 520, 521
- Go, Gen., 731
- Goldwater, Barry, 389, 395n, 565, 679–680
- Goodpaster, Lt. Gen. Andrew S., 214, 229, 350, 838n
- Gore, Sir David Ormsby, 68
- Green, Marshall, 42n, 51n, 53n, 61–62, 89n, 108n, 397, 592n
- Greene, Lt. Gen. Wallace M., Jr., 149n, 243n, 749
- Gromyko, Andrei, 9–10, 990–993
- Gulf of Tonkin events:
- congressional leaders, briefings for, 600, 615–621
- evidence for U.S. version of events, 631, 644–645
- Maddox, attack on (Aug. 2), 589
- Maddox and C. Turner Joy, attack on (Aug. 4), 608, 611
- Morton and Edwards, possible attack on (Sept. 18), 778–781
- policy consequences for U.S., 641–642
- retaliations for attacks, 694–695
- administration consultations with
- congressional leaders, 615–621
- authorization for, 593, 597
- Forrestal’s recommendations, 599
- international reaction, 633, 635–636
- reports on, 626, 633
- restrikes issue, 632
- Sharp’s recommendations, 624–625
- target selection, 605–606, 607–610, 611, 612
- Taylor’s recommendations, 593–594, 603
- Vietnamese (DRV)-Chinese People’s Republic response, 640–641, 666
- Soviet reaction, 633, 635, 636–638, 648
- U.N. actions re, 611, 616–617, 625
- U.S.-DRV communications re, 651–653
- U.S. notification of other countries, 621–623
- U.S. patrols, resumption of (Aug. 2), 591, 597
- U.S. public statements on, 612, 626, 631, 632
- U.S. rules of reconnaissance and engagement, 598–599, 601
- U.S.-RVN consultations re, 589, 614, 623, 627–628, 630
- U.S. satisfaction with outcomes, 663
- Vietnamese (DRV) intentions in attacking U.S. ships, 598, 603, 611, 631, 639–640
- Gulf of Tonkin resolution: administration discussions re, 631–632
- Ha Thuc Ky, 237
- Halleck, Charles A., 615, 617, 619, 621
- Hamlets of New Rural Life. See Strategic hamlet program.
- Hanes, Art, 431
- Harkins, Gen. Paul D., 21, 26, 130, 134n, 204, 228, 248
- communist insurgency:
- counterinsurgency operations:
- Khanh, assessment of, 43
- Khanh coup, 37, 39, 42, 43
- Khanh government:
- Laos, U.S.-RVN incursions into, 311
- Lodge, relationship with, 298–299, 326–327
- McNamara-Taylor mission (May 1964), 304, 313
- political situation in Vietnam, 100–101
- replacement as MACV commander, 59, 61, 200, 213, 223
- Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces:
- U.S. military advisers, lengths of tours for, 312
- Vietnam (DRV), U.S.-RVN operations against, 27–28, 30, 31, 252, 309
- war footing for Vietnam, 144
- Harriman, W. Averell,, 15n, 22n, 25, 42n, 43n, 51n, 53n, 69, 81n, 96, 176n, 385n, 399, 561n, 569n, 571n, 1012n
- Helms, Richard, 84–86
- Hickenlooper, Bourke B., 616, 617–618, 619
- High National Council, 803, 816–817, 818–819, 822–823, 835, 858, 890
- Hilsman, Roger, Jr., 22n, 36n, 49n, 81n, 84n, 89
- Ho Chi Minh, 230, 241n, 281, 353, 414, 446, 546, 666, 695, 957
- Ho Van Nhut, 825, 835, 836, 846
- Hoa Hao party, 17n, 52, 1005
- Hoan. See Nguyen Ton Hoan.
- Hoang Co Thuy, 1003
- Hoang Van Lac, Col., 362
- Holyoake, Keith J., 980
- Hon, Gen., 424
- Honolulu meetings (June 1964), 376
- Hop Tac operation. See Saigon-area military initiative:
- Huan, 264, 285
- Hughes, Thomas L., 561n, 573–574, 592n, 633, 640, 698n, 782n
- Humphrey, Hubert H., 224, 525n, 619, 914n, 965, 967
- Huong. See Tran Van Huong.
- Huong-Suu government. See Civilian government of Vietnam.
- Huynh Van Cao, Brig. Gen., 135
- Imhof, Johannes V., 533, 554
- India, 675, 918, 972
- Indonesia, 15, 486
- Intelligentsia of Vietnam, 238, 414–415
- International conference on Laos, proposed, 446, 507–511, 654–656, 674–675, 678–679
- International conference on Vietnam, proposed:
- International Control Commission (ICC) (see also Vietnam (DRV)-U.S. contacts), 276, 355, 543, 544
- Iran, 918
- Italy, 647
- Japan, 486, 633, 918
- Jenkins, Walter, 615n
- Jensen, Ben F., 330–331, 332
- Johnson, Lady Bird, 645
- Johnson, Lyndon B., 1, 2, 4, 60, 69,
84n, 93, 119n, 171, 185, 189n, 232, 349, 385, 440, 461, 552, 571n, 576n, 656, 679, 723, 787n
- Alliance for Progress, 812
- ambassador to Saigon, selection of, 496
- anti-American sentiment in Vietnam, 804n
- Ball-De Gaulle meeting, 449–450, 464
- W. Bundy’s appointment to Far Eastern Affairs post, 106
- Cambodia, U.S.-RVN incursions into, 168–169
- China, People’s Republic of, U.S. contacts with, 644
- CIA station chief, appointment of, 3–4
- civilian government of Vietnam, 935
- counterinsurgency operations:
- Gulf of Tonkin events:
- congressional leaders, briefings for, 600, 615, 616, 617, 618, 619, 620, 621
- Maddox, attack on (Aug. 2), 590, 602
- Maddox and C. Turner Joy, attack on (Aug. 4), 604, 605, 607, 608
- Morton and Edwards, possible attack on (Sept. 18), 778–781
- public statements on, 626, 634
- retaliations for attacks, 597, 606, 608, 609, 611, 612
- Soviet reaction, 636, 648
- U.S. notification of other countries re, 622–623
- U.S. patrols, resumption of (Aug. 2), 597
- U.S.-RVN consultations re, 623
- U.S. satisfaction with outcomes, 663
- Gulf of Tonkin Resolution:
- Hilsman’s parting memoranda, 175
- Honolulu meetings (June 1964), 393–394
- Humphrey-Quat meeting, 478n
- Khanh, attitude toward, 129
- Khanh coup, 42
- Khanh government:
- Khrushchev, exchange of letters with, 636–638, 648
- Laos, U.S.-RVN incursions into:
- Lodge, relations with, 2, 132–133
- McNamara-Taylor mission (March 1964), 145
- McNamara-Taylor mission (May 1964), 322
- National Security Action Memorandum 314:
- neutral solution for Vietnam:
- NSC Working Group on Vietnam, 812, 915, 916
- political situation in Vietnam, 6–7
- Position Paper on Southeast Asia, 969n, 974, 984
- Quat, meeting with, 447–448
- Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces, 93n
- Rusk-Khanh meeting, 405n
- Rusk mission (April 1964), 230, 231, 241–242
- Southeast Asia, U.S.-U.K. consultations re, 68–70
- Sullivan Committee, appointment of, 79–80
- Taylor’s ambassadorial instructions, 538, 974–978
- Taylor’s conflict with generals, 1037n
- Taylor’s visits to Washington:
- Television appearance re Vietnam, 146, 148–150
- Thant, meeting with, 643–645
- third country assistance for Vietnam:
- U.S.-Communist mutual withdrawal, proposed, 128
- U.S. economic assistance to Vietnam:
- U.S. governmental involvement in Vietnam, 372
- U.S. information programs and policies in U.S., 523
- U.S. information programs and policies in Vietnam, 382
- U.S. military assistance to Vietnam, 332
- U.S. military involvement in Vietnam:
- U.S. Mission in Vietnam, Chief of Staff for, 393
- U.S. policy in Vietnam:
- Vietnam (DRV), U.S.-RVN operations against, 182
- air strikes, 333–334
- application of power issue, 459
- Bien Hoa attack, proposed retaliation for, 875n, 881n
- contingency planning, 96, 184–185
- covert operations, 4, 372
- doubts about, 400–401
- French position, 449–450, 464
- naval operations, 780–781, 796, 812
- retaliation for attacks on U.S. personnel, 169, 875n, 881n. 1057–1059
- scenearios for, 374
- U.S. consultations with allies, 394–396
- U.S. dependents in Vietnam and, 96, 1057–1058
- U.S. protection of RVN against reprisal, 328
- Vietnamese (DRV)-Chinese People’s Republic response, 329
- Vietnam (DRV)-U.S. contacts:
- war footing for Vietnam, 287n
- Johnson, Robert, 75n, 673n
- Johnson, U. Alexis, 15n, 81n, 401,
492, 576, 577, 627, 646n, 669n, 698, 717, 719, 729, 874n, 945, 947, 948n, 982, 987, 1014, 1016, 1020, 1046
- civilian government of Vietnam:
- communist insurgency, 490
- deputy ambassador, appointment as, 523–524, 530–531
- Khanh government, coup attempt against (Sept. 13), 764, 765, 768–769, 770
- Laos, U.S.-RVN incursions into, 475
- reports from Vietnam, quality of, 552–553
- Taylor’s conflict with Generals, 1041, 1053–1055
- U.S. Mission in Vietnam, assessment of, 937–938
- Vietnam (DRV), U.S.-RVN operations against, 75
- Vietnam (DRV)-U.S. contacts, 978n
- Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) (see also Taylor, Gen. Maxwell D.; Wheeler, Gen. Earle G.):
- Cambodia, U.S.-RVN incursions into, 110–111, 150
- counterinsurgency operations:
- Gulf of Tonkin events:
- Laos, U.S.-RVN incursions into:
- McNamara report (March 1964), 149–150
- National Security Action Memorandum 314, 749–750
- NSC Working Group on Vietnam:
- U.S. naval presence in Vietnam, 283n, 291
- Vietnam (DRV), U.S.-RVN operations against, 35, 63, 129, 149–150
- accelerated program of actions, 714–717
- air strikes, 584–585, 588, 749–750
- Bien Hoa attack, proposed retaliation for, 875–876
- contingency planning, 97–99, 112–118, 205
- covert operations, 338–340
- destruction of DRV will and capabilities, 437–440, 681, 715
- military options, 113, 116–118, 681–682, 713–717
- objectives and courses of action, 436–440
- political moves in support of military actions, 214
- recommendations for actions, 847–850, 854–857, 882–884
- retaliation for attacks on U.S. personnel, 1049n
- Soviet response, 117
- target selection, 113–114, 438, 715
- Vietnamese (DRV)-Chinese People’s Republic response, 112–113, 114–116, 205, 902–906
- war game on Vietnam, 198n
- Jorden, William, 251
- Kennedy, John F., 1, 10, 183, 538
- Kennedy, Robert F., 70, 473, 491
- Kent, Sherman, 484–487
- Khanh. See Nguyen Khanh, Maj. Gen.
- Khanh coup, 164n
- Khanh government:
- administrative problems, 416
- alliance with Republic of China and Republic of Korea, proposed, 248
- alternatives to Khanh, U.S. consideration of, 431–432, 706, 744–745
- ambassadors, 320, 411, 542
- Buddhist opposition, 256, 313, 314,
- anti-Americanism of, 809
- communist influence, 792
- coup by, possible, 305, 743
- demands of, 696–698, 701
- demonstrations, 698n, 700
- Khanh’s relations with, 698–699, 701–705, 712
- Lodge’s assessment of, 305
- moderation of, 830–831
- Ngo Dinh Can issue, 263, 264–265n
- Taylor’s advice for Khanh, 702
- Taylor’s assessment of, 711–712
- Cambodia, negotiations with, 170, 171
- counterinsurgency policy, 45–46, 47–48
- coup attempt against (Sept. 13), 764–772
- coups against, possible, 122, 157, 160, 166, 327, 788–789, 810
- Dai Viet threat to, 719, 720, 725–726
- Diemist leanings, alleged, 62, 138
- Forrestal’s assessment of, 386
- future prospects, Taylor’s assessment of, 733–734
- generals’ pledge of support, 728, 729
- information programs, 502, 545
- instability of, 157, 164n, 396–397, 565, 672, 742–746, 787–789, 801n, 803, 807
- intellectuals, policy toward, 238
- Khanh’s absence from Saigon, 719–722, 727–729
- land for veterans program, 499
- McCone’s assessment of, 121–122, 164n
- military-civilian friction, 237–238
- Minh’s assessment of, 312–313
- Minh’s role in, 64, 121, 257, 263, 268, 569, 595, 730, 743, 842
- ministers’ roles, 391n
- National Front Committee, 718, 720, 730, 731
- neutralist sympathizers in, 562–563
- personnel for, 46, 64, 121
- politics, preoccupation with, 392
- popular attitude toward, 121, 256–257, 269, 544–545, 658
- press policy, 237–238
- Prime Minister selection, 53
- provincial administration, 156, 245, 808
- public relations efforts, 488
- religious issues, committee for, 731
- reorganization program, 498, 499
- achievements of, 725–727
- cabinet structure, 694
- constitution, proposal for, 671, 682–684, 703, 709, 711
- failure of, 724–725
- Khanh’s resignation offer, 717–718
- military and, 726–727
- presidency for Khanh, proposed, 693–694, 707–708
- proclamation on, 703–705
- Quat and Oanh, proposed removal of, 670, 671
- summary of events, 710–713
- U.S. position, 362, 578, 707, 709, 733
- retention of power, chances of, 674
- state of emergency, 578, 651
- state of war declaration. See War footing for Vietnam.
- strengths of, 157–158
- succession issue, 627–628
- successor government. See Civilian government of Vietnam.
- supporters of, 799
- Taylor’s proposals for dealing with, 689–693
- transition period, U.S. recommendation for, 51–52, 53
- triumvirate leadership, 730, 743, 842
- unity concerns, 405–407, 797
- U.S. Mission’s assessment of, 657–659
- U.S. political adviser for Khanh, 126
- U.S. policy toward, 129, 797
- U.S. recognition of, 44n, 45
- Vietnam (DRV), contacts with, 595n, 809–810
- Khiem. See Tran Thien Khiem, Lt. Gen.
- Khrushchev, Nikita S., 10, 244
- Killen, James S., 198, 753, 755–758, 803–804, 937
- Kim. See Le Van Kim, Brig. Gen.
- Kitchen, Jeffrey C., 938
- Kohler, Foy D., 636, 990
- Komer, Robert W., 198
- Korea, Republic of, 918
- Koren, Henry L. T., 25–26, 51n, 53n
- Krebs, Max V., 237n
- Krulak, Maj. Gen. Victor H., 4n, 22n, 27n, 34n, 36n, 49n
- Kuchel, Thomas H., 615n
- Ky. See Nguyen Cao Ky, Air Vice Marshal.
- Labor movement in Vietnam, 788, 1006–1007
- Laking, George R., 979, 980
- Lam, Gen., 566
- Lam, Lt. Col. See Tran Dinh Lam, Lt. Col.
- Lam Van Phat, Gen., 764, 765, 768, 769, 774, 790, 791
- Lan, Col., 285
- Land reform, 52, 499
- Lansdale, Edward G., 477n, 478n, 484, 525, 1040
- Lao Dong Party, 866, 867, 868
- Laos (see also Laos, U.S.-RVN incursions into),
- communist infiltration to RVN through, 62, 109, 154–155
- communist victory in Vietnam, consequences of, 918
- conference on, proposed, 446, 507–511, 654–656, 674–675, 678–679
- French policy toward, 557, 675
- Mansfield’s suggestions re, 1011
- military situation, 674
- Pathet Lao forces, 71, 177, 276
- regional settlement and, 557
- settlement in, possible, 236, 250, 369–370, 402
- Thai concerns re, 332
- U.S. operations against DRV through, 369–370, 374
- U.S. policy toward, 497, 508–511, 675
- Laos, U.S.-RVN incursions into (see also Congressional
resolution on Southeast Asia policy), 214, 233
- air strikes:
- bridgeheads, establishment of, 685
- communist insurgency, impact on, 408
- ground operations, 575
- guidelines for, 215–216
- intelligence operations, 275, 276–277, 311, 428
- JCS position, 35, 110–111
- Khanh’s positron, 407, 408
- Laotian requests for, 812
- McCone’s position, 126
- McNamara’s positron, 151, 167
- options available without congressional resolution, 517
- parachute drops, 685
- planning and training for, 527–530, 575, 893
- Position Paper on Southeast Asia statements on, 971, 972
- reconnaissance flights, 311, 507
- Soviet response, 587
- timetable for, 433
- U.S. ambassadors’ meeting re, 820–821
- U.S. assistance for Laotian aircraft, 821
- U.S. authorization for, 168, 204–205
- U.S. firmness, demonstrations of, 510–511
- U.S.-Laotian consultations re, 433
- U.S. operations against DRV and, 226–227
- U.S. public position, 763
- U.S.-RVN consultations re, 247, 685, 688
- Vietnamese (DRV)-Chinese People’s Republic response, 585–587
- Le Khac Quyen, 819, 825, 831, 1021
- Le Van Hoach, 595n
- Le Van Kim, Brig. Gen., 16, 19–20, 245, 564, 671, 672
- Amnesty (Chieu Hoi) program, 20–21
- arrest and trial of, 42, 137, 138, 139, 264, 346n, 380–381, 391, 406, 411
- counterinsurgency operations, 21
- coup against Diem, 135
- coup against Khanh, possible, 434–436
- neutralist sympathies, 32, 33, 36, 37, 38, 39, 54, 136–137, 285
- U.S. information programs and policies in Vietnam, 20
- Vietnam (DRV), U.S.-RVN operations against, 28, 30, 31
- Le Van Nghiem, Maj. Gen., 37
- Le Van Tat, Brig. Gen., 1005
- Le Van Thu, 825
- LeMay, Gen. Curds E., 149n, 150n, 243, 607, 632, 749, 778
- Lippmann, Walter, 185, 400, 504
- Lodge, Henry Cabot, Jr., 45, 93–94, 96, 134n, 327, 391, 700, 717
- ambassador to Saigon, recommendations for, 279–280, 476–477
- anti-communist groups in RVN, 414
- Buddhist-Catholic conflict, 315, 321, 415–416
- Cambodia, U.S.-RVN incursions into, 151
- CIA station chief, appointment of, 3
- communist insurgency:
- congressional resolution on Southeast Asia policy, 433
- counterinsurgency operations, 21, 90
- Forrestal’s assessment of, 388–389
- France, 169
- Harkins, relationship with, 298–299, 326–327
- Honolulu meetings (June 1964), 393, 412–416, 420, 421, 423–427, 429, 430, 431, 432, 433
- intelligentsia of Vietnam, 414–415
- Johnson, L. B., relations with, 2, 132–133
- Khanh, assessment of, 413
- Khanh coup, 37–39, 40n, 42, 44n, 54–55
- Khanh government:
- administrative problems, 416
- alternatives to Khanh, 431, 432
- ambassadors, 411
- Buddhist opposition, 256, 305
- counterinsurgency policy, 45–46, 47
- coups against, possible, 305, 322, 435n land for veterans program, 499
- Minh’s role, 257, 263, 268
- ministers’ roles, 391n personnel for, 46
- popular attitude toward, 256–257
- reorganization program, 498, 499, 709, 710
- transition period, U.S. recommendation for, 52n
- Laos:
- managerial shortcomings, 387, 388–389
- McNamara-Taylor mission (March 1964), 141, 142–145
- McNamara-Taylor mission (May 1964), 304–308, 312, 313
- Minh government, 1–2
- neutral solution for Vietnam:
- neutralization of DRV, plan for, 229–230
- Ngo Dinh Can’s death sentence, 257, 263, 264, 265–267
- political situation in Vietnam:
- presidential ambitions, 389
- Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces:
- resignation, 521–522
- Rusk mission (April 1964), 232n, 241–242, 244, 248–253
- third country assistance for Vietnam, 320
- U.S. dependents in Vietnam, 426
- U.S. economic assistance to Vietnam, 340, 341n
- U.S. governmental involvement in Vietnam:
- U.S. information programs and policies in Vietnam, 384
- U.S. military involvement in Vietnam:
- U.S. Mission in Vietnam:
- U.S. policy in Vietnam, funds and personnel for, 260, 272
- Vietnam (DRV), military situation in, 421
- Vietnam (DRV), U.S.-RVN operations against, 27–28, 94–95, 225
- air strikes, 182–183, 306, 307–308, 326, 333–334
- application of power issue, 459–461
- carrot-stick approach, 28
- communist insurgency, impact on, 250, 252
- contingency planning, 184
- covert operations, 186, 249, 306
- deniability issue, 28, 306–307
- French position, 470n
- Khanh’s position, 141
- naval operations, 252–253
- nuclear weapons issue, 250
- political moves in support of military actions, 208, 307
- psychological benefits, 415, 456
- tit-for-tat military actions, 186
- U.S. protection of RVN against reprisal, 334
- U.S.-RVN consultations re, 27, 28–31, 49
- Vietnam (DRV)-U.S. contacts:
- war footing for Vietnam, 144, 145
- Lopez, Salvador P., 240
- Lucas, Jim, 384
- Luong Trong Tuong, 1005
- MacArthur, Gen. Douglas, 286
- Macmillan, Harold, 622
- Maddox, U.S.S. See under Gulf of Tonkin events.
- Maechling, Charles, Jr., 25
- Magnuson, Warren G., 394
- Mai Huu Xuan, Maj. Gen., 668, 671, 672
- Mai Tho Truyen, 825, 1001, 1002
- Malaysia, 69, 236, 486, 918, 982
- Manfull, Melvin L., 248, 313, 323, 416, 441, 682–683, 698, 823, 1000n
- Manning, Robert J., 57–58, 431, 441, 474, 490, 491, 523, 569n, 749, 754
- Mansfield, Mike, 185, 224
- Martin, Graham A., 428, 820
- Martin, Paul J., 281, 395n
- Mau, Gen., 164n
- McAfee, William, 592n
- McCloskey, Robert, 603n
- McCone, John A., 25, 65, 79, 93, 120–121, 130, 146, 155n, 157n, 166n, 176n, 305n, 663, 742n, 806n, 811, 914n, 1012n, 1060n
- Cambodia, U.S.-RVN incursions into, 126, 151, 330
- China, People’s Republic of, 679
- CIA station chief, appointment of, 3
- civilian government of Vietnam:
- communist insurgency, 123
- congressional resolution on Southeast Asia policy, 432, 492
- counterinsurgency operations:
- Gulf of Tonkin events:
- Honolulu meetings (June 1964), 415, 423, 424, 427, 429, 431–432
- Khanh government:
- Laos, U.S.-RVN incursions into, 126, 151
- McNamara-Taylor mission (March 1964), 133n
- National Security Action Memorandum 314, 750, 751–752, 753, 754
- neutral solution for Vietnam, 124
- NSC Working Group on Vietnam, 938n, 943, 958
- political situation in Vietnam, 126
- Position Paper on Southeast Asia, 969n, 984
- Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces, 122
- strategic hamlet program, 126
- Taylor’s ambassadorial instructions, 974n
- Taylor’s visits to Washington, 746n, 749, 965
- third country assistance for Vietnam, 967
- U.S. governmental involvement in Vietnam:
- U.S. information programs and policies in Vietnam, 431
- U.S. military assistance to Vietnam, 123
- U.S. policy in Vietnam:
- Vietnam (DRV), U.S.-RVN operations against:
- war footing for Vietnam, 287n
- McCormack, John W., 332, 616, 617, 619
- McDonald, Adm. David L., 174
- McNamara, Robert S. (see also
McNamara-Taylor mission headings), 1n, 63, 65n, 71n, 77, 79, 84n, 93, 99n, 119n, 134n, 176n, 299, 305n, 327n, 350, 500, 520n, 571n, 576n, 583, 605, 721n, 1060n
- Air Force, RVN, 319, 329
- ambassadorship for, proposed, 473
- Cambodia, U.S.-RVN incursions into, 110, 151, 330
- Civil Guard, Army status for, 144
- civilian government of Vietnam:
- communist insurgency, DRV support for, 156–157
- congressional resolution on Southeast Asia policy, 462, 491, 492
- counterinsurgency operations, 12, 86
- covert checking of reporting on, 7–8
- critical provinces, focus on, 425–426, 461–462
- deterioration of RVN position, 155–156, 422, 423
- guerrilla tactics, 163
- JCS recommendations for actions, 847
- National Pacification Plan, 161, 321
- Taylor-Johnson meeting re, 966, 967, 968
- Vietnamese (RVN) responsibility for, 155
- Gulf of Tonkin events, 651n
- congressional leaders, briefings for, 600, 615, 616, 617, 619, 620
- Maddox, attack on (Aug. 2), 590, 602
- Maddox and C. Turner Joy, attack on (Aug. 4), 604, 605, 607, 608, 609, 611
- Morton and Edwards, possible attack on (Sept. 18), 778, 779, 780
- retaliations for attacks, 605–606, 607, 608, 609, 611, 612, 626
- U.S. satisfaction with outcomes, 663
- Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, 642
- Honolulu meetings (June 1964), 416, 419, 421, 422–428, 430, 431, 432, 433
- Khanh government:
- Laos, possible settlement in, 369–370
- Laos, U.S.-RVN incursions into, 110, 151, 167
- Lodge-Harkins relationship, 298n, 326–327
- MACV command change, 200
- media coverage of Vietnam, 224
- National Security Action Memorandum 314, 758
- National Service Act for Vietnam, 143
- neutral solution for Vietnam, 158, 191n
- NSC Working Group on Vietnam, 938n
- partitioning of RVN, proposed, 12–13
- political situation in Vietnam, 314
- Position Paper on Southeast Asia, 969n, 984
- Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces:
- Self-Defense Corps, 142–143
- strategic hamlet program, 162
- Taylor’s ambassadorial instructions, 974n
- Taylor’s visits to Washington, 746n, 749, 965
- third country assistance for Vietnam, 320
- U.S. dependents in Vietnam, 165–166, 426
- U.S. economic assistance to Vietnam, 163
- U.S. governmental involvement in Vietnam, 372, 373–374, 397–398, 426
- U.S. information programs and policies in U.S., 523
- U.S. information programs and policies in Vietnam:
- U.S. military assistance to Vietnam, 163–164, 171
- U.S. military involvement in Vietnam:
- U.S. Mission in Vietnam, 441
- U.S. policy in Vietnam:
- Vietnam (DRV), U.S.-RVN operations against, 34n, 35
- air strikes, 326, 753
- Bien Hoa attack, proposed retaliation for, 875n, 876n, 881n
- contingency planning, 97–99, 112, 165, 167, 463
- covert operations, 4–5, 152, 171, 338, 646
- deniability issue, 97–98
- harbors, mining of, 605
- implications of, 329, 456, 906
- JCS recommendations for actions, 847
- Laotian route, 369–370, 374
- military options, 118n, 159, 370, 681, 713
- military pressures short of combat operations, 463–464
- objectives and courses of action, 436, 437, 457
- political objectives, 159–160
- reaction times for operations, 165, 171
- retaliation for attacks on U.S. personnel, 875n, 876n, 881n, 1049n, 1057
- surrender terms issue, 399
- target selection, 98
- U.S. dependents in Vietnam and, 371
- U.S. public statements on, 189–190
- Vietnamese (DRV) air defenses, 421–422
- Vietnamese (DRV)-Chinese People’s Republic response, 97, 98, 114n, 902, 906n
- Vietnam (DRV)-U.S. contacts, 651n
- war footing for Vietnam, 284, 287n, 317
- McNamara-Taylor mission (March 1964), 77, 96
- McNamara-Taylor mission (May 1964), 287, 291
- McNaughton, John T., 190n, 202, 206, 229, 436n, 474, 562n, 571n, 651n, 662, 700n, 793n, 830n,
- civilian government of Vietnam, “Young Turks” coup attempt against, 1023n, 1025n, 1035n
- Gulf of Tonkin events, 778
- Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, 634
- Honolulu meetings (rune 1964), 422, 428
- Laos, U.S.-RVN incursions into, 574n
- MACV command change, 199–200
- McNamara-Taylor mission (March 1964), 133n
- McNamara-Taylor mission (May 1964), 313
- National Security Action Memorandum 314, 747n
- NSC Working Group on Vietnam, 813, 887, 916n, 958
- Taylor’s visits to Washington, 749, 965
- Vietnam (DRV), U.S.-RVN operations against, 242, 243, 350, 399
- Vietnam (DRV)-U.S. contacts, 978n
- Media coverage of Vietnam, 88, 224, 259, 261, 384, 430, 454, 552n, 660
- Meeker, Leonard C., 532n
- Mendenhall, Joseph A., 22n, 26, 36n, 37n, 42n, 43n, 51n, 53n, 61n, 63n, 190
- Menzies, Robert G., 331, 980
- Military Assistance Command, U.S. (MACV) (see also Harkins, Gen. Paul D.; U.S. military involvement in Vietnam; Westmoreland, Gen. William C.):
- Military cordon for Southeast Asia, proposed, 482
- Minh. See Duong Van Minh, Lt. Gen.
- Minh government, 1–2
- Montagnards, 78
- Montgomery, James M., 571n
- Moore, Maj. Gen. Joseph H., 311, 1014, 1015
- Morgan, Thomas E., 615n
- Morozov, P. D., 635
- Morse, Wayne, 223–224, 488, 504
- Moyers, William, 47n, 57
- Murrow, Edward R., 25, 384
- Mustin, Vice Adm. Lloyd M., 605, 886, 1012n
- Nam Dong, fighting at, 549
- National Front for the Liberation of South Vietnam. See Communist insurgency.
- National Police, 162–163
- National Security Action Memoranda:
- National Security Council (NSC) (see also NSC Working Group on Vietnam):
- Navy, RVN, 739
- Ne Win, Gen., 486, 643–644
- Nes, David G., 78, 200, 248, 298n, 335
- Netherlands, 647
- Neutral solution for Vietnam:
- China, People’s Republic’s role in, 32n, 49–50, 234–235
- communists’ interpretation of, 188
- Defense Department positron, 120
- doubts about U.S. intentions and, 177
- French policy, 30n
- Lippmann’s position, 400
- Lodge’s objections to, 186–189
- Lodge’s plan for neutralization of DRV, 229–230
- McCone’s positron, 124
- McNamara’s positron, 158
- Minh government and, 54
- negative consequences for U.S., 14, 15
- Soviet positron, 9–10
- Thant’s positron, 645
- U.S. policy, 32, 56, 57–58, 109, 191–193, 217
- U.S.-RVN consultations re, 32–33
- Vietnamese (DRV) position, 83
- Vietnamese (RVN) position, 102–103, 745
- New York Times, 259, 504
- New Zealand, 971, 979, 980
- Ngo Dinh Can, 257, 263, 264, 265–267
- Ngo Dinh Diem, 134–135, 381, 865
- Ngo Gia Hy, 825
- Nguyen Cao Ky, Air Vice Marshal, 577, 765, 770, 790–791, 1055
- Nguyen Chanh Thi, Gen., 434, 770, 791, 1015, 1024
- Nguyen Dinh Luyen, 825
- Nguyen Duy Lien, 237n
- Nguyen Huu Chau, 695
- Nguyen Huu Co, Gen., 1030
- Nguyen Khanh, Maj. Gen. (see also
Khanh coup; Khanh
government), 45, 95, 102, 224
- Buddhist-Catholic conflict, 315–316, 321, 325, 413, 540–541
- Cambodia, U.S.-RVN incursions into, 246
- China, People’s Republic of:
- Civil Guard, Army status for, 144
- civilian government of Vietnam:
- formation of, 729–732, 817, 818–819, 823, 824, 825, 826, 827–830, 833–835, 836–838, 841–842, 843–845, 846
- military, relations with, 860–861
- ministerial appointments, 860
- pledge of support to, 859
- plotting against, 908, 911, 1008
- U.S. efforts to strengthen, 982–984, 987–989
- “Young Turks” coup attempt, 1015, 1016, 1019, 1020–1023, 1027–1028, 1030, 1031–1032, 1033, 1041–1042, 1046, 1047
- Commander in Chief position, 829, 844, 959, 999, 1008
- communist insurgency:
- counterinsurgency operations:
- coup against Diem, 135
- field trips, 540, 594–595
- France:
- Gulf of Tonkin events, U.S.-RVN consultations re, 614, 623, 627–628, 630
- Harkins’ assessment of, 43
- Health problems, 262–263, 719
- Laos:
- Lodge’s assessment of, 413
- McNamara-Taylor mission (March 1964), 141, 142–145
- McNamara-Taylor mission (May 1964), 315–321
- media of RVN, 316
- military colleges, standing with, 1028, 1029–1030
- Minh, campaign against, 671, 710–711, 721
- Minh’s appropriation of money, 381
- Minh’s assessment of, 138
- Neutral solution for Vietnam, 192n, 194
- Ngo Dinh Can’s death sentence, 263
- political adviser for, 126
- political skills, 830–832
- press officer for, 383
- Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces:
- command structure, 667–668, 731
- desertions, 541–542
- generals’ trial, 264, 346n, 380–381, 391n, 406, 411
- incompetents, replacement of, 320
- intelligence organization, 665–666
- morale problems, 564, 946
- period of service issue, 143
- recruiting for, 541
- reorganization proposals, 1009
- U.S. schooling for officers, 731
- resignation offers, 717–718, 1022–1023
- Rusk, meetings with, 244–248, 405–412
- Self-Defense Corps, 142–143
- self-perception, 666, 667, 668
- Taylor, relations with, 805
- Taylor’s conflict with generals, 1041n, 1042, 1054–1055
- third country assistance for Vietnam, 320
- U.S. governmental involvement in Vietnam, 277–278
- U.S. information programs and policies in Vietnam, 278
- U.S. military involvement in Vietnam:
- U.S. presidential letter to, 722, 728–729, 771
- Vietnam (DRV), U.S.-RVN operations against, 244, 325
- civilian government’s position, 947
- covert operations, 152, 171
- governmental stability in RVN and, 318
- nuclear weapons issue, 410
- political moves in support of military actions, 208
- psychological benefits, 318, 407
- support for, 141, 407
- tit-for-tat military actions, 577–578
- U.S. protection of RVN against reprisal, 328
- U.S.-RVN consultations re, 49, 578, 595, 649, 650–651
- Vietnamese (DRV)-Chinese People’s Republic response, 409
- Vietnamese (RVN) pressure on U.S. for, 558, 563–566
- Vietnam (DRV), U.S.-RVN penetration of government, 409
- war footing for Vietnam, 408–409
- Nguyen Luu Vien, Gen., 775, 777, 787, 833, 836, 842, 844–845, 890, 891–892, 911, 945, 947, 982, 987, 998, 1016, 1017, 1033, 1041n, 1046n, 1047
- Nguyen Ngoc Bich, 695
- Nguyen Ngoc Tho, 16, 19, 28, 31, 32, 40, 46
- Nguyen Ton Hoan, 64, 121, 138, 164n, 257, 362, 392, 415, 499, 696–697, 704, 725–726, 730
- Nguyen Van Hinh, Gen., 36, 695
- Nguyen Van Huyen, 825
- Nguyen Van Luc, 825
- Nguyen Van Thieu, Brig. Gen., 138, 143, 164n, 649, 726
- Nguyen Van Vinh, Lt. Gen., 82–83
- Nguyen Van Vy, Gen., 37, 285, 406, 411, 435
- Nguyen Van Xuan, 695
- Nguyen Xuan Chu, 891
- Nguyen Xuan Oanh, 64, 121, 164n, 203, 324, 391n, 670, 717, 720, 726, 729, 755, 775, 787–788, 1053, 1054, 1055
- Nhut. See Ho Van Nhut.
- Nielsen, Sivert A., 636
- Nittis, Monsignor de, 347
- Nixon, Richard M., 389
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 69, 70, 328, 611, 919
- NSC Working Group on Vietnam, 895
- appointment of, 886
- basic issues between options, 938–939, 943–944
- “continue present policies” option, 920, 921–922
- “Courses of Action” paper, 916–929
- “fast, unyielding pressure” option, 920, 923–925, 941, 944
- immediate actions, 928–929, 940, 944, 960, 964
- meetings, 910n, 943–945, 958–960, 964–965, 974
- members of, 886–887
- negotiations option, omission of, 912–914, 915
- policy options:
- Position Paper on Southeast Asia, 965, 969–974, 984
- progress reports on deliberations, 914–916
- “progressive pressure and talk” option, 920, 925–928
- Project Outline, 887–888
- Taylor’s meetings with, 958–960, 974
- Taylor’s questions about options, 960–961
- Nu, U, 643
- Nuclear weapons issue, 244, 250, 378, 410, 679–680
- Oanh. See Nguyen Xuan Oanh.
- O’Brien, Lawrence, 6n
- Pakistan, 240
- Partitioning of RVN, proposed, 12–13
- Peace Corps, RVN, 24n
- Peace Corps, U.S., 261, 273
- Pearson, Lester B., 253, 270, 281, 394–396
- Pham Dang Lam, 16, 28, 30n, 32, 45, 708, 823–824, 836
- Pham Khac Rau, 447, 693–696
- Pham Khac Suu, 823, 936, 946, 948n
- Pham Ngoc Thao, Col., 671, 726, 732, 743
- Pham Thai, 254, 392
- Pham Van Dong, 525, 543, 653n, 1030
- Pham Xuan Chieu, Gen., 31
- Phan Ba Cam, 1005
- Phan Huy Quat, 244, 488, 542, 775n, 787, 841n, 891
- Phan Van Giao, 695
- Phat. See Lam Van Phat, Gen.
- Philippines, 486, 918, 972
- Philips, Richard I., 69
- Phillips, Rufus, 477n, 484, 1040
- Phnoc, Col., 256
- Pinay, Antoine, 220
- Plei Krong, fighting at, 549
- Poats, Rutherford M., 22n, 25, 51n, 337n, 571n
- Political settlement in Vietnam, U.S. consideration of, 518–520
- Political situation in Vietnam (see also Civilian government of Vietnam; Khanh government; Minh government), 126
- Position Paper on Southeast Asia:
- Powell, Herbert B., 981
- Proctor, Carolyn J., 173n, 606n, 625n, 645n
- Pye, Lucian W., 59
- Quyen. See Le Khac Quygen.
- Read, Benjamin, 68, 105, 107n, 397, 914
- Reedy, George, 662, 969
- Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces (RVNAF) (see also Khanh coup):
- Air Force, aircraft upgrades for, 163, 203–204, 311, 319, 329, 501, 739
- capabilities of, 505–506
- civilian government, relations with, 860–861, 1008–1009
- command structure, 419, 482–484, 667–668, 731, 795–796, 813–814
- communist penetration of, 263
- coup attempt of Sept. 13, 764–772, 774–775, 789–792
- coup plots against Khanh, 122, 322, 434–436, 726–727, 743
- desertions, 310, 541–542, 660–661, 808
- effectiveness, U.S. advisers to report on, 309–310
- force increases, 203, 319, 320, 324
- generals’ arrest and trial, 42, 137–138, 139, 264, 346n, 380–381, 391, 406, 411
- housing problem, 420
- intelligence organization, 253, 660, 665–666, 739
- Khanh’s successor as Commander in Chief, 1024, 1030–1031
- logistic system, 740
- manpower situation, 310, 738, 803
- materiel for, 204
- McCone’s assessment of, 122
- morale problems, 122, 417, 420, 564, 660–661, 807–808, 946
- Westmoreland’s assessment of, 737
- national mobilization proposal, 142–145, 161–162, 202
- Navy, 739
- paramilitary forces (see also specific forces), 162–163
- pay increases, 93
- people, relations with, 479–480, 481
- period of service issue, 143
- recruiting for, 419–420, 541
- regional forces, 541
- reorganization proposals, 1009
- resource management, 417
- training for, 324–325
- unity concerns, 406–407
- U.S. advice, rejection of, 79
- U.S. integration into command structure. See Integration into government structure under U.S. governmental involvement in Vietnam.
- U.S. schooling for officers, 731
- “Young Turks” coup attempt. See under Civilian government of Vietnam.
- Robinson, June M., 634n
- Rostow, Walt R., 60
- Rowan, Carl T., 172, 447n, 1012n
- Gulf of Tonkin events, 612, 631
- Honolulu meetings June 1964), 429–430, 431
- U.S. information programs and policies in U.S., 523
- U.S. information programs and policies in Vietnam:
- communications czar, 430, 431, 454
- coordination of operations, 384
- credibility concerns, 430
- heroism awards, 452–453
- information advisers in military units, 452, 455
- media coverage of Vietnam and, 261, 384, 454–455
- press officer for Khanh, 383
- psychological warfare campaign, 254–255, 259, 269, 274, 429–430, 450–455
- radios for villages, 452
- rural opinion, studies re, 544–545
- song for RVN, 453
- Vietnam (DRV), broadcasts into, 173, 382, 383, 453
- Vietnamese (RVN) cooperation with, 384–385
- Vietnamese (RVN) leaders, promotion of, 451–452
- youth programs, 453
- U.S. policy in Vietnam:
- Rowen, Henry, 206
- Rusk, Dean (see also Rusk mission), 1n, 42n, 61,
69, 93,
130, 167n, 184n, 189n, 305n, 391–392, 393n, 400, 520,
- Alliance for Progress, 812
- ambassador to Saigon, selection of, 279, 476
- Cambodia:
- China, People’s Republic of:
- civilian government of Vietnam:
- communist insurgency, 82–83
- congressional resolution on Southeast Asia policy, 72, 369
- counterinsurgency operations:
- Couve, meeting with, 234–236
- France:
- generals’ trial, 380, 391
- Geneva Accords, election violation issue, 991–992
- Gulf of Tonkin events, 639
- congressional leaders, briefings for, 600, 615, 616, 617, 618, 619, 620
- evidence for U.S. version of events, 644–645
- Maddox, attack on (Aug. 2), 590, 592, 602–603
- Maddox and C. Turner Joy, attack on (Aug. 4), 607, 608
- Morton and Edwards, possible attack on (Sept. 18), 778, 779–780
- retaliations for attacks, 603, 606, 607, 608, 610, 611
- U.N. actions re, 625, 628–630, 635
- U.S.-DRV communications re, 651–653
- U.S. notification of other countries re, 621–622
- U.S. rules of reconnaissance and engagement, 598
- U.S.-RVN consultations re, 614
- Gulf of Tonkin resolution, 612
- Hilsman’s parting memoranda, 176, 179
- Honolulu meetings (June 1964), 412, 414, 415, 416, 420, 422, 423–428, 431, 432, 433, 442
- Humphrey-Quat meeting, 478n
- international conference on Vietnam, proposed, 556–557, 573
- Khanh, meetings with, 244–248, 405–412
- Khanh coup, 43
- Khanh government:
- ambassadors, 411
- counterinsurgency policy, 47–48
- coup attempt against (Sept. 13), 764, 766–767
- coups against, possible, 322, 435n
- Khanh’s absence from Saigon, 721–722
- Minh’s role, 569
- neutralist sympathizers in, 562–563
- politics, preoccupation with, 392
- provincial administration, 245
- reorganization program, 498, 499n, 670, 707, 709
- transition period, U.S. recommendation for, 51–52, 53
- unity concerns, 405–406
- U.S. policy toward, 797, 798
- Laos:
- Laos, U.S.-RVN incursions into, 151, 247
- Lodge-Harkins relationship, 298–299
- Lodge’s resignation, 521, 522n
- Minh’s appropriation of money, 381
- National Security Action Memorandum 314, 758
- neutral solution for Vietnam:
- NSC Working Group on Vietnam, 895
- Position Paper on Southeast Asia, 969n
- Quat, meetings with, 237–238, 447n
- SEATO, 236
- Southeast Asia:
- Sullivan Committee. 80n
- Taylor’s ambassadorial instructions, 974n
- Taylor’s conflict with generals, 1036–1039, 1044–1045, 1048
- Taylor’s Washington visits:
- third country assistance for Vietnam:
- U.S.-Communist mutual withdrawal, proposed, 128
- U.S. economic assistance to Vietnam:
- U.S. governmental involvement in Vietnam:
- U.S. information programs and policies in U.S., 523
- U.S. information programs and policies in Vietnam:
- U.S. military assistance to Vietnam, 337–338
- U.S. military involvement in Vietnam:
- U.S. Mission in Vietnam:
- U.S. policy in Vietnam:
- Vietnam (DRV), U.S.-RVN operations against, 15, 16n, 27n, 34n, 35, 105, 244
- Bien Hoa attack, proposed retaliation for, 875n, 876–879, 881–882
- contingency planning, 63, 75
- covert operations, 4–5, 646, 663
- deniability issue, 349
- French position, 464
- governmental stability in RVN and, 895–896
- implications of, 782, 906n
- military options, 370, 371
- naval operations, 251, 253, 780
- nuclear weapons issue, 244, 410
- political moves in support of military actions, 208n
- psychological benefits, 407, 456
- retaliation for attacks on U.S. personnel, 875n, 876–879, 881–882, 1045–1046, 1052–1053, 1057
- U.S. dependents in Vietnam and, 371
- U.S. presidential politics and, 878
- U.S.-RVN consultations re, 570, 587
- U.S.-U.K. consultations re, 108–109
- Vietnamese (DRV)-Chinese People’s Republic perception of U.S. intentions, 561
- Vietnamese (DRV)-Chinese People’s Republic relations and, 81
- Vietnamese (DRV)-Chinese People’s Republic response, 371
- Vietnamese (RVN) pressure on U.S. re, 558, 569–571
- warnings of attacks, 410
- Vietnam (DRV)-U.S. contacts, 9
- Vietnam visit in late 1964, proposed, 811–812
- war footing for Vietnam, 284, 287, 291–293
- Rusk mission (April 1964):
- Russell, Richard, 350, 475, 616, 617, 618, 619, 620, 621
- Saigon:
- Saigon-area military initiative (Hop Tac), 660, 662, 738, 752, 776–777, 814, 859
- Saigon evacuation plan, 284–285, 292, 294, 295
- Salans, Carl F., 234, 532n
- Saltonstall, Leverett, 223, 330, 332, 475, 616, 617, 618, 619, 621
- Schlie, Norb, 532n
- Seaborn, J. Blair, 394, 395n, 543, 544, 546, 651, 653n, 1052
- Self-Defense Corps:
- Sharp, Vice Adm. Ulysses S. G., Jr., 295, 422, 428, 689n, 1060n, 1063n
- Shenstone, Michael, 543, 544
- Shriver, Sargeant, 273n, 274, 472–473
- Sibley, Maj. Gen. Alden K., 665–668
- Sihanouk, Prince Norodom, 94, 168, 176–177, 214, 246, 884
- Siho Lamphouthacoul, Gen., 276, 433
- Silver, Sol, 360
- Smart, Gen. Jacob E., 295, 421
- Smith, Bromley, 104, 130–131, 153n, 170n, 222n, 276n, 328n, 369n, 474, 487n, 608, 611n, 632, 707, 914n, 1052n, 1057n
- Smith, Walter Bedell, 279, 476
- Smith, Col. William Y., 174n, 196n, 197, 198–199, 342–343, 631–632
- Solbert, Peter, 25, 59, 248, 598, 600–601
- Southeast Asia:
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO), 224, 236, 482
- Souvanna Phouma, 62, 109, 168, 205n, 214, 215, 370, 402, 557, 574, 579, 580, 581, 655, 674–675, 812, 1011
- Spain, 647
- Special Group for Counterinsurgency, 25–26
- Special Group on covert programs, 5
- Special National Intelligence Estimates:
- State of emergency in Vietnam, 578, 651
- Stevenson, Adlai E., 625, 628, 635, 636, 643, 645, 654, 957
- Stilwell, Maj. Gen. Richard G., 79, 360, 552n, 708, 764
- Stoneman, Walter G., 53n, 337n, 340n, 397, 398
- Strategic hamlet program, 18, 25, 26, 51, 545
- Stromberg, Brig. Gen. W. W., 134–139
- Students in Vietnam, 1007–1008
- Sullivan, William H., 68, 81n, 84n, 104, 105, 108n,
195n, 198n, 229, 255n, 261, 272n, 291, 337n, 340n, 447, 487–488, 646n, 798, 804n, 805
- agricultural situation in Vietnam, 501–502
- Air Force, RVN, 501
- civilian government of Vietnam, 823–825, 836
- communist insurgency, 489
- congressional resolution on Southeast Asia policy, 432–433
- counterinsurgency operations:
- Honolulu meetings (June 1964), 423, 432–433
- Khanh government:
- Laos, U.S.-RVN incursions into, 215, 475
- MACV command change, 200
- McNamara-Taylor mission (March 1964), 133n
- McNamara-Taylor mission (May 1964), 304–308, 313
- Montagnards, 503
- morale problem in Vietnam, 488–489, 504–505
- political settlement in Vietnam, 518–520
- Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces, 505–506
- Sullivan Committee, appointment of, 80
- third country assistance for Vietnam, 268, 502, 526–527
- U.S. dependents in Vietnam, 503
- U.S. economic assistance to Vietnam, 501–502
- U.S. governmental involvement in Vietnam, 301, 350, 359–362, 371, 372, 373, 397, 502–504
- U.S. military involvement in Vietnam:
- U.S. Mission in Vietnam, 269
- U.S. policy in Vietnam, 299–301, 488, 489, 504, 518–520
- Vietnam assignment, 543n
- Vietnam (DRV), U.S.-RVN operations against, 75, 174, 300
- Vietnam (DRV)-U.S. contacts, 395n
- Vietnam situation, assessment of, 500–507
- war footing for Vietnam:
- Sullivan Committee, 59, 61, 68, 79–80, 93, 291
- Suu. See Pham Khac Suu.
- Sylvester, Arthur, 133n, 134, 313, 441
- Tam, Gen., 731
- Tam Chau, 415, 697, 698, 701, 702, 728, 831, 911, 1001
- Tanham, George, 360
- Taylor, Gen. Maxwell D. (see also
McNamara-Taylor mission headings), 84n, 93, 99, 134n, 668, 723
- Air Force, RVN, 311
- ambassador, appointment as, 523–524, 530–531
- ambassadorial instructions, 530, 538, 974–978
- anti-American sentiment in Vietnam, 804
- Buddhist-Catholic conflict, 540–541
- Cambodia, U.S.-RVN incursions into, 110–111, 150, 884
- China, People’s Republic of, U.S. contacts with, 577
- Civil Guard, 144
- civilian government of Vietnam:
- alternatives to, 952
- assessment of, 888–890, 949–950
- Buddhist opposition, 995, 999, 1000–1003, 1032
- formation of, 803, 815, 818–819, 822–830, 832–838, 840, 841–846
- Huong’s assessment of, 890–892
- installation of, 858–859
- Khanh’s plotting against, 908, 911
- military, relations with, 860–861
- ministerial appointments, 860
- minority groups, relations with, 908, 935–936, 1000–1009
- National Assembly, 911
- objectives, short-term, 896–899
- U.S. efforts to strengthen, 951–952, 958–959, 965–966, 968, 975–976, 982–984, 987–989, 998–1000
- U.S. integration into, 910–911
- U.S. protection from coup, request for, 1047
- “Young Turks” coup attempt, 1014–1023, 1026–1028, 1033–1034, 1046–1047, 1060–1063
- communist insurgency:
- congressional resolution on Southeast
- Asia policy, 432
- counterinsurgency operations:
- command and control system, 813–814
- communications security, 321
- defense against ground attacks, 686, 688
- deterioration of RVN positron, 948–949
- government stability in RVN, relation to, 951, 952
- ground operations, U.S. evaluation of, 802
- guerrilla tactics, 554
- JCS recommendations for actions, 86–89, 850n, 883
- L. B. Johnson, meeting with, 966–967, 968
- provincial troubleshooting, 814–815, 819
- psywar-civic action program in provinces, 997–998
- Saigon-area initiative, 752, 776–777, 814, 859
- U.S. ambassadors’ meeting re, 820–821
- Westmoreland’s assessment of, 736
- generals, conflict with, 1014–1016, 1020–1023, 1032, 1033, 1036–1039, 1041–1042, 1044–1048, 1053–1055
- Gulf of Tonkin events:
- High National Council, 825–827, 838n, 845–846
- Honolulu meetings (June 1964), 419, 420, 421, 423, 424, 425, 426, 428, 431, 432, 433
- Huong, assessment of, 892
- U. A. Johnson’s assessment of, 937
- Khanh, relations with, 805
- Khanh government:
- ambassadors, 542
- Buddhist opposition, 696–699, 701–705, 711–712
- coup attempt against (Sept. 13), 766, 770–772, 774–775, 789–792
- coups against, possible, 726–727, 788–789
- Dai Viet threat to, 719, 720
- future prospects, 733–734
- instability of, 565, 787–789, 803
- Khanh’s absence from Saigon, 719–721, 727–729
- Minh’s expulsion from, 595
- neutralist sympathizers in, 562
- proposals for dealing with, 689–693
- reorganization program, 578, 672, 682–684, 703–705, 707–708, 710–713, 717–718, 724–727, 729–733
- succession issue, 627–628
- U.S. policy toward, 797, 798–801
- Khanh’s standing with military colleagues, 1029–1030
- Laos, 370
- Laos, U.S.-RVN incursions into, 110–111
- air strikes, 574, 579, 582–583, 761–763, 820–821, 892–894
- bridgeheads, establishment of, 685
- ground operations, 761–763, 893
- intelligence operations, 428
- parachute drops, 685
- planning and training for, 528–530
- reconnaissance flights, 311
- timetable for, 433
- U.S. ambassadors’ meeting re, 820–821
- U.S. assistance for Laotian aircraft, 821
- U.S.-RVN consultations re, 685, 688
- media coverage of Vietnam, 552n
- Minh, assessment of, 721
- Montagnards, revolt against RVN authority, 785–786, 802
- National Security Action Memorandum 314
- NSC Working Group on Vietnam, 895
- reports from Vietnam, quality of, 552–553
- Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces:
- desertions, 541–542
- strategic hamlet program, 26
- third country assistance for Vietnam:
- U.S. economic assistance to Vietnam:
- U.S. governmental involvement in Vietnam, 372, 751
- U.S. information programs and policies in Vietnam, 373, 431
- U.S. military assistance to Vietnam, preconditions for, 861
- U.S. military involvement in Vietnam:
- U.S. Mission Council, 539
- U.S. policy in Vietnam:
- Vietnam (DRV), U.S.-RVN operations against, 73, 97, 342, 976–977
- accelerated program of actions, 692–693, 734–736
- air strikes, 458, 687, 688, 690, 691–692, 750, 753
- Bien Hoa attack, proposed retaliation for, 873–875, 878, 879–880
- contingency planning, 112–118, 170
- “controlled escalation” scenario, 952–957
- covert operations, 338–340, 646–647, 693, 897
- deniability issue, 309
- destruction of DRV will and capabilities, 457
- governmental stability in RVN and, 318, 899–900
- implications of, 880
- JCS recommendations for actions, 850n, 882–884
- military options, 170, 370, 444
- naval operations, 669, 883–884
- objectives and courses of action, 436–437, 457–458
- political moves in support of military actions, 214
- psychological benefits, 897, 952
- reaction times for operations, 170
- retaliation for attacks on U.S. personnel, 873–875, 878, 879–880, 1043–1044, 1049, 1057
- target selection, 371
- U.S.-RVN consultations re, 567–568, 570, 578, 595, 687, 688
- Vietnamese (DRV)-Chinese People’s Republic response, 329
- Vietnamese (RVN) pressure on U.S. for, 558, 563–568
- war footing for Vietnam and, 318
- Vietnam (DRV)-U.S. contacts, 544n, 546, 953–954
- war footing for Vietnam, 144, 287n, 295, 318
- Washington visit (Sept. 1964), 707, 733n
- Washington visit (Nov.-Dec. 1964):
- Templer, Gen. Sir Gerald W. R., 181
- Thailand, 15, 124, 177, 439
- Thanat Khoman, 240, 247
- Thang, Col., 649
- Thanom, 610
- Thant, U, 410, 957–958
- Thao. See Pham Ngoc Thao, Col.
- Thi. See Nguyen Chanh Thi, Gen.
- Thien Minh, 697, 698, 701
- Thieu. See Nguyen Van Thieu, Brig. Gen.
- Third country assistance for Vietnam, 268,
- civil positrons, 361, 427
- Flood relief, 903, 909
- Lodge’s European trip to promote, 647
- military forces, 246–247, 459, 482
- NATO countries, 328
- Position Paper on Southeast Asia and, 971–972
- progress report on, 839–840
- SEATO countries, 246–247
- Taylor-L. B. Johnson meeting re, 967
- Taylor’s instructions re, 977–978
- U.K. contribution, 981–982, 985–986
- U.S. promotion of, 330–331, 332, 502, 526–527, 647, 980
- U.S. quid pro quos for, 982
- U.S.-RVN consultations re, 988–989
- Vietnamese (RVN) efforts re, 448, 552
- Thompson, Llewellyn, 561n, 636n, 782n, 778, 982, 990
- Thompson, R. G. K., 79, 163, 361, 397–398, 423, 985–986
- Thomson, James C., Jr., 189, 706n, 914n
- Throckmorton, Lt. Gen. John L., 628, 1014, 1015, 1030, 1041, 1048
- Thu, Gen., 841, 842
- Ticonderoga, U.S.S., 589, 590, 604, 601n, 626
- Ton, Col., 726, 770, 774, 790
- Ton That Dinh, Maj. Gen., 668, 671, 672
- Tran Ba Thanh, Col., 811
- Tran Chanh Thanh, 682
- Tran Dinh Lam, Lt. Col., 36, 41, 380–381
- Tran Le Quang, 683
- Tran Ngoc Oanh, 64
- Tran Quang Vinh, 825
- Tran Quoc Buu, 53, 269, 341, 414, 423, 668, 720, 788
- Tran Thien Khiem, Lt. Gen., 38, 40, 41, 141, 164n, _47, 362, 381, 627, 628, 667, 694, 728, 788
- Tran Van Do, 711, 860, 891
- Tran Van Don, Gen., 16, 245, 266, 668, 671, 672, 844
- Tran Van Huang, 860, 901n
- civilian government of Vietmam:
- assessment of, 890–892, 946
- formation of, 832, 836, 844–845
- Khanh’s plotting against, 911
- minority groups, relations with, 908, 911, 935–936
- U.S. efforts to strengthen, 982–984, 987–989
- U.S. integration into, 911
- U.S. protection from coup, request for, 1047
- “Young Turks” coup attempt, 1014 1015, 1016–1017, 1019, 1021, 1031–1032, 1033, 1046–1047
- counterinsurgency operations, 946–947
- popular attitude toward, 889
- Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces, reorganization proposals, 1009
- Taylor’s assessment of, 892
- Taylor’s conflict with generals, 1041n, 1046–1047
- third country assistance for Vietnam, 988
- Vietnam (DRV), U.S.-RVN operations against, 947
- civilian government of Vietmam:
- Tran Van Huu, 264, 695
- Tran Van Ly, 542
- Tran Van Que, 825
- Tran Van Van, 822–823, 824, 825, 827, 835, 845, 846
- Trend, Sir Burke, 69
- Tri. See Do Cao Tri, Maj. Gen.
- Tri Quang, 263, 305, 313, 314, 415, 541, 709n, 789
- Trimble, William C., 25
- Trinquier, Roger, 197
- Trueheart, William C., 397, 602n, 610n
- Truong Chin, 446
- Tyler, William R., 69, 104, 108n, 621n, 990
- Unger, Leonard, 251, 402, 689n
- Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. See Soviet Union
- United Kingdom, 647, 655
- United Nations, 224, 376, 404
- Chinese People’s Republic admission issue, 15, 16, 32n
- Gulf of Tonkin events and. See under Gulf of Tonkin events.
- U.S. dependents in Vietnam, 94, 95, 96, 165–166, 371, 426, 503, 677, 973, 1057–1058, 1063, 1065
- U.S. economic assistance to Vietnam:
- construction projects, 524
- employment programs, 803–804
- fertilizer Program, 163, 204
- flood relief, 901–902, 908, 909
- funding increases, 330, 332, 337–338
- health programs, 261, 502
- irrigation projects, 572
- “progress after pacification” demonstration projects, 571–573, 596–597
- rural development programs, 340–341, 480–481, 501–502
- socioeconomic action program, proposed, 755–758
- U.S. governmental involvement in Vietnam, 79,
301, 751
- “brain trust” advisers, 22–24, 62
- control capacity, 346, 347
- integration into government structure, 462, 502–503
- administration discussions re, 369, 371, 372–374, 397–398
- civilian government and, 910–911
- Forrestal’s positron, 387–388
- joint operations committees, 427, 431
- personnel for, 360–361
- progress on, 426–427
- Sullivan’s proposal, 350, 359–362
- U.S. hesitation re, 440–441
- Vietnamese (RVN) reservations, 398, 503–504
- Khanh’s request for, 277–278
- Lodge’s position, 278
- political adviser for Khanh, 126
- Rusk’s request for suggestions, 344–346
- U.S. Information Agency (USIA) (see also U.S. information programs and policies in Vietnam; Voice of America), 255, 261, 382
- U.S. information programs and policies in U.S., 523
- U.S. information programs and policies in Vietnam, 20
- communications czar, 255, 430–431, 441, 454, 471–472
- communist infiltration evidence. release of, 1012–1014
- coordination of operations, 384, 540
- credibility concerns, 430
- heroism awards, 452–453
- information advisers in military units, 452, 455
- media coverage of Vietnam and, 261, 384, 454–455, 660
- optimistic interpretation of events, 373
- peace offensive, 462
- press officer for Khanh, 383
- psychological warfare campaign, 254–255, 259, 269, 274, 278, 429–430, 450–455
- radios for villages, 452
- rural opinion, studies re, 544–545
- song for RVN, 453
- Vietnam (DRV), broadcasts into, 173, 261, 269, 382, 383, 453
- Vietnamese (RVN) cooperation with, 384–385
- Vietnamese (RVN) leaders, promotion of, 451–452
- youth programs, 453
- U.S. Information Service (USIS), 20, 659
- U.S. military assistance to Vietnam:
- U.S. military involvement in Vietnam (see also Congressional resolution on Southeast Asia policy; Gulf of Tonkin Resolution):
- advisory effort, 738
- combat exposure for troops, 330, 331
- flood relief personnel, 901–902
- force increase to 22,000, 661
- French position, 534
- ground forces, 723–724, 906–907
- legal basis for sending forces to Vietnam, 532
- lengths of tours, 312
- marines to guard installations, 723
- naval presence, 270, 283–284, 290–291, 297, 305, 312, 503
- overflights of RVN territory, 290
- Special Forces, 739
- training programs, 329, 331
- Vietnamese (RVN) attitude toward, 545
- U.S. Mission in Vietnam (see also Ambassador to
Saigon, selection of; Military Assistance Command, U.S.):
- AID director, 198, 201
- Chief of Staff for, 200–201, 393
- CIA station chief, appointment of, 3–4
- Deputy Chief of Mission for, 441
- U. A. Johnson’s assessment of, 937–938
- Lodge-Harkins relationship, 298–299, 326–327
- management problem, 269, 387
- McNamara-Taylor mission (May 1964), 313–314
- Mission Council, 539
- Rural Operations minister, proposed, 78–79
- situation report on Vietnam, 656–662
- U.S. policy in Vietnam (see also Congressional
resolution on Southeast Asia policy; Gulf of
Tonkin Resolution; National Security Action
Memoranda; NSC Working Group on
- administration consultations with congressional leaders, 222–224, 328–332, 390
- allies’ positions on, 919
- Asians’ doubts about U.S. intentions, 176–179
- basic posture, McNamara’s recommendations re, 160–161
- McG. Bundy’s courses of action report, 672–679
- checklist of progress, 489
- Chinese People’s Republic attitude toward, 537, 555–556, 557commitment to Vietnam, 299–301, 488–489, 504, 518–520
- De Gaulle’s assessment of, 217–218, 219
- defeat, consequences of, 734
- Defense Department statement on, 119–120
- “domino effect” issue, 484–487
- funds and personnel for, 259, 260–262, 269, 272–274, 319, 324, 337–338, 386, 474, 753, 1058
- Humphrey’s assessment of, 477–484
- Johnson’s television appearances re, 146, 148–150
- manager in Washington for, 59, 61, 68, 79–80, 93
- Mansfield’s policy
suggestions, 2–3, 67, 1009–1012
- administration officials’ responses, 815
- objectives of, 10–11, 154
- official visits to Vietnam, 67–68
- options available without congressional resolution, 516–518
- political settlement, consideration of, 518–520
- Position Paper on Southeast Asia, 965, 969–974, 984
- presidential letter to Khanh, 722, 728 729, 771
- sphere of influence issue, 555
- strategic importance of Vietnam, 535–536, 752–753
- Taylor’s courses of action reports, 689–693, 733–736
- U.S.-Soviet consultation re, 990–993
- U.S. veterans of Vietnam, use of, 1040
- Valenti, Jack, 781
- Valeo, Frank, 2
- Van Tam, 285
- Vance, Cyrus R., 475, 590, 605, 607, 608, 609, 662, 914n, 1012n, 1044n
- Vann, John, 1040
- Vien. See Nguyen Luu Vien, Gen.
- Viet Cong. See Communist insurgency.
- Vietnam, Democratic Republic of (DRV) (see also Gulf
of Tonkin events; Vietnam (DRV), U.S.-RVN
operations against; Vietnam (DRV)-U.S.
- China, People’s Republic of, relations with, 64, 81–82, 157n
- communist insurgency, relation to, 82–83, 123, 156–157, 251, 301–302
- goals re Vietnamese unity, 446
- international conference on Vietnam, proposed, 573
- invasion of RVN, possible, 296–297
- Khanh government, contacts with, 595n, 809–810
- military situation, 421–422
- neutral solution for Vietnam, 83, 229–230
- U.S. broadcasts into, 173, 261, 269, 382, 383, 453
- U.S.-RVN penetration of government, 409
- Vietnam (DRV), U.S.-RVN operations against (see also Congressional resolution on Southeast Asia policy; Gulf of Tonkin resolution), 60, 62
- accelerated program of actions, 692–693, 714–717, 734–736
- air strikes:
- application of power issue, 459–461
- Bien Hoa attack, proposed retaliation for, 873–882, 885–886
- Canadian positioon, 394–396
- carrot-stick approach, 28, 228
- cease-fire goal, 30
- civilian government’s role, 947
- communist insurgency, impact on, 250, 252, 403
- contingency planning, 63, 75–77, 94, 96, 97–99, 112–118, 165, 167, 184–185, 205, 225–229, 308, 463
- “controlled escalation” scenario, 952–957
- covert operations, 154, 249, 306, 342, 372
- cross-border operations and, 226–227
- Cuban situation and, 105–106
- deniability issue, 28, 97–98, 306–307, 309, 349
- DeSoto patrols. See Naval operations below.
- destruction of DRV will and capabilities, 437–440, 457, 681, 715
- economic initiatives, 270
- “fast, unyielding pressure” option. See under NSC Working Group on Vietnam.
- French position, 239, 520–521
- governmental stability in RVN and, 318, 838–839, 895–896, 899–900
- graduated action plan, Sharp’s positron on, 930–932
- Gulf of Tonkin events, retaliation for. See under Gulf of Tonkin events.
- harbors as targets, 599, 605
- Hilsman’s position, 181
- Humphrey’s positron, 483
- implications of, 782–785, 880, 906–907
- infiltration lines, focus on, 962–964
- islands, actions against, 598, 603
- JCS recommendations for actions, 847–850, 854–857, 882–884
- Johnson’s doubts about, 400–401
- Laotian route, 369–370, 374
- “live plan” status, 272
- McCone’s position, 125–126, 127
- McNamara report recommendations, 158–160
- military options, 97–98, 113, 116–118, 159, 170, 370–371, 676–678, 681–682, 713–717
- military pressures short of combat operations, 463–464
- military timing factors, 444
- naval operations (DeSoto patrols), 251–253, 270, 312, 794, 812
- negotiations, relation to, 519–520
- nuclear weapons issue, 244, 250, 378, 410, 679–680
- objectives and courses of action, 300
- overt actions by U.S., political moves in support of, 209–213
- political moves in support of military actions, 27–28, 225–226
- political objectives, 159–160
- Position Paper on Southeast Asia statements on, 970–971, 972–973
- positive inducements for DRV, 446–447
- “progressive action and talk” option. See under NSC Working Group on Vietnam.
- provocative operations, 748–749
- psychological benefits, 318, 329, 387, 407, 415, 456, 897, 952
- public awareness issue, 343
- reaction times for operations, 150, 165, 170, 171, 205, 227
- retaliation for attacks on U.S. personnel, 169
- Rostow’s position, 15–16, 72–74
- Rusk-Khanh consultation re, 244
- scenarios for:
- Soviet response, 105–106, 117, 366–367, 380, 587
- surrender terms, 399
- target selection, 98, 113–114, 342, 371, 438, 649–650, 715
- Taylor’s instructions re, 976–977
- tit-for-tat military actions, 186, 227, 241–242, 271–272, 677, 748, 755, 759, 784
- U.N. actions by U.S. re, 376
- U.N. response, 404
- U.S. consultations with allies, 108–109, 209, 394–396, 445, 979–981
- U.S. dependents in Vietnam and, 95, 96, 371, 1057–1058, 1063, 1065
- U.S.-DRV contacts and, 333–334, 953–954
- U.S. presidential policies and, 174–175, 878
- U.S. protection of RVN against reprisal, 317, 328, 334, 403–404
- U.S. public statements on, 189–190
- U.S.-RVN consultations re, 27, 28–31, 49, 519, 630, 687, 688, 977
- Vietnamese (DRV) air defenses, 421–422
- Vietnamese (DRV)-Chinese People’s Republic perception of U.S. intentions, 561–562
- Vietnamese (DRV)-Chinese People’s Republic relations and, 81–82
- Vietnamese (DRV)-Chinese People’s Republic response, 30–31, 34, 228, 329
- Vietnamese (DRV) concerns about, 82–83
- Vietnamese (RVN) pressure on U.S. for, 558, 563–568, 569–571, 658–659
- war footing for Vietnam and, 288, 292, 294, 317–318
- warnings of attacks, 343, 354–355, 375–376, 410
- world reaction, 30
- Vietnam (DRV)-U.S. contacts, 9, 395n, 1052
- Canadian intermediary, decision on, 253, 259
- Gulf of Tonkin events, messages re, 651–653
- instructions for intermediary, 281–282, 348, 351–355, 978–979
- Khanh not informed of, 293, 294
- Lodge’s recommendations, 249–250, 306, 307, 327, 333–334, 335
- Pearson contacted about, 253, 270
- Seaborn’s meetings with DRV officials, 525–526, 978n
- Thant’s efforts re, 957–958
- U.S.-Canadian consultations re, 543–544, 546
- U.S. operations against DRV and, 333–334, 953–954
- Vietnamese (DRV) interpretation of U.S. signals, 508
- war footing for Vietnam and, 292, 294
- Vietnam, Republic of:
- See also:
- Civil Guard
- Civilian government of Vietnam
- Communist insurgency
- Counterinsurgency operations
- High National Council
- International conference on Vietnam, proposed
- Khanh coup
- Khanh government
- Media coverage of Vietnam
- Minh government
- Montagnards
- Neutral solution for Vietnam
- Political situation in Vietnam
- Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces
- Saigon headings
- Self-Defense Corps
- Third country assistance for Vietnam
- U.S. economic assistance to Vietnam
- U.S. governmental involvement in Vietnam
- U.S. information programs and policies in Vietnam
- U.S. military assistance to Vietnam
- U.S. military involvement in Vietnam
- U.S. Mission in Vietnam
- War footing for Vietnam
- agricultural situation, 52, 501–502
- alliance with Republic of China and Republic of Korea, proposed, 248
- Amnesty (Chieu Hoi) program, 20–21, 52
- anti-American sentiment in, 746, 804, 809
- anti-communist groups in, 414
- Buddhist-Catholic conflict, 315–316, 321, 324, 325, 347, 386, 413, 415–416, 540–541, 658
- Catholics, 414, 825
- Chinese minority, 1005–1006
- Civilian Irregular Defense Group (CIDG) program, 786
- communist victory, consequences of, 13, 918
- Dai Viet party, 138, 719, 720, 725–726
- economic situation, 19, 88, 659
- Flooding problem, 901–902, 908–909
- France, relations with, 46–47, 53, 188, 232–233, 239–240, 245–246, 319
- French actions against, alleged, 36–38, 58, 264, 265, 285, 294, 302, 380–381
- Hoa Hao party, 17n, 52, 1005
- intelligentsia of, 238, 414–415
- labor movement, 788, 1006–1007
- land reform, 52, 499
- partitioning of, proposed, 12–13
- media of, 101, 316
- morale problem, 488–489, 504–505
- National Police, 162–163
- National Service Act, 143
- state of emergency, 578, 651
- strategic importance to West, 148, 535–536, 752–753
- students, 1007–1008
- U.S.-communist mutual withdrawal, proposed, 128
- U.S. dependents in Vietnam, 94, 95, 96, 165–166, 371, 426, 503, 677, 973, 1057–1058, 1063, 1065
- Vietnamese (DRV) invasion of, possible, 296–297
- war game on Vietnam, 198–199, 404
- See also:
- Vietnam Committee. See Sullivan Committee.
- Vinh Cheo, fighting at, 549, 551
- Vinson, Carl, 615n
- Vo Nguyen Giap, Gen., 296n, 446, 546, 866
- Voice of America, 382, 383
- Vu Van Mau, 64, 671, 694, 698, 704, 775n, 797, 831, 833, 836, 841
- Vung Tau Charter, 671, 682–684, 703, 709, 711
- Walker, Gordon, 986
- Waller, John K., 979, 980
- War footing for Vietnam, 408–409
- administration discussions re, 287–290
- Diplomatic actions, 301–302
- Felt’s position, 295–296
- Khanh’s abandonment of, 578–579
- Khanh’s proposal for, 284–287, 317–318
- national mobilization proposal, 142–145, 161–162, 202
- partial mobilization, possible, 293, 294
- peasants, programs for, 289–290
- Saigon evacuation plan, 284–285, 292, 294, 295
- urban centers, focus on, 301
- U.S. operations against DRV and, 288, 292, 294, 317–318
- War game on Vietnam, 198–199, 404
- Waters, Gen. John K., 295
- Westmoreland, Gen. William C., 55, 504, 668,
688, 728n, 945, 959, 932, 987, 1009
- Air Force, RVN, 739
- civilian government of Vietnam, “Young Turks” coup attempt against, 1023, 1024
- communist insurgency,:
- counterinsurgency operations:
- airfield security, 680, 681n
- assessment of, 736–742
- command and control system, 419
- critical provinces, focus on, 424–426, 443
- deterioration of RVN position, 423
- National Pacification Plan, 420–421
- operational effectiveness, 418
- population control, 416
- Saigon-area initiative, 738
- Gulf of Tonkin events, 627, 628
- Honolulu meetings (June 1964), 416–421, 423, 428, 429, 430, 431
- U. A. Johnson’s assessment of, 937
- Khanh government:
- Laos, U.S.-RVN incursions into:
- McNamara-Taylor mission (May 1964), 313
- Military Assistance Command:
- Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces:
- strategic hamlet program, 416–417
- Taylor’s conflict with generals, 1041
- U.S. dependents in Vietnam, 426
- U.S. governmental involvement in Vietnam, 360, 427, 431, 441
- U.S. information programs and policies in Vietnam:
- U.S. military assistance to Vietnam, preconditions for, 861–863
- U.S. military involvement in Vietnam:
- Vietnam (DRV), U.S.-RVN operations against:
- Wheeler, Gen. Earle G., 134,
232, 244, 248, 251–252, 259, 262, 475, 571n, 662
- civilian government of Vietnam, “Young Turks” coup attempt against, 1018
- counterinsurgency operations:
- Gulf of Tonkin events:
- Gulf of Tonkin resolution, 642
- Khanh government, coup attempt against (Sept. 13), 766n, 769
- Laos, U.S.-RVN incursions into, 574n, 583–585
- National Security Action Memorandum 314, 749–750, 752–753, 754
- NSC Working Group on Vietnam, 938n, 943, 958
- courses of action paper, 932–935
- Taylor’s visits to Washington, 746n. 749, 965
- U.S. policy in Vietnam, 752–753
- Vietnam (DRV), U.S.-RVN operations against, 583–585
- Bien Hoa attack, proposed retaliation for, 875–876, 881, 885
- governmental stability in RVN and, 838
- graduated action plan, 930
- JCS recommendations for actions, 847–850
- military options, 681–682
- naval operations, 780
- retaliation for attacks on U.S. personnel, 1050, 1063–1065
- U.S. dependents in Vietnam and, 1065
- Vietnamese (DRV)-Chinese People’s Republic response, 902–906
- Wilson, Donald M., 25, 631
- Wilson, James
- Wilson, Col. Jasper, 36, 38, 39, 40n, 41n
- Xuan. See Mai Huu Xuan, Maj. Gen.
- Xung, Gen., 731
- “Young Turks” coup attempt. See under Civilian government of Vietnam.
- Yuen Tse-kien, 552n
- Zorthian, Barry, 255, 360, 384, 431, 441, 540, 1026, 1039n