329. Telegram From the Department of State to the Mission to the United Nations0
3202. Southern Rhodesia. U.K. Ambassador informed Wallner morning June 10 Foreign Office had decided make floor fight in Plenary against inscription of item on Southern Rhodesia and requested U.S. help in vote and in obtaining Latin American support. In latter connection U.K. particularly anxious we seek move at least one major Latin American to negative vote.
After discussions with USUN, Secretary agreed U.S. should support British on vote and help them with Latin Americans. (Discussions with USUN indicated Argentina most logical major Latin American which might be moved by discussions in New York to cast negative vote.)1
[Page 519]Secretary informed U.K. Ambassador afternoon of June 10 of our position.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 745C.00/6-1162. Confidential. Drafted by Buffum; cleared in draft by Bergesen, Freeman, MacKnight, and Monsma, and by Rogers; and approved by Wallner. Repeated to London, Salisbury, and Buenos Aires.↩
- On June 28, the U.N. General Assembly adopted Resolution 1747 (XVI), “United Nations Request for the Drafting of a New Constitution for Southern Rhodesia,” by a vote of 73 to 1, with 27 abstentions (including the United States). For text, see American Foreign Policy: Current Documents, 1962, pp. 977-978.↩