325. Telegram From the Department of State to the Consulate General in Salisbury0

716. Embtel 3242.1 Contel 632,2 635.3 Department believes that constitutional proposals for Northern Rhodesia, as modified by Colonial Secretary Maudling’s announcement on February 28, offer best basis possible under existing circumstances for peaceful political development. While proposals do not guarantee an African majority in the legislature, they appear to make such majority possible if the African parties make a determined and honest effort to participate in the elections. Although both Kaunda and Welensky have called the proposals unworkable, neither seems eager or prepared to oppose implementation. We [Page 514] regard this as favorable development. At present any alternative to these proposals would be opposed by one side or the other and lead to extra-legal means to safeguard or advance the interests of the aggrieved party. Continued indecision in NR would postpone and complicate efforts to establish stable, representative government in the territory and would make the solution of problems at the federal level increasingly difficult. Possibility of strikes, violence, and use of federal troops would be increased. Unrest could also induce Southern Rhodesian authorities to strengthen security measures and postpone further racial advancements. Department favors orderly, peaceful political evolution toward representative government in all territories of the Federation and believes NR constitutional proposals permit such evolution, perhaps not at pace desired by Kaunda but still with unmistakable forward motion. There is no question that all pressures are in direction early establishment African majority in NR and US hopes Kaunda aware this fact and can exercise necessary statesmanship and patience called for at this critical juncture.

Department pleased that Pletcher has already made overtures to Kaunda in above spirit. However, ConGen should now arrange for informal transmission Department views to Kaunda either directly or by Resident Consul expressing our satisfaction his conditional acceptance February 28 constitutional revisions and emphasizing our hope UNIP will participate fully in elections and preparations therefor, drawing on above points as appropriate.

FYI. ConGen’s estimate that UNIP position may undergo several reexaminations between now and election leads Department to believe clear knowledge US Government views at this time may have some value to Kaunda in dealing with UNIP extremists. End FYI.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 745C.00/3-662. Confidential. Drafted by Dunham and Deming on March 8, cleared by Bergesen, and approved by Fredericks. Repeated to London.
  2. Dated March 4. (Ibid., 745C.02/3-362)
  3. Dated March 5. (Ibid., 745C.02/3-562)
  4. Dated March 6. (Ibid., 745C.02/3-662)