293. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Somalia0

482. Based on findings and recommendations US Military Survey Team,1 Department and other agencies are now proceeding with preliminary steps necessary to implement quickly a final decision on US military assistance when it is reached. Because some of team’s recommendations, such as the “impact package,” involve obligation of FY 1963 funds prior June 30, there is need for moving quickly.

Without raising subject with Somali officials at this time, Department would like CT evaluation of desirability proceeding through Presidential Determination on waiver of bilateral agreement military assistance, or attempting obtain bilateral agreement and possible problems involved. This would include Somali reaction to provisions US-Ethiopia and US-Libya military assistance agreements, and role of Somali National Assembly. Re latter point, is Department correct in assuming Assembly would have to authorize ratification of bilateral agreement?2

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, DEF 19 US-SOMALI. Confidential; Priority. Drafted by Galanto; cleared by Newsom, Kyle (AID), Muller (AID), Whitfield (DOD), and Oulashin; and approved by Tasca. Repeated to London, Bonn, and Rome.
  2. Text of “Recommended Military Assistance Program for Somalia” is ibid.
  3. On May 25, Ambassador Torbert recommended proceeding with a Presidential Determination, but avoiding advising the Somalis of this fact in order to have extra leverage for negotiation if necessary. (Telegram 601 from Mogadiscio; ibid.)