233. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Ghana0
425. Dept discussed recent developments Volta with Edgar Kaiser and Calhoun September 27. Kaiser sending following telegram Nkrumah: “Re U.S. Dept State postponement October fifth date.1 Understand top mission from U.S. has requested meeting with you Accra. I believe very important you see mission at early date. Am advised mission could arrive before end October. Believe it would be helpful if Chad and I meet with you in advance mission’s arrival. We can plan arrival Accra Pan Am 150 morning October fourth. Believe important we have several hours together to review with you personally. Please advise.”
Kaiser very concerned about report Russians moving forward with Bui and intends tell Nkrumah they hard to live with this, since opposite ideology. Would seek continuously undermine Western operation.
Kaiser was urged talk in private capacity frankly with Nkrumah including impact Sov-Bloc loans on ability Ghana service Volta and other debts particularly on East-West relationships and fact U.S. public opinion extremely disturbed result his recent statements. Request you provide Kaiser and Calhoun all possible assistance during their visit.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 845J.2614/9-2761. Secret; Priority; Verbatim Text. Drafted by Padberg and Chayes; cleared by Springsteen, Dumont, and Ferguson; and approved by Chayes. Repeated to London.↩
- On September 21, Russell had recommended that the United States postpone signing the Volta agreements until after October 5, which coincided almost exactly with the opening of Parliament and the date when critics planned to launch their attack on Nkrumah. (Telegram 462 from Accra; ibid., 611.45J/9-2161) On September 26, the Department of State informed Russell that financial and operational considerations made a final review in Accra of the Volta Project highly desirable before proceeding with a final decision on the agreements, and asked the Embassy to obtain agreement for an informal visit of a team led by Williams sometime in October. It noted that the mission also provided a basis for delaying signing as the Ambassador had recommended. (Telegram 424 to Accra; ibid., 611.45J7/9-2561)↩