269. Memorandum From the Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs (McGhee) to the Acting Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs (Fredericks)1


  • White House Approval on Congo Package

General White House approval has now been received on the Congo package contingent upon:

Our not making any firm commitment on new assistance to the ANC. We would make a general statement to U Thant that we will do so if this proves desirable, but would withhold final decision until the situation arose;
Our not making any final commitment on stages 3 and 4 until a review of the situation at the time and re-referral to the White House. This should not necessitate any change in our position vis-a–vis British, French and Belgians since it has always been clear that our final decisions in III and IV would not be taken until necessity arises.

The hope is expressed, although this is presumably not a condition and is apparently not realistic, that progress toward an agreement could be achieved before the UN bond issue comes before the House.

Deep regret was expressed over the leaks on Congo policy over the week end.

Apart from this, the Department is authorized to proceed with discussions with U Thant and in the carrying out of the plan insofar as it applies to Phases 1 and 2 subject to the above.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 770G.00/8–662. Confidential. Drafted by McGhee. Also sent to Tyler and Cleveland.