171. Telegram From the Embassy in the Congo to the Department of State1
1594. Paris pass CINCEUR unnumbered. Kitona. From Godley ron [in] Leo. Returning Kitona early December 20.
Tshombe arrived Kitona 12:00 local after several near misses in addition to those already reported by Hoffacker.2 Last night December 18 at Kitwe he posed four conditions.
- 1.
- Promise safe return Eville. Ambassador and Lord Alport (British High Commissioner Northern Rhodesia) gave round trip ticket.
- 2.
- Details re security. Ambassador said he was certain UN handling all details but promised also U.S. Marines. These met group on arrival and remained within Tshombe’s sight most of time. Tomorrow when international press arrives will, at Bunche’s request, merely guard bedroom serving as small U.S. office.
- 3.
- Cease-fire should have begun once he left Eville. Ambassador took tough line pointing out his original understanding fire would be suspended once Tshombe airborne and that it was none of our business that he refused board Columbine Eville as offered. Nevertheless Tshombe’s attitude presented certain difficulties for informal arrangements with UNOC were as set forth above despite fact Tshombe had begun travel yesterday afternoon. Ambassador dodged this issue to Tshombe’s satisfaction by drafting his presence message requesting firing stopped forthwith to be effective when airborne about 0730 local December 19. (Tshombe most touchy on this for he alleged that when he was departing his residence Eville heavy firing broke out which Bunche this afternoon attributed to die-hards from Union Miniere causing trouble.) Matter settled when Ambassador received on aircraft this morning flash from Emb reporting U Thant’s statement re suspension firing.
- 4.
- Tshombe requested U.S., French, U.K. Consuls accompany him to assure security. This disposed of by Hoffacker indicating Ambassador spoke for USG and that he was more valuable Eville and by Alport stating he would not authorize Dunnett proceed Kitona without HMG’s permission since assurances already given. Re French, Hoffacker told Tshombe that once airborne message would be sent French Emb Leo from Lambroschini requesting French Emb off Kitona to guarantee safety (this done; no French Emb off appeared).
Last evening, admittedly first time Ambassador had met him, Tshombe gave impression of being manic depressive. First irrationally attacked US but then shifting unexpectedly to extremely friendly attitude. These changes occurred several times during his conversation and he showed signs of exhaustion. On aircraft this morning, however, got sleep, food and was much more relaxed. Had lunch alone with Ambassador who gently made usual remarks re necessity collaboration GOC. On arrival Kitona group taken directly base hospital which surrounded barbed wire, security guards and two lines hastily dug foxholes manned Nigerians full battle dress.
Department already aware composition parties. Munongo’s and Kimba’s absences noted as indication Tshombe not free agent and would have to report to government. When Ambassador showed Tshombe on aircraft list Leo participants he commented adversely on inclusion Mwamba and Bomboko calling latter “Belgian stooge.”
On arrival junior UN authorities Kitona indicated impression gained from UNOC Leo that meeting would be extremely short and Adoula might return this evening. Ambassador therefore left hospital and met Adoula and Bunche upon arrival about 1:30 and indicated that Tshombe desired avoid substance and wished keep today’s conversation to generalities and administrative arrangements. Succeeded in obtaining their concurrences. When Adoula reached hospital, Tshombe had retired but junior members friendly with some back slapping. Tshombe appeared and Adoula ostentatiously retired without greeting. Tshombe held ground and remarked to several “he didn’t even say hello.” Situation slightly tense for twenty minutes but Adoula reappeared and effusively greeted Tshombe throwing arms around his shoulders. Tension broke as both parties took refreshments and UN photographers were busy. Leo group after forty-five minutes retired for lunch with Ambassador, Bunche, Gardiner, Khiari and Dumontet. Agreed that afternoon would be devoted informal palavers between staffs and non-Congolese would absent themselves. This took place and Bomboko and Kibwe observed departing alone arm in arm for walk. Adoula did not confer with Tshombe. General atmospherics difficult to assess but undoubtedly Adoula arrived prepared to take extremely tough line. Somewhat dissuaded during luncheon but as of 1800 local it not known whether he will be meeting Tshombe alone this evening. Tomorrow morning and early afternoon it is believed delegates will meet formally. No UN personnel will be present but will stand by. Prognostications difficult but current betting is that Tshombe will probably depart noontime December 21 for Ndola.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 770G.00/12–1961. Confidential; Niact. Received at 10:36 a.m. on December 20 and repeated to USUN, Brussels, Salisbury, London, Paris, Brazzaville, Elisabethville, and CINCLANT.↩
- Telegrams 1574 from Léopoldville and 465 from Salisbury, both December 18, reported messages from Hoffacker. (Both ibid., 770G.00/12–1861)↩