172. Telegram From the Embassy in the Congo to the Department of State1

1604. Kitona. Following received by courier at 2000Z from Ambassador at Kitona

As of noon, 12th, Adoula-Tshombe conference going into second day with prolonged 3-hour working session now in progress.
I continue to urge Adoula to moderation. I said while UN mandate could not be suspended and there could hardly be a change in policy unless Tshombe’s attitude altered, I was personally somewhat worried about the mounting disquiet and confusion in Western public opinion and effect it might have on continued support of military operations. I suggested that a private AdoulaTshombe meeting would be desirable at some stage (both agree).
Various formulas are under discussion whereby constitutional issues might be solved. These are principal difficulty not details of administration. Adoula prepared promise joint revision of Fundamental Law especially Article 7.2 Encouraging that Tshombe apparently accepts Fundamental Law’s basis of negotiations.
Still too early to say how conference will result but atmosphere is good, personal relations cordial.
Except for our work in corridors UN officials and I at this stage leaving the official meetings to the Congolese which is essential. Toward closing hours and certainly before any break I would work intensively with Adoula and Tshombe separately.
  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 770G.00/12–2061. Confidential; Niact. The source text does not indicate the time of transmission; it was received at 11:30 p.m. Repeated to USUN, London, Paris, Brussels, and Rome.
  2. Article 7 of the Loi Fondamentale provided for the continuation of the six existing provinces.