49. Telegram From the Embassy in Afghanistan to the Department of State0

274. Etemadi of Foreign Office has just given me copy King’s letter to President. Inasmuch as he said he did not know time of delivery, but thought it would be tomorrow, am sending text immediately without comment in hope it arrives prior to Maiwandwal’s appointment with President. Full text, with minor words omitted, quoted below: [Page 110]

“Kabul, September 26, 1961.

Your Excellency: I sincerely appreciate Your Excellency’s expression concern over severance diplomatic relations between my country and Pakistan. But I must herewith clarify this undesirable state affairs brought about solely by Pakistan’s unilateral action on basis imaginary pretext. It therefore evident development this unfortunate situation is contrary to policy Afghan Government.

Government Afghan convinced transit to and from sea-ports through territory sub-continent, which divided today into India and Pakistan, has been inherent traditional right this country in traditionally accepted form implementation by responsible Afghan offices such as consulates, trade bureaus in different parts area.

Government Afghan has always been convinced that right transit and its means implementation is completely apart from any political differences between two countries.

Unfortunately however, Government Pakistan has continuously interfered in matter, by creating handicaps in application our right and even by having blocked transit, obviously with view bringing political pressure upon this country.

Government Afghan does not consider historical indisputable right transit as mere facility or favour accorded Afghan, and any unilateral decision to deny these rights wholly or partially, or to depart from their traditional forms, will be unacceptable to Afghanistan. Otherwise it becomes evident these basic rights are to be left to whims fancies of Pakistan Government.

Your Excellency fully aware how deeply Government Afghanistan aspires to develop country and bring progress prosperity our people, and how it has made every possible effort attain these aims. Accordingly, government, people Afghan greatly appreciate efforts US help us in development our country and have always tried facilitate implementation your friendly aid for assurance better future for our people.

Pakistan’s unilateral decision expressed in her note August 23 to close Afghan consulates, trade agencies which existed for no other purpose than the application our transit rights—implementation of which was their recognized accepted duty, has posed fait accompli which Government Afghanistan cannot ignore. We consider this unilateral action of Pakistan Government as blatant and unlawful violation our rights.

In note delivered Pakistan 30 August, Afghanistan formally requested reconsideration Pakistan’s decision close Afghan consulates, trade agencies.

Government Afghanistan reiterates its views that restitution transit possible only when pertinent Afghan offices can render their services normally as of before.

[Page 111]

If Government Pakistan persists in its position we have no other alternative than propose to US Government continue her friendly aid to Afghan via Iran, transit goods through Iran being by no means impracticable.

Although Government Afghanistan deplores latter development tension in our relations with Pakistan, we confident that this tension created only by Pakistan Government.

Government Afghanistan hopes Your Excellency’s government, friendly as it is to both parties, will make every possible effort for re-establishment Afghan offices responsible for implementation our transit rights through Pakistan, and thus help return normal conditions and reduce tension between two countries.

Your Excellency’s personal interest in matter will be deeply appreciated and it expected that continued American effort will make it possible to bring situation back to normal.”

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 689.90D/10-361. Secret: Niact. Repeated to Karachi.