36. Telegram From the Embassy in Afghanistan to the Department of State0

127. In conversation with Talbot, RGA officials from Prince Daud on down raised question future of American foreign aid to Afghanistan.

Daud himself made no special plea except on timing of the American decision. He said that RGA could not press US for assistance, as obviously this purely American decision which we would have to make, weighing all factors involved. He stressed the need for an early answer, regardless of whether affirmative or negative, so that their planning process could be complete.

Prince Naim was far more explicit. He described at some length his feeling that entire future of country depended on outcome this question. He said that RGA simply could not stop development. On other hand the dangers of excessive dependence upon USSR, particularly as it was neighboring state, were fully realized. He felt that far more than development alone was at stake, as in some ways their whole social structure could eventually be changed by over-dependence upon Russia. He said he saw little hope for the future except through assistance from US and [Page 87] West Germany. He described German assistance as very welcome and now very important but looked upon US assistance as far more important for obvious political reasons. He dwelled upon importance of some type of long term assurance, giving example of difficulties caused in past by short term arrangements.

Abdul Hai Aziz, as was to be expected, was even more emphatic, sometimes emotionally so, of the vital necessity of future US assistance, and critical time element involved.

Talbot explained philosophy of new administration and present status legislative process. He explored as deeply as time would permit important questions such as extent of their self-help, limitations imposed by local currency, local skills, et cetera. He told officials he aware of problem prior to his departure from Washington and would study it intensively during his stay here. He said he realized and appreciated keen interest of RGA on this question and hoped it would be possible reach decision in Washington in the not too distant future.

Comment:Naim was more forthcoming on dangers of over-dependence on Russia than ever before to me. This perhaps logical in connection with argument for future US aid commitments. I believe it somewhat more than that, however, in view of recent indications from many sources that RGA not as satisfied as it was a year ago with Russian aid and is more aware of dangers involved.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 789.5-MSP/8-2261. Confidential.