- Access (see also
Access harassment; Contingency
planning; German Democratic Republic access control):
- air access (see also air access crisis under Access harassment; airlift under Contingency planning; U.N. guarantee/observer proposals), 290–291, 394–395, 407, 409–411, 578–579
- British position, 697
- civilian vs. military traffic, 134, 174, 599–600, 604–605
- corridor proposals (see also international supervision below), 114, 117, 461, 516, 531, 697, 713, 723
- detailed description of rights, 461
- free city proposals and, 466–467
- Germany, Federal Republic of, position, 134, 531, 599–600, 790
- international supervision (see also corridor proposals above):
- Soviet position, 394–395, 409–410, 473, 578–579, 713, 723
- Soviet provocation accusations, 640
- Soviet separate treaty and, 421
- stabilization of existing procedures, 34
- tripartite reinforced division, 124
- U.S. troop movements, 640, 648, 755–756, 776
- worker control, 281–283, 730
- Access harassment (see also Access;
Berlin Wall; Contingency
planning; German Democratic Republic access control), 555–556
- air access, 555
- air access crisis, 792, 811–812, 821
- British position, 802n, 816, 836
- Congressional meetings, 838
- French position, 816–818
- German Democratic Republic access control and, 828, 862–863
- Soviet objectives, 814–815, 818–819, 828, 856–858
- U.S. Ambassadorial probe discussions, 847–848, 850, 859–861
- Western responses, 796–797, 800–802, 812–814, 816–818, 828–829, 836, 843–844
- Clay reports, 510–511
- French position, 14–16
- Friedrichstrasse crisis, 524–525, 532–539, 544–545, 547–548, 551–555, 558, 565–566, 581–584, 776
- Germany, Federal Republic of, position, 9, 26, 48, 282, 288
- negotiation proposals and, 533–536, 541
- possibility of, 9, 14–16, 26, 31, 48, 57, 91, 161, 288, 805
- refugees and, 282
- Soviet blockade, possible, 48, 67, 174
- Soviet position, 67, 91, 721–722, 754
- Soviet separate treaty and, 65
- U.S.-Soviet discussions, 537–539
- Watson incident (Dec. 23, 1961), 704
- West Berliners, 342–343
- Western responses (see also air access crisis above; criterion for action under Contingency planning: force, use of), 437–438, 463, 467–468, 704, 727–728, 777
- Acheson, Dean, 58, 60, 138–140, 229–230, 245–246
- contingency planning, 46, 115, 156–159, 188, 258–259
- negotiation proposals, 40, 148–151, 162, 227–229, 245–259, 261, 490–492
- Achilles, Theodore C., 324n
- Adenauer, Konrad, 50–51, 758–759, 842
- Berlin Wall, 354–355, 591–592, 625
- contingency planning, 46–48, 51, 595n, 596n, 824–827, 830–831, 840–841 de Gaulle meeting, 637–639, 650, 659–660
- German Democratic Republic, recognition of, 629–630
- Kennedy, correspondence with, 223–224, 380, 389–391, 493–497, 527, 636–638, 641–642, 659–660
- Kennedy talks, 528, 532
- legal rights, 49–50, 608
- negotiation proposals, 593–594, 692–693, 810, 834, 840, 864
- U.N. headquarters/activities relocation proposal, 607–609
- U.S. visits, 21, 24, 45–51, 528, 532, 558–559, 562–563, 590–618, 620–634
- Adzhubei, Alexei I., 444–445, 634, 643, 681–682, 689, 780–784, 808, 821–822, 851
- Air access crisis. See under Access harassment.
- Akalovsky, Alexander, 87n, 96n, 468n, 780n
- All-Berlin proposal, 69–70
- Alphand, Herve, 13–16, 131, 366–368, 817–819
- Alsop, Joseph, 107, 331, 622
- Amory, Robert, 199
- Amrehn, Franz, 332–333
- Anderson, Adm. George W., 517
- Anderson, Robert B., 24
- Andronikov (USSR), 312, 807
- Armitage, John A., 71n
- Ausland, John C., 324n, 853n
- Austria, 321
- Bahr, Egon, 25, 668
- Ball, George W., 324n, 492–502, 596, 603, 789
- Behrendt (GDR), 2
- Beigel, Edgar J., 12
- Beitz (FRG), 11
- Belgium, 178, 434, 532
- Berlin (see also Access; Access
harassment; All-Berlin proposal;
[Page 871]
Berlin Wall; Contingency
planning; Free city proposals; German
Democratic Republic access control; negotiation
proposals; West Berlin):
- confederation proposal, 725–726, 745
- Kennedy-Adenauer correspondence, 380, 389–391, 527, 636–638, 641–642, 659–660
- Kennedy-Khrushchev (Pen Pal) correspondence, 444–455, 502–508, 567–580, 634–636, 643–646, 681–691, 819–822
- legal rights, 52, 113–114, 737
- NATO guarantee, 47–49
- Soviet policies toward, 6–7, 56–57, 75–77
- British position, 41, 816n
- French position, 12–13, 81, 650–651
- Khrushchev letter (Feb. 17, 1961), 10, 12–13, 18, 22–23, 64, 69, 127
- tripartite discussions, 808–810
- U.S.-Germany, Federal Republic of, discussions, 9–10, 26
- U.S. position, 129–130, 138–140, 173, 175, 192, 208, 237–238, 241–242, 245–246, 515–516, 705–706, 805–807
- U.S.-Soviet discussions, 387
- U.S.-British discussions, 41–44
- U.S.-French discussions, 80–86, 312–316
- U.S.-German Federal Republic discussions, 8–11, 513–514, 527–532, 668–672
- U.S.-Soviet discussions, 66–69, 202–207, 231–235
- U.S. policy toward, 69–70, 78–79, 514–516, 762,
- Clay appointment, 369, 380, 382, 391, 557, 649, 854–856
- communication to Soviet Union, 16–20
- Congressional meetings, 837–839
- Kennan criticisms, 435–437, 706–708, 728, 802–804, 865
- quadripartite discussions, 223–224
- State Department papers, 33–34, 207–210
- U.S.-French discussions, 12–16
- U.S.-Germany, Federal Republic of, discussions, 8–9, 22, 25, 29
- U.S. position, 174, 236–237, 246
- Berlin Airlift (1949), 85, 105
- Berlin Steering Group, 223, 259–260, 333–334, 347–349, 395–398
- Berlin Wall, 325
- British position, 338
- contingency planning, 379, 404–405, 443n
- economic aid to Berlin and, 733–734family visits, 671–672
- free city proposals and, 328
- Friedrichstrasse crisis and, 565, 583–584
- German Democratic Republic political situation and, 324, 437
- Germany, Federal Republic of, position, 326–328, 338, 530, 581
- negotiation proposals and, 331, 338, 342, 344, 711–712
- possibility of, 2–3, 32
- preparedness demonstration measures and, 338, 347–348
- refugees and, 32, 341–342, 464, 591–592, 625, 737, 753
- Soviet/German Democratic Republic motivations, 341–343, 364–365, 464–465, 591–592
- Soviet position, 581, 591, 721, 753
- U.N. appeal and, 347, 356
- U.S.-French discussions, 366–368
- U.S. position, 479, 737
- Western Ally restrictions, 364–366
- Western responses:
- Allied “patrols” increase, 336, 338, 361
- Commandant crossing, 365, 370–371
- Commandant protest, 327–329, 333–334
- cultural diplomatic measures, 329, 330n, 334, 340, 343, 358, 361, 789
- economic countermeasures, 330, 334, 337, 343, 358, 361
- force, use of, 370, 726–727, 761
- French position, 337–338, 361, 366
- Germany, Federal Republic of, military buildup, 338, 355
- Germany, Federal Republic of, position, 327–328, 329n, 332–334, 337–339, 345–346, 358, 374, 380–381, 625, 670
- Germany, Federal Republic of, public opinion, 333, 339–341, 349n, 350
- JCS position, 370–371
- Johnson visit to Berlin, 337, 348, 351, 354–358
- Leipzig Fair boycott. See cultural diplomatic measures above.negotiation proposals, 625, 670
- propaganda, 330, 332, 334
- publicity, 349
- quadripartite discussions, 329–330, 337–339, 361–362
- Soviet Union protest note, 327, 329, 333, 338, 341
- three-power status proposal, 346, 353
- travel ban, 329, 330n, 331, 334, 337–339, 343, 358, 361
- tripartite statement, 347–348, 361, 366
- U.N. appeal, 347, 356
- U.S. position, 510, 776–777
- West Berlin garrison reinforcements, 334, 336, 338, 344, 346–348, 350–353, 356–358
- Bernau, Phyllis D., 760n
- Bohlen, Charles E., 16n, 388n, 415n, 709n, 714n, 736n, 741n, 768n, 772n, 819n, 846n, 850n
- Adenauer visits to U.S., 596, 603, 620
- Berlin Wall, 464–465
- German Democratic Republic, recognition of, 767
- German unification, 44
- negotiation proposals, 87, 403, 405–408, 464–465, 695n, 697–698, 700
- Soviet forces in West Berlin, 724n
- Soviet political situation, 41–42
- U.S.-British discussions, 36, 41–42, 696, 701
- Western Foreign Ministers meetings, 281, 303, 405, 411, 415, 650, 661, 672
- Bolshakov, Georgi N., 544, 567n, 573n, 780
- Bolz-Zorin agreement, 417, 422, 793
- Border issues (see also German peace treaty; German unification):
- Bovey, John A., 318n
- Bowles, Chester, 5–6, 117–118, 411, 431–433, 435, 439–441, 551, 553–554
- Brandin, Robert M., 324n, 789n
- Brandt, Willy, 281–282, 307, 668–671, 730, 843
- Brentano, Heinrich von, 8–11, 46, 48, 64–65, 282, 493
- all-Berlin proposal, 295–296
- contingency planning, 48–49, 285–288, 299–303, 425–426
- German Democratic Republic access control, 290, 420
- German peace treaty, 9–10, 31–33, 48, 288–289
- German unification, 295
- inter-German relations, 290, 421–422
- negotiation proposals, 64, 295–296, 304–305, 414, 425–426
- West Berlin plebiscite proposals, 307–308
- Western Foreign Ministers meetings, 281–309, 411–427
- Brook, Sir Norman, 36, 41, 696, 701
- Brown, L. Dean, 366n
- Bruce, David K.E., 43–44, 59, 175, 460n, 514–516
- Bundy, McGeorge, 33n, 209n, 219n, 221–222, 227n, 268, 324n, 636n, 736n, 741n
- access harassment, 544n, 619, 704, 792, 813–814
- Adenauer visits to U.S., 603, 620
- all-Berlin proposal, 531
- Berlin Wall, 331, 333–334
- contingency planning, 62, 162–165, 176–177, 264, 462, 762
- German Democratic Republic access control, 262–263
- German peace treaty, 106
- Interdepartmental Coordinating Group on German and Berlin, 168, 227–230inter-German relations, 529–530
- negotiation proposals, 177, 217–218, 259, 330–331, 403, 588–589, 679, 696, 701–702
- propaganda, 259–260, 263
- U.S.-British discussions, 36, 41, 102n
- U.S.-German Federal Republic discussions, 527
- Vienna summit aide-memoire reply, 107–109
- Western Foreign Ministers meetings, 261–264
- Burdett, William C., 36n, 41n
- Burke, Adm. Arleigh A., 129–130, 161
- Cabell, Gen. Charles P., 395–396
- Caccia, Sir Harold, 36, 41, 102n, 111, 361–362, 405, 411, 415
- Canada, 179, 434
- Carstens, Karl, 599
- Cash, Frank E., Jr., 71n, 119n, 184–185, 281n, 337n, 439n, 456n, 497n, 661n
- Chayes, Abram J., 267, 694–695
- China, People’s Republic of, 16, 41, 78, 230
- Clarke, Bruce, 350, 370
- Clay, Gen. Lucius D., 448, 603, 640, 726n, 747
- access harassment, 437–438, 463, 467, 510–511
- appointment as Special Representative in Berlin, 369, 380, 382, 557, 649, 854–856
- Berlin visit, 348, 351, 354
- Berlin Wall, 443n, 498–502, 761, 776–777
- contingency planning, 484, 510–511, 585–587, 854
- negotiation proposals, 585–586, 864
- reports, 509–513, 775–779
- Cleveland, Harlan, 36, 393n
- Conference of Non-Aligned Countries (Belgrade), 266
- Congo crisis, 10, 12, 29, 31, 203
- Congress, U.S. (see also emergency planning under Contingency planning), 123, 146, 190, 837–839
- Contingency planning (see also German Democratic
Republic access control):
- air access, 37, 62, 290–291, 379–380, 384–385, 396, 456, 521, 811, 822–824
- airlift, 117, 163, 167, 292, 301–302
- Berlin Wall and, 379, 404–405, 443n
- British position, 14, 58, 152
- British/French participation, 128, 312–313, 323
- criterion for action, 58, 83, 658
- diplomatic measures, 104, 288
- economic countermeasures, 164, 217, 268,
289, 317, 522
- British position, 279, 287–288
- French position, 86, 287–288, 412
- Germany, Federal Republic of, position, 287–288, 381, 826
- Interdepartmental Coordinating Group on Germany and Berlin, discussions, 168, 187, 199–200, 214, 336
- NATO participation, 168, 187, 288, 412, 826
- NSC discussions, 192–193, 195, 197–198, 226
- U.S. position, 104, 145–147, 154, 217, 279, 283, 287–288, 321, 522, 561
- emergency planning, 162, 168, 184–185, 193–197, 209–212, 221
- failure possibilities, 156–159
- force, use of (see also
preparedness demonstration measures
- air access, 37, 62, 521
- Allied contributions, 198, 200–201, 215–216, 221, 226, 254–256, 322, 338, 456, 628–629
- British position, 100, 540
- criterion for action, 151–153, 174, 656, 658
- economic effects of, 221, 518, 549
- force levels, 63
- French position, 13, 174, 273–274
- Friedrichstrasse crisis, 498–502, 508–509, 540, 557–558
- general war (see also nuclear weapons below), 62, 83, 265, 414, 481–483, 523, 658
- Germany, Federal Republic of, participation, 132–135, 201, 285–286
- Germany, Federal Republic of, position, 265
- land probe, 155–156, 174, 200–201
- military planning (see also
preparedness demonstration measures
below; U.S. forces in Europe, expansion of below),
61–63, 85, 136–138, 186, 210–211, 395–398, 487–489
- British position, 653
- command, 300–301, 413, 510–511, 777–778, 818, 854–856
- French position, 300–301, 418
- Germany, Federal Republic of, participation, 300, 513n, 528
- Germany, Federal Republic of, position, 300–301, 559, 831–832
- Interdepartmental Coordinating Group on Germany and Berlin, discussions, 167, 188, 200, 335–336
- NATO participation, 308, 317, 322, 372, 412–413, 492–493
- negotiation proposals and, 418, 653
- NSAMs, 162–163, 198, 520–523, 559–560
- nuclear weapons, 145–146, 266, 321–322, 372, 517–518, 520–521, 523
- Western Defense Ministers meeting, 260, 265–266
- Western Foreign Ministers meeting discussions, 299–303, 412–413
- NATO role, 215, 300, 336, 399
- negotiation proposals and, 297, 396–397, 592, 656
- nuclear weapons (see also general
war above):alternatives to, 34, 371–372
- British position, 121, 300–301
- communication to Soviet Union, 140–141, 161, 283, 363, 485, 521, 528
- control of, 145, 163, 172, 301
- Germany, Federal Republic of, position, 52, 527–528, 595n, 596n
- JCS position, 62, 135–136
- negotiation proposals and, 297, 592, 656
- planning, 145–146, 266, 321–322, 372, 517–518, 520–521, 523
- possibility of, 158–159, 273–274, 319, 656
- U.S.-Soviet discussions, 203–204, 232–235
- U.S. position, 37, 47, 72, 79, 119–121, 141–142, 156, 170–172, 174, 286–287, 302, 516
- public opinion, 273–274
- Soviet capabilities, 399, 662, 809, 831
- Soviet response, 231–234
- special forces, 63
- U.N. appeal and, 396, 560
- U.S.-British discussions, 37
- U.S. forces in Europe, expansion of (see also military planning above), 138n, 163–164, 189, 220, 392, 398–399, 428–429, 561
- U.S. position, 46–47, 265, 585–587
- worldwide theater, 320–321
- French position, 14–15, 83, 658
- Friedrichstrasse crisis, 498–502, 508–509, 557–558, 619
- German Democratic Republic, possible uprising in, 379, 639, 647–648, 777, 853–854
- Germany, Federal Republic of, participation, 40, 46–49, 51–55, 63, 65, 124, 128, 132–135
- force, use of, 132–135, 201, 285–286, 300, 513n, 528
- Germany, Federal Republic of, position, 26, 134–135
- ICJ appeal:
- Interdepartmental Coordinating Group on Germany and Berlin, 119–124, 164–165, 167–169, 187–191, 227–230
- JCS discussion, 362–364
- Kissinger-Adenauer talks, 824–827, 830–831, 840–841
- NATO information, 49, 65, 222
- NATO participation (see also
preparedness demonstration measures
below), 38, 104, 176–177
- economic countermeasures, 168, 187, 288, 412, 826
- force, use of, 215, 300, 336, 399
- military planning, 308, 317, 322, 372, 412–413, 492–493
- NATO positions, 434–435
- preparedness demonstration measures, 284–285, 336, 338
- propaganda, 308, 310
- U.S.-British discussions, 115
- U.S.-Germany, Federal Republic of, discussions, 53–54
- naval countermeasures, 145, 163, 188, 216, 373, 412, 424–425, 561, 833
- neutral countries confidential meetings, 103–104
- Norstad meeting, 462
- phases of, 188–189, 198
- preparedness demonstration measures (see also military planning under force, use of above), 115–116, 120–121, 309
- publicity, 23, 159–160, 164, 309, 779
- stockpiling, 26, 101, 115, 412
- tripartite discussions, 127–128
- tripartite participation, 15, 38–40, 518–519
- U.N. appeal (see also ICJ appeal above; Negotiation proposals), 125–126, 133, 258–259, 267, 560, 702
- Uniting for Peace resolution, 702
- U.S.-British discussions, 36–40, 100–101
- U.S.-Germany, Federal Republic of, discussions, 46–48, 46–49, 51–55, 830–834
- U.S. position, 24, 34
- worldwide countermeasures, 15, 61, 63, 523
- Couve de Murville, Maurice, 65, 272, 276, 283, 307–308
- Cuba, 12, 68, 74, 76
- Currien, Giles, 405
- Czechoslovakia. See Border issues.
- Davis, Richard H., 12, 14, 16n, 124, 324n, 853n
- Day, Arthur R., 329n, 424n, 463n, 467n, 587n, 727n
- de Carbonnel, Charles, 269, 281, 291, 299, 303
- de Gaulle, Charles, 80–86, 312, 623–624
- Adenauer, meeting with, 637–639, 650, 659–660
- contingency planning, 85–86, 126, 166, 174
- German unification, 66, 231–232, 570
- Kennedy, correspondence with, 223–224, 368, 377–378, 493n, 525n, 716–719, 748–751
- negotiation proposals, 313–316, 368, 377–378, 481–482, 525–526, 549–550, 593–594, 621–622, 679–681, 700, 716–717, 748–750
- speech (Oct. 2, 1961), 481
- Dean, Sir Patrick, 36
- Decker, Maj. Gen. C.L., 517
- Defense, U.S. Department of, 188–189, 229, 508n, 853n
- Dillon, C. Douglas, 36, 161, 767
- Disarmament (see also European security arrangements), 31, 73–75, 496, 507
- Dixon, Sir Pierson, 672
- Dobrynin, Anatoly F., 87, 794–795
- Dowling, Walter C., 7n, 8, 78n, 191–192, 513–514, 760, 842, 864
- Adenauer visits to U.S., 46, 596, 603, 620
- air access crisis, 796–797, 828–829, 836, 856–858, 862–863
- Berlin Wall, 328, 341
- contingency planning, 104–105, 824–827, 840–841
- Friedrichstrasse crisis, 534n, 547n, 552n
- German Democratic Republic access control, 844–886, 862–863
- Kennedy-Adenauer correspondence, 497n, 641–642, 659–660
- negotiation proposals, 103, 692–693, 834, 840, 864
- Soviet memorandum (Dec. 27, 1961), 756–757
- Dulles, Allen W., 195, 333, 349, 462
- Dulles, John Foster, 47, 52, 59–60
- Ebert (E. Berlin Mayor), 28
- Eckhardt, Felix von, 603
- Eddleman, Gen. Clyde, 215
- Eisenhower, Dwight D., 349
- Ellis, Frank B., 196
- Erhard, Ludwig, 732–735
- Etzdorf, Hasso von, 8
- European integration, 175, 841
- European security arrangements:
- British position, 659
- French position, 483
- German arms limitations, 242, 393, 471–472, 474
- Germany, Federal Republic of, arms limitations:
- Germany, Federal Republic of, neutralization, 516, 658–659
- Germany, Federal Republic of, position, 27, 530, 613–614, 616, 625–629, 658, 833
- Germany, foreign forces in, reduction, 68, 473–474, 613–614, 627–629
- negotiation proposals and, 239, 251–253
- Rapacki Plan, 242, 474
- Soviet position, 56, 68, 242, 456–457, 459, 461, 471–474, 516
- U.S. position, 239, 294, 393, 459, 466, 496, 613, 616–617, 620–621, 625–626, 628–629
- Fanfani, Amintore, 279, 292, 446
- Farrell, Adm., 123–124
- Fessenden, Russell H., 159n, 431n, 439n, 456n, 492n
- Festing, Sir Francis, 269, 281, 291, 299–300, 303
- Finland, 554, 651
- Finletter, Thomas K., 178–179, 383, 433n, 435
- Fleiderer (FRG), 531
- Ford Foundation, 733
- Four-Power Working Group on Germany Including Berlin, 22–23, 132n, 259, 264–265, 267–268, 316–318, 405–408, 698n, 744
- Fowler, Henry H., 187, 190, 200, 267, 333, 336
- France (see also Contingency planning; France, French, tripartite, quadripartite, and Western subheadings under other subjects):
- Free city proposals (see also
U.N. guarantee/observer proposals), 41–42
- access and, 466–467
- Berlin Wall and, 328
- four-power forces proposals, 19, 472–473, 476, 479, 575–576
- French position, 12–13, 273
- German peace treaty and, 19, 572
- Germany, Federal Republic of, position, 117–118
- Mansfield speech, 117–118
- Soviet position, 19, 88, 206, 449, 461, 472, 568, 571–573, 657, 689, 723–724
- U.N. headquarters/activities relocation proposal, 393, 426, 451, 516, 607–609, 671
- U.S.-British discussions, 42–44
- U.S. position, 17, 67, 108, 151, 516, 731–732, 742, 769, 787
- Western version, 393, 423, 426
- Freeman, Orville L., 333
- Freshman, C. Arnold, 732n, 789n
- Friedrichstrasse crisis. See under Access harassment.
- Froment-Meurice, 291, 299, 303
- Frontier issues. See Border issues.
- Gaitskell, Hugh, 175
- Gavin, James M., 12, 312, 481–484, 525–526, 549–550
- German Democratic Republic access control (see also
Access harassment; Contingency
planning; German peace treaty: Soviet separate
treaty), 3–4
- agency principle, 51, 59–61, 289
- air access crisis and, 828, 862–863
- British position, 40, 152, 230, 273
- civilian vs. military traffic and, 174
- document stamping, 152, 229–230, 262–263, 266
- French position, 82, 273, 289
- German Democratic Republic, recognition of, and, 277
- Germany, Federal Republic of, position, 48, 51, 420–421
- inter-German relations and, 290, 601–602, 605–606
- international access supervision and, 774–775
- negotiation proposals and, 846
- peel-off procedure, 58–59, 105, 289
- refugees, 272
- Soviet intentions, 40, 48, 67, 93, 98, 242, 420
- Soviet position, 723, 738–739, 753–754, 773–775
- Soviet reverse agency proposal, 844–886
- U.N. guarantee/observer proposals and, 603, 606–607
- U.S.-German Democratic Republic discussion proposals, 230
- U.S. position, 83, 152–153, 320, 463, 485–486, 754
- German Democratic Republic (see also
European security arrangements; German Democratic
Republic subheadings under subjects; Inter-German
- economic situation, 2, 27–28
- political situation, 2, 191–192, 437, 612
- refugees (see also
Berlin Wall), 44, 75, 272
- access harassment and, 282
- Berlin Wall and, 32, 341–342, 464, 591–592, 625, 737, 753
- British position, 102
- German Democratic Republic political situation and, 2–3, 26–27, 191, 324
- Germany, Federal Republic of, policy toward, 282
- Soviet position, 242
- Steinstucken enclave, 442–443, 511, 555, 776
- U.S. position, 282, 364, 442–443
- Soviet Union, relations with (see also German Democratic Republic access control; German peace treaty), 26
- U.S. policy toward, 210
- Western recognition, 60, 274, 466, 515, 606–607, 629
- German peace treaty (see also
Border issues; Negotiation
- British position, 274
- free city proposals and, 19, 572
- French position, 82
- Germany, Federal Republic of, position, 31
- negotiation proposals and, 274, 276
- parallel treaties proposal, 244, 402–403, 448–449
- Soviet position, 18–20, 71, 87–88, 90–92, 203, 448–449, 469–471, 568, 571–572, 688
- Soviet separate treaty (see also German
Democratic Republic access control):
- British position, 43, 101–102
- French position, 314–315
- Germany, Federal Republic of, position, 32–33, 48, 50–51, 64, 288–289
- interim agreement and, 64, 244
- negotiation proposals and, 276, 314–315, 418
- Soviet intentions, 19, 55, 66–68, 88, 93–95, 98, 204, 206–207, 231–232, 859–860
- U.S. position, 66–67, 70, 72–73, 92, 94, 232, 798
- U.S. response, 50–51, 256–259
- U.S. position, 17, 91, 106, 240
- German unification (see also
Border issues; European
security arrangements; Germany, division of; Inter-German relations):
- all-German talks proposals, 64, 93, 363
- British position, 44, 280
- confederation, 175, 725
- French position, 15, 66, 231–232, 570, 749
- Germany, Federal Republic of, position, 28, 64, 295, 485, 490, 529, 611–612, 630
- inter-German relations and, 611–612
- negotiation proposals and, 485, 490, 529
- neutralization, 44, 749
- plebiscite proposals, 280, 294–295
- self-determination. See plebiscite proposals above.
- Soviet policy, 15, 28
- Soviet position, 18–19, 66, 88, 93, 231–232, 570, 725
- Soviet-Germany, Federal Republic of, relations and, 615
- U.S. position, 34, 72, 79, 107, 161, 174, 505, 515, 530
- Western orientation, 207–208
- Germany, division of (see also Berlin Wall; German Democratic Republic: Western recognition; German unification):
- Germany, Federal Republic of (see also Access;
Berlin; European security arrangements; Germany,
Federal Republic of, quadripartite, and Western subheadings under other
subjects; Inter-German relations):
- British forces in, 115
- economic situation, 21–23, 28
- Khrushchev letter (Feb. 17, 1961) reply, 64, 69, 127
- Kroll-Khrushchev meeting, 580–581, 589–591, 630, 635, 698
- military buildup (see also European security arrangements), 30, 74, 91, 204, 338, 355, 568
- NATO participation, 810
- neutralization. See under European security arrangements.
- Poland, relations with (see also Border issues), 10–11
- political situation, 30–31, 42, 99, 270, 295, 362, 530, 616
- Soviet memorandum (Dec. 27, 1961), 709, 733, 756–757
- tripartite troops reinforcement, 286
- United States, relations with, 21–25
- U.S. forces in (see also European security arrangements), 23, 28–29, 760
- West Berlin, relations with, 4, 604, 609, 739–740
- Gilpatric, Roswell L., 347, 395–396, 487, 513n, 517–518
- Glenn, Edmund S., 80n, 84n
- Gray, Maj. Gen. David, 188, 190, 201
- Greece, 179, 322
- Greenhill, Denis, 111
- Grewe, Wilhelm C., 5–6, 21–22, 127, 527–532
- Adenauer visits to U.S., 21, 24, 46, 596, 601–603, 620
- Berlin Wall, 337–339, 380–381
- Clay appointment, 382
- contingency planning, 51–55, 126, 132–135, 374–375, 527–528, 830–834, 831–832
- free city proposals, 117–118
- German Democratic Republic access control, 601–602
- German Democratic Republic political situation, 134–135
- inter-German relations, 529–530, 601–602
- negotiation proposals, 69, 375–376, 381–382
- neutralism, 382–383
- Soviet separate treaty, 22–23, 832–833
- Vienna summit aide-memoire reply, 132–133
- Western Foreign Ministers meetings, 411, 415, 650, 661, 672
- Gromyko, Andrei Andreivich (see also Rusk-Gromyko discussion (New York) and U.S. Ambassadorial probe under Negotiation proposals), 112
- Gruson, Sydney, 380, 382
- Guthrie, John C., 71n, 385n, 409n, 768n, 772n, 846n
- Hammarskjold, Dag, 203, 456, 671
- Hare, Raymond A., 321
- Harriman, W. Averell, 22, 29, 36, 175
- Hatcher, Andrew T., 118
- Hayter, Sir William, 139
- Heath, Sir Edward, 730–731
- Heusinger, Gen. Adolf, 617
- Hillenbrand, Martin J., 5n, 16n, 33n, 51n, 64n, 71n, 125n, 132n, 159n, 180n, 182n, 269n, 291n, 299n, 371n, 374n, 431n, 439n, 456n, 463n, 467n, 497n, 508n, 536n, 544n, 545n, 551n, 553n, 596n, 603n, 636n, 650n, 668n, 709n, 727n, 736n, 741n, 768n, 772n, 789n, 793n, 830n, 846n, 850n, 853n
- Adenauer visits to U.S., 620
- air access crisis, 792
- contingency planning, 57–61, 168, 187, 201, 487
- Four-Power Working Group on Germany Including Berlin, 267
- Friedrichstrasse crisis, 544n
- Interdepartmental Coordinating Group on German and Berlin, 168–169
- negotiation proposals, 123, 403, 767
- Vienna summit meeting, 103, 112
- Hodges, Luther H., 333, 789
- Holloway, Jerome K., Jr., 361n, 371n, 405n, 817n
- Home, Lord Frederick Douglas, 100, 421–422, 426, 659, 756
- border issues, 655, 697
- contingency planning, 115, 279, 287–288, 412
- force, use of, 38–39, 116, 283–284, 299–302, 300–301, 413
- preparedness demonstration measures, 285, 287, 305
- German Democratic Republic access control, 273, 420
- German Democratic Republic recognition, 274, 655
- negotiation proposals, 40, 42–43, 274, 297–298, 305,
653, 655
- Ambassadorial probe/consultations, 662–664, 666–667, 673, 675–676, 678
- Foreign Ministers meeting proposals, 270–271, 276–280, 294–295, 419, 654, 700
- Rusk-Gromyko discussion (New York), 298, 303–304, 306, 405–408, 417
- U.S.-British discussions, 696, 701
- U.S. ambassadorial probe, 698, 703
- Western agenda, 296–297, 419, 425, 696
- Soviet separate treaty, 64, 276
- U.N. discussion, possible, 271, 275
- U.S.-British discussions, 36, 38–41, 98–102
- Vienna summit aide-memoire reply, 98–99, 111–117
- Western Foreign Ministers meetings, 269
- Hood, Viscount Samuel, 58, 405, 808
- Humphrey, Hubert H., 118, 563
- Il’ichev, I. I., 709
- Imhof, Johannes V., 808n
- Indonesia, 397
- Inter-German relations (see also
German unification):
- discussion proposals, 206, 210, 290–291
- German Democratic Republic access control and, 290, 601–602, 605–606
- German Democratic Republic, recognition of and, 43, 810
- German unification and, 64, 93, 363, 611–612
- Germany, Federal Republic of, position, 290, 421–422, 490, 529–530, 556, 600–602, 702
- Germany, Federal Republic of-Soviet bilateral talks proposals, 795, 810
- mixed German Committee proposals, 239, 251–253, 421–422
- Soviet position, 206
- Interdepartmental Coordinating Group on Germany and Berlin (ICG), 119–124, 164–165, 167–169, 187–191, 199–202, 211, 214, 227–230, 335–337
- Interim agreement proposals (see also Negotiation proposals), 7, 27, 101, 149, 157–158, 243–245, 251, 665
- International Court of Justice (ICJ). See ICJ appeal under Contingency planning.
- Interzonal trade agreement, 2–3, 288, 329, 338, 599
- Italy, 178, 279, 292, 434, 446, 532
- Japan, 95
- Jessup-Malik agreement (1949), 599, 657
- Johnson, Lyndon B., 21, 24, 169, 199, 214n, 324n, 411
- Johnson, U. Alexis, 405
- Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS), 129–130, 370–371, 853n
- Jorden, William, 806
- Kaysen, Carl, 330n, 767, 768n, 772n
- Kefauver, Estes, 118
- Kennan, George F., 265, 331, 387, 435–437, 706–708, 728, 802–804, 865
- Kennedy, John F. (see also
Vienna summit meeting (U.S.-Soviet Union)), 10–11, 30, 49–50, 210, 514, 609
- access, 605, 747
- Adenauer, correspondence with, 223–224, 380, 389–391, 493–497, 527, 636–638, 641–642, 659–660
- Adenauer, talks with, 528, 532
- Adenauer visits to U.S., 21, 24, 46–51, 528, 532, 558–559, 590–595, 603–609, 614–618, 620–632
- Adzhubei interviews, 634, 643, 681–682, 689, 780–784, 821–822
- air access crisis, 792, 813–814
- Berlin visit proposal, 35
- Berlin Wall, 330, 332, 345–349, 348–349, 352–353, 380–381, 625
- border issues, 27, 623–624
- Brandt, correspondence with, 345–346, 352–353
- Brandt visit to U.S., 25–30
- Clay appointment, 380, 382, 557, 649
- Clay reports, 509
- Congressional leaders, correspondence with, 837–839
- Congressional meetings, 837–839
- contingency planning, 24,
222, 267, 379, 393, 462, 762
- airlift, 39, 86
- criterion for action, 484–485
- economic countermeasures, 192–193, 195, 381
- emergency planning, 195–196, 215–216, 221, 225–226, 392
- force, use of, 215–216, 518, 628–629
- German Democratic Republic political situation, 639, 647
- Germany, Federal Republic of, participation, 46–48
- naval countermeasures, 216, 831, 833
- stockpiling, 101
- U.N. appeal, 560
- U.S.-British discussions, 36, 38–39, 100–101
- U.S.-Germany, Federal Republic of, discussions, 830–834
- de Gaulle, correspondence with, 223–224, 368, 377–378, 493n, 525n, 716–719, 748–751
- European security arrangements, 496, 627
- Four-Power Working Group on Germany Including Berlin, 264–265
- Friedrichstrasse crisis, 498, 544, 551, 553, 619
- German Democratic Republic access control, 82, 229, 485–486
- German Democratic Republic, recognition of, 629–630
- German peace treaty, 9–10, 91–92, 94, 494–495
- German unification, 161, 530
- Germany, Federal Republic of:
- inter-German relations, 529–530, 606
- Khrushchev, correspondence with (Pen Pal), 444–455, 502–508, 567–580, 634–636, 643–646, 681–691, 819–822
- Macmillan, correspondence with, 223–224, 632–634, 637
- negotiation proposals, 42, 44, 216, 265, 368,
413, 415, 485, 587, 592–593, 700,
- Ambassadorial probe/consultations, 679–681
- Germany, Federal Republic of, participation, 701, 703–704
- Germany, Federal Republic of, position, 382, 588
- Gromyko visit to Washington, 466, 468–480
- Macmillan discussions, 696–704
- Rusk-Gromyko discussion (New York), 414, 429
- summit meeting proposals, 161–162
- timing, 330, 359
- U.S. Ambassadorial probe, 402–403, 698, 703, 759–760, 767
- Western agenda, 360, 403, 460, 593–594
- Norstad, correspondence with, 520–523
- press conference (June 28, 1961), 159
- Southeast Asia, 130n, 211–212
- Adzhubei interviews, 634, 643, 681–682, 689, 780–784, 821–822
- air access crisis, 792, 813–814
- Berlin visit proposal, 35
- Berlin Wall, 330, 332, 345–349, 348–349, 352–353, 380–381, 625
- border issues, 27, 623–624
- Brandt, correspondence with, 345–346, 352–353
- Brandt visit to U.S., 25–30
- Clay appointment, 380, 382, 557, 649
- Clay reports, 509
- Congressional leaders, correspondence with, 837–839
- Congressional meetings, 837–839
- contingency planning, 24, 38–39, 222, 267,
379, 393, 462, 762
- airlift, 39, 86
- criterion for action, 484–485
- economic countermeasures, 192–193, 195, 381
- emergency planning, 195–196, 215–216, 221, 225–226, 392
- force, use of, 215–216, 518, 628–629
- German Democratic Republic political situation, 639, 647
- Germany, Federal Republic of, participation, 46–48
- naval countermeasures, 216, 831, 833
- stockpiling, 101
- U.N. appeal, 560
- U.S.-British discussions, 36, 38–39, 100–101
- U.S.-Germany, Federal Republic of, discussions, 830–834
- de Gaulle, correspondence with, 223–224, 368, 377–378, 493n, 525n, 716–719, 748–751
- European security arrangements, 496, 627
- Four-Power Working Group on Germany Including Berlin, 264–265
- Friedrichstrasse crisis, 498, 544, 551, 553, 619
- German Democratic Republic access control, 82, 229, 485–486
- German Democratic Republic, recognition of, 629–630
- German peace treaty, 9–10, 91–92, 94, 494–495
- German unification, 161, 530
- Germany, Federal Republic of:
- inter-German relations, 529–530, 606
- Khrushchev, correspondence with (Pen Pal), 444–455, 502–508, 567–580, 634–636, 643–646, 681–691, 819–822
- Macmillan, correspondence with, 223–224, 632–634, 637
- negotiation proposals, 42, 44, 216, 265, 368,
413, 415, 485, 587, 592–593, 700,
- Ambassadorial probe/consultations, 679–681
- Germany, Federal Republic of, participation, 701, 703–704
- Germany, Federal Republic of, position, 382, 588
- Gromyko visit to Washington, 466, 468–480
- Macmillan discussions, 696–704
- Rusk-Gromyko discussion (New York), 414, 429
- summit meeting proposals, 161–162
- timing, 330, 359
- U.S. Ambassadorial probe, 402–403, 698, 703, 759–760, 767
- Western agenda, 360, 403, 460, 593–594
- Norstad, correspondence with, 520–523
- press conference (June 28, 1961), 159
- Southeast Asia, 130n, 211–212
- speech (July 25, 1961), 223, 227, 233–235, 275–276, 340, 445
- speech (U.N., Sept. 25, 1961), 441–442, 454, 493
- U.N. guarantee/observer proposals, 228
- U.S.-British discussions, 41–44
- U.S.-French discussions, 80–86
- U.S.-Germany, Federal Republic of, discussions, 8–11, 527–532
- U.S.-Germany, Federal Republic of, relations, 221
- Vienna summit aide-memoire, 98–102, 107, 165n
- West Berlin plebiscite proposals, 99, 161, 266
- Western Foreign Ministers meetings, 261, 309, 411–415
- Kennedy, Robert F., 544, 573, 763, 767, 808, 842–843
- Kharlamov, Mikhail A., 401–402, 444–445
- Khrushchev, Nikita S. (see also Soviet subheadings
under other subjects; Vienna summit meeting (U.S.-Soviet
Union)), 15, 66–69, 68,
292, 759, 810–811
- Adenauer, letter to (Feb. 17, 1961), 10, 12–13, 18, 22–23, 64, 69
- Fanfani talks, 279, 292, 446
- free city proposals, 449–450
- German peace treaty, 18–20, 87–88, 90–92, 231, 448–449
- interim agreement, 92–93, 95–98
- Kennedy, correspondence with (Pen Pal), 444–455, 502–508, 567–580, 634–636, 643–646, 681–691, 736–766, 819–822
- Kroll meeting, 580–581, 589–591, 630, 635, 698
- McCloy discussions, 231–235
- negotiation proposals, 56, 401–402
- Pen Pal correspondence. See Kennedy, correspondence with above.
- political situation, 16, 41–42, 69, 76
- speech (Dec. 9, 1961), 665, 673, 678, 692
- speech (Jan. 6, 1961), 4
- statement (Jan. 18, 1962), 763–766
- Killick, John E., 111, 269, 281, 303, 405, 661
- Kissinger, Henry A., 35, 107, 176, 588–589, 824–827, 830–831, 840–841
- Klein, David, 508n, 648n
- Klein, Gunther, 668
- Kohler, Foy D., 8n, 16n, 21n, 25n, 64n, 71n, 111n, 125n, 159n, 324n, 329n, 361n, 380n, 388n, 405n, 411n, 415n, 424n, 431n, 439n, 463n, 467n, 492n, 497n, 508n, 527n, 536n, 539n, 544n, 545n, 551n, 553n, 562n, 640n, 694n, 736n, 741n, 768n, 772n, 811n, 846n, 850n, 853n
- access, 134, 290–291, 600
- Adenauer visits to U.S., 46, 596, 603, 620
- air access crisis, 792, 812–813, 817–819
- Berlin Wall, 333–334, 338–339, 361, 366–368
- contingency planning, 57, 116, 119, 127–128, 133, 217, 228, 381, 462, 519
- departmental measures, 320
- free city proposals, 118n
- Friedrichstrasse crisis, 535, 544n, 554–555
- German Democratic Republic access control, 229
- German Democratic Republic, recognition of, 767
- Germany, Federal Republic of:
- Interdepartmental Coordinating Group on Germany and Berlin, 167
- negotiation proposals, 42, 44, 69, 362, 367, 403, 405–406, 468, 695n, 808
- Soviet separate treaty, 43, 420
- U.S.-British discussions, 36, 41
- U.S.-Germany, Federal Republic of, discussions, 668
- U.S. policy toward Berlin, 793–795
- Vienna summit meeting, 87, 103, 112–113, 127, 131–132
- Western Foreign Ministers meetings, 269, 281, 291, 299, 303, 405, 411, 415, 650, 661, 672
- Kozlov, Frol R., 394
- Krapf, Franz, 25, 596, 603, 620, 650, 661, 672
- Kroll, Hans, 55, 65–66, 69, 698, 703, 790, 841
- Kusterer (FRG), 661, 672
- Kuznetzov, V.V., 555
- Laloy, Jean, 126–127, 641
- Lampson, Edward T., 303
- Langer, Wolfram, 732, 734
- Laos, 10, 12, 31, 41, 48, 74, 76
- Latin America, 10, 31
- Lebel, Claude, 12, 84, 131, 808, 817
- Ledwidge, W.B.J., 650, 672
- Legere, Col. Lawrence J., 223n, 335–337, 583–584, 726–727, 747
- Lehmann, Glenn A., 159n
- Lejins, Nora, 8n, 45n, 46, 590n, 603n, 614n, 620n
- LeMay, Gen. Curtis, 215, 428, 517
- Lemmer, Ernst, 668
- Lemnitzer, Gen. Lyman L., 111, 194n, 362n, 369, 544n
- Lightner, Edwin A., Jr., 1–3, 75–76, 441–443, 865–867
- Lippmann, Walter, 107, 615
- Lucet, Charles, 269, 281, 291, 299, 303, 405, 415, 650, 661, 672
- Luxembourg, 179
- Lyon, Cecil B., 312n
- Macmillan, Harold, 38, 58, 60, 100, 699, 758
- Mali, 397n
- Mansfield, Mike, 29, 117–118, 448
- Matthews, H. Freeman, 321
- Mautner, Karl F., 167n, 214n
- McBride, Robert H., 12n
- McCloy, John J., 112, 114, 116, 231–235, 733
- McDermott, Edward A., 184–185
- McGhee, George C., 12, 15, 36, 112, 123, 236n, 261, 694–695n
- McNamara, Robert, 167, 215n, 221–222, 411, 767, 792
- Menshikov, Mikhail A., 5, 13, 16, 114, 202–207, 409–411, 468
- Millar, Sir Frederick Hoyer, 36, 39–41, 43, 102n
- Moffett, James D., 111n
- Murphy, Robert D., 349n
- Murrow, Edward R., 219–220, 310, 322–323, 339–341, 395, 397
- National Intelligence Estimates:
- National Security Council, 109–111, 160–162, 221–222
- Negotiation proposals (see also
Contingency planning; German peace treaty; Interim
agreement proposals; U.N. guarantee/observer proposals; Vienna summit meeting (U.S.-Soviet Union); specific topics):
- Adenauer-de Gaulle meeting, 637–639, 650, 659–660
- Adenauer-Khrushchev meeting proposals, 759
- air access and, 407
- airlift and, 101, 117
- Ambassadorial probe/consultations (see also U.S.-Soviet bilateral discussion proposals below), 296
- Berlin Wall and, 331, 338, 342, 344, 711–712
- British position, 99, 114, 274, 298, 305, 338, 532, 653–655
- British-Soviet talks proposals, 794–795
- Commission on Central European problems proposals, 238–239
- European security proposals, 239, 251–253
- Foreign Ministers meeting proposals, 238–239, 248–249, 251, 257, 261–262, 319, 419, 430–431, 700
- four-nation non-aggression agreement, 228–229
- French opposition, 313–316, 361–362, 366–367, 651–652, 654–655
- French position, 12–13, 272–273, 276, 296–298, 304, 413, 418
- Friedrichstrasse crisis and, 533–536, 541, 554, 585–586
- Germany, Federal Republic of, participation, 697–698, 701, 703–704
- Germany, Federal Republic of, position, 31, 295, 298, 376, 381–382, 529, 588–589, 593, 631, 654
- Germany, Federal Republic of-Soviet bilateral talks proposals, 10, 795, 810, 834, 840
- German peace treaty and, 274, 276
- German unification and, 485, 490, 529
- Interdepartmental Coordinating Group on Germany and Berlin discussions, 123
- Khrushchev statement (Jan. 18, 1962), 763–766
- military planning and, 418, 653
- NATO positions, 383, 531–532
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization and, 278, 283
- NSC discussions, 164
- peace conference, 117, 227, 263, 292, 296
- planning, 223, 236–241, 245–259
- preparedness demonstration measures and, 274–276, 293–294, 305, 413
- propaganda and, 382
- protracted talks proposals, 236–241
- public opinion, 367, 377
- publicity, 278, 280, 361–362, 376, 407
- quadripartite discussions, 64
- reciprocal declarations proposal (Solution C), 150–151, 157, 228, 240–241, 254, 257, 265
- refugees, 228
- Rusk-Gromyko discussion (New York), 388, 431–433, 439–441, 456–461
- Soviet agenda, 460–461, 464–467, 476–477, 487, 630, 657
- Soviet intentions, 56–57, 71–72
- Soviet position, 12–13, 232, 474–475
- Soviet separate treaty and, 276, 314–315, 418
- summit meeting proposals (see also Vienna summit meeting (U.S.- Soviet Union)), 12, 161–162, 794
- Thompson-Gromyko talks. See U.S. Ambassadorial probe below. timing, 246–247, 259, 270–271, 295, 304, 359
- trade agreements, 228
- tripartite discussions, 808–811
- U.N. discussion, possible, 174–175, 227, 258–259, 267, 271, 292–293, 295, 319
- U.S. Ambassadorial probe, 388–389, 394–395, 846
- British position, 699, 702–703, 767, 790–791
- French position, 280, 497–498, 525–526
- Germany, Federal Republic of, position, 832, 834, 840–841
- planning/instructions for, 709–715, 731–732, 736–745, 758–760, 768–775, 790–791, 807, 846–852
- Thompson-Gromyko meeting reports, 720–726, 751–755, 784–788, 797–800, 835, 859–862
- U.S.-British discussions, 730–731
- U.S. position, 228, 259, 293, 402–403, 694, 697, 706–708, 729, 802–804
- U.S.-British discussions, 40, 42–44, 562–564, 696–704
- U.S.-French discussions, 81, 549–550
- U.S.-German Federal Republic discussions, 402
- U.S. position, 32, 34, 69, 73–74, 79, 107, 114, 139, 148–151, 162, 175, 177, 217–218, 232, 435–437, 592–593
- U.S. public statement proposal, 393
- U.S. “quiet” approach, 250, 262, 264
- U.S.-Soviet bilateral discussion proposals (see also Rusk-Gromyko discussion (New York) and U.S. Ambassadorial probe above):
- use of force and, 297, 396–397, 414, 592, 656, 658, 661–662
- Vienna summit aide-memoire reply and, 99
- West Berlin morale and, 654–655
- Western agenda (see also
Western Foreign Ministers meetings;
specific issues and proposals), 280,
- Adenauer visit to U.S., 528, 532, 558–559, 562–563, 590–618, 620–634
- British position, 296–297, 425, 696
- French position, 270, 362, 417–418, 423–424
- Germany, Federal Republic of, position, 295–296, 375–376, 414, 423, 425–426, 490–492, 556, 593, 840
- Interdepartmental Coordinating Group on Germany and Berlin discussion, 228
- Norstad meeting, 462
- Rusk-Gromyko discussion (New York), 416, 419, 423–426, 429–431
- U.S. position, 271, 280, 294, 319–320, 360, 376, 403, 425, 460–461, 656–657
- Western Foreign Ministers meetings and, 593, 840
- Nehru, Jawaharlal, 419
- Netherlands, 22, 178, 285, 322, 434
- Neutral countries, 364, 397n, 452–453
- Neutralism, 380, 382–383
- Newsom, Edwin Earl, 334
- Nitze, Paul H., 169, 202n, 202–207, 492n,
551n, 760
- Adenauer visits to U.S., 596, 603, 620
- contingency planning, 124, 188–190, 217, 462
- Four-Power Working Group on Germany Including Berlin, 267
- Friedrichstrasse crisis, 544n
- German Democratic Republic access control, 229–230
- negotiation proposals, 405, 407
- Western Foreign Ministers meetings, 269, 291, 299, 411
- Norstad, Gen. Lauris, 29, 462, 557
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) (see also Allied contributions under Contingency planning: force, use of; NATO subheadings under other subjects):
- Norway, 532
- Oder-Neisse line. See Border issues.
- Ormsby Gore, Sir David, 102n, 810–811
- negotiation proposals, 562–564, 696–697, 701–702, 730, 794n, 808–811
- Osterheld (FRG), 842
- Owen, Henry, 106, 261, 403
- Paris treaties (1954), 25, 376, 515
- Parsons, J. Graham, 321
- Pelen, Pierre, 12, 808
- Pen Pal correspondence. See Kennedy-Khrushchev (Pen Pal) correspondence under Berlin.
- Percival, J. Graham, 672n
- Perkins, Milo, 211
- Poland (see also Border issues), 10–11, 612
- Propaganda, 32, 147–148, 164, 211, 226, 228, 247–248
- Radio Free Europe (RFE), 31
- Ramsbotham, Peter E., 36, 41
- Rapacki Plan, 242, 474
- Rau (GDR), 2
- Reynaud, Paul, 446
- Ritter (FRG), 281, 291, 299, 303
- Roberts, Sir Frank, 697, 790–791, 794
- Rostow, Walt W., 36, 130n, 404, 805
- Rumbold, Sir Anthony, 650, 661
- Rusk, Dean (see
Rusk-Gromyko discussion (New York) under Negotiation
proposals), 50, 64–65, 210, 274, 760, 768n, 772n, 775
- access, 117, 599–600, 640
- access harassment, 282–283, 463
- Adenauer visits to U.S., 46, 596–614, 620–632
- all-Berlin proposals, 117, 701–702
- Berlin Wall, 329–330, 332, 337–339, 361–362, 366–368, 761
- border issues, 11, 609–610, 622–623, 697
- Clay appointment as Special Representative, 649, 854–856
- Congressional meetings, 837–839
- contingency planning, 38–39, 127–128, 159–160, 176,
379, 462, 830
- airlift, 279, 372–373
- economic countermeasures, 192–193, 195, 279, 283, 287–288
- emergency planning, 193–194, 284
- force, use of, 133–135, 285–286, 662
- German Democratic Republic political situation, 647–648, 853–854
- Germany, Federal Republic of, participation, 51–55, 65, 133–135
- ICJ appeal, 125, 166
- naval countermeasures, 373, 424–425
- preparedness demonstration measures, 274–276, 284–287
- U.N. appeal, 133, 267
- disarmament, 810–811
- European Ambassadors meeting, 318–323
- Four-Power Working Group on Germany Including Berlin, 264–265
- Friedrichstrasse crisis, 535–536, 539–541, 544–547, 554, 562–564
- German Democratic Republic:
- inter-German relations, 601–602, 605–606, 702
- Interdepartmental Coordinating Group on German and Berlin, 167–168
- Kennedy-Adenauer correspondence, 636–638
- Kennedy-de Gaulle correspondence, 716–719
- Kennedy-Khrushchev (Pen Pal) correspondence, 634
- Khrushchev letter (Feb. 17, 1961), 12–13, 127
- negotiation proposals, 64, 114, 283,
292, 656
- Adenauer-de Gaulle meeting, 637–639
- Ambassadorial probe/consultations, 664, 666–667, 674–676, 678
- declaration proposal (Solution C), 228
- Foreign Ministers meeting proposals, 264–265, 271, 276–278, 293–294, 419
- French position, 313–316, 366–367, 484n
- Germany, Federal Republic of-Soviet bilateral talks proposals, 810
- Gromyko visit to Washington, 468
- Kennedy-de Gaulle correspondence, 716–717
- preparedness demonstration measures and, 274–276
- publicity, 280, 293, 313, 362
- Soviet agenda, 487, 657
- timing, 227–228, 259, 264–265, 270–271, 276–278, 293–294, 304–305, 359
- tripartite discussions, 808–811
- U.N. discussion, possible, 292–293, 298
- U.S.-British discussions, 562–564, 696–697, 701–703
- U.S.-Soviet bilateral discussion proposals, 264, 562–564, 587–588
- U.S. Ambassadorial probe, 388–389, 402, 703, 709–715, 730–731, 736–745, 759, 767, 846–852
- use of force and, 414, 661–662
- Western agenda, 280, 294, 297, 359, 375–376, 403, 416, 423–425, 464, 640–641, 656–657
- propaganda, 267
- refugees, 282, 324–325
- Southeast Asia, 212
- Soviet policies toward Berlin, 129, 192, 208, 805
- Soviet political situation, 728–729
- Soviet separate treaty, 14, 276, 420
- U.N. guarantee/observer proposals, 227–228, 603, 606–607
- U.N. headquarters/activities relocation proposal, 393, 426, 608, 671
- U.S.-British discussions, 36, 38–39, 41, 562–564, 696–697, 701–703, 730–731
- U.S.-French discussions, 12–16, 131, 312–316, 366–368
- U.S.-Germany, Federal Republic of, discussions, 8, 513, 668–672, 830–831
- U.S. policy toward Berlin, 16–18, 207–209, 224, 793
- U.S.-Soviet discussions, 385–386, 409–411, 545–547
- U.S. troop movements, 640, 648, 755–756
- Vienna summit aide-memoire reply, 108–109, 112–117, 125–127, 131–133, 160–161, 165–166, 180–183
- Vienna summit meeting, 87, 103
- West Berlin:
- Western Foreign Ministers meetings, 259, 309–311
- Western summit meeting proposals, 263
- Russell, Adm. J.S., 216
- Russell, John, 36, 41
- Salinger, Pierre, 8, 401–402
- Samuel, Ian, 696, 701
- Schelling, Thomas C., 170–172
- Scherpenberg, Hilger van, 8, 11
- Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr., 173–176
- Schnez, Maj. Gen., 281, 291, 299, 303, 596, 620
- Schnippenkoetter, Swidbert, 5, 596, 603, 620, 830
- Schorr, Daniel, 670
- Schroeder, Gerhard, 654, 658, 665–666, 676–678
- Semenov (USSR), 468
- Seydoux, Francois, 328
- Shuckburgh, Sir Evelyn, 111, 114, 127, 696–698, 701
- Smirnov, Andrei A., 10, 591, 631
- Smirnovsky, Mikhail N., 385–386, 409
- Smith, Gerard C., 248
- Sokolov, Oleg M., 385
- Solovyev, Col. A. I., 525n, 537–539, 727n
- Sorensen, Theodore C., 102n, 165–166, 217, 403
- Southeast Asia, 129–130, 211–212
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO), 48
- Soviet Union (see also Free city proposals; Negotiation proposals; Soviet subheadings under other subjects):
- Spaak, Paul-Henri, 446, 471, 595
- Steel, Christopher, 822n, 836
- Steeves, John M., 36, 41
- Stevenson, Adlai E., 36, 39, 175, 393
- Stikker, Dirk U., 178–179, 434, 548
- Stockwell (Deputy SACEUR), 746, 755
- Stoessel, Walter J., Jr., 16n, 557n, 746, 755
- Stoph, Adolph, 2
- Strauss, Franz Josef, 265, 611, 613–614, 628–629
- Sukarno, 397
- Sukhodrev (USSR), 87, 96, 468
- Sullivan, Charles A., 169
- Sulzberger, Cyrus L., 401–402
- Summit meeting proposals. See Negotiation proposals; Vienna summit meeting (U.S.-Soviet Union).
- Sweden, 321
- Sweeney, Joseph, 562n
- Swihart, James W., 36
- Switzerland, 321
- Taylor, Maxwell D., 223, 583, 747
- Thompson, Llewellyn E. (see also
U.S. Ambassadorial probe and Ambassadorial
probe/consultations under Negotiation proposals), 18–19, 87, 122–123, 400–401, 634–636
- all-Berlin proposal, 241, 243
- confederation proposal, 725–726
- Friedrichstrasse crisis, 541–543, 564, 581–583
- German peace treaty, 30–33, 31, 66–68
- negotiation proposals, 69, 123, 243–245, 394–395, 556, 705
- Soviet policies toward Berlin, 6–7, 77, 139, 241–242
- U.S. policy toward Berlin, 69–70, 77–78
- U.S.-Soviet discussions, 66–69, 231–235
- Thomson, John A., 36, 58, 111, 808
- Thurston, Raymond L., 337n
- Topping, John L., 187n, 199n
- Trivers, Howard, 746, 761
- Tubby, Roger, 118, 159n
- Turkey, 179, 182–183, 321–322, 434
- Tyler, William R., 131n, 324n, 641, 679n, 696, 701n, 808
- U-2 incident, 18, 68, 93, 292
- Ulbricht, Walter, 1–2, 292n
- U.N. guarantee/observer proposals:
- Underdeveloped countries, Germany, Federal Republic of, aid to, 23, 28–29
- United Kingdom (see also Contingency planning; British, United Kingdom, tripartite, quadripartite, and Western subheadings under other subjects), 28
- United Nations (see also U.N. guarantee/observer proposals):
- U.S. change of administration, 5–6, 22
- U.S. Information Agency (USIA), 260, 263
- U.S.-Soviet bilateral discussions. See Negotiation proposals; Vienna summit meeting (U.S.-Soviet Union).
- Vienna summit meeting (U.S.-Soviet Union), 31–32, 70–79, 87–98, 103, 109–111
- Vigderman, Alfred G., 117n
- Vine, Richard D., 730n
- Von Brentano, Heinrich. See Brentano, Heinrich von.
- Watson, Maj. Gen. Albert, II, 525n, 537–539, 558, 704, 746
- Weber, Heinz, 8, 46, 281, 590, 603, 614, 620
- West Berlin:
- Western European Union (WEU), 278, 285, 626
- Western Foreign Ministers meetings, 64–65, 269–309
- British position, 297
- French position, 296
- Germany, Federal Republic of, participation, 269–270
- Germany, Federal Republic of, position, 593
- publicity, 308–311
- quadripartite meetings, 281–309, 411–424, 650–659, 661–667, 672–678
- tripartite meetings, 269–280, 405–408
- U.S. position, 259, 297
- U.S. preparations, 261–264
- Western Four-Power Working Group. See Four-Power Working Group on Germany Including Berlin.
- Western summit meeting proposals, 259, 262–263, 267, 483
- Wheeler, Gen. Earle G., 812
- Williams, G. Mennen, 36
- Wilson, Donald E., 260, 339
- Winckler, Jean-Claude, 12, 15, 131, 366, 368n, 808, 817
- Wolf (FRG), 845
- Wright, J.O., 111
- Zorin-Bolz agreement. See Bolz-Zorin agreement.
- Zulueta, Philip de, 36, 41, 98