Foreign Relations of the United States, 1961–1963, Volume XIV, Berlin Crisis, 1961–1962

Foreign Relations of the United States, 1961–1963, Volume XIV, Berlin Crisis, 1961–1962
- Charles S. Sampson
General Editor:
- Glenn W. LaFantasie
United States Government Printing Office
- Preface
- List of Sources
- List of Abbreviations
- List of Persons
- Berlin Crisis, 1961-1962 (Documents 1–317)
- January-May 1961: Consideration of the Question of Germany and
Berlin (Documents 1–31)
- June-July 1961: The Summit Conference at Vienna June 3-4; NSAM No. 58; the
Western Reply to the June 4 Soviet Aide-Memoire (Documents 32–73)
- July-August 1961: NSAM No. 62; the Second Acheson Report on Berlin;
Meeting of the Four Western Foreign Ministers at Paris (Documents 74–103)
- August-September 1961: The Division of Berlin; the Brandt-Kennedy Correspondence; Vice
President Johnson’s Trip
to Berlin; General Clay’s
Appointment as Special Representative to Berlin; NSAMs No. 92 and 94;
Meeting of the Four Western Foreign Ministers at Washington (Documents 104–153)
- September-October 1961: Conversations With Foreign Minister Gromyko; Beginning of the Pal
Correspondence (Documents 154–170)
- October-November 1961: The Crisis at the Friedrichstrasse Crossing (Documents 171–204)
- November-December 1961: Discussions Among the Four Western Allies on
Negotiations With the Soviet Union (Documents 205–241)
- December 1961-January 1962: First Meetings Between Ambassador Thompson and Foreign Minister Gromyko (Documents 242–280)
- February-March 1962: Final Meetings Between Ambassador Thompson and Foreign Minister Gromyko; Beginning of the Crisis Over Air
Access to Berlin (Documents 281–317)
- January-May 1961: Consideration of the Question of Germany and
Berlin (Documents 1–31)
- Index