324. Airgram From the Department of State to the Consulate General in Ciudad Trujillo1


Following are instructions for McGhee’s oral use in discussions with President Balaguer and General Trujillo2 and for Hill’s guidance in follow-up.

Political and economic matters (other than property) should be negotiated with Balaguer, but they should be given Ramfis as part plan and commitment to support them should be obtained from him. Actual negotiations with Ramfis should be limited to questions concerning Trujillo family, property, armed forces and internal security.
As introduction to specific program described para 4, you should outline basic considerations governing US policy toward present Dominican situation as follows. These essentially same points contained in talking paper for New York meeting with Balaguer. You may draw on them in discussions as you see fit.
US objective with respect Dominican Republic is its early reincorporation in inter-American system with a democratic government and free from any threat Castro-communism. US regards this as essential to security and peace in Caribbean during period increased world tension.
US has noted efforts made last four months by Balaguer, with support Ramfis, to initiate program to effect difficult transition to democracy but progress in some respects has been distressingly slow. US has also noted measures to realign foreign policy of GODR in manner friendly to the other American republics, including US; to cooperate with OAS Special Committee, to align DR with Free World against world communism; and to cooperate with US and US officials.
US seeks no economic, commercial or political advantage and looks to Dominican people to settle own internal affairs, but US is prepared assist in any way helpful successful completion democratization program.
US would like a situation to develop which would make it possible for sanctions to be lifted and diplomatic relations restored by end 1961. However, in view hemisphere and US opinion, as well as internal [Page 675] situation in DR, US cannot support these steps until and unless there is visible progress on following critical points:
Deconcentration of political, economic, and military power Trujillo family, including especially early departure Arismendi and Hector Trujillo, removal other members of family from positions of government, and departure further members family.
Arrangements for benefit Dominican people, through foundations or other instrumentality not controlled by Trujillos, which would end domination Dominican economy by Trujillo family and would assure that Trujillo family did not profit from resumption relations and lifting sanctions. You should point out US Dept. Agriculture apportions sugar quota for first quarter 1962 by end first week December.
Cessation extra-legal repressive measures and further visible progress towards observance human rights.
Arrangement of modus vivendi, preferably through genuine coalition with moderate non-Communist opposition. This, in our view, will require President Balaguer stand above party politics and not be candidate.
Effective action by GODR to prevent political activity by any totalitarian elements including Communist, pro-Communist, or pro-Castro. This especially involves carrying out President’s July 8 statement to Hill that leaders MPD would be deported.
You may recall to Ramfis discussions which Hill has had with him in recent weeks on plan intended to meet requirements of situation as USG views it. You should refer specifically to Hill’s conversations with him of September 10 and 11 (which were based on Deptels 284 and 306)3 and tell him your purpose is to carry forward these conversations by further defining plan, which, you may emphasize, has been approved at highest level USG. (To Balaguer you may cite Hill’s conversation with him Sept. 9.) You should state USG believes it urgent there be dramatic further public evidence of progress in implementation plan outlined by Hill and will probably find it necessary issue statement clarifying basic considerations governing United States policy. Statement will probably be made not later than October 25 in order prepare ground for announcing US position on steps it may support on basis OAS Sub-committee report expected late October. Since statement must touch on key question US attitude on progress made toward breaking up concentration political, economic, and military power characteristic of previous regime, it is to interest all concerned that visible progress be made along these lines and other aspects of plan in next two weeks. You should tell Ramfis and Balaguer that Hill will be pursuing matter with them after your departure.

[Page 676]

[Here follow a detailed description of proposals to be made to the Balaguer government and the timetable for their implementation.]

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 739.00/10-1361. Secret; Limit Distribution. Drafted by Hill, Martin, Crimmins; cleared by Coerr, Martin, Hill, McGhee, ARA/RPA, ARA/REA, S/S; and approved by Ball.
  2. Accounts of McGhee’s meetings with Balaguer and Ramfis Trujillo are ibid., 739.00/10-261 through 739.00/11-1661.
  3. Neither printed. (Department of State, Central Files, 739.00/9-161 and 739.00/9-661)