316. Memorandum From Secretary of State Rusk to President Kennedy1


  • Dominican Republic

There is enclosed for your review and approval a suggested telegram confirming the oral instructions which you gave on July 182 to John Hill, our Consul in the Dominican Republic.

Dean Rusk3



For Hill

Confirming President’s oral instructions to you July 18, you should convey following President Balaguer upon your return:

During consultation Washington, you were asked to meeting with President attended by Assistant Secretary Woodward, Robert Murphy and others having interest in or responsibility for relations with DR.

President expressed himself as encouraged by measures President Balaguer had taken towards establishment representative democracy DR and orderly exercise political rights by all non-Communist elements. He asked you convey this President Balaguer.

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President also directed Department issue appropriate statement reflecting USG encouragement at steps thus far taken in hopes this would be useful President Balaguer (FYI. This to be used on confirmation statement issued. End FYI.)

President thought it of utmost importance transition towards exercise democratic rights continue and orderly democratic life be established for all who willing act within responsibilities Constitutional democracy.

President questioned you closely about progress anti-Communist law in Dominican Congress, measures taken exclude return Communism and Castroist exiles, and other actions taken prevent infiltration and agitation by Communist/Castroist elements. He noted with particular satisfaction President Balaguer’s stated determination prevent pro-Communist and pro-Castro activities, pointing out danger DR, US and Hemisphere if Castroists should establish themselves in DR.

President emphasized that development of solidly based representative democracy provides only alternative to either repression, which would eventually bring on revolt, or uncontrollable disorder and violence which would open way for exploitation by Castro/Communist elements. President wished President Balaguer well in this enterprise and is personally following situation closely.

FYI. You are also reminded that the President instructed you to inform democratic opposition of substance your conversation with President Balaguer explaining this move intended further to encourage President Balaguer on road to representative democracy and increase guarantees for democratic political groups. End FYI.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.39/7-1961. Secret. Drafted by Vallon. A marginal notation indicates that Goodwin approved the telegram’s content and that it was sent on July 21 as telegram 94. (Ibid., 611.39/7-2161)
  2. Consul General Hill met with President Kennedy on July 18 from 6 to 6:30 p.m. according to the President’s Appointment Book. (Kennedy Library) Also in attendance were Assistant Secretary of State Woodward, Deputy Assistant Secretary Arturo Morales-Carrion, Robert Murphy, Richard Goodwin, and Edward Jamison. No record of the meeting was kept. Hill conveyed the President’s message to Balaguer in a meeting on July 23. (Telegram 159 from Ciudad Trujillo, July 22; Department of State, Central Files, 611.39/7-2261)
  3. Printed from a copy that indicates Rusk signed the original.