161. Circular Telegram From the Department of State to Certain Posts in the American Republics1

1572. President plans make following points re Cuban problem CA and Panamanian Presidents Meeting March 19. Although only restatement present policy in view likelihood leaks you requested convey orally and confidentially to FonOff no earlier than March 18.

Cuba not merely Caribbean or hemispheric problem: Soviet involvement makes it complex and delicate East-West problem;
We do not favor initiating military action at present; however we fully support our hemispheric treaties and obligations and no commitments have been made inhibiting our ability do so including taking military action against Cuba if necessary;
Cuban economy in poor condition, economic measures by free world nations having their effect;
Cuba’s political isolation increasingly uncomfortable for Castro regime;
US has told USSR we not satisfied with rate of withdrawal troops; we will not countenance military action by Soviet troops in Cuba against Cubans.
Our best courses action at present are:
Assure offensive weapons not reintroduced into Cuba;
Bring about removal remaining Soviet military personnel;
Prevent Cuba from taking any aggressive military action against other Caribbean states;
Reduce its capabilities to direct and support subversion and insurrection within other hemisphere states;
Intensify resistance to and counter attacks of Castro propaganda throughout LA;
Increase IA cooperation within OAS, continuing to work through collective action;
Increase isolation of Castro regime from political life of hemisphere;
Maximize cost to Soviet Bloc and ChiComs of supporting Castro regime;
Reduction in movement of nationals LA countries to Cuba for training in subversion, terrorism, guerrilla warfare, and control those returned from Cuba.
Isthmian countries and US can accomplish something together on these courses, especially last one.
(We support in discussion program for reducing movement of Communist subversives between Cuba and CA Isthmus along general lines SCCS report.)2
  1. Source: Department of State, Conference Files: Lot 66 D 110, CF 2229. Confidential. Drafted by Allen and approved by John M. Cates. Sent to Bogot#, Buenos Aires, Caracas, Kingston, La Paz, Montevideo, Port-au-Prince, Port of Spain, Rio de Janeiro, Santiago, and Santo Domingo.
  2. See footnote 2, Document 162.