45. Editorial Note

In telegram 305 from Moscow, July 28, 1961, the Embassy reported that the new Soviet draft statement of principles (see footnote 3, Document 44) “substantially improves Sov position and undercuts our argument that Sovs have blocked way to multilateral negotiations by refusal to discuss principles.” The Embassy suggested three alternatives: submit a minimum number of amendments, which, if accepted, would make the draft a basis on which the United States would be prepared to resume multilateral negotiations; propose a recess, with resumption of negotiations in New York in a week to 10 days; or recapitulate major differences without offering amendments and propose moving directly to multilateral negotiations. The Embassy recommended the first alternative: “Consider it unlikely this would lead to agreement but likely to lead to alternative [three] on most favorable basis.” Telegram 308 from Moscow, July 28, reported McCloy’s agreement with this tactic. (Both in Department of State, Central Files, 600.0012/7-2861)

Telegram 295 to Moscow, July 28, marked “For McCloy from the Secretary,” replied that Rusk had personally considered the three alternatives and chosen the first on several grounds: there was urgent need for McCloy to report to the President on his talks with Khrushchev; since further efforts to reach an agreement on principles were likely to be unsuccessful, it would be unfortunate to terminate them in McCloy’s absence; a break in the negotiations would make possible full allied consultations on the matter; and discussions in New York, “looking toward [Page 114] followup action in the United Nations,” would be preferable to further open-ended talks in Moscow. Rusk’s “present thinking was that in the absence of agreement on forum and principles we should move to substantive discussion of our specific plan in the UNDC around August 29.” (Ibid.) In telegram 333 from Moscow, July 29, the Embassy reported that McCloy had informed Zorin of the U.S. request for a recess. (Ibid., 600.0012/7-2961) All these documents are in the Supplement.