- Aardvark shot, 490
- Accidental warfare:
- Adenauer, Konrad:
- Ad Hoc Panel on Nuclear Testing. See Panofsky Panel Report.
- Ad Hoc Panel on the Technical Capabilities and Implications of the Geneva System. See Fisk Panel Report.
- Africa (see also specific countries), 451, 593, 781, 808, 889
- Agricultural sector, 800
- AICBM. See Air-launched intercontinental ballistic missiles.
- Aircraft:
- Air forces (see also Missiles; United States Air Force):
- Air Force Technical Application Center:
- Air-launched intercontinental ballistic missiles (AICBM), 31, 62–65, 71, 117, 118, 129, 145, 177, 179, 188, 189–191, 250–251, 261, 286, 321, 742
- Brown on, 129, 261, 265, 269, 270
- China, 320
- Committee of Principals, 145, 147
- Eighteen-Nation Disarmament Committee on, 408, 410
- Gilpatric on, 313, 314
- Inspection Study Group, conclusions, 526
- JCS memo, 684, 890
- Kaysen on, 299, 300–302
- McNamara on, 117, 118
- McNaughton on, 292
- Nike-Zeus missiles, 40, 64, 65, 108, 122, 129, 153, 216, 269, 300–301, 333
- NSC on, 217–218, 246
- Taylor on, 134
- Akalovsky, Alexander, 28n, 380, 493, 572, 589, 855n, 856, 894
- Albert, Carl, 92
- Alphand, Herve, 593, 641n, 650–652, 711n, 791–794
- Alsop, Joseph, 763
- American University, Kennedy speech, 709–714, 727, 737, 801
- Anderson, Clinton, 356, 822
- Anderson, Adm. George W., Jr., 724n, 783
- Antarctic Treaty, 483
- Anti-ballistic missiles, 40, 48, 73, 134, 179, 189, 199, 201, 215, 333, 336–337, 605, 654, 865
- Arends, Leslie H., 92
- Argentina, 249, 403
- Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, 344
- atmospheric testing, 220, 334, 478, 500
- B-52-deliverable bomb development, 794–795
- China, 425, 427
- CIA on treaty proposal, 431, 653–654
- Committee of Principals, 345–347, 351, 418–421, 603, 611, 679–681, 692
- Eighteen-Nation Disarmament Committee, 340–343, 360–361, 369, 422–425, 461–468, 499–509, 603n, 648–650, 879, 900–901
- Foster on treaty proposals, 417–425, 426–438, 461–468, 507–509, 603–604, 653–654, 679, 682, 719–724, 772, 774, 775
- GCD treaty proposal, 417–425, 426–438, 500–506, 508, 603–604, 772–776, 904
- AEC position, 433, 434
- conventional weapons, 466–468, 773, 776, 904
- Defense Department, 423, 424, 427, 428, 433, 434–437, 721
- delivery vehicles, reduction plan, 346–347
- Fisher on, 418–419, 432, 467, 500
- German position, 904–905
- Kaysen on, 425, 429, 430, 434–436, 437, 724
- military personal reductions, 427, 464–467, 506–507
- missile reduction provisions, 345–351, 406–411, 430–432, 434–436, 465, 603–604, 772–776
- Rusk on, 422, 423, 428–433, 436–437, 500–506, 603, 679–682, 904–905
- Wiesner on, 420–424, 429–431, 500, 774
- German position on treaty proposal, 904–905
- Gilpatric on treaty proposal, 423, 424, 428–432, 437
- inspection issues, 370, 417–418, 421, 427, 488, 500, 648–649, 772–773, 775
- JCS on treaty proposal, 422–424, 426–427, 431, 434, 437, 720–724
- Kennedy on treaty proposal, 422, 423, 434–436, 437, 507–509, 518–519, 522, 648, 692, 734–735
- Lemnitzer on treaty proposal, 426–427, 431, 432, 437
- McNamara on treaty proposal, 426–427, 462–467, 679, 681–682
- non-diffusion negotiations, 570n, 571
- North Atlantic Council on treaty proposal, 423
- orbiting nuclear weapons, 893
- outer space, 564
- seismic sensing, 489–490, 514–516, 539, 649
- Stennis Committee, 680
- test ban proposals, 362, 500, 648–650, 653–654, 692, 779–785
- UK seismic detection cooperation, 399–401, 476–477
- US/UK bilateral discussions, 476–484
- Artsimovich, L., 657
- Asia (see also specific countries), 4
- ASROC warhead, 313–314
- Atlas program, 195, 196, 264, 267, 339, 439, 440, 505
- Atmospheric testing (see also
Christmas Island; Johnston
Island; Limited Test Ban Treaty
negotiations), 5, 93–94, 136, 198, 201, 257–258,
331, 519
- ACDA on, 220, 334, 478, 500
- AEC on, 190, 197, 198, 210–214, 223, 251–252, 260, 270–271, 283, 307, 314–315, 321, 328, 334, 440, 441, 566, 599–600
- AICBMs, 31, 62–65, 71, 177, 179, 188, 189–191, 250–251, 286
- Atomic Energy Detection System, 883–885
- balloon tests, 210–212, 214, 321
- ban proposals:
- Bundy on US/UK joint atmospheric test ban proposal, 208n, 209–210
- Committee of Principal on, 500, 501–505, 507–509, 510, 720–721
- conventional weapons and, 299
- Dean on, 522, 530
- Foster memo to Kennedy, 518
- France, 782
- JCS on, 802
- Kennedy/Khrushchev letters, 568–569, 576, 577, 585–586
- Kennedy/Macmillan letter, 537
- Khrushchev speech, 762
- Limited Test Ban Treaty negotiations, 731, 782, 784, 786, 799, 800, 803, 807, 810–811, 819–823, 885–886
- McCloy on, 94n, 158–160
- military force levels and, 299
- non-aligned countries, 159
- Rusk on, 93–94, 158–160, 238, 252, 510, 532, 710–714
- UN position, 193, 200–204, 212, 220, 285, 294, 317–319, 322, 336, 483, 572–575, 596
- US/UK joint proposals, 159, 160, 208–210, 223–224, 255–258, 289, 294, 298, 471–473, 478–480, 527n, 538, 559–562, 656
- Berlin crisis and, 200
- bombers and, 265–266
- Brown on, 61, 159, 161–162, 219–220, 260–271, 275, 279, 287, 310, 337, 599, 600
- Bundy on, 188–191, 215n, 226–227, 251–253, 286–287, 306, 326–327, 439–442, 470n
- Canadian position, 200, 203, 210
- China, 320, 884
- Committee of Principals on, 141–142, 197–202, 213, 501–504, 507–508
- cost of, 293, 299, 902
- detection of, 142, 257, 268, 369, 477–478
- Defense Department studies, 188–191, 189, 197, 211, 223, 241, 248, 260, 269, 283, 306, 321, 440, 442, 566–567
- Dominic tests, 441–442, 549–550, 566–568
- Eighteen-Nation Disarmament Committee on, 317–319, 326, 500, 501–505, 507–509, 510, 518, 522, 530, 550–551
- Eniwetok Proving Grounds, 182, 191, 206–207, 211, 212, 245
- France, 782
- Geneva test discontinuance talks, 13, 93–94, 97, 159, 289, 301, 510, 532
- Gilpatric on, 159, 161, 189n, 197n, 198, 215n, 226, 283, 310, 312–316, 333, 599, 711, 902–903
- high altitude, 261, 274, 313, 442, 470, 566, 567, 883–884, 903
- interagency panel on results, 599–600
- JCS position, 55, 183n, 211, 215, 315, 327, 328, 333–334, 720–721, 802, 865
- Kaysen on, 287–288, 297–303, 306, 599, 600, 710–711, 734n
- Kennedy (see also
Kennedy/Macmillan subheadings below), 250–251, 258, 290,
- AEC report, 210–214, 323–324
- American University speech, 709–714, 727, 737, 801
- ban proposals, 93n, 158–162, 258, 291–295, 297–306, 310, 450–452, 568–569, 575–579, 585–586, 710–712
- Geneva test discontinuance talks, 93n
- interagency panel on results, 600
- national address on, 355–357
- Ormsby Gore conversation, 325–326
- public announcement, 283–285, 288–289
- research report, 178, 182, 183, 753
- Kennedy/Macmillan joint letters to Khrushchev, 665–667, 674–676, 685–686, 707–710
- Kennedy/Macmillan letters exchanged, 131, 164n, 223–224, 272–281, 281, 295–297, 304–305, 316, 337–339, 414–417, 535–537, 565, 655–661, 756
- Kennedy/Macmillan talks, 447–449, 752–758
- Khrushchev on, 111, 159–160, 286–287, 731, 783, 819–820
- low-yield, 736–738
- Macmillan on (see also Kennedy/Macmillan subheadings above), 160, 208–210, 223–224, 258, 289, 304–305, 471–472, 560–562, 565
- McNamara on, 123, 124, 183n, 197–200, 201, 214–216, 252, 315, 329, 332–333, 439, 504–505, 566–567, 599–601
- McNaughton on test ban, 291–295
- media coverage, 736–738
- Nevada tests, 220, 222, 245, 252, 259, 260, 263, 313, 321, 440, 441, 442, 470
- NSC on, 136, 217–222, 226–227, 239, 241–248, 252–253, 328–337, 439–442
- public opinion, 190, 191, 207, 320–321, 334, 440, 442, 450
- radiation effects, 124, 126–127, 160, 183, 190, 226, 245, 282–283, 320–321, 439, 736
- resumption of testing, 250–251, 290,
- AEC report, 210–214
- Brown letter, 260–267, 268–271
- Bundy on, 226–227, 307
- Christmas Island test, approval, 441, 527, 537
- Gilpatric on, 312–316
- interagency review panel, 599
- McNamara letter, 214–216
- NSC on, 217–222, 241–248, 328–337, 439, 440–442
- Operation Dominic, 549–550, 566–568
- public announcement, 282–285, 288–290
- Rusk on, 319–322
- Stevenson letter, 317–319
- UK position, 325–326, 447–449
- White House staff meeting, 326–327
- Rusk on, 93–94, 158–160, 202, 208n, 215n, 238, 239, 252, 319–322, 323, 324n, 325–326, 328–329, 331–332, 334, 335–336, 440, 510, 532, 710–714
- Schlesinger on, 259, 282–285, 286–287, 288–289
- Seaborg on, 158–162, 193, 199, 210–214, 218–219, 226, 241–248, 250–253, 272, 276–277, 278, 310, 328, 334, 439–441, 505, 549–550, 566–568, 599–601, 736–738
- Senate on moratorium, 713
- Stevenson on, 317–319, 404, 450–452
- tactical weapons, 756
- Taylor on, 710–712
- Thompson on, 93–94
- UK position (see also Kennedy/Macmillan; Macmillan subheadings above; US/UK subheadings below), 200, 277
- UN actions, 193, 200–204, 212, 220, 285, 294, 317–319, 322, 336, 483, 572–575, 596
- underground testing and:
- US/UK cooperation, 477–483
- US/UK joint test ban proposals, 159, 160, 208–210, 223–224, 255–258, 289, 294, 298, 471–473, 478–480, 527n, 538, 559–562,
- US/USSR results compared, 599–601
- Wiesner on, 188–191, 207n, 226, 252, 268–271, 329, 336, 337, 566, 599–600
- Atomic Energy Act of 1946, 881
- Atomic Energy Commission, 468
- ACDA, GCD treaty proposal, 433, 434
- atmospheric testing, 190, 197, 198, 223, 251–252, 260, 270–271, 283, 307, 314–315, 321, 328, 334, 440, 441, 566, 599–600
- budget, 774
- Geneva test discontinuance talks, preparations, 11
- high-yield bomb development, 707
- inspection issues, 645
- Kennedy, reports to, 178, 181–182, 210–214
- low-yield tests, 736–738
- missile certification, 63
- neutron bomb research, 65
- NIE on US resumption of testing, 1n, 2n, 3n
- Nuclear Test Delegation, 20–21
- Plowshare program, 724–726, 877–878
- secret testing, 8–10, 722
- seismic sensing, nuclear explosions, 47, 501, 516
- space testing, 470
- test ban proposals, 306, 393–395, 433, 434, 478, 528, 681, 722, 821, 822, 864, 877
- test resumption by US, 898
- testing during moratorium by USSR, 51n, 152–153
- underground testing, 270, 290, 635, 636, 882
- Atomic Energy Detection System, 638, 882–885, 903
- Australia, 521
- B-47 aircraft, 421, 424, 433, 770, 787
- B-52 aircraft, 153, 505, 706, 794–795
- Badger aircraft, 421, 424, 770, 787
- Baker, Vincent, 171, 358
- Ball, George W., 131–132, 204n, 323–324, 869n
- atmospheric testing, Kennedy conversation, 323–324
- Berlin crisis, 132, 403, 405n
- Eighteen-Nation Disarmament Committee, 324–325, 398–399
- Geneva conference on test discontinuance, 132
- high-yield bomb development, 706
- inspection issues, 373–374, 376, 378–379, 398–399, 401–403
- Kennedy/Adenauer letter, 872
- Kennedy conversations, 323–324, 401–403
- Kennedy/Macmillan exchanges, 447, 449, 656
- Khrushchev/Harriman talks, 797–798
- Limited Test Ban Treaty negotiations, 797–798, 809n, 821, 827–831, 835–836, 837, 841n, 846, 877
- NATO/Warsaw Pact non-aggression pact, 763, 841n
- non-transfer agreements, 623, 673n
- Panofsky Panel, 131–132
- Rusk, notes to, 373–374, 376–378
- test resumption, 132
- Thant, letter to, 376
- Balloons, testing, 210–212, 214, 321
- Barber, Arthur W., 607
- Battle, Lucius D., 194
- Beam, Jacob D., 483
- Beigel, Edgar J., 791
- Belgrade Conference, 149–150, 163, 168
- Bell, David S., 56, 69, 226
- Berkner, Lloyd, 143
- Berlin crisis, 110, 111, 130–132, 138, 153, 156, 166n, 173n, 176, 200, 254–256, 274, 275, 279, 187, 274, 275, 279, 403, 405n, 444, 459–460, 485, 494, 652, 688, 754, 775, 791, 793, 796, 871, 887–888
- and atmospheric testing, 200
- and ballistic missile test firing, 196
- Khrushchev speech in Berlin, 762–763
- Limited Test Ban Treaty negotiations, 789–790
- military personnel in, 652, 775, 871
- NATO/Warsaw non-aggression pact, 735, 763, 778n, 791, 793–794, 806, 812
- nuclear weapons transfer controls, 454, 652
- Swedish UN test ban resolution, 231
- Bermuda talks, 287, 416–417, 471
- Betancourt, Romulo, 654
- Bethe Panel Report, 230, 303, 584, 599
- Betts, Gen. Austin W., 161, 310, 706
- Bhabha, Homi Jehangir, 194n
- Biological weapons, 318, 387
- Black boxes, 597–598, 626–627, 637, 653, 668, 701, 799
- Blackout, nuclear explosion effects, 178, 179–180, 189–190, 260, 261, 269–270, 313, 903
- Bohlen, Charles E., 86, 184, 240, 471, 472, 651, 727, 763, 766, 828, 832, 836, 866, 868n
- Bombers (see also
Air-launched intercontinental ballistic missiles),
- atmospheric testing and, 265–266
- B-47 aircraft, 421, 424, 433, 770, 787
- B-52 aircraft, 153, 505, 706, 794–795
- Badgers, 421, 424, 770, 787
- Committee of Principals, 611, 616–617, 775
- Eighteen-Nation Disarmament Committee, 407–408, 421, 611, 616–617
- French nuclear delivery capability, 582–583
- Limited Test Ban Treaty negotiations, 859
- Bombs, 179, 263, 706, 794–795
- Bomb shelters, 121–122, 180–181
- Bowles, Chester B., 69, 96, 220–221
- Bradbury, Dr., 220
- Brazil, 412, 593
- Broadcast media (see also
Radio; Television):
- USSR resumption of testing, TASS broadcast, 149
- Brook, Sir Norman, 447, 449
- Brown, Harold, 356
- AICBMs, 129, 261, 265, 269, 270
- anti-ballistic missiles, 337
- atmospheric testing, 159, 161–162, 219–220, 260–271, 275, 279, 287, 310, 337, 599, 600
- Fisk Report, 65–66, 128
- ICBMs, 62–66, 129
- inspection issues, 738n
- Kennedy/Macmillan talks, 272, 275, 279
- NSC, 60–66, 67, 69, 70–71, 219–220, 337
- Panofsky Report, letter to Wiesner, 128–129
- seismic test detection, 514n
- test ban treaty, 236, 310
- Brubeck, William H., 458n, 503n
- Bruce, David K. E., 140, 281, 447, 449, 471, 472, 744–746, 752, 757, 782, 796–797
- Bullard, Sir Edward, 576, 581
- Bundy, McGeorge, 27n, 356, 587n
- AEC secret testing, 8–9
- atmospheric testing (see also testing resumption below), 188–191, 208n, 209–210, 215n, 226–227, 251–253, 286–287, 306, 307, 326–327, 439–442, 470n, 599–601
- B-52-deliverable bomb development, 794–795
- Committee of Principals, 141, 142, 144, 146–148, 197, 198, 200, 201, 350, 503, 504, 511–513, 680, 682
- Disarmament Advisory Committee, 287
- Eighteen-Nation Disarmament Committee, 344, 352, 488, 503, 504, 511–513, 523, 528, 530, 531, 559–560, 597–598, 644, 646
- France and de Gaulle, 727, 866–869
- Geneva test discontinuance talks, Kennedy preparations, 11–12
- high-yield bomb development, 706, 707
- inspection issues, 528, 530, 560, 597–598, 644, 646
- Kennedy, memos to, 97–98, 306, 597–598
- Kennedy/Macmillan letter to Khrushchev, 675n, 707n
- Limited Test Ban Treaty negotiations, 750, 751, 781–782, 789, 797–798, 809n, 822, 835, 841n, 845, 847–848, 855n
- NATO, multilateral force, 735
- NATO/Warsaw Pact non-aggression pact, 763, 781
- non-diffusion agreements, 619n, 632, 781
- secret testing, 8–10, 734
- seismic sensing, UK/US research, 539
- test ban proposals, 96, 159, 161, 208n, 209–210, 236–237, 239, 310, 503, 504, 511–512, 680, 644, 767, 898–899
- testing resumption (see also atmospheric testing above), 70–71, 163, 164n, 278, 636, 898–899
- USSR, CIA defense budget analysis, 104, 548n
- Bundy, William P., 67
- Bunn, George, 681, 849n, 855n
- Burdett, William C., 447, 449
- Burke, Adm. Arleigh, 56
- Burma, 412
- Burris, Col., 217n, 220n, 221n
- Byrns, John W., 92
- Caccia, Sir Harold, 165n, 471, 744, 757
- Canada, 495
- Carter, Gen. Marshall S., 582
- Cathright, W.E., 893
- Central Europe (see also specific countries):
- Central Intelligence Agency:
- Chamberlain, Dr., 864n
- Chayes, Abram L., 846n, 875–876
- Chiang Kai-shek, 843, 855
- Chemical weapons, 318, 387
- Chen-yi, 583
- Childs, Marquis, 783n
- China, People’s Republic of:
- ACDA treaty proposal, 425, 427
- AICBM, 320
- atmospheric/space testing, 320, 884
- Committee of Principals on, 346, 348, 351, 602, 606, 775
- disarmament policies, 194, 37
- Eighteen-Nation Disarmament Committee and, 341, 342, 364, 377–378, 388, 413, 645–646, 649
- Foster on testing by, 573n, 734
- GCD, 775, 890
- Geneva test discontinuance talks, 184–185
- German position on, 777, 871, 874
- Indian position on, 194n, 202n
- JCS on, 22–23, 427, 689–691, 866, 878–879, 890
- Kennedy/Macmillan letters, 656–659, 663–664
- Korea, 878
- Laos, position on, 34
- Limited Test Ban Treaty negotiations, 732, 735, 771–772, 783, 784, 789, 790, 796, 800, 801, 803, 808–809, 817, 829, 832, 833, 842–844, 845n, 850–851, 855n, 871, 874
- McCloy/Gromyko meeting, 33, 34
- McNamara on, 119
- military personnel reductions, 464
- Nitze on, 521
- non-diffusion controls, 451, 544, 545, 571, 573–574, 583, 602, 618–619, 621–622, 639, 651, 668, 704, 732, 748–749, 752–753, 866
- nuclear materials production cutoff, report, 31
- nuclear weapons production, 669, 747, 754
- Rusk/Gromyko conversation, 184–185
- test ban proposals, 92, 168, 298, 573–574, 598, 629, 645, 649, 654n, 711n, 734–735, 746, 766, 767n
- UK position on, 276, 473, 758, 796
- UN membership, 185, 200, 451, 629
- USSR, 6, 168, 687, 689, 777, 851–853, 858
- China (Taiwan), 843, 844, 850–851, 855n, 860
- Chiperfield, Robert, 92
- Christmas Island, 207n, 212, 223, 227–230, 236, 245, 251, 252, 274, 278–279, 293, 295–297, 299, 304–305, 310, 316, 356, 441–442, 485, 505, 521, 527, 537
- Churchill, Winston, 789
- Clandestine testing. See Secret testing.
- Cleveland, Harlan, 159, 200, 201, 233–234, 241, 329, 458n
- Clifton, Chester V., 286
- Cline, Ray S., 582–583
- Cluster warheads, 62, 243
- Committee of Principals on Nuclear Test Negotiations, 13–14, 67–68, 71–78, 116, 141–147,
197–204, 213, 236–241, 345–351, 461–469, 499–510, 601–611, 647, 783, 900–901
- ACDA treaty proposals, 417–422, 428–433, 436–438, 461–468, 649–650, 679–683, 692, 719–726, 772–776, 900–901
- AICBMs, 145, 147
- atmospheric testing, 141–142, 197–202, 213, 501–505, 507–509, 510
- Berlin crisis, 200
- bombers, 611, 616–617, 775
- China, 346, 348, 351, 602, 606, 775
- comprehensive test bans, 679–681
- conventional weapons, 346, 506–507, 466–468, 610, 773, 776
- Cuban missile crisis, 601–602, 605, 612, 775
- Eighteen-Nation Disarmament Committee, 499–509, 601–617
- atmospheric testing, 500, 501–505, 507–509, 510
- bombers, 611, 616–617
- Bundy on, 503, 504, 511–513
- Congressional approval, 499, 500, 510, 512–513, 616
- Dean on, 511, 513, 514, 602
- detection technology, 508, 511–513
- GCD, 502, 508, 510
- inspection issues, 395–398, 500, 502, 503, 508–513, 550–551
- Nitze on, 504, 507, 604
- non-aligned countries, 421, 504, 511-513
- outer space testing, 500, 507, 509
- Rusk on, 499–500, 502–504, 506, 510-
- Wiesner on, 500, 501, 503, 506, 511
- espionage, 773, 774
- Foster on, 499–509, 511, 513, 517–519, 602, 605, 607–617
- GCD, 141–142, 144–147, 418–422, 502, 508, 510, 601–611, 772–776
- Geneva test discontinuance talks, 72–73, 76, 141, 142, 144, 148, 238
- ICBMs, 351, 418–419, 603, 604, 774
- inspection issues, 78, 349, 351, 395–398, 417–418, 421, 500, 502, 503, 508–513, 648–650, 500, 772, 775
- Lemnitzer on, 141, 147, 201, 347–348, 505
- McNamara on, 73–74, 77–78, 141, 144–145, 148, 197–200, 346–351, 417, 419–421, 462–467, 501, 502, 505–507, 512, 601–611, 679–682, 719–725, 773–774
- missiles, 143–144, 198, 345–351, 418–422, 602–614, 774
- Nitze on, 201, 348–349, 468, 504, 507, 521, 604, 607, 610, 722
- non-aligned countries, 421, 504, 511
- non-dissemination controls, 508, 513–514
- nuclear materials production, 143, 144, 606–609
- nuclear parity concept, 346–347, 349, 605
- nuclear stockpiles, 145, 351, 606, 774
- orbiting weapons, 892
- Rusk on, 71–78, 197–204, 237n, 345–351, 417, 461–468, 499–500, 502–504, 506, 510–513, 601–611, 679–680, 719–726, 773–775
- Seaborg on, 77, 141, 143, 144n, 148, 198, 199, 200, 238, 240–241, 351n, 436–438, 468, 501, 511, 608, 681–683, 774
- seismic sensing, 78, 141, 142, 499, 500, 508, 511–513
- outer space testing, 75, 500, 507, 509
- Taylor on, 603, 605, 607, 607, 679, 720–723, 774
- test ban proposals (see also ACDA treaty proposals above), 13–14, 67–68, 71–78, 141–147
- testing resumption, 13–14, 67–68, 71–78, 141–147
- Bundy on, 141, 142, 144, 146–148, 197, 198, 200, 201
- Dean on, 74, 77–78, 141, 200, 238
- Defense Department, 144–148
- Gilpatric, 141, 145, 198
- JCS, 147
- Kennedy and, 141–147
- Lemnitzer on, 141, 147, 201
- Macmillan, 144
- McCloy on, 76–78, 141, 144n, 145–148
- McNamara on, 73–74, 77–78, 141, 145, 148, 197–200
- NATO, 146
- Nitze on, 201
- Rusk on, 141, 142, 145–146, 148, 197–204
- UK position, 77, 144, 198
- Wiesner on, 148
- underground testing, 75, 239–240, 501, 504, 509, 511–512
- Vela program, 499
- verification issues (see also inspection issues above), 468–469, 603
- Wiesner on, 74–75, 77, 78, 148, 236, 240, 241, 349–350, 351, 418, 420–422, 500, 501, 503, 506, 511, 603–607, 609–611, 682
- Committee on Atmospheric Testing, 227n, 241–248, 250–251, 288–289
- Commonwealth of Nations (see also specific countries), 380
- Communications systems, nuclear explosion effects on, 178, 179–180, 189–190, 260, 262, 269–270
- Communist bloc. See Sino-Soviet bloc; specific countries.
- Comprehensive disarmament. See General and comprehensive disarmament.
- Comprehensive test bans (see also
Geneva Conference on the Discontinuance of Nuclear
Weapon Tests):
- ACDA, 679–681
- Committee of Principals, 679–681
- JCS on, 24
- Khrushchev speech, 762
- Limited Test Ban Treaty negotiations, 688, 719, 722, 723, 728–735, 737, 744–746, 750, 751, 753, 763, 768–772, 779–786, 798, 807, 819–820, 825
- NIE on, 749
- UN proposals, 524, 596
- Indian, 142, 198, 200, 202–203
- Irish, 26, 203, 451
- Limited Test Ban Treaty negotiations, 831, 836–837, 846
- Swedish, 231–233, 451
- US/UK joint, 596
- Conger, Clement, 358, 503n
- Congo, 29, 85, 86, 285
- Congress of the United States (see also House of
Representatives; Senate of the United States; specific
- Eighteen-Nation Disarmament Committee, 499, 500, 510, 512–513, 523, 532, 616
- Fisk Report, availability to, 12
- French and Soviet visits, briefing, 92–93
- GCD, intelligence on, 773
- Geneva test discontinuance talks, preparations, 11–12
- inspection issues, 366, 532, 588, 653, 704
- Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, 12, 159, 500, 530–533, 639, 646
- Kennedy national address, briefing, 355–357
- Kennedy/Zorin exchange of views, 100
- Limited Test Ban Treaty negotiations, 779, 821, 846
- seismic sensing, 499, 653
- test ban proposals, 239, 499, 502, 504, 588, 681–682, 722, 724
- testing resumption, 56, 143, 144, 153–157
- Conventional weapons (see also Military bases; Military personnel):
- ACDA, GCD treaty proposal, 466–468, 773, 776, 904
- atmospheric test ban and Soviet force levels, 299
- Committee of Principals, 346, 506–507, 466–468, 610, 773, 776
- Eighteen-Nation Disarmament Committee, 341–342, 364, 377, 386, 787
- Khrushchev on, 112, 776–777
- McNamara on, 466–468, 506–507, 773
- nuclear v. disarmament talks, 144–147, 787
- nuclear warheads, interchangeability, 107, 133
- Cost factors. See Economic issues.
- Courtney, Raymond, 744
- Cousins, Norman, 687
- Couve de Murville, Maurice, 473, 621–622, 651, 675, 727, 766, 828
- Cuban missile crisis, 592, 597, 601–602, 605, 612, 673, 753, 754–755, 773, 775, 789, 796, 871
- Davies, Richard, 685
- Davy Crockett Gun, testing, 123, 156
- de Gaulle, Charles, 657, 869, 895
- Dean, Arthur H., 174–176
- atmospheric/undersea testing, 93–94, 159, 530, 532
- Eighteen-Nation Disarmament Committee, 352, 373, 380, 395–397, 445, 460
- Geneva test discontinuance talks, 41–47, 95–97, 530, 532
- German Democratic Republic, 254–255
- Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, 530–533
- retirement letter, 625
- test ban proposals, 200, 235–236, 238–239, 362
- testing resumption, 58, 59, 115, 130
- Tsarapkin conversation, 254–256
- Defense Atomic Support Agency, 121, 122
- Defense Department:
- ACDA treaty proposals, 423, 424, 427, 428, 433, 434–437, 721
- atmospheric testing, 188–191, 197, 211, 223, 241, 248, 260, 269, 283, 306, 321, 440, 442, 566–567
- Committee of Principals, 144–148, 346, 349–350, 421, 680, 681, 721
- delivery vehicles, ACDA reduction plan, 346–347
- Eighteen-Nation Disarmament Committee, 387, 408–411
- Geneva test discontinuance talks, Kennedy preparations, 11
- high-yield bomb development, 706
- nuclear materials reductions/cutoffs, 109–110, 606–607
- orbiting nuclear weapons, 892
- outer space testing, 564
- seismic sensing, 489, 539, 645
- test ban proposals, 306, 528, 680, 721
- testing resumption (see also atmospheric testing above), 70–72, 636
- UN, Kennedy disarmament speech, 172–173
- underground testing, 882
- Delivery vehicles. See Bombers; Missiles.
- Denmark, 232
- Denuclearized zones. See Nuclear free zones.
- Detection technology (see also
Seismic sensing of nuclear explosions):
- AFTAC, 489–491, 500, 514–516, 645
- atmospheric testing, 142, 257, 268, 369, 477–478
- Atomic Energy Detection System, 638, 882–885
- Eighteen-Nation Disarmament Committee, 508, 511–513, 514, 522
- JCS memo to McNamara, 24
- Macmillan letter to Kennedy, 565
- McCone on, 670
- NIE on testing resumption, 3, 49–51
- Panofsky Panel, 106–107
- small-scale violations, 66, 514–516
- UK position, 365–369, 492–493
- US/UK cooperation, 476–484
- Developing countries (see also Africa; Asia; Latin America; specific countries), 615–616, 808
- Dillon, C. Douglas, 69, 221, 329, 781
- Dirksen, Everett M., 92, 155, 356
- Disarmament Administration:
- Disarmament Advisory Committee, 287
- Disease. See Radiation effects on health.
- Dobrynin, Anatoly F., 86, 443–446, 459–460, 485–487, 541–547, 551, 556–557, 575, 589, 620–621, 624, 628, 632, 640–644, 647–648, 661–663, 673n, 702–705, 781, 793, 885–886, 888–889, 894, 895
- Dodd, Thomas, 220, 713n
- Dulles, Allen W., 56, 69, 88, 136, 141, 142, 148, 152–153, 155, 168, 201, 204, 331
- Earth orbit (see also Outer space; Satellites):
- East-West detente, general:
- Eastern Europe (see also specific countries), 34, 174
- Economic issues, 607
- AEC expenditures on weapons, 774
- anti-ballistic missile costs, 605, 776
- atmospheric testing, 162, 188, 226–227, 293, 299, 902
- Atomic Energy Detection System, 903
- bomb sizing (megatons), 112, 135
- Chinese, sanctions against, 690
- defense budget analysis, USSR 61-62, 104
- GCD production cutoffs, 31, 32, 465–466, 607
- Gromyko/Rusk conversation, 494–495
- high-yield weapons testing, 706
- inspection programs, costs, 31, 525
- Khrushchev on, 76, 498, 499
- military expenditure reductions, 733, 799–800, 812–813, 888
- Nike-Zeus weapons system, 153
- nuclear materials:
- nuclear weapons proliferation, 521, 582–583, 747
- test ban, 74–75, 690
- test resumption by US, 882
- underground testing, 119, 121–122, 123, 162, 188, 226–227, 366, 589
- Vela tests, 366
- weapons proliferation and, 521, 582–583
- Eight-Nation Delegation, 455–456, 476, 481, 483, 517, 522, 551n,
552–553, 554, 661, 671
- UN activities, 554
- Eighteen-Nation Disarmament Committee, 295n, 309,
- accidental warfare, 318
- ACDA, 340–343, 360–361, 369, 387, 388, 406–411, 422–425, 461–468, 499–509, 603n, 648–650, 879, 900–901
- ACDA treaty proposal, 422–425, 461–468, 499–509, 603n, 648–650, 879, 900–901
- AFTAC briefing, 551
- AICBMs, 408, 410
- atmospheric testing, 317–319, 504
- Committee of Principals, 500, 501–505, 507–509, 510
- Dean on, 522, 530, 550–551
- Foster memos, 518, 559
- Home letter to Rusk, 538
- Kennedy and, 326, 518
- NSC meeting, 329–330, 332, 335, 337
- Rusk/Dean exchanges, 534–535, 558–561
- UK/US joint proposals, 527n, 560–562, 656
- White House staff meetings, 327, 523, 528, 530
- Ball on, 398–399, 405, 656
- bombers, 407–408, 421, 611, 616–617
- Bundy on, 344, 352, 488, 503, 504, 511–513, 523, 531, 559–560
- Canadian position, 495, 528–529
- China, 341, 342, 364, 377–378, 388, 413, 645–646, 649, 656–659, 664
- Committee of Principals, 499–509, 601–617
- atmospheric testing, 500, 501–505, 507–509, 510
- bombers, 611, 616–617
- Bundy on, 503, 504, 511–513
- Congressional approval, 499, 500, 510, 512–513, 616
- Dean on, 511, 513, 514, 602
- detection technology, 508, 511–513
- GCD, 502, 508, 510
- inspection issues, 500, 502, 503, 508–513
- Kennedy, Foster memos to, 507–514, 612–617
- Nitze on, 504, 507, 604
- non-aligned countries, 421, 504, 511
- outer space testing, 500, 507, 509
- Rusk on, 499–500, 502–504, 506, 510–513
- Wiesner on, 500, 501, 503, 506, 511
- Congressional approval, 523, 532
- conventional weapons, 341–342, 364, 377, 386, 787
- Dean on, 352, 373, 380, 395–397, 445, 460, 511, 513, 514, 602
- Defense Department on, 387, 408–411
- detection technology, general, 508, 511–513, 514, 522
- Foster on, 358, 362–363, 365–367, 369–370, 376–378, 380, 386, 413, 452–454, 461–468, 499–509, 511, 513, 517–519, 522, 529, 531, 559–560, 602, 605, 607–617, 627, 644–645
- French position, 473
- GCD proposals:
- Committee of Principals on, 502, 508, 510
- Dean note to Rusk/Foster, 551
- Eight-Nation Delegation, 455–456, 476, 481, 483, 517, 522, 554
- Gromyko proposal, 381, 384, 770
- JCS on, 889–892
- Kennedy/Gromyko conversation, 894–895
- Kennedy letter to Macmillan, 551n, 536–537
- UN, Rusk/Gromyko talks, 572, 574–575
- US/UK joint proposal, 559–562, 656
- Wiesner on, 552–553
- Gromyko on, 378, 380, 381–385, 405–406, 413, 444–446, 448, 493–495, 770, 787, 894–895
- Home on, 379, 380–385, 412, 448, 492
- ICBMs, 377, 406–408
- Indian position, 453, 553
- inspection issues, 341, 342, 349,
500, 502, 503, 540–541, 623–625
- Ball on, 373–374, 376, 378–379, 398–399
- Bundy on, 528, 530, 560, 597–598, 644, 646
- Committee of Principals on, 395–398, 500, 502, 503, 508–513, 550–551
- Dean on, 438, 487–488, 528, 533n, 550–552, 624, 644, 729
- Fisher on, 387, 388–390, 648–649
- Foster on, 508–509, 517–519, 559–560, 637–639, 653–654
- JCS on, 890, 891
- Kennedy on, 401–403, 414–415, 488, 628–629, 644–647, 648, 655–656, 660–661, 666–667, 677–678, 767–768
- Khrushchev on, 438–439
- McCone on, 637–639, 653–654, 668–670
- McNamara on, 532, 645, 773
- NSC meeting, 411–414
- Rusk/Kuznetsov conversation, 456–457, 555, 628–631
- Rusk on, 487–488, 550–551, 624, 644–647
- UK position, 511, 513, 533, 536, 537–538, 541, 559
- UN and, 413–414
- White House staff meetings, 364, 370, 528–529, 532, 644–646
- Wiesner memos to Kennedy, 552–554, 580–581
- JCS on GCD, 889–892
- Kaysen memo to Kennedy, 339–343
- Kennedy/Khrushchev letters, 324–325, 357–358, 568–569, 575–579
- Kennedy/Macmillan joint letter to Khrushchev, 666–667, 670–671, 676–678
- Kennedy/Macmillan letters, 414–415, 655–656, 660–661, 767–768
- Khrushchev and, 381
- McNamara and, 363–364, 406–411, 520, 531, 604–605
- Mexico, 412
- military bases, foreign, 461–464
- missiles, 340, 342, 386–388, 377, 406–411
- NATO, 340–341, 343, 364, 378, 388, 413
- Nitze on, 371, 504, 507, 521, 604, 644–646
- non-aligned countries (see also Eight-Nation Delegation), 412, 413, 421, 453, 504, 511, 530, 665
- non-dissemination controls, 453–454, 508, 513–514, 519, 535
- nuclear materials transfers, US/USSR, 370, 388
- orbiting weapons, 318, 733
- outer space testing:
- Committee of Principals on, 500, 507, 509
- test ban, 563–565, 568–569, 576, 577–578, 585–586, 810, 896–897
- UK/US proposal, 560–562
- Rusk/Dobrynin conversations, 444–446, 647, 889
- Seaborg on, 468, 501, 511, 644–647
- secret testing, 370, 375
- seismic sensing, 371, 398–399, 405, 487–489, 551n, 552–553, 597, 637–639, 649
- Senate approval, 523, 530, 654
- Stevenson/Kennedy exchange, 450–452, 454, 458–459
- Swedish position, 530n, 553
- Taylor on, 889–892
- UK position, 352–355, 358–361, 365–367, 551n
- US/UK joint proposal, 560–562, 656
- UN, 379, 555, 596
- underground testing, 370, 371, 519, 555
- underwater testing, US/UK proposal, 559–562
- US/UK/USSR exchanges, 380–385, 633
- verification issues (see also inspection issues above), 381–384, 395–398, 456–457, 634
- Wiesner on, 362, 363, 370–372, 413–414, 418, 492, 500, 501, 503, 506, 511, 551n, 521, 552–553, 521, 644
- Eisenhower, Dwight D., 372, 473, 657
- Electromagnetic pulse (see also Communications systems; Blackout), 260–262, 269–270, 584
- Eniwetok Proving Grounds, 182, 191, 206–207, 211, 212, 220, 222, 245
- Espionage:
- European Regional Organizations:
- Evans, Harold, 447, 449
- Ewell, Col. Julian J., 236, 259, 327, 441
- Fallout. See Radiation effects on health.
- Farley, Philip J., 316, 362
- Fedorenko, Nikolay T., 627, 628, 632–634
- Finney, John, 12, 488
- First-strike capability, 266, 291–292, 301, 302, 343, 799
- Fisher, Adrian S., 56, 69, 96, 141, 234, 308–309, 327, 362, 406, 422, 502, 516, 604, 607, 648–650, 657n, 713–714
- ACDA, GCD treaty proposal, 418–419, 432, 467, 500
- B-52 reductions, 505
- Eighteen-Nation Disarmament Committee, 386–390, 406–411, 469, 535, 644, 646, 722
- high-yield bomb development, 706–707
- Limited Test Ban Treaty negotiations, 817–818, 838, 849n
- military base reductions, 608
- non-diffusion negotiations, 570n
- Plowshare program, 725
- seismic sensing, 488, 581n
- US/UK cooperation, 477, 478–479
- Vela tests, 488
- Fisk, John (see also Fisk Panel Report), 12–13
- Fisk Panel Report, 12, 14–17, 65–66, 70–71, 106, 124, 125, 128
- Fissile materials. See Nuclear materials, weapons grade.
- Foreign Weapons Evaluation Group, 230
- Foster, William C., 98, 136, 141, 147, 173, 197, 204, 208n, 220, 239–240, 259, 283, 288, 330, 334, 334, 345–349, 440, 499, 505–506, 523, 625, 679, 711, 726, 898, 900
- ACDA treaty proposals, 417–425, 426–438, 461–468, 603–604, 653–654, 679, 682, 719–724, 772, 774, 775
- B-52-deliverable bomb development, 794–795
- bomber reductions, 611, 616–617
- Chinese testing, 573n, 734
- Cuban missile crisis, 605
- Eighteen-Nation Disarmament Committee, 358, 362–363, 365–367, 369–370, 376–378, 380, 386, 413, 452–454, 461–468, 522, 529, 531, 559–560, 627, 644–645
- France, nuclear free zones, 593
- Limited Test Ban Treaty negotiations, 744, 746n, 750, 751, 779, 784, 827, 830, 837, 841n, 845, 877
- military base reductions, 607–608, 614–615
- NATO/Warsaw Pact non-aggression pact, 763, 841n
- non-diffusion negotiations, 570n, 582–583, 668
- seismic sensing, 517–519, 644–645, 653–654
- Stevenson test ban proposal, 454, 458n
- Tsarapkin/Fedorenko talks, 632–634
- Vela project results, 499
- Foster Plan, 173, 340n, 344n
- Four-Power Disarmament Meetings, 528–529, 539, 660
- France:
- atmospheric test ban, 782
- Berlin crisis, 652, 791, 793
- bombers, 582–583
- Bundy on, 727, 866–869
- disarmament policies, general, 38, 144, 309
- Franco-German Treaty, 640–641, 658
- GCD, 38, 173, 309, 895
- Harriman/Hailsham/Khrushchev talks, 827–830
- Kennedy/de Gaulle exchanges, 80, 727, 836, 847, 851–853, 857, 866–868, 895
- Kennedy/Khrushchev talks, 88
- Limited Test Ban Treaty negotiations, 784, 791–794, 796, 799–801, 803, 804, 812, 817, 825, 827–832, 842, 843, 851–853, 857–858, 860, 866–869, 885–886
- NATO, 33, 621–622, 648, 652
- NATO/Warsaw Pact non-aggression pact, 763, 791–794, 827–832, 852, 867, 868
- non-proliferation, 544, 571, 582–583, 620, 630, 632, 639, 660, 668
- nuclear weapons production, 754
- test bans, 33, 93, 298, 565, 573, 574, 578, 649, 727, 766, 784, 791, 796, 799–801, 803, 804, 827–830, 851–853, 857–858
- testing by, 4, 33, 473, 522, 694, 784, 791–794, 796, 799–801, 803, 804, 812, 817, 825, 828, 843, 857, 886
- UN and, 158, 593, 796
- underground testing, 473, 522, 694, 792, 886
- US aid for nuclear weapons development, 836, 881, 886
- Franco, Gen. Francisco, 844
- Franco-German Treaty, 640–641, 658
- Fulbright, J. William, 92, 154, 356
- Fusion weapons. See Neutron bombs.
- Gaithright, Wreathram E., 469, 499n
- Gaitskell, Hugh, 92–93, 323–324
- Galbraith, J. Kenneth, 194n
- General and comprehensive disarmament:
- ACDA treaty proposals, 417–425, 426–438, 500–506, 508, 603–604, 772–776, 904
- AEC role, 433, 434
- conventional weapons, 466–468, 773, 776, 904
- Defense Department, 423, 424, 427, 428, 433, 434–437, 721
- delivery vehicles, reduction plan, 346–347
- Fisher on, 418–419, 432, 467, 500
- German position, 904–905
- Kaysen on, 425, 429, 430, 434–436, 437, 724
- military personal reductions, 427, 464–467, 506–507
- missile reduction provisions, 345–351, 406–411, 430–432, 434–436, 465, 603–604, 772–776
- Rusk on, 422, 423, 428–433, 436–437, 500–506, 603, 679–682, 904–905
- Wiesner on, 420–424, 429–431, 500, 774
- China, 775, 890
- Committee of Principals on, 141–142, 144–147, 418–422, 502, 508, 510, 601–611, 613–617, 772–776
- conventional weapons, 466–468, 773, 776, 904
- cost issues, 31, 32, 465–466, 607
- Eighteen-Nation Disarmament Committee, 502, 508, 510, 551
- French position, 38, 173, 309, 895
- German position, ACDA proposal, 904–905
- Gromyko and, 33, 34–35, 84–85, 381, 384, 572, 574–575, 770, 894–895
- JCS on, 889–892
- Kennedy and, 92–93, 102, 172, 364–365, 508, 518–518, 536–537, 894–895
- Khrushchev and, 84–85, 111–114, 819, 855
- Macmillan, Rusk telegram, 166
- NATO/Warsaw Pact non-aggression pact, 775, 781
- outer space, weapons in, 897
- Rusk on, 422, 423, 428–433, 436–437, 499–507, 510–514, 541n, 603, 679–682, 904–905
- Stevenson on, 175–176
- UK position, 480–482, 551n
- UN role, 172, 554, 560, 572, 574–575
- US/UK joint proposal, 559–562, 656
- Wiesner on, 420–424, 429–431, 500, 551n, 552–553, 774
- Zorin on, 99–102
- ACDA treaty proposals, 417–425, 426–438, 500–506, 508, 603–604, 772–776, 904
- Geneva Conference on the Discontinuance of Nuclear Weapon
Tests, 257–258
- AEC, Kennedy preparations, 11
- atmospheric testing, 13, 93–94, 97, 159, 208, 289, 294, 301, 530, 532
- Ball on, 132
- Bundy on, 11–12
- China, inclusion, 184–185
- Committee of Principals on, 72–73, 76, 141, 142, 144, 148, 238
- Congress, 11–12
- Dean on, 12–13, 17–18, 41–47, 72–73, 76, 95–97, 138, 142, 144, 148, 238, 513, 514, 530, 532
- Defense Department, 11
- Fisher memo, 386–390
- inspection issues, 13, 235, 254
- JCS memo to McNamara, 24
- Kennedy on, 10–14, 17–18, 52–53, 91, 93n, 95–97, 101, 130, 138, 140, 234, 274, 278, 289
- Khrushchev on 44, 45, 47, 52–53, 83–84, 91, 112
- Macmillan/Kennedy exchanges, 52–53, 130, 138, 140, 274, 278, 289
- McCloy/Gromyko meeting, 32–34
- McCloy on, 10–13, 41–47, 53–57, 67–68, 94n, 95–97, 101
- McNamara on, 67–68, 74–78, 121, 124r
- monitoring, 13, 235, 254
- Ormsby Gore on, 52, 115, 130, 138, 140
- NIE on effects of US resumption of testing, 1–3
- Nitze on, 11
- NSC on, 56–57
- nuclear materials, 318
- Rusk/Gromyko conversation, 493–495
- Seaborg on USSR testing, 10–14, 199
- secret testing by US, impact on, 9
- seismic sensing, 13, 235
- Stevenson on, 82–83
- Tsarapkin on, 254–256
- troika proposal, 94, 112
- UK position, 47
- UN, McCloy telegram to U Thant, 44
- underwater testing, 93–94
- US/UK proposal for ban, 208, 294
- German Democratic Republic (see also Berlin):
- Adenauer on, 871–872, 874–875
- Dean/Tsarapkin conversation, 254–255
- Khrushchev on, 686, 688, 694, 790, 801
- Limited Test Ban Treaty adherence, 811, 843–844, 848n, 851, 854, 863–864
- military personnel stationed, 799, 812
- NATO/Warsaw Pact non-aggression pact, 791, 793, 801, 805–806
- nuclear-free zones, 889
- nuclear non-proliferation agreements, 413, 451, 496, 544–547, 570, 618, 621, 544–547, 570–571, 602, 618, 621, 622, 632, 642–643, 651–652, 660, 675, 686, 746
- German reunification, 187, 905
- Germany, Federal Republic of (see also
Berlin crisis):
- disarmament policy, NIE on, 38
- Franco-German Treaty, 640–641, 658
- Kennedy/Adenauer letters, 763–765, 777–778
- Limited Test Ban Treaty negotiations, 789, 799, 801, 812, 828, 836, 848, 870–876
- military personnel stationed, 799, 812
- NATO, 34, 641, 746, 905
- NATO/Warsaw Pact non-aggression pact, 763–765, 778n, 796, 801, 828, 831–832
- non-diffusion agreements, 413, 451, 454, 496, 503n, 544–547, 570–571, 582, 602, 618, 621, 622, 632, 640–641, 642–643, 651–652, 658, 660, 675, 686, 746
- nuclear capabilities, 521, 747, 886
- nuclear free zones, 889
- recognition of GDR, 863–864
- Rusk/Adenauer conversation, 873–876
- test ban proposals, 646, 686, 789, 799, 801, 812, 828, 836, 848, 870–876
- Gilpatric, Roswell L.:
- ACDA treaty proposal, 423, 424, 428–432, 437
- AICBMs, 313, 314
- atmospheric testing, 159, 161, 189n, 197n, 198, 215n, 226, 283, 310, 312–316, 333, 599, 711, 902–903
- Atomic Energy Detection System, 882–885, 903
- Committee of Principals, 141, 145, 198
- Eighteen-Nation Disarmament Committee, 531, 644
- high-yield bomb development, 706
- inspection, 532
- JCS on approach to Soviets, 53–54
- Limited Test Ban Treaty negotiations, 822
- non-diffusion negotiations, 570n
- outer space:
- secret testing by US, McCloy, letter to, 53–54
- test ban proposals, 644
- testing resumption, 56, 69, 141, 145, 198, 312–316
- underground testing, 881–885, 902
- underwater testing, 313–314, 903
- Glenn, Col. John, 331
- Goa, 273, 285
- Godber, Joseph B., 255, 374–375, 380, 395–398, 438, 472–475, 533, 541, 744
- Goetz, Betty, 570n
- Goodby, James E., 14, 288n, 358, 480–482, 570n, 657n
- Gore, Albert, 154, 155
- Greelee, Capt., 363
- Green, Howard C., 495
- Greenhill, Denis, 642n
- Gromyko, Andrei A.:
- accidental warfare, 33
- atmospheric testing, 572–575
- Berlin, 494, 887–888
- Central/Eastern Europe, 34
- China, 33, 34, 184–185, 573–574
- Committee of Principals on, 605, 610, 611
- Congo, 29
- costs of weapons development, 494–495, 888
- Eighteen-Nation Disarmament Committee, 378, 380, 381–385, 405–406, 413, 444–446, 448, 493–495, 770, 787, 894–895
- GCD, 33, 34–35, 84–85, 381, 384, 572, 574–575, 770
- Geneva test discontinuance talks, 184–185
- Kennedy, conversations with, 589–592, 894–895
- Kennedy/Khrushchev talks, 86
- Khrushchev opinion of, Macmillan on, 664
- Kohler/Trevelyan meeting, 685–686
- Limited Test Ban Treaty negotiations, 800, 803–807, 814, 817, 820, 827, 838–841, 853–855, 856
- McCloy meeting, 32–34
- military expenditure reductions, verification, 609
- NATO/Warsaw Pact non-aggression pact, 805–806, 809n, 814, 826, 832, 833–834, 840, 887–888
- non-proliferation negotiations, 33, 496, 503n, 542–544, 557–559, 602, 660, 672
- outer space, weapons in, 897
- Rusk and, 32–34, 83–85, 184–185, 381, 384–385, 405–406, 493–496, 502, 503n, 542–544, 557–559, 572–574, 602, 651, 660, 672, 887–889, 895
- Stevenson talks, 19, 28–29
- US/UK joint test ban proposal, 426
- UN, 572–575, 602, 897
- GCD proposal, 572, 574–575
- veto power of Soviets, 85
- US foreign base reduction, 463, 610
- US/UK/USSR exchanges, 633
- Ground shock (see also Hardened sites), 260, 270
- Gryzlov, A. A., 99, 380
- Gullion, Edmund A., 20–21, 69
- Guthrie, John C., 324, 628, 648
- Hailsham, Viscount Quinton (see also Limited Test Ban Treaty negotiations (Harriman/Hailsham Moscow mission), 734, 757
- Hallstein, Walter, 851
- Hammarskjold, Dag, 86
- Hard Hat shot, 121–122, 123, 190
- Hardened sites, 121–122, 123, 180–181, 190, 219, 243, 313, 333, 802
- Hardtack shot, 489
- Harriman, W. Averell (see also Limited Test Ban Treaty negotiations (Harriman/Hailsham Moscow mission), 656, 673n, 736n, 737
- Haworth, Leland J., 399–401, 468, 469, 501, 516, 521, 551n, 599, 600, 706, 738n
- Health. See Radiation effects on health.
- Heath, Edward, 471, 744
- Heathcoat Amory, Robert, 310, 349, 362
- Hickenlooper, Bourke, 92, 356
- High-altitude testing, 261, 274, 313, 442, 470, 566, 567, 883–884, 903
- High-yield nuclear weapons, 188, 706–707
- Hillenbrand, Martin J., 459, 485, 493, 589
- Hoeven, Charles, 92
- Holifield, Chet, 143, 356, 500, 530
- Home, Lord Alexander Frederick Douglas, 160, 252
- Honest John rocket, 196
- Hood, Viscount Samuel, 160, 352, 358–361, 533n, 536
- Horowitz, Solis, 514n
- Hosmer, Craig, 645, 735
- House of Representatives (see also specific Representatives), 92–93
- Humphrey, Hubert H., 92, 115, 155, 713–714
- Hungary, Soviet aggression, 285, 793
- Ilyichev, Ivan, 493
- Imhof, Johannes V., 650
- India, 29, 249, 639
- Indochina, 23, 184–185
- Indonesia, 4
- Ink, Dwight, 822
- Inspection issues (see also
Seismic sensing of nuclear explosions), 362, 478
- ACDA treaty proposals, 370, 417–418, 421, 427, 488, 500, 648–650, 772–773, 775
- AEC, 645
- Ball on, 373–374, 376, 378–379, 398–399, 401–403
- Brown on, 738n
- Bundy on, 528, 530, 560, 597–598, 644, 646
- Committee of Principals on, 78, 349, 351, 417–418, 421, 500, 502, 503, 508–513, 648–650, 500, 772, 775
- Congressional concerns, 366, 532, 588, 653, 704
- costs and personnel, 31, 525
- Dean, Kennedy letter, 18
- Dean/Tsarapkin conversation, 254–256
- Eighteen-Nation Disarmament Committee, 341, 342, 349, 354–355, 455–456, 500,
502, 503, 540–541, 623–625
- Dean/Godber, joint proposal, 395–398
- Dean on, 438, 487–488, 528, 533n, 550–552, 624, 644, 729
- Fisher on, 387, 388–390, 648–649
- Foster on, 508–509, 517–519, 559–560, 637–639, 653–654
- JCS on, 890, 891
- Khrushchev on, 438–439
- McCone on, 637–639, 653–654, 668–670
- McNamara position, 532, 645, 773
- NSC meeting, 411–414
- Rusk/Kuznetsov conversation, 456–457, 555, 628–629, 630–631
- Rusk on, 487–488, 550–551, 624, 644–647
- seismic sensing, 487–488
- UK position, 511, 513, 533, 537–538, 541, 559
- UN and, 413–414
- Geneva test discontinuance talks, 13, 235, 254
- Gromyko/Kennedy talks, 590–591
- Gromyko/McCloy meeting, 32
- Haworth letter to Long, 399–401
- IAEA, peaceful uses of nuclear materials, 26–27, 607
- Inspection Study Group, conclusions, 524–527
- JCS memos to McNamara, 25, 427, 456–457, 890
- Kennedy, 401–403, 488, 500, 508–509, 510–513, 517–519, 522, 580–581, 597–598, 623–624, 626–629, 644–647, 648, 708–710, 738–744
- Kennedy/Khrushchev exchanges, 86, 87–90, 438, 576, 585–586, 623–624, 693–698
- Kennedy/Macmillan exchanges, 414–415, 438–439, 536, 655–656, 660–661, 738–744, 767–768
- Kennedy/Macmillan joint letters to Khrushchev, 666–667, 677–678, 686, 695–698, 708–710, 714–718
- Khrushchev on (see also Kennedy/Khrushchev and Kenedy/Macmillan subheadings above), 486, 496–497, 597–598, 623–624, 627, 656, 660, 662, 665–667, 670–671, 686, 693–699, 714–718, 773
- Kuznetsov on, 628–629, 630–631
- Macmillan on, see Kennedy/Macmillan subheadings above
- McNamara on, 346, 456–457, 501, 532, 645, 773
- missiles, 773–774
- NATO, observation posts, 888
- non-aligned countries, 478, 598, 677–678
- NSC on, 411–412
- nuclear stockpiles, 387
- public opinion, 366, 367, 653
- reliability, 31
- resumption of testing by US, 58–59
- Rusk/Dobrynin conversations, 485–487, 702–704
- Rusk on, 487–488, 550–551, 624, 644–647, 888
- Seaborg on, 624–625, 644–647
- Stevenson on, 82, 317, 450–452
- Soviet monitoring of US tests, NIE, 3, 5
- UK position (see also Kennedy/Macmillan subheadings above), 365–367, 391–393, 399–403, 425–426, 475, 478–480, 492–493, 511, 513, 530, 533, 537–538, 541, 559, 626–627, 632–633, 649, 656
- UN resolutions, 573, 596
- unmonitored ban proposals, 131, 202, 204, 471, 478, 555, 565
- US/UK joint proposal, 425–426, 656
- US/UK/USSR exchanges, 632–634
- Wiesner on, 413–414, 500, 580–581, 700–701, 738n
- White House staff meetings, 58–59, 364, 370, 528–529, 532, 644–646
- zonal, 351, 364, 370, 373, 388–390, 456, 497, 525–526, 890
- Intercontinental ballistic missiles (see also
Air-launched intercontinental ballistic missiles),
215, 264
- anti-ballistic missiles, 40, 48, 73, 134, 179, 189, 199, 201, 215, 333, 336–337, 605, 654, 865
- Atlas program, 195, 196, 264, 267, 339, 439, 440, 505
- Brown on, 62–66, 129
- Committee of Principals on, 351, 418–419, 603, 604, 774
- Eighteen-Nation Disarmament Committee, 377, 406–408
- Honest John rocket, 196
- Kaysen on, 299, 300, 301
- kill mechanisms, testing results, 122
- Limited Test Ban Treaty negotiations, 774, 859
- McCone on, 759
- Minuteman missiles, 63, 153, 216, 219, 263–264, 270, 274, 505
- Nike-Zeus missiles, 40, 64, 65, 108, 122, 129, 153, 216, 269, 300–301, 333
- nuclear explosions, disablement of missiles/launch sites (see also Hardened sites), 262, 270, 313, 742
- outer space, weapons in, 564, 896–897
- outer space testing, interagency committee (NSAM 156) on ban, 563
- Polaris program, 13, 63, 153, 195, 197, 216, 219, 263–264, 267, 270, 274, 339, 430–431, 439
- test firing, 194–196, 215
- Intermediate-range ballistic missiles, 603
- International Atomic Energy Agency, nuclear materials for peaceful purposes, 26–27, 607
- International Court of Justice, 479
- International Disarmament Organization, 318
- Irish UN resolution, 26, 203, 451
- Israel, 639, 748, 749
- Institute for Strategic Studies, 603
- Italy, 521, 747
- Jackson, Henry M., 154–155, 500, 530, 822
- Japan, 249
- Johnson, Chuck, 548n
- Johnson, Gerald, 223, 310, 706
- Johnson, Lyndon B., 56, 92, 153, 154, 156, 287, 329, 336, 362, 523, 531, 644
- Johnson, U. Alexis, 202, 776, 845, 877
- Johnston Island, 211, 212, 220, 223, 251, 274, 441, 485, 566–568, 881, 902
- Joint Chiefs of Staff, 19, 623
- ACDA treaty proposal, 422–424, 426–427, 431, 434, 437, 720–724
- AICBMs, 684, 890
- anti-ballistic missiles, 865
- atmospheric testing, 55, 183n, 211, 215, 315, 327, 328, 333–334, 720–721, 802, 865
- ballistic missile, test firing, 194–196, 215
- China, 22–23, 427, 689–691, 866, 878–879, 890
- delivery vehicle reductions, 348, 606
- Eighteen-Nation Disarmament Committee, 419, 456–457, 529, 879
- Fisk Report, 15n, 124, 125
- GCD, 889–892
- Geneva test discontinuance talks, 53–55
- on Khrushchev, 877–880
- McCloy on approach to Soviets, JCS response, 53–55
- McNamara, JCS memos to, 21–27, 109–110, 426–427, 456–457, 889–892
- military personnel reductions, 110, 464, 530
- NATO, 21–27
- neutron bombs, 39–40, 41, 61, 107
- NIE, 2n, 6–7
- non-diffusion negotiations, 25–26, 571, 619
- nuclear materials, 24–25
- orbiting nuclear weapons, 892
- outer space testing, 865
- Panofsky Panel Report, response, 114, 124–127, 135
- secret testing, 53–55, 684, 720, 754
- seismic sensing, 15, 720–721
- Sino-Soviet bloc, 22–25
- Stennis Committee, 720, 724, 783, 784n
- tactical nuclear warfare, 126, 865–866
- test bans, 679, 683–685, 720–724, 783, 784n, 802, 830, 865–866, 877–880
- testing moratorium:
- testing resumption by US, 684, 898
- testing resumption by USSR, intelligence aspects, 168–169
- US/USSR stockpile transfers to peaceful uses, 351, 365
- verification issues, 456–457, 683–685
- Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, 12, 159, 500, 530–533, 637, 646
- Jones, William, 248n
- Kadar, Janos, 793, 804
- Karpov, Victor, 628
- Kaysen, Carl, 266n, 287–288, 297, 297–303, 306, 310, 339–343, 344–345, 351, 362, 386n,
452–454, 463, 467–469, 611, 617n, 656, 738n, 855n
- ACDA, GCD treaty proposal, 425, 429, 430, 434–436, 437, 724
- AICBMs, 299, 300–302
- atmospheric testing, 287–288, 297, 297–303, 306, 599, 600, 710–712, 734n
- Khrushchev speech, 763
- Limited Test Ban Treaty negotiations, 750, 751, 789, 798n, 807, 847, 855n
- military base reductions, 608
- NATO/Warsaw Pact non-aggression pact, 763
- non-diffusion negotiations, 571n
- seismic detection, 489–491
- Stevenson proposals, 458n, 475
- USSR/US capabilities compared, 599–601, 680
- Kazakhstan, 823
- Keeny, Spurgeon M., Jr., 141, 142, 310, 362, 468, 469, 504, 725, 726
- Kennedy, John F.:
- accidental warfare, 80
- ACDA treaty proposals, 422, 423, 434–436, 437, 507–509, 522, 648, 692, 734–735
- Adenauer, letters exchanged, 777–778, 870–872, 876n
- AEC:
- American University speech, 709–714, 727, 737, 801
- atmospheric testing, 93n, 158–162, 258, 291–295, 297–306, 310, 450–452, 568–569, 575–579, 585–586, 709–714, 727, 737, 801
- Berlin crisis, 130, 131, 138, 187, 274, 275, 279, 754, 763
- black boxes, 597–598
- China, testing, 99, 654n, 735–736, 801, 886
- Congressional relations, 11–12, 92–93, 100, 355–357
- Cuban missile crisis, 592, 753, 754–755, 871
- de Gaulle, 657, 869, 895
- Eighteen-Nation Disarmament Committee, 401–403, 692
- Committee of Principals, Foster memos, 507–514, 612–617
- Dean/Foster meeting with, 452–454
- Dean retirement letter, 625
- Fisher paper, 648
- Kaysen memo, 339–343
- NSC meeting, 411–414
- Rusk/Gromyko conversation, 405–406
- Seaborg on test ban, 393–395
- seismic sensing, 597–598
- US/UK joint proposal, 560–562, 568, 656
- White House staff meetings, 344–345, 362, 369–372, 520–524, 531–533, 644–647
- Fisk Report, McCloy transmittal to Kennedy, 14–17
- France, 552–553, 827–830, 885–886, 894–895
- Geneva test discontinuance talks, 10–14, 17–18, 91, 93n, 95–97, 101, 234
- Gromyko:
- high-yield bomb development, 706
- inspection issues, 364, 370, 401–403, 500, 508–509, 510–513, 517–519, 522, 528–529, 532, 597–598, 623–624, 626–629, 644–647, 648, 655–656, 699–700, 708–710, 738–744
- Khrushchev:
- Congressional briefing on talks, 92–93
- letters, 438, 576, 585–586, 623–624, 693–698
- Limited Test Ban Treaty negotiations, 753, 779–785, 789–790, 797–798, 801, 809n, 827–831, 835–837, 845–848, 880–881
- Macmillan/Kennedy joint letters to, 665–667, 674–678, 685–686, 693–699, 708–710, 714–718
- Murrow on, 150
- speech in Berlin, 763
- talks, 86–91, 687
- Laos, 206, 673
- Macmillan (see also under
- on de Gaulle, 657, 869
- Limited Test Ban Treaty negotiations, 797–798
- letters, 130–131, 164n, 137–140, 143, 164, 227–230, 281, 295–297, 304–305, 308–309, 337–339, 414–417, 438–439, 535–537, 565, 582n, 627–627, 632–633, 655–661, 674–676, 686, 767,768
- Nassau meeting, 630
- talks, 272, 276–278, 279, 281, 447–449, 734–735, 738–744, 752–759
- McCloy/Zorin negotiations, 97–98
- national address, Congressional briefing, 355–357
- NATO/Warsaw Pact non-aggression pact, 763–765, 778n, 835
- non-diffusion negotiations, 570–572, 582n, 618–619, 623, 668, 672–673, 781
- outer space testing, 563–565, 568–569, 575–579, 781
- seismic sensing, 489–491, 521–523, 529, 531, 576–577, 579, 580–581, 585–586, 594–595, 597–598, 623–624, 627, 693–698, 700–701, 708–709, 740–742, 753
- test ban proposals (see also ACDA treaty proposals; atmospheric testing; outer space testing above and underground testing; underwater testing below), 120, 362–365, 393–395, 510–514, 589–592, 654, 628–629, 655–656
- testing resumption (see also
atmospheric testing; outer space testing; test ban proposals above and underground testing; underwater testing below), 58–59, 152–157, 470,
- Committee of Principals on, 141–147
- Macmillan/Kennedy letters, 130–131, 137–140, 143, 164, 227–230
- Murrow letter, 148–149
- NSC on, 56–57, 69–70, 217–222
- Panofsky Report, 127n, 131–134
- press coverage, 235–236
- report on program, 176–183
- scheduling, 192–193
- Stevenson letters, 150–152, 206–207
- yield of tests, 161, 644
- UK relations (see
above; US/UK
subheadings above and below):
- Christmas Island, 223, 278–279, 295–297, 521, 527, 537
- Eighteen-Nation Disarmament Committee, 535–537, 560–562, 568, 656
- seismic detection cooperation, 391–393
- testing resumption, 130–131, 137–140, 143, 164, 223–225, 272–281, 295–297
- underground testing, UK use of US facilities, 225, 477
- US/UK test ban proposals, 208–209, 304–305, 414–415, 565, 626–627, 655–661, 674–676
- US/UK/USSR summit, proposed, 665–667, 674–676
- UN relations, 52, 138, 150–152, 186, 206, 220–221, 304–305, 524
- underground testing, 131, 139, 521–522, 569, 576, 644, 676, 880–881
- underwater testing, 568–569, 575–579
- US/USSR capabilities compared, 584
- Zorin, exchange of views, 99–102
- Kennedy, Robert F., 656, 661–663, 673
- Kent, Sherman, 771–772
- Khrushchev, Nikita S.:
- accidental warfare, 80, 498, 787, 792
- agricultural development, 800
- atmospheric testing, 111, 159–160, 286–287
- Berlin crisis, 110, 111, 187, 274, 275, 279, 688, 762–763, 789–790
- Chinese relations, 858–860
- Cousins interview, 687
- Cuban missile crisis, 592
- Eighteen-Nation Disarmament Committee, 381, 733, 786, 787, 800, 831
- Eisenhower letter, 93n
- France, 88, 112
- Geneva test discontinuance talks, 44, 45, 47, 52–53, 83–84, 91, 112
- Germanys, 686, 688, 694, 790, 801
- inspection issues, 112, 438–439, 486, 496–497, 587–588, 597–598, 623–624, 627, 656, 660, 662, 665–667, 670–671, 686, 693–699, 714–718, 773
- Kennedy, John F. (see also Kennedy/Macmillan subheadings below), 69–70, 78, 79–80, 86–93, 101, 150, 598–599
- Kennedy/Macmillan joint letters to, 665–667, 670–678, 685–686, 693–699, 707–710, 714–718
- Kennedy/Macmillan talks, 274, 279, 280, 448
- Kennedy, Robert, 656, 661–663, 656, 673
- Kohler conversations, 587–588, 685–686
- Laos, 206, 673
- Limited Test Ban Treaty negotiations, 688, 719, 722, 723, 728–735, 750, 856–863
- McCloy on, 80, 110–114
- NATO/Warsaw Pact non-aggression pact t, 762–766, 770–771, 781, 816, 835, 839–840, 841n
- non-diffusion controls, 672–673, 675, 686, 731–732
- outer space testing, 568–569, 575–579, 781
- Rusk on, 80, 83–85, 86, 113–114, 486, 687, 707–710, 744–746, 763, 766, 779–784, 791–794, 801, 809n, 815–816, 821–823, 827, 829–830, 835, 845–850, 853–855, 877–880
- seismic sensing, 84, 576–577, 579, 585–586, 587–588, 623–624, 627, 694, 728–730, 745
- Senate of the US and, 88, 92–93, 783, 805, 809, 810–811, 821–822, 830–831, 835, 841, 857, 849, 854, 880, 881, 886–887
- test ban proposals, 111, 497–499, 793n
- testing resumption, 56–57, 68, 69–70, 155, 286, 414–417
- underwater testing, 111, 568–569, 576, 577–578, 585–586, 731, 762, 810
- Killian, James R., Jr., 646
- Kistiakowsky, George S., 657
- Kohler, Foy D., 77, 80, 86, 159–160, 184, 362, 444, 459, 471, 472, 485, 493, 496, 498, 587–588, 672, 676n, 685–686, 698, 718, 801, 804, 807, 809, 815, 818, 820, 824, 826, 833, 834, 839, 841, 845, 856, 863
- Komer, Robert, 27n, 58, 70–71, 141, 171–174
- Korea, 23, 811, 844, 848n, 878
- Kornienko, Georgi M., 444, 459, 485, 541, 556
- Kovalev (USSR), 184, 493
- Kuznetsov, Valeriy Alekseevich, 550, 553, 554–555, 597, 624–625, 628–632, 644, 730, 750
- Laos, 28, 34, 206, 673, 688, 775, 788, 790, 796
- Latin America, 285, 451, 593, 781, 888–889
- Lausche, Frank J., 835
- Lawrence Livermore Laboratories, 584
- League of Nations, 100–101, 381, 382
- Legere, Col. Lawrence J., 287, 326–327
- LeMay, Gen. Curtis E., 69, 74, 419, 420–421, 423–424, 689–691, 723n, 724n, 783, 830, 878, 879
- Lemnitzer, Gen. Lyman L.:
- ACDA treaty proposal, 426–427, 431, 432, 437
- ballistic missile, test firing, 194–196
- Committee of Principals, 347–348, 505
- Eighteen-Nation Disarmament Committee, 364, 365, 529
- McNamara, JCS memos to, 21–27, 426–427
- missile reduction agreements, 505
- nuclear materials production cutoff, 109–110
- test ban proposals, 310, 362, 898
- testing resumption:
- US/USSR stockpile transfers to peaceful uses, 351
- Less developed countries. See Developing countries.
- Lilienfeld, Georg von, 778n
- Limited nuclear warfare. See Tactical nuclear warfare.
- Limited Test Ban Treaty negotiations (Harriman/Hailsham Moscow Mission) (see also Limited
Test Ban Treaty negotiations subheadings under other subjects),
688, 719, 722, 723, 728–735, 737, 744–746, 750, 751, 753, 763, 768–881
- Adenauer on, 777–778, 870–872, 873–876
- amendment, voting procedure, 825
- Ball on, 797–798, 809n, 821, 827–831, 835–836, 837, 841n, 846, 877
- bombers, 859
- comprehensive test ban proposals, 688, 719, 722, 723, 728–735, 737, 744–746, 750, 751, 753, 763, 768–772, 779–786, 798, 807, 819–820, 825
- Congressional response, 779, 821, 846
- conventional weapons, 776–777
- Fisher on, 817–818, 838, 849n
- Foster on, 744, 746n, 750, 751, 779, 784, 827, 830, 837, 841n, 845, 877
- French position, 784, 791–794, 796, 799–801, 803, 804, 812, 817, 825, 827–832, 842, 843, 851–853, 857–858, 860, 866–869
- German Democratic Republic and, 871–872, 874–875, 885–886
- German (FRG) position, 789, 799, 801, 812, 828, 836, 870–876
- ICBMs, 774, 859
- Kaysen on, 750, 751, 789, 798n, 807, 847, 855n
- Kennedy on, 753, 777–778, 779–785, 789–790, 797–798, 801, 809n, 827–831, 835–837, 845–848, 870–872, 876n, 880–881
- Laos, 775, 788, 790
- Macmillan on, 751, 776–777, 796–798, 818n, 827, 828, 830, 832, 847, 855n, 869n
- NATO multilateral nuclear force, 672–673, 732, 735, 745–746, 780–781, 786–787, 790, 797–800
- NATO/Warsaw Pact non-aggression pact, 732–733, 735, 746, 763–765, 778n, 780, 781, 787–788, 791–794, 797–801, 805–807, 809n, 811–812, 814, 824, 826, 828, 830, 831–834, 835, 839–841, 848
- non-proliferation controls, 780–781, 784, 786–787, 807, 731–732, 808, 813, 838
- NSC instructions, 779–788
- nuclear free zones, 781, 787
- orbiting weapons, 770, 787
- peaceful uses of nuclear explosions, 803, 804, 810, 823–824
- Taylor on, 780, 783–784, 830, 878, 880
- treaty ratification and deposition, 810–811, 827, 838–839, 841, 843, 850–851, 853, 863–864, 869, 876n
- UK position, 719, 722, 723, 728–735, 737, 781–782, 796–798
- UN actions, 831, 836–837, 849
- underground testing, 779–780, 786, 792
- unrecognized regimes, 811, 843–844, 848n, 851, 853–855, 863–864
- wartime use v. testing of weapons, 836–837, 846, 849, 855, 877, 878
- withdrawal provisions, 803–804, 809–810, 813–818, 821, 824
- Lippmann, Walter, 624, 790
- Long, Franklin, 366, 399–401, 476–478, 516, 529, 551n, 726, 734, 744, 757
- Loper, Gen. Herbert, 15, 125
- Los Alamos Laboratories, 584
- Lovett, Robert A., 530, 531, 532
- Luedecke, Gen. A.R., 223
- Lumumba, Patrice, 29
- Macmillan, Harold (see also Kennedy/Macmillan; Macmillan;UK subheadings
under other subjects):
- atmospheric testing, 160, 208–210, 223–224, 258, 289, 304–305, 560–562, 565
- Cuban missile crisis, 753, 754–755
- de Gaulle, 657, 869
- Eighteen-Nation Disarmament Committee, 529
- Eisenhower, Camp David declaration, 370
- French testing, 828, 847, 869n
- Geneva test discontinuance talks, Kennedy and, 52–53, 130, 138, 140, 274, 278, 289
- inspection issues, 438–439, 530, 626–627, 655–656, 665–667, 670–671, 708–710, 738–744
- Kennedy:
- Khrushchev:
- Limited Test Ban Treaty negotiations, 751, 776–777, 789, 796–798, 818n, 827, 828, 830, 832, 847, 855n, 869n
- Kennedy/Macmillan letters on, 52–53, 138, 308–309, 414–417, 626–627, 656, 659, 660, 663–665, 670–671, 674–676
- Kennedy/Macmillan joint letters to, 665–667, 674–676, 685–686, 707–710
- Kennedy/Macmillan talks, 448
- letter to, 425–426
- Nassau talks, 630
- non-diffusion negotiations, Kennedy and, 582n, 656, 660, 752–755
- outer space testing, 565
- seismic sensing, letter to Kennedy, 391–393
- test ban proposals, 655–658
- testing resumption, 56–57, 115, 114, 329,
- Christmas Island tests, 227–230, 236, 274, 278–279, 281, 295–297, 316, 356, 441, 527, 537
- Kennedy announcement, 356
- Kennedy letters, 130–131, 164n, 137–140, 143, 164, 227–230, 281, 295–297, 304–305, 337–339, 414–417, 438–439
- Kennedy talks, 272–281, 447–449
- Johnston Island tests, 567–568
- public opinion, 236
- Rusk telegram, 165–166
- underground testing, 131, 139, 279, 753–755
- US facilities used for testing, 225, 477
- US/UK/USSR exchanges, 632–633
- Makins, Sir Roger, 212
- Malinovsky, Marshal Rodion Y., 859
- Mansfield, Michael J., 92, 154, 356
- Marder, Murray, 12
- Marengo, Louis C., 431, 609, 776
- McCloy, John J., 19, 97–98, 152n, 530
- atmospheric/undersea testing, 94n, 158–160
- Berlin crisis, 110, 111
- Eighteen-Nation Disarmament Committee, 528, 531, 532, 553, 613
- Fisk Report, transmittal to Kennedy, 14–17
- Geneva test discontinuance talks, 10–13, 41–47, 53–55, 56–57, 67–68, 95–97, 101
- Gromyko meeting, 32–34
- Limited Test Ban Treaty negotiations, 835
- Kennedy adviser, letter designating, 7–8
- Khrushchev/Kennedy talks, 80
- Khrushchev meeting, 110–114, 135
- nuclear materials production cutoff, 109–110
- Nuclear Test Delegation, Gullion memo, 20
- Rusk memo, 113–114
- secret testing proposal, 9
- seismic sensing, 45, 46–47, 53–55, 531
- Soviet aide-memoire, 96
- test ban negotiations, after Geneva test discontinuance talks, 67–68, 94n, 158–160
- test moratorium, 39, 45–46
- test resumption, 43–47, 53–55, 56, 58, 59, 68, 69, 70, 76–78, 116–124, 129, 132, 135, 137, 141, 144n, 145–148, 152n, 155–158, 330
- US/USSR bilateral negotiations, 105, 174–176
- USSR defense budget analysis, 104
- Zorin, meetings with, 37–38, 61, 105, 174–176
- McCone, John, 161–162, 287, 328, 329, 336, 356, 370, 413, 470, 499n, 502, 512, 523, 531–533, 599–601, 637–639, 644–646, 649–650, 653–654, 668–670, 679–681, 721, 736, 759–760, 898
- McCormack, John W., 92, 356
- McGhee, George C., 80, 194n, 351, 362, 767n, 848, 870
- McGill, Ralph, 287
- McMahon Act. See Atomic Energy Act of 1946.
- McNamara, Robert S.:
- ACDA treaty proposal, 426–427, 462–467, 679, 681–682
- Adenauer meeting, 870–872
- AICBMs, 117, 118
- atmospheric testing, 183n, 197–200, 201, 214–216, 252, 315, 329, 332–333, 439, 504–505, 566–567
- ballistic missile, test firing, 195n
- Berlin crisis, 652, 775, 871
- Committee of Principals, 73–74, 77–78, 141, 145, 148, 197–200, 346–351, 417, 419–421, 462–467, 501, 502, 505–507, 512, 601–611, 679–682, 719–725, 773–774
- conventional forces reductions, 466–468, 506–507, 773
- Cuban missile crisis, 601–602
- Eighteen-Nation Disarmament Committee, 363–364, 406–411, 520, 531, 532, 604–605, 645, 773, 889–892
- Geneva test discontinuance talks, 67–68, 74–78, 121, 124
- JCS memos to, 21–27, 109–110, 426–427, 456–457, 889–892
- low-yield tests, 736–738
- McCloy, letter to, 109–110, 129
- military base reductions, 610
- military personnel reductions, 530
- NATO/Warsaw Pact non-aggression pact, 763
- neutron bomb, 220
- non-diffusion negotiations, 570n, 582n
- nuclear materials production cutoff, 109–110, 144–145
- satellite detection of tests, 884
- secret testing by USSR, 734
- seismic sensing of tests, 501, 514–516, 531
- test ban proposals, 73–74, 144–145, 197–200, 291–295, 310, 362, 372, 501, 502, 504–505, 644, 654, 679–682, 719–725, 759–760, 898
- testing resumption, 60–66, 73–74, 77–78, 119, 121–122 s, 141, 145, 148, 183n, 197–200, 201, 214–216, 252, 315, 329, 332–333, 439, 470, 504–505, 566–567, 599–601, 898
- underground testing, 504
- McNaughton, John T., 291–295, 362, 437, 468, 757, 817–818, 849n, 855, 904
- Media (see also Radio; Television):
- Medium-range ballistic missiles (see also Multilateral force; Polaris missiles; Skybolt), 263, 408, 418–419, 431, 604
- Mendelevich, Lev Isaakovich, 628
- Menon, Krishna, 72
- Menshikov, Mikhail Alekseevich, 86
- Mercury program, 567
- Mexico, 28, 412
- Middle East (see also specific countries), 4, 705, 748
- Mikoyan, Anastas Ivanovich, 895n
- Military bases, reduction, 461–464, 506, 509, 607–608, 610, 614–615
- Military personnel:
- ACDA treaty proposal, 427, 464–467, 506–507
- atmospheric test ban and Soviet force levels, 299
- Berlin, 652, 775, 871
- China, 464
- Dobrynin/Rusk/Home meeting, 888–889
- Eighteen-Nation Disarmament Committee, 341–342, 370, 377–378, 388, 530
- European troop movements, monitoring, 869
- Germanys, 799, 812
- JCS on reduction of US forces, 110, 464, 530
- Khrushchev/McCloy meeting, 112
- Sino-Soviet Bloc v, US allies, 133
- tactical nuclear weapons training, 802
- Minuteman program, 63, 153, 216, 219, 263–264, 270, 274, 299, 300, 301, 505
- Missiles (see also
Anti-ballistic missiles; Cuban
missile crisis; Intercontinental ballistic missiles; Medium-range
ballistic missiles; Multilateral nuclear force;
Nike-Zeus missiles; Polaris program):
- AEC certification, 63
- atmospheric effects, 178, 315
- Chinese development, 771–772, 858–860
- cluster warheads, 62
- Committee of Principals on, 143–144, 198, 345–351, 418–422, 602–614, 774
- disarmament via reduction of, 309, 340, 342, 364, 377, 505, 602–614
- Eighteen-Nation Disarmament Committee, 340, 342, 377, 386–388, 406–411
- inspection issues, 773–774
- McCloy/Khrushchev meeting, 112
- production cutoffs, 387–388, 430–432, 434–437, 465–466, 509, 733, 772–776
- research by US, Brown report, 62–66
- survivability (see also Hardened sites), 265, 313, 742
- tactical, see Tactical nuclear warfare
- USSR, 61–62, 774
- Monitoring. See Detection technology; Inspection issues; Seismic sensing of nuclear explosions; Verification issues.
- Morgan, Thomas E., 92
- Multilateral nuclear force (NATO), 521, 543, 546, 570–571, 618, 640–644, 647–648, 699, 704, 705, 735
- Murray, Thomas, 45
- Murrell, D., 685
- Murrow, Edward R., 56, 70, 76, 149–150, 153, 154, 159–160, 221, 330, 421, 468, 502, 511, 530, 531, 847–848
- Myrdal, Alva, 530
- Nassau Agreements, 630, 648
- National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 387, 567
- National Intelligence Estimates (see also Special National Intelligence Estimates), 192, 454
- National Security Action Memoranda (NSAM):
- National Security Council:
- actions:
- AICBMs, 217–218, 246
- atmospheric testing, 136, 217–222, 226–227, 239, 241–248, 252–253, 328–337, 439–442
- Committee on Atmospheric Testing, 227n, 241–248, 250–251, 288–289
- Eighteen-Nation Disarmament Committee, 411–414
- Geneva test discontinuance talks, 56–57
- inspection issues, 411–412
- meetings, 217–222, 411–414
- non-aligned countries, UN negotiations, 413–414
- NSAM 156 Committee, 563–565
- outer space, 563–564
- Scoville Committee, 600–601
- test bans, 56–57, 411–414, 563–564
- testing resumption, 56–57, 60–65, 114, 134–137, 154, 209–210, 217–222, 226, 239, 412
- USSR negotiations, McCloy memo, 42–47, 53–55, 779–785
- Working Group on Underground Nuclear Tests, 634–635, 636–637
- NATO. See North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
- NATO/Warsaw Pact non-aggression pact,
546, 732–733, 735, 746, 762–766, 770–771, 781, 880
- Adenauer on, 763–765, 778n
- Ball on, 763, 841n
- French position, 763, 791–794, 827–832, 852, 867, 868
- German position, 763–765, 778n, 796, 801, 828, 831–832
- Limited Test Ban Treaty negotiations, 732–733, 735, 746, 763, 780, 781, 787–788, 791–794, 797–801, 805–807, 809n, 811–812, 814, 824, 826, 828, 830, 831–834, 835, 839–841, 848
- Kennedy on, 763–765, 778n, 835
- Rusk on, 762–766, 770–771
- Naval forces, NATO. See Multilateral nuclear force; Polaris program; Submarines.
- Nehru, Jawaharlal, 285
- Neidle, Alan F., 483
- Neutral countries. See Non-aligned countries
- Neutron bombs:
- Nevada tests, 192, 207n, 212–213, 219, 392, 470, 636, 698, 738
- Newman, Joseph, 234 New York Herald Tribune, 234 New York Times, 12, 164n, 259, 488
- Niblick program, 882
- Nigeria, 454
- Nike-Zeus missiles, 40, 64, 65, 108, 122, 129, 153, 216, 269, 300–301, 333
- Nitze, Paul H.:
- Committee of Principals, 201, 348–349, 468, 504, 507, 521, 604, 607, 610, 722
- Eighteen-Nation Disarmament Committee, 371, 504, 507, 521, 604, 644–646
- GCD, Gromyko opinion, 85
- Geneva test discontinuance talks, 11
- German nuclear capabilities, 521
- Gromyko/Stevenson talks, Rusk on, 19
- orbiting nuclear weapons, 892
- test ban proposals, 240, 310, 362, 504, 644, 722, 725
- testing resumption, 56, 201
- Non-aligned countries (see also
Eight-Nation Delegation; specific countries):
- atmospheric test ban, 159
- Belgrade Conference, Murrow on, 149–150, 163, 168
- Committee of Principals, 421, 504, 511
- GCD, technical briefing by US experts, 551n
- Eighteen-Nation Disarmament Committee, 412, 413, 421, 453, 504, 511, 530, 665
- inspection, on-site, 478, 598, 677–678
- Kennedy/Macmillan exchanges, 140, 675, 676–678
- Kennedy/Khrushchev exchanges, 87, 592
- NIE on US resumption of testing, 4–5
- non-proliferation controls, 705
- Stevenson and, 28, 80, 82, 248–249
- Swedish UN test ban resolution, 231–233, 451
- UK relations, 475, 480
- UN relations, 413–414, 475, 480
- Non-dissemination/non-proliferation controls (see
Nuclear free zones):
- ACDA, 570n, 571
- Adenauer on, 571, 582
- Ball on, 623, 673n
- Berlin crisis and, 454, 652
- Bundy on, 619n, 632, 781
- Canada, 640, 643
- China, 451, 544, 545, 571, 573–574, 583, 602, 618–619, 621–622, 639, 651, 668, 704, 732, 748–749, 752–753, 866
- Cline memo to Foster, 582–583
- Committee of Principals on, 508, 513–514
- cost factors, 521, 582–583, 747–749
- de Gaulle on, 571, 582
- Dobrynin/Rusk conversations, 541–547, 556–557, 620–621, 640–641, 647–648, 704–705, 781, 786
- Eighteen-Nation Disarmament Committee, 453–454, 508, 513–514, 519, 535
- Fisher on, 570n
- Fisk Report, 16
- Foster on, 570n, 582–583, 668
- Franco-German Treaty, 640–641, 658
- French position, 33, 544, 571, 582–583, 593, 620, 621–622, 630, 632, 639, 648, 650–652, 660, 668, 745, 747, 748,, 745, 792, 794
- German (FRG) position, 413, 451, 454, 496, 503n, 544–547, 570–571, 602, 618, 621, 622, 632, 641, 642–643, 651–652, 660, 675, 686, 746
- Germanys, agreement on, 413, 451, 496, 503n, 544–547, 570–571, 602, 618, 621
- Gilpatric on, 570n
- Gromyko/Rusk exchanges, 33, 496, 503n, 542–544, 557–559, 602, 660, 672
- Home on, 570, 621–622, 675, 755
- Irish UN resolution, 26, 203, 451
- JCS on, 25–26, 571, 619
- Kaysen on, 571n
- Kennedy, 570–572, 582n, 618–619, 623, 668, 781
- Kennedy/Khrushchev letter, 672–673
- Kennedy/Macmillan exchanges, 582n, 652n, 656, 660, 752–755
- Khrushchev, 672–673, 675, 686, 731–732
- Kuznetsov/Rusk conversation, 630–631
- Limited Test Ban Treaty negotiations, 731–732, 780–781, 784, 786–787, 807, 808, 813, 838
- McNamara on, 570n, 582n
- Middle East, 705, 748
- NATO, 620–622,
- NIE on likelihood of proliferation, 747–749
- non-aligned countries, general, 705
- Rusk on, 570–572, 602, 618–619, 623, 630–631, 651, 673n, 675, 780–781, 869
- Rusk/Dobrynin exchanges, 541–547, 556–557, 620–621, 632, 640–644, 647–648, 704–705, 781
- Rusk/Gromyko exchanges, 33, 496, 503n, 542–544, 557–559, 602, 651, 660, 672
- Stevenson on, 451
- Swedish UN test ban resolution, 232–233, 451
- Ten-Nation Group, expansion, 28
- Thompson on, 673n
- UK position, 570–572, 618, 620–622, 630, 632, 648, 675, 755
- UN actions, 25–26, 232–233, 451, 545, 547, 557, 602, 651n
- Warsaw Pact, 546, 732–733, 735, 746
- North American Air Defense Command, 643
- North Atlantic Council, 232, 423, 793
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization (see also
Multilateral nuclear force (NATO); NATO/Warsaw
Pact non-aggression pact; North Atlantic Council):
- base reductions, 464
- Committee of Principals, 146
- Eighteen-Nation Disarmament Committee, 340–341, 343, 364, 378, 388, 413
- France, 33, 621–622, 648, 652, 763, 827–832, 868
- Geneva test discontinuance talks, 311
- Germany, 34, 641, 746, 763–765, 778n, 796, 801, 828, 831–832, 905
- Gromyko, 33, 805–806, 809n, 814, 826, 832, 833–834, 840, 887–888
- inspection issues, 888
- JCS, 21–27
- Kennedy/Khrushchev letters, 578, 672–673, 695, 715
- McNamara, JCS memo to, 21–27
- non-dissemination controls, 620–622
- nuclear stockpiles, 343
- Rusk on, 735, 780–781, 816, 869, 887–888
- Stevenson/Zorin talks, 248–249
- Swedish UN test ban resolution, 231–233
- test resumption, 146
- UK position, 648, 697
- USSR defense budget analysis, 104
- Warsaw Pact (see NATO/Warsaw Pact non-aggression pact), 775, 781
- Northrup, Doyle, 500, 531
- Norton (DOD), 531
- Norway, 232
- Nuclear explosions, peaceful uses (See also
Seismic research), 719
- Gromyko/McCloy meeting, 33
- Kennedy, report on program, 177
- Kennedy/Khrushchev meeting, 79–80
- Limited Test Ban Treaty negotiations, 803, 804, 810, 823–824
- NIE on, 2n, 748
- NSC on, 56
- Plowshare program, 159, 178, 183, 191, 699, 680–681, 682–683, 724–726, 877–878
- US/USSR materials transfers to peaceful uses, 351, 370, 388, 606–607, 614, 770, 787
- Nuclear free zones, 379, 451, 573n, 593, 781, 787, 888–889
- Nuclear materials, weapons grade:
- Committee of Principals on, 143, 144, 606–609
- cost factors:
- Eighteen-Nation Disarmament Committee, 341, 370, 388
- Geneva test discontinuance talks, 318
- Gromyko/McCloy meeting, 33
- neutron bombs, 65, 129, 136
- Panel on Cutoff, report, 30–31
- Panofsky Panel Report, JCS response, 125–126
- production cutoff agreements, 30–31, 32, 109–110, 144–145, 349, 369, 370, 388, 606–609, 615, 770, 861–862
- reductions, 606
- UN, Kennedy speech, 173
- US/USSR materials transfers to peaceful uses, 351, 370, 388, 606–607, 614, 733, 770, 787
- USSR, 48, 61, 116–117, 761–762, 775
- yield-to-weight ratios, 48, 107, 116–117, 123, 219–220, 243, 245, 246–247, 251, 263–265, 271, 274, 314, 644, 684, 741–742, 756
- Nuclear stockpiles (see also
Parity concept; Proportionality concept), 30–31, 155, 264, 270–271, 314
- Committee of Principals on, 145, 346–347, 349, 351, 605, 606, 774
- Eighteen-Nation Disarmament Committee, 342, 343, 369–370, 377
- inspection of, 387
- Kennedy/Khrushchev talks, 88
- Kennedy/Macmillan joint letter to Khrushchev, response to, 693–694
- NATO, 343
- Panofsky Panel Report, 125–126
- UN, Kennedy speech, 173
- US/USSR stockpile transfers to peaceful uses, 351, 370, 388, 606–607, 614, 770, 787
- USSR, 125, 168–169, 693–694, 761
- verification of reductions, 606
- Nuclear Test Ban Agreement. See Eighteen-Nation Disarmament Committee; Geneva Conference on the Discontinuance of Nuclear Weapon Tests.
- Nuclear weapons testing. See Atmospheric testing; Comprehensive test bans; Eighteen-Nation Disarmament Committee; General and comprehensive disarmament; Geneva Conference on the Discontinuance of Nuclear Weapon Tests; Limited Test Ban Treaty negotiations; Outer space testing; Secret testing; Seismic Underground testing; Underwater testing.
- Operation Dominic, 441–442, 470n, 549–550, 566–568
- Operation Ivanhoe, 210n
- Operation Nougat, 210n, 470n
- Operation Storax, 470n, 636–637
- Orange shot, 40
- Orbiting weapons. See Earth orbit.
- Ormsby Gore, David, 52, 115, 130, 138, 140, 224, 274, 281, 296, 308, 309, 325–326, 337–338, 441–442, 447, 449, 597, 656, 757
- Outer Mongolia, 848n
- Outer space (see also Earth orbit; Outer space testing; Satellites), 563, 564, 896–897
- Outer space testing, 182, 197n, 219, 257, 470, 507, 563–565
- AEC, 470
- Atomic Energy Detection System, 638, 883–884
- China, 320
- Committee of Principals on, 75, 500, 507, 509
- Defense Department on, 564
- Eighteen-Nation Disarmament Committee, 500, 507, 509, 560–562, 563–565, 568–569, 576, 577–578, 585–586, 810
- Fisk Report, 15–16
- interagency committee (NSAM 156) on ban, 563–565
- JCS position, 865
- Kennedy on, 563–565, 568–569, 575–579, 781
- Kennedy/Khrushchev letters, 568–569, 575–579
- Khrushchev, 731, 762, 777, 781, 786, 799, 800, 803, 807, 819–823
- large yield tests, 188
- McNamara on, 123
- NIE on, 1–2, 5–6, 49–50
- radiation flux in space, 39, 41, 587
- UN, 563, 572–575, 596
- underground testing and, 756
- Pacific Ocean (See also Christmas Island; Johnston Island), 212, 321, 470, 865
- Padilla Nervo, Luis, 484, 555
- Pakistan, 249
- Panama Canal, 823, 878
- Panel on Nuclear Testing. See Panofsky Panel Report.
- Panel on the Technical Capabilities and Implications of the Geneva System. See Fisk Panel Report.
- Panofsky, Wolfgang, 136
- Panofsky Panel Report, 106–109, 114, 269
- Parity concept, 342–343, 346–347, 349, 605
- Parker, Adm. Edward N., 346, 363
- Parrott, Thomas, 209–210
- Pastore, John, 356, 822, 880
- Peaceful uses. See Nuclear explosions, peaceful uses; Seismic research.
- Pelen, Pierre, 791
- Penny, Sir William, 272–273, 275, 278, 391n, 576
- Perkins Panel, 30–31
- Pershing program, 216
- Photographic intelligence, 773
- Plowshare program, 159, 178, 183, 191, 699, 680–681, 682–683, 724–726, 877–878
- Plutonium, tritium, and uranium. See Nuclear materials.
- Poland, 32–34, 553
- Polaris program, 13, 63, 153, 195, 197, 216, 219, 263–264, 267, 270, 274, 299, 300, 301, 339, 430–431, 439
- Popper, David H., 200
- Price, Benjamin M., 492
- Price, Charles M., 356
- Press. See Media.
- Press, Frank, 490–491
- Proliferation controls. See Non-dissemination/non-proliferation controls.
- Proof testing. See Reliability of nuclear weapons.
- Proportionality concept, 342–343, 348, 349, 364–365, 606
- Public opinion (see also Media):
- atmospheric testing, 442
- Berlin crisis, 131
- Communist propaganda:
- GCD, intelligence on, 773
- inspection issues, 366, 367, 653
- outer space testing, 564
- test bans, 233–234, 309, 502, 679–680, 753, 809, 821–822, 847
- testing resumption by US, 82, 132, 191, 259, 283–285, 288–289, 320–321, 422, 440, 450, 495
- testing resumption by USSR:
- Pugwash Committee, 576–577, 623–624, 657
- Radar, nuclear weapons effects on (see also Blackout), 178, 261–262, 269–270
- Radiation effects on health (see also
Neutron bombs):
- atmospheric testing, 124, 126–127, 160, 183, 190, 226, 245, 282–283, 320–321, 439, 736
- ballistic missile, test firing, 196
- Canadian position, 4, 37, 93, 200, 203
- Committee of Principals on, 141–142
- Communist propaganda, 2
- genetic, 182
- Kennedy, report on testing program, 181–182, 183
- Kennedy/Macmillan and, 131, 742–743, 756
- Kohler, instructions on Soviet approach, 587n
- lethal effects testing, 117, 181
- McCone memo, 669
- Panofsky Panel Report, 126–127
- public fears, 3–4, 126–127
- Sahara Desert, French tests, 856–857
- Stevenson letter to Kennedy, 404
- underground testing, 75, 183, 213, 825
- underwater testing, 124
- UN fallout testing initiative, 170–171
- X-ray/other kill mechanisms, 122
- Radio, 178, 179–180, 355–357
- Ramsbotham, Mason, 472
- Rand Corp., 584
- Rapacki Plan, 34
- Rathjens, George, 581n, 776
- Reactors, USSR capacity, 762
- Read, Benjamin H., 809n, 837n, 845
- Reliability of nuclear weapons, 15n, 69, 117, 177
- Research and development. See Atmospheric testing; Comprehensive test bans; Eighteen-Nation Disarmament Committee; General and comprehensive disarmament; Geneva Conference on the Discontinuance of Nuclear Weapon Tests; Limited Test Ban Treaty negotiations; Neutron bombs; Outer space testing; Seismic research; Underground testing; Underwater testing.
- Reserve forces, 432
- Retaliatory capability, nuclear warfare, 107
- Reuters, 487
- Riddell, Maj. Gen. (UK), 380
- Riley, Adm. Herbert D., 327
- Robb, M. A. M., 447, 449
- Romney, Carl, 514–516, 531, 551n
- Roosevelt, Franklin D., 84–85, 285, 789
- Rostow, Walt W., 95, 350, 421
- Ruina, Jack, 514
- Rusk, Dean:
- ACDA, GCD treaty proposal, 422, 423, 428–433, 436–437, 500–506, 603, 679–682, 904–905
- Acheson, conversation, 102–103
- Adenauer and, 872, 873–876
- atmospheric and/or undersea testing, 93–94, 158–160, 202, 208n, 215n, 238, 239, 252, 319–322, 323, 324n, 325–326, 328–329, 331–332, 334, 335–336, 440, 510, 532, 710–714
- Berlin crisis, 444, 459–460, 485, 775
- Chinese nuclear capability, 194, 793
- Committee of Principals, 71–78, 197–204, 237n, 345–351, 417, 461–468, 499–500, 502–504, 506, 510–513, 601–611, 679–680, 719–726, 773–775
- Cuban missile crisis, 601–602
- Dean, Kennedy letter, 17–18
- Dobrynin conversations, 444–446, 541–547, 556–557, 620–621, 640–641, 647–648, 702–705, 781, 786, 793
- Eighteen-Nation Disarmament Committee, 378–379, 534–537
- Committee of Principals on, 499–500, 502–504, 506, 510–513
- Dobrynin, conversations with, 444–446, 647, 889
- Gromyko exchanges, 381, 384–385, 405–406, 493–495, 573
- inspection, 487–488, 550–551, 624, 644–647
- NATO/Warsaw Pact non-aggression pact,763, 765–766, 778n
- NSC meeting on, 411–414
- outer space, weapons in, 896–897
- test ban, 362, 364, 372, 373–374, 376–378, 383, 405–406, 657–658, 863–864
- UK position, 492–493, 535–539
- UN, 573, 896–897
- US/UK talks, 492–493
- US/UK/USSR exchange, 382–383
- US/USSR talks, 493–495
- White House staff meetings, 362, 364, 372, 521, 528, 530, 644–647
- GCD, 422, 423, 428–433, 436–437, 499–507, 510–514, 541n, 603, 679–682, 904–905
- Gromyko exchanges, 33, 83–85, 184–185, 381, 384–385, 405–406, 493–496, 502, 503n, 542–544, 557–559, 572–575, 602, 651, 660, 672, 887–889
- Khrushchev, 80, 83–85, 86, 113–114, 486, 687
- low-yield tests, 736–738
- military troop movements in Europe, monitoring, 869
- NATO/Warsaw Pact non-aggression pact, 781, 816, 839–840, 841n, 869, 887–888
- non-diffusion agreements, 602, 673n, 675, 869
- Nuclear Test Delegation, memo from Gullion, 20–21
- outer space testing, 563, 887, 896–897
- Plowshare program, 724–726, 878
- secret testing, 9, 521
- test ban proposals, 95, 199–200, 235–239, 311, 362,
589, 644, 898
- Adenauer on, 872, 873–876
- atmospheric and/or undersea, 93–94, 158–160, 238, 252, 510, 532, 710–714
- Committee of Principals, 71–78, 197–204, 237n, 499–507, 510–514, 679–682, 719–725
- Dobrynin conversations, 443–446, 485–487, 702–704
- Kennedy/Macmillan talks, 447–448, 449, 752–758
- outer space testing, 887, 896–897
- Stevenson, 248–250, 450n, 454, 458n
- UN, 572–575
- US/UK atmospheric testing ban proposal, 208n, 239
- testing resumption, 58, 140, 152n, 153,
163, 164n, 165–166, 224, 272,
281, 287, 319–322, 898
- atmospheric, 215n, 202, 208n, 239, 319–322, 323, 324n, 325–326, 328–329, 331–332, 334, 335–336, 440, 471–472, 476
- Committee of Principals on, 141, 142, 145–146, 148, 197–204
- fallout testing initiative, 170–171
- Kennedy/Macmillan exchanges on, 140, 272, 276, 281, 447–448, 449
- NSC on, 56, 217n, 328–329, 331–332, 334, 335–336, 440
- UN position, 170–171, 202
- UK relations (see also Kennedy/Macmillan and US/UK subheadings above and below), 170–171, 202, 362–362, 471–472, 476–484
- UN actions:
- US/UK atmospheric testing ban proposal, 208n, 239
- visit to UK, 471–474
- Russell (UK), 380
- Russell, Richard, 92, 154, 220, 222, 356, 530, 532, 822, 881–885
- Safety of nuclear weapons:
- Sahara Desert, French testing in, 694, 698, 709, 842, 856–857
- Salinger, Pierre, 164n, 447, 449, 528
- Saltonstall, Leverett, 92, 356
- Samuel, Ian, 380, 471, 472
- Sands, Matthew L., 551
- SANE, 150
- Satellites (see also Earth orbit):
- Schirra, Wally, 567
- Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr., 115, 362
- Schroeder, Gerhard, 763, 764–765, 778n, 848, 863
- Scoville, Herbert Jr., 58, 74, 159, 198, 201, 217–218, 237, 238, 241, 310, 599, 723n
- Scoville Committee, 600–601
- Seaborg, Glenn T., 197n, 287
- AEC secret testing, 8–10
- anti-ballistic missiles, 201, 336–337
- atmospheric testing, 158–162, 193, 199, 210–214, 218–219, 226, 241–248, 250–253, 272, 276–277, 278, 310, 328, 334, 439–441, 505, 549–550, 566–568, 599–601, 736–738
- Committee of Principals, 77, 141, 143, 144n, 148, 198, 199, 200, 238, 240–241, 351n, 436–438, 468, 501, 511, 608, 681–683, 774
- Eighteen-Nation Disarmament Committee, 468, 501, 511, 644–647
- Geneva test discontinuance talks, 10–14, 199
- inspection issues, 624–625, 644–647
- Kennedy/Macmillan talks, 272, 276–277, 279
- Kennedy national address, briefing on, 355–357
- monitoring of tests, 363
- outer space tests, 470
- Panofsky Report, 135
- Plowshare program, 680, 725–726
- test ban proposals, 204, 240–241, 362, 393–395, 644–647, 680, 880–881
- test yield, 161
- underground testing, 218–219, 279, 512, 635, 644
- US/USSR capabilities compared, 599–601
- USSR testing, 152–157
- Second strike capability (see also Retaliatory capability), 302
- Secret testing (see also Detection technology; Seismic sensing of nuclear explosions), 639
- Seismic research, nuclear explosions:
- Seismic sensing of nuclear explosions, 50, 106–107, 362
- ACDA on, 489–490, 514–516, 539, 649
- Atomic Energy Detection System, 884–885, 903
- Berkner Panel, 143
- black boxes, 597, 626–627, 637, 653, 668, 701, 799
- Committee of Principals on, 78, 141, 142, 499, 500, 508, 511–513
- Congressional concerns, 499, 653
- Dean on, 239-240
- Eight-Nation proposal, 517
- Eighteen-Nation Disarmament Committee, 371, 398–399, 405, 487–489, 551n, 552–553, 597, 637–639, 649
- fallibility, McCone on, 653–654, 668, 753
- Fisk Report, JCS opinion, 15
- French testing, 489–490, 694, 709
- Foster on, 517–519, 644–645, 653–654
- Geneva test discontinuance talks, 13, 235
- Home on, 537–538, 539, 591
- JCS position, 15, 720–721
- Kennedy/Gromyko talks, 590–591
- Kennedy/Khrushchev letters, 576–577, 579, 585–586, 623–624, 627, 694
- Kennedy/Macmillan exchanges, 391–393, 626–627, 740–742, 753
- Khrushchev, 84, 587–588, 728–730, 745
- McCloy on, 45, 46–47, 53–55, 531
- McNamara on, 501, 514–516, 531
- Nuclear Test Delegation, Gullion memo, 21
- Rusk/Dobrynin conversation, 485–487
- Seaborg on, 501
- seismic detection, 487
- UK, 399–401, 476–477, 537–537
- US/UK cooperation on, 476–478, 480, 539, 581, 591–592, 597
- US/UK discussions, 366–367, 482
- US/UK/USSR exchanges, 633
- Vela program, 122, 123, 178, 183, 191, 366, 487–488, 489, 492–493, 499, 500, 502, 531, 637, 668
- Wiesner on, 500, 501, 516, 539, 580–581, 594–595, 627, 700–701
- Semenov, Vladimir Semenovich, 184, 589, 894
- Senate of the United States (see also specific
- atmospheric test moratorium, 713
- Chinese testing, 758
- Eighteen-Nation Disarmament Committee, 523, 530, 654
- Kennedy/Khrushchev talks, 88, 92–93
- Khrushchev, Limited Test Ban Treaty negotiations, 783, 805, 809, 810–811, 821–822, 830–831, 835, 841, 857, 849, 854, 880, 881, 886–887
- Nuclear Test Delegation, Gullion memo, 20
- Stennis Committee, 680, 720, 721, 722, 724, 783, 784n, 902–903
- underground testing, 881–885
- Shattuck (UK), 380
- Shoup, Gen. David M., 830
- Shuckburgh, Sir Evelyn, 447, 449, 471
- Sino-Soviet bloc (see also Warsaw Pact):
- Skybolt program, 63, 216
- SLAM program, 300
- Smathers, Sen. George, 754
- Smirnovsky, Mikhail, 324–325
- Smith, Bromley, 236–237, 327, 802, 827, 831, 835, 845, 848, 882
- Smith, Maj. William Y., 344, 458–549, 623
- Sobolev (USSR), 497
- Sokolov, Oleg, 324
- Sonar, 313–314
- Sorensen, Theodore, 221, 713, 837
- South Africa, 454, 521
- Soviet Union. See Dobrynin; Gromyko; US/USSR; USSR subheadings under other subjects.
- Spaak, Paul-Henri, 793
- Space. See Earth orbit; Outer space; Outer space testing; Satellites.
- Spain, 855
- Special National Intelligence Estimates (see also National Intelligence Estimates):
- Spiers, Ronald H., 248n, 365, 380, 480, 481, 483, 484
- Spying. See Espionage.
- Stalin, Josif, 789
- Stelle, Charles C., 240, 380, 480, 481, 483, 516, 533
- Stennis, John C., 680, 720, 721, 722, 724, 783, 784n, 902–903
- Stevenson, Adlai E., II, 174–176
- Africa, 451
- atmospheric testing, 317–319, 404, 450–452
- Eighteen-Nation Disarmament Committee, 450–452, 454, 458–459
- Gromyko talks, 19, 28–29
- Kennedy, exchanges with, 79–80, 450–452, 454, 458–459, 475
- Kennedy/Macmillan letter, 304–305
- non-aligned countries, 28, 80, 82, 248–249
- orbiting nuclear weapons, 893
- test ban proposals, 204n, 304–305, 403–404, 450–452, 454, 458–459
- testing resumption, 81–83, 150–152, 157–158, 199, 206–207, 220, 206–207, 317–319, 322, 329, 334–335, 404, 450–452
- Zorin talks, 248–250
- Stockpiles. See Nuclear stockpiles.
- Stone, Shepard, 34
- Strategic Air Command, 269
- Strauss, Lewis, 830–831
- Submarines (see also Polaris program), 178, 218, 263, 526, 548, 762
- Sukhodrev, Viktor, 380, 493, 572, 589, 685, 894
- Sullivan, Willialm H., 750n, 789n
- Sulzberger, Cyrus, 164n
- Surface-to-air missiles, 351
- Sweden:
- Sweeney, Joseph, 447, 449
- Switzerland, 33, 875
- Symington, Stuart, 155, 654, 822
- Tactical nuclear warfare, 108–109, 177, 243–244, 742–743, 753
- Tactical weapons. See Conventional weapons.
- Taiwan, 843, 844, 850–851, 855n, 860
- Taylor, Gen. Maxwell D., 161, 548–549, 898
- AICBMs, 134
- atmospheric testing, 710–712
- ballistic missile, test firing, 195n
- Committee of Principals, 603, 605, 607, 607, 679, 720–723, 774
- GCD, 889–892
- high-yield bomb development, 706
- Limited Test Ban Treaty negotiations, 780, 783–784, 830, 878, 880
- military base reductions, 608
- neutron bomb, 136
- Panofsky Panel Report, 16, 127n, 133–134, 136, 168
- Smith memo, not declassified, 623
- test bans, 310, 679, 720–723, 780, 783–784
- USSR testing resumption, intelligence aspects, 168–170
- Teak shot, 40
- Telephone, State Department/Moscow Embassy, 80
- Television:
- Teller, Edward, 13, 584, 821
- Ten-Nation Group, 19, 28
- Terrier missile, 161
- Test bans. See Geneva Conference on the Discontinuance of Nuclear Weapon Tests; Eighteen-Nation Disarmament Committee; Inspection issues; Limited Test Ban Treaty; Verification issues.
- Testing. See Atmospheric testing; Comprehensive test bans; Eighteen-Nation Disarmament Committee; General and comprehensive disarmament; Geneva Conference on the Discontinuance of Nuclear Weapon Tests; Limited Test Ban Treaty negotiations; Outer space testing; Secret testing; Seismic testing; Underground testing; Underwater testing.
- Thant, U, 34, 44, 376
- Thompson, John, 447, 449
- Thompson, Llewellyn E., 620, 628, 885, 904–905
- Three environments test ban treaty. See Limited Test Ban Treaty negotiations (Harriman/Hailsham Moscow Mission).
- Timerbaev, R. M., 99
- Titan program, 264, 301
- Trade issues, 813, 857–858
- Transfer of nuclear weapons. See Non-dissemination/non-prolifera-tion controls.
- Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapons Tests in the Atmosphere, in Outer Space, and Underwater. See Limited Test Ban Treaty negotiations.
- Trevelyan, Sir Humphrey, 676n, 685, 707, 744
- Tritium, plutonium, and uranium. See Nuclear materials.
- Troika proposal, 78, 84–85, 88, 90, 92, 94, 98, 111, 112
- Truman, Harry, 217, 846
- Tsarapkin, Semen, 254–255, 359, 380, 396–397, 401–402, 627, 632–634, 729, 803, 838
- Turkestan, Soviet testing in, 50–51
- Twining, Gen. Nathan F., 723
- Twining Committee Report, 306n, 723n
- Tyler, William R., 447, 449, 642n, 650–652, 707, 752, 757, 778n, 791, 871, 894
- U-2 incident, 274–275, 279, 497
- Underground testing (see also
Inspection issues; Seismic
sensing of nuclear explosions)
- ABM development, 865
- AEC program, 270, 290, 635, 636, 882
- atmospheric testing and:
- ban proposals, 93, 257, 450, 500, 569
- Bundy on, 163, 287, 898–899
- Committee of Principals on, 75, 239–240, 499, 501, 504, 509, 511–512
- compared to other environments, 161–162, 179, 182, 213
- costs, 119, 121–122, 123, 162, 366,
- Fisk Panel Report, 14, 106
- French position, 473, 522, 694, 792, 886
- Eighteen-Nation Disarmament Committee, 370, 371, 519, 555
- Hard Hat shot, 121–122, 123
- Limited Test Ban Treaty negotiations, 731, 745, 779–780, 783, 786, 792, 825
- Haworth on, 521–522
- interagency working group, 634–635
- JCS on, 15n, 38–41, 124–127
- Kennedy/Khrushchev letters on, 569, 576
- Kennedy/Macmillan exchanges on, 131, 139, 279, 753–755
- McCone on, 669, 865
- McNamara on, 120–123, 504
- Nevada tests, 192, 207n, 212–213, 470, 738
- NIE on resumption, 1–2, 5–6, 49–51
- NSC meetings, 136, 635–636
- Orange shot, 40
- outer space testing and, 756
- Panofsky Panel Report, 106–109, 114, 124–127, 128–129
- public announcement of resumption, 121
- R&D limitations of, 108, 161–162
- radiation effects, 75, 183, 213, 825
- radiation releases, 183n589
- Ruysk/Dobrynin conversation, 485–486
- research on program, 179, 182–183
- scheduling, 162, 192–193
- Seaborg on, 218–219, 279, 512, 635, 644
- seismic detection, 501
- Senate Armed Services Committee, Gilpatric letter, 881–885
- Storax, 470n, 636–637
- Teak shot, 40
- UK relations and (see also Kennedy/Macmillan exchanges on above), 164–166, 473, 477, 478
- UK use of US facilities, 225, 477
- USSR secret testing, 650, 668–669
- Vela program, 122, 123, 178, 183, 191, 366, 487–488, 489, 492–493, 499, 500, 502, 531, 637, 668
- White House staff meetings, 521–522, 644
- Underwater testing, 93–94, 182, 257–258
- Atomic Energy Detection System, 884
- ban proposals, 507, 509, 568–569, 572–575, 576, 577–578, 585–586, 592, 713, 762, 786, 799, 800, 803, 807, 810, 819–823
- detection, UK cooperation, 477
- Gilpatric on, 313–314, 903
- Kennedy/Khrushchev letters, 568–569, 576, 577–578, 585–586, 810
- Khrushchev on, 111, 731, 762
- Limited Test Ban Treaty negotiations, 731, 786, 799, 800, 803, 807, 819–823
- McNamara on, 124
- radiation effects, 124
- seismic detection, 487
- US/UK proposal, 559–562
- United Kingdom (see also
Limited Test Ban Treaty negotiations (Harriman/Hailsham Moscow Mission); Macmillan, Harold; Kennedy/Macmillan;UK; US/UK subheadings under
other subjects):
- anti-ballistic missiles, 272, 273, 275, 277, 471, 756
- atmospheric testing, 131, 159, 160, 164n, 200, 208, 223–224, 255–258, 272–281, 294, 298, 337–339, 471–473, 477–483, 527n, 537, 538, 559–562, 656, 756
- Berlin crisis, 130, 131, 138, 166n, 274, 275, 279, 754, 796
- Christmas Island, 207n, 212, 223, 227–230, 207n, 212, 223, 227–230, 236, 245, 251, 252, 274, 278–279, 293, 295–297, 521, 527, 537
- de Gaulle on disarmament, 309
- detection technology (see also seismic sensing below), 365–369, 476–484, 492–493
- disarmament policies, 37–38, 272–278, 280–281, 308–309
- Fisk Report, 15
- France, 565, 796
- GCD, 480–482, 536–537, 551n, 559–562, 656
- inspection issues, 365–367, 399–403, 414–415, 478–480, 492–493, 511, 513, 530, 533, 536, 537–538, 541, 559, 626–627, 649, 655–656, 660–661, 767–768
- Kennedy/Macmillan joint letters to Khrushchev, 665–667, 674–676, 677–678, 708–710
- Laos, 796
- NATO/Warsaw Pact non-aggression pact, 796
- non-diffusion controls, 570–572, 618, 620–622, 630, 632, 648, 652n, 656, 660, 675, 752–755, 755
- nuclear weapons production, 669
- Rusk visit to UK, 471–474
- seismic detection, 366–367, 482, 537–537
- test bans, 93, 119, 201, 237n, 362, 533
- atmospheric, 159, 160, 255–258, 298, 471–473, 478–480, 559–562
- Eighteen-Nation Disarmament Committee, 352–355, 365–367, 395–398, 399n, 480–481, 483, 649, 650
- US/UK joint proposals, 159, 160, 198, 201, 208–210, 223–224, 255–258, 289, 294, 298, 425–426, 471–473, 478–480, 527n, 559–562, 568, 573, 574, 656
- US/UK talks, 352–355, 358–363, 476–484
- testing resumption, 130–131, 137–140, 143, 164, 223–225, 272–281, 295–297, 304–305, 414–415, 565, 626–627, 655–661, 674–676
- UN relations, 138, 198, 201, 203, 204, 475, 596
- US/UK/USSR exchanges (see also Limited Test Ban Treaty negotiations (Harriman/Hailsham Moscow Mission), 380–385, 632–633
- US/UK/USSR summit, possible, 665–667, 674
- use of US facilities, 225, 477
- verification issues (see also inspection issues above), 365–369, 438–439, 471, 565
- United Nations (see also Eighteen-Nation
Disarmament Commission; Stevenson, Adlai E.,
II; Thant, U; UN
subheadings under other subjects):
- atmospheric testing, 193, 200–204, 212, 220, 285, 294, 317–319, 322, 336, 483, 572–575, 596
- Berlin crisis, 173n, 176, 200
- bomber destruction, Foster proposal, 173
- Canada, 495
- Chinese (PRC) membership, 185, 200, 451, 629
- Chinese (Taiwan) membership, 843
- Congo, 85, 86, 285
- Cuban missile crisis, 602
- denuclearized zones, 593
- Disarmament Commission, 28–29, 105
- Eight-Nation proposal, 522
- fallout testing initiative, 170n
- Fisk Report, 16
- French position, 158, 593, 796
- GCD, 172, 554, 560, 572, 574–575
- Geneva test discontinuance talks, McCloy telegram to U Thant, 44
- Goa, 285
- Indian resolution against testing, 142, 198, 200, 202n
- inspection issues, 131, 202–204, 413–414, 560, 573, 596
- International Disarmament Organization, 318
- Irish proposal, 26, 203, 451
- NATO/Warsaw Pact non-aggression pact, French position, 791
- non-aligned countries, 475, 480
- non-transfer agreements, 25–26, 231–233, 451, 545, 547, 557, 602, 651n
- orbiting nuclear weapons, 892
- outer space, resolution on weapons in, 896–897
- outer space testing, 563, 572–575, 596
- satellites, decaying orbits, 452
- Swedish test ban resolution, 231–233, 451
- testing of nuclear weapons (see also
atmospheric testing; outer space testing
above, 115, 132, 138,
- Eniwetok test, 207
- fallout testing initiative, 170–171
- Murrow on anti-nuclear movement, 150
- resolutions on, 28–29, 81, 142, 152, 157–158, 193, 198, 200–204, 231–233, 294
- resumption, 170–171, 202
- resumption by US, 77, 78, 81–83, 137, 138–139, 142, 148, 150, 150–152, 157–158, 165, 193, 336
- US/UK resolution, 198, 203, 204
- transfer of nuclear weapons, resolution on, 25–26
- UK position, 138, 201, 475, 596
- US/UK resolution, 198, 203, 204
- verification of disarmament, 468
- veto power of Soviets, 85
- United States Air Force:
- United States Congress. See Congress of the United States.
- United States Disarmament Administration. See Disarmament Administration
- United States Information Agency, 121, 145, 149–150, 259
- United States Intelligence Board, 2n, 3n, 4
- Uranium, tritium, and plutonium. See Nuclear materials.
- Usachev, I.G., 99
- USSR. See Gromyko; Khrushchev; US/UK/USSR; USSR subheadings under other subjects.
- Valdes, Philip H., 541
- Van Zandt, James E., 356
- Vela program, 122, 123, 178, 183, 191, 366, 487–488, 489, 492–493, 499, 500, 502, 531, 637, 668
- Verification issues (see also
Detection technology; Inspection issues; Seismic sensing), 18, 422
- China, 93
- Committee of Principals on, 468–469, 603
- Dobrynin/Rusk/Home meeting, 888
- Eighteen-Nation Disarmament Committee, 381–384, 395–398, 456–457, 634
- Gromyko/Kennedy talks, 590
- JCS memo, 456–457, 683–685
- Kennedy/Khrushchev talks, 86, 87–88
- McCloy/Khrushchev meeting, 112
- Kennedy/Macmillan letters, 438–439, 565
- McNamara on, 346
- military base reduction and, 506, 509
- military expenditure reductions, 609–610, 615–616
- stockpile reductions, 606
- UK position, 365–369, 471
- US/UK joint proposal, 425–426, 656
- White House staff meeting, 362
- Vietnam, 775, 844, 848n
- Vinson, Carl, 92, 356
- Warsaw Pact (see also NATO/Warsaw Pact non-aggression pact), 202n, 248–249, 318, 340–341, 343, 388, 765
- Webb, James E., 567
- Western Europe, Soviet testing resumption, reaction, 154
- Wheeler, Gen. Earle G., 159
- Wiesner, Jerome B.:
- ACDA, GCD treaty proposals, 420–424, 429–431, 500, 774
- AICBMs, Brown on, 129, 261, 265, 269, 270
- anti-ballistic missiles, 337
- atmospheric testing, 188–191, 207n, 226, 252, 268–271, 329, 336, 337, 566, 599–600
- Chinese nuclear capability, 194n
- Committee of Principals, 74–75, 77, 78, 148, 236, 240, 241, 349–350, 351, 418, 420–422, 500, 501, 503, 506, 511, 603–607, 609–611, 682
- Eighteen-Nation Disarmament Committee, 362, 363, 370–372, 413–414, 500, 501, 503, 506, 511, 521, 644
- Eniwetok Proving Grounds, 207n
- GCD, 551n, 552–553
- Geneva test discontinuance talks, Kennedy preparations, 11
- inspection issues, 413–414, 500, 580–581, 700–701, 738n
- military base reductions, 607–608, 610
- military expenditure reductions, verification, 609–610
- missile classification, 418
- neutron bomb, 136, 521
- Plowshare program, 725, 726
- production cutoffs, 349, 506
- secret testing, 8–9
- seismic sensing, 500, 501, 516, 539, 580–581, 594–595, 627
- test ban proposals, 74–75, 77, 78, 236, 240, 241, 306, 310, 362, 500, 503, 504, 644, 785n, 880n, 898
- testing resumption, 56, 58, 69, 136, 148, 188–191, 207n, 226, 252, 268–271, 329, 336, 337, 470, 566, 599–600, 636, 898
- US/UK cooperation, 492, 539, 581
- Wiley, Alexander, 92
- Wilkinson, Peter, 358, 365
- Wilson, Archibald Duncan, 755n, 757
- Wilson, Don, 141, 421
- Wilson, Thomas W., 171
- Winiewicz, Jozef, 32, 34
- Working Group on Underground Nuclear Tests, 634–635, 636–637
- Wright, Sir Michael, 374, 380, 477–482, 484, 492–493, 533
- Yarmolinsky, Adam, 514n
- Yield-to-weight ratios, 48, 107, 116–117, 123, 219–220, 243, 245, 246–247, 251, 263–265, 271, 274, 314, 644, 684, 741–742, 756
- Zhukov, Georgiy Aleksandrovich, 808
- Zorin, Valerian A., 34, 79, 97n, 99–103, 105, 114, 174n, 175, 426
- Zuckerman, Sir Solly, 391n, 597, 627
- Zuckert, Eugene M., 56
- Zulueta, Philip de, 272, 278, 447, 449, 709n, 767–768, 869n