129. Editorial Note
On February 16, 1962, the United States and the United Kingdom effected by an exchange of letters a Memorandum of Understanding regarding U.S. use of Christmas Island for nuclear tests and related exchange of information. (Department of State, Files of the Office of the Legal Adviser) In a note to Battle dated February 26, Farley stated that the agreement was “probably more satisfactory to the U.K. than to the U.S. Moreover, it was not concluded with particular speed on the part of the British.” Farley’s note transmitted a letter of February 19 from Macmillan to Kennedy, in which Macmillan mentioned the exchange of letters and stated his desire that “the exchange of scientific information should be of mutual benefit and flow easily” and that pertinent agreements would be “applied and interpreted on both sides in the broad spirit of the collaboration on which we are embarked.” Farley stated that no reply to the letter would be necessary. (Department of State, Presidential Correspondence: Lot 66 D 204, Macmillan-Kennedy Volume II)