242. Telegram From the Ambassador in Vietnam (Lodge) to the Department of State1
- CAS Washington [document number not declassified].2
- 1.
- We must, of course, get best possible estimate of chance of coup’s success and this estimate must color our thinking, but do not think we have the power to delay or discourage a coup. Don has made it clear many times that this is a Vietnamese affair. It is theoretically possible for us to turn over the information which has been given to us [Page 485] in confidence to Diem and this would undoubtedly stop the coup and would make traitors out of us. For practical purposes therefore I would say that we have very little influence on what is essentially a Vietnamese affair. In addition, this would place the heads of the Generals, their civilian supporters and lower military officers on the spot, thereby sacrificing a significant portion of the civilian and military leadership needed to carry the war against the VC to its successful conclusion. After our efforts not to discourage a coup and this change of heart, we would foreclose any possibility of change of the GVN for the better. Diem/Nhu have displayed no intentions to date of a desire to change the traditional methods of control through police action or take any actions which would undermine the power position or solidarity of the Ngo family. This, despite our heavy pressures directed Deptel 534.3 If our attempt to thwart this coup were successful, which we doubt, it is our firm estimate that younger officers, small groups of military, would then engage in an abortive action creating chaos ideally suited to VC objectives.
- 2.
- While we will attempt a combined assessment in a following message,4 time has not yet permitted substantive examination of this matter with General Harkins. My general view is that the U.S. is trying to bring this medieval country into the 20th century and that we have made considerable progress in military and economic ways but to gain victory we must also bring them into the 20th century politically and that can only be done by either a thoroughgoing change in the behavior of the present government or by another government. The Viet Cong problem is partly military but it is also partly psychological and political.
- 3.
- With respect to para 3 ref, I believe that we should continue our present position of keeping hands off but continue to monitor and press for more detailed information. CAS has been analyzing potential coup forces for some time and it is their estimate that the Generals have probably figured their chances pretty closely and probably also expect that once they begin to move, not only planned units, but other units will join them. We believe that Vietnam’s best Generals are involved in directing this effort. If they can’t pull it off, it is doubtful other military leadership could do so successfully. It is understandable that the Generals would be reticent to reveal full details of their plan for fear of leaks to the GVN.
- 4.
- Re para 4 ref, we expect that Conein will meet Don on the night of 30 Oct or early morning 31 Oct. We agree with para 4 ref that we should continue to press for details and question Don as to his estimate of the relative strengths of opposing forces. We do not believe, [Page 486] however, that we should show any signs of attempting to direct this affair ourselves or of giving the impression of second thoughts on this Vietnamese initiation [initiative]. In the meantime, we will respond specifically to CAS Washington [document number not declassified].5 Please note that CAS Saigon [document number not declassified]6 corrects CAS Saigon 20237 and two regiments of the 7th Division are included in the coup forces.
- 5.
- Apparently para 5 ref overlooks CAS [document number not declassified] 5 Oct 19638 which gave an account of the face to face meeting of General “Big Minh” and Conein at Minh’s instigation and through the specific arrangement of Gen Don. Minh specifically identified Gen Don as participating in a plan to change the government. Please note that Minh’s remarks parallel in every way the later statements of Gen Don. We believe that the limitation of contact to Don and Conein is an appropriate security measure consonant with our urging that the smallest number of persons be aware of these details.
- 6.
- We do not believe it wise to ask that “Big Minh” pass his plans to Gen Stilwell. The Vietnamese believe that there are members of the U.S. military who leak to the Government of Vietnam. I do not doubt that this is an unjust suspicion but it is a fact that this suspicion exists and there is no use in pretending that it does not.
- 7.
- I much appreciate your furnishing the berth equipped military aircraft which I trust is a jet. I intend to tell Pan American that a jet has been diverted for my use and therefore I will no longer need their services. This will undoubtedly leak to the newspapers and the GVN may study this move with some suspicion. I will answer any inquiries on this score to the effect that I am most pleased by this attention and that this is obviously done as a measure to insure my comfort and save my time. To allay suspicions further, I will offer space on the aircraft to MACV for emergency leave cases, etc, and handle this in as routine a fashion as possible. I wish to reserve comment as to my actual time of departure until I have some additional information, hopefully tomorrow.
- 8.
- Your para 7 somewhat perplexes me. It does not seem sensible to have the military in charge of a matter which is so profoundly political as a change of government. In fact, I would say to do this would probably be the end of any hope for a change of government here. This is said impersonally as a general proposition, since Gen Harkins is a splendid general and an old friend of mine to whom I would gladly entrust anything I have. I assume that the Embassy and [Page 487] MACV are able to handle normal activities under a, that CAS can continue coup contacts under b, and as regards c, we must simply do the very best we can in the light of events after the coup has started.
- 9.
- We appreciate the steps taken as outlined in para 8. However, we should remember that the GVN is not totally inept in its foreign soundings and that these moves should be as discreet and security conscious as possible. I would, of course, call for these forces only in case of extreme necessity since my hope coincides with the Generals that this will be an all Vietnamese affair.
- 10.
- We anticipate that at the outset of the coup, unless it moves with lightning swiftness, the GVN will request me or Gen Harkins to use our influence to call it off. I believe our responsibilities should be that our influence certainly could not be superior to that of the President who is Commander in Chief and that if he is unable to call it off, we would certainly be unable to do so and would merely be risking American lives attempting to interfere in this Vietnamese problem. The government might request aircraft. Helicopters, for the evacuation of key personalities, would have to be studied closely, but we would certainly not commit our planes and pilots between the battle lines of the opposing forces. We should, rather, state that we would be willing to act in this fashion during a truce in which both sides agree to the removal of key personalities. I believe that there would be immediate political problems in attempting to take these personalities to another neighboring country and probably we would be best served in depositing them in Saigon [Saipan?] where the absence of press, communications, etc, would allow us some leeway to make a further decision as to their ultimate disposition. If senior Vietnamese personalities and their families requested asylum in the Embassy or other American installations. We would probably have to grant it in light of our previous action with respect to Tri Quang. This will undoubtedly present later problems but hopefully the new government might feel disposed to help us solve this problem. Naturally asylum would be granted on the same basis as the Buddhists, i.e., physical presence at the Embassy or other location.
- 11.
- As to requests from the Generals, they may well have need of funds at the last moment with which to buy off potential opposition. To the extent that these funds can be passed discreetly, I believe we should furnish them, provided we are convinced that the proposed coup is sufficiently well organized to have a good chance of success. If they are successful, they will undoubtedly ask for prompt recognition and some assurance that military and economic aid will continue at normal level. We should be prepared to make these statements if the issue is clear-cut predicating our position on the President’s stated desire to continue the war against the VC to final victory. VOA might be an important means of disseminating this message. Should the [Page 488] coup fail, we will have to pick up the pieces as best we can at that time. We have a commitment to the Generals from the August episode to attempt to help in the evacuation of their dependents. We should try to live up to this if conditions will permit. American complicity will undoubtedly be charged and there might be some acts taken against specific personalities which we should anticipate and make provision against as best we can. Should the coup prove indecisive and a protracted struggle is in progress, we should probably offer our good offices to help resolve the issue in the interest of the war against the VC. This might hold some benefit in terms of concessions by GVN. We will naturally incur some opprobrium from both sides in our role as mediator. However, this opprobrium would probably be less distasteful than a deadlock which would open the door to the VC. We consider such a deadlock as the least likely possibility of the three.
- 12.
As regards your para 10, I do not know what more proof can be offered than the fact these men are obviously prepared to risk their lives and that they want nothing for themselves. If I am any judge of human nature, Don’s face expressed sincerity and determination on the morning that I spoke to him. Heartily agree that a miscalculation could jeopardize position in Southeast Asia. We also run tremendous risks by doing nothing.
If we were convinced that the coup was going to fail, we would, of course do everything we could to stop it.
- 13.
- Gen Harkins has read this and does not concur.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, POL 26 S VIET Top Secret; Flash; Eyes Only. The source text is CIA Station telegram 2063 from Saigon sent to the Department of State eyes only for Rusk, Harriman, Ball, Hilsman, and Hughes. Also sent to the Office of the Secretary of Defense eyes only for McNamara, Gilpatric, Taylor, Krulak, and William Bundy; to the White House eyes only for McGeorge Bundy and repeated to Honolulu eyes only for Felt and to CIA eyes only for McCone, Carter, and Helms. Received at the Department of State at 7:16 a.m. Also printed in Pentagon Papers: Gravel Edition, Vol. 11, pp. 789-792.↩
- Document 236.↩
- Document 181.↩
- Not found.↩
- Document 237.↩
- See footnote 4, Document 225.↩
- Document 225.↩
- Document 177.↩