297. Circular Telegram From the Department of State to Certain Diplomatic Missions and Consular Offices0

211. Department concerned over indications that certain nations Africa may be planning recognize Chinese Communist regime. This comes at time when there are signs that even uncommitted Asian countries beginning show keen awareness Chinese Communist threat their security. At 1959 meeting United States Far East Chiefs of Missions it was unanimous conclusion our Ambassadors that there is in Far East not only increasing realization nature of Communist menace, but increasing determination resist Communist encroachments. That determination [Page 587] would be weakened by any erosion free world opposition to recognition Chinese Communist regime so long as Peiping remains dedicated to aim of communizing world. We have received private advice from leaders certain Asian “neutralist” nations (which recognized Peiping prior latter’s aggression against Korea) that strong United States Far Eastern policy, as exemplified in Taiwan Strait crisis, has contributed to their own feeling security and of assurance as to our steadfastness.

There are apparently considerations involved in decisions move toward recognition ChiComs which in views of African leaders are more immediate than any readily perceptible threat their security from nation so remotely situated. These include, to varying degree each country, attraction of possible reward in form economic or military assistance by Peiping, trade expansion, sense of “unity” with other Afro-Arab nations, desire make certain peripheral concessions to Soviet bloc which presumably would not seriously affect relations with free world, desire demonstrate “independence” of west in. foreign policy matters, and in some cases desire use recognition as lever against United States to obtain more “favorable” American attitude toward issues affecting those nations in their relations with certain European powers. Whatever the motives, Department believes interests those nations and entire free world would be seriously injured by action any of them to strengthen international position of Chinese Communist regime by according recognition.

Brutal Chinese Communist measures suppress Tibet revolt have shocked all Asia. While some nations bordering Communist China feel selves in no position sever relations with Peiping and government leaders have hesitated react publicly, they have through pro-government press and other means indicated true feelings to their people and world at large. Others, such as Laos, despite intense Communist pressure, refuse recognize Peiping and are expanding contacts with free China. Thailand, Malaya, Viet-Nam, Philippines also refuse accord recognition Peiping and maintain strong controls designed curb Chinese Communist penetration.

India has not only recognized Peiping regime, but has maintained policy of friendship towards ChiComs. This has not prevented incursions into Indian territory and continued publication maps claiming parts of India as Chinese. Since India in humanitarian gesture gave asylum Dalai Lama and accepted thousands Tibetan refugees additional ChiCom hostile pressures have included further border incursions, virtual house arrest Indian ConGen Lhasa and arrogant treatment Indian Ambassador Peiping, restrictions traditional Indian travel and trade activities Tibet which Nehru has protested unsuccessfully to Peiping. Indians have reacted with increasing irritation as demonstrated remarks Nehru and other officials to press and Parliament.

[Page 588]

Nepal has reacted to Chinese Communist actions Tibet by increasing defense expenditures. Nepal Government party issued statement saying Tibet provides “Asian parallel to Hungarian annihilation,” and “tragedy of Tibet should be lesson to other Asian countries.” Prime Minister Koirala stated August 11 that in view Tibet developments Nepal can no longer remain defenseless on Northern border. Bhutan seeking strengthen ties with India as defense against Chinese Communists. During past week Chinese Communists arrested, imprisoned Bhutan diplomatic couriers at Tibet border, and opened pouches in flagrant breach accepted standards international conduct.

Foregoing amply demonstrates Chinese Communist arrogant hostility toward Asian nations which recognize and seek friendly relations Peiping when latter refuse hew Peiping’s political line, and exposes unchanged aggressive posture Peiping regime which previously demonstrated Korea, Indo-China and Taiwan Strait. With this knowledge it is difficult for US and free world understand how newly independent nations such as Tunisia and historic victims aggression such as Ethiopia (which responded magnificently to Chinese Communist aggression against free world in Korea) can seriously consider rewarding aggressors by according recognition. While we recognize that certain vocal elements Afro-Arab world insistently demand Chinese Communist recognition, fact is that Peiping has no relations in area outside UAR, Sudan, Yemen, Iraq, Morocco. On other hand, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Turkey, Iran, Liberia, Lebanon maintain relations with free China. (Ghana states that it has inherited recognition of Communist China from the British but has no diplomatic relations with it; Guinea implicitly recognized both the Republic of China and Communist China but has relations with neither.) Of 13 free nations in Far East only Indonesia, Burma and Cambodia recognize Chinese Communists.

Foregoing for your discretionary use in discussions China issue with senior government officials.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 793.02/9–259. Secret. Drafted by Arthur H. Rosen of the Office of Chinese Affairs; cleared by Green and with NEA, AF, SOA, and IO/UNP; and approved by Parsons. Sent to Addis Ababa, Conakry, and Tunis and pouched to Accra, Cairo, Benghazi, Rabat, Khartoum, Jidda, Baghdad, Taiz, Monrovia, Taipei, Lagos, Dakar, Yaounde, Dar es Salaam, and USUN.