221. Telegram From the Embassy in the Republic of China to the Department of State0

689. In conversation October 25 and 26 Foreign Minister and Vice Foreign Minister Chow expressed concern about two points of joint communiqué of October 23.1 I suggested letter on subject would be helpful and have now received one dated October 28. Substantive part of letter as follows (unessential words deleted):

  • “First concerns sentence in communiqué which reads: ‘the US recognizes that Republic of China is authentic spokesman of Free China and of hopes and aspirations entertained by great mass of Chinese people.’ Inasmuch as Republic of China generally known as Free China and judging from context word ‘free’ should be in small letters, otherwise its insertion here superfluous and misleading. Owing to pressure of time, this not noticed before communiqué’s release. Presume our understanding of what US Government meant by this expression correct. Clarification in order not only because of distortion this sentence by Chinese Communist [Page 462] broadcast October 25 but also because of possible exploitation by countries unfriendly to us at future meetings UN and other international organizations.
  • “Second point concerns declaration by Chinese Government that in achieving its sacred mission of restoring freedom its people on mainland, it will not use force as principal means. Impression since been created ROC has committed itself not to use force under any circumstances to deliver its people on mainland. Such interpretation would be inconsistent with context. As Chinese Government understands it, above-mentioned declaration only means we will not use force as principal means attain our objective; but this does not preclude our use of force if circumstances make it necessary, especially when there is large-scale effort on mainland.

“Shall appreciate if you will kindly take note of foregoing observations and communicate same to State Department.”

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 793.00/10–2958. Confidential. Received at 10:34 a.m.
  2. Document 209.