167. Telegram From the Mission to the United Nations to the Department of State0

383. For the Secretary. Re: Offshore Islands. Further to mytel 3791 Nielsen (Norway) read us contents of cable from Norwegian Ambassador in Moscow (Gundersen) reporting on conversation October 7 with Peking’s Ambassador in Moscow.

ChiCom Ambassador said cease-fire had been announced for duration of seven days in first instance. He “had reason to believe” it could be prolonged, provided American Forces did not come within ChiCom 12-mile limit. He went on to say “it ought now be possible for Warsaw talks to continue and lead to satisfactory result.” ChiComs, he said, were interested in peaceful solution of their difficulties with US. ChiCom Ambassador emphasized their main objective was to achieve evacuation of the Nationalist forces from Quemoy and Matsu.

Norwegian Ambassador asked ChiCom Ambassador whether it was conceivable that Taiwan problem could be solved through plebescite under UN supervision if ChiComs had become members UN. He replied “for reasons of principle they had to maintain Taiwan belonged to China.” ChiComs “would on other hand raise no demands in relation to [Page 348] Taiwan as condition for cease-fire and negotiations with US regarding immediate problems.” Nielsen said FonMin Lange had asked him to say he was fortified by this report in his view, reported earlier, that Chinese Nationalists should, during cease-fire, be urged to begin withdraw troops from offshore islands.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 793.00/10–758. Secret; Priority; Limited Distribution. Received at 10:20 p.m.
  2. Dated October 7. (Ibid.)