104. Telegram From the Embassy in Poland to the Department of State0
Warsaw, September
18, 1958, 5 p.m.
437. USUN for Roberts. Beam–Wang Talks. Comments on today’s meeting:
- 1.
- Not the slightest change in ChiCom’s basic positions. Wang merely reiterated standard line over and over in almost identical words used in last meeting.
- 2.
- Wang rejected our proposed agreed announcement out of hand. He is obviously under instruction to oppose cease-fire concept, and showed no interest whatsoever in our suggestion of de facto cease-fire without formal agreement.
- 3.
- Wang’s attitude somewhat tougher and more uncompromising than previous meeting. Language somewhat harsher.
- 4.
- Wang made no effort probe regarding any concrete proposals US might have beyond draft re cease-fire which we presented. He appeared to be going through an exercise, restating his position for the record, without expecting any progress to be made in reconciling views of two sides.
- 5.
- Although Wang paid lip service to critical nature of situation in offshore island area and need find urgent solution, he did not in fact appear to be working under any sense of urgency. His proposal next meeting be Monday illustrates his unhurried attitude.
- 6.
- Wang gave no hint of desire for early recourse to public press.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.93/9–1858. Secret; Niact; Limit Distribution. Received at 5:08 p.m. Repeated niact to USUN and Taipei.↩