246. Telegram From the Embassy in Korea to the Department of State0

215. Re Deptel 185.1 General Decker and I both feel that delivery of planes prior to signing of revised Annex B would be interpreted by President Rhee as backing down on our demand for force reduction.

While it is true that Minister of Defense is maintaining overall ROK strength at our under 630,000, this is apparently being done on his own responsibility and without specific authorization of President Rhee. Latter refused some weeks ago to approve deactivation two divisions at that time.

In these circumstances, I continue to believe plane delivery should be delayed at least until we have ROK reaction to latest revision Annex B (see UK 978574 CC of Nov 13).2

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 795.00/11–1458. Secret; No Distribution Outside Department.
  2. Document 245.
  3. Not found.