239. Telegram From the Department of Defense to the Commander in Chief, United Nations Command (Decker)0

DEF 947191. FYI. Recent Presidentially-approved policy1 revises previous policy guidance and provides US will assist in support ROK forces (with ceiling total ROK armed forces 630,000: Army 18 active, 10 [Page 494] reserve divisions, Navy approximately 60 combatant vessels and 1 Marine division, Air Force squadrons including 6 Jet) through CY 59, whether or not agreement on force reduction (namely revised Appendix B) formalized.

President authorized deliveries equipment such as jets could now be made so long as consistent with above revised policy guidance. Immediate transfer of jets to the ROKAF is planned. You will be informed of plans and timing for delivery and will be authorized inform ROKG in advance delivery. End FYI.

You should continue press for ROK agreement revised Appendix B making clear US support through CY59 will be on basis force level contained revised Appendix B regardless whether or not ROKG agrees to formalization force reduction agreement by signing Appendix B.

  1. Source: Washington National Records Center, RG 330, OASD/ISA Files: FRC 62 A 1698,091.3 Korea. Top Secret; Priority. Drafted in OASD/ISA/FE by R.J. Carmody and cleared with JCS, Army, Navy, AF, and ISA; Robertson concurred for State. Also sent as a joint State–Defense message to the Embassy in Korea and to headquarters USAF in Washington from Acting Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs. Repeated to CINCPAC, CINCUSARPAC, CINCPACAF, COMUSKOREA, and CNO.
  2. See Document 237.