233. Telegram From the Commander in Chief, United Nations Command (Decker) to the Department of Defense0

UK 978315. To OSD for OASD/ISA.

Reference: (A) DEF 934904 DTG 070023Z Jan 58,1 (B) 75 meeting Military Armistice Commission.2
It is unlikely that knowledge of the existence of Matador in Korea will be denied to the KPA/CPV side or the press for any appreciable length of time. In this event the KPA/CPV, in all probability, will again call a meeting of the MAC charging UNC with another gross violation of the AA as they did in connection with the Honest John and 280 mm gun. This tends to place the UNC in a defensive position with respect to the Communist side and will allow them to exploit this propaganda advantage.
Consequently, it is believed there is considerable merit in making a formal announcement of the existence of the Matador in Korea [Page 477] through the medium of a MAC meeting simultaneously with press release by sr. mbr, UNCMAC.
This course of action offers the following advantages:
It gives the initiative to the UNC and avoids our being placed on the defensive.
It reduces the effectiveness of KPA/CPV propaganda.
It emphasizes the UNC position of an open stand concerning para 13d of AA in contrast to KPA/CPV surreptitious introduction of modern weapons.
Announcement to be made here would make no reference to time of arrival, number of weapons, location, designation of units or other details of an intelligence nature, further would make no reference to atomic capability of Matador.
Timing of announcement will be left to discretion of CINCUNC.
Request consideration of above course of action.3
  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 795.00/7–3058. Secret; Niact. Repeated to the Department of State, CNO, USAF, CINCPAC, USAF PAC, COMAFFIVE, COMAFK, and the Embassy in Seoul.
  2. In joint State–Defense DEF 934904, January 7, CINCUNC was informed that the movement of the 280 mm gun and the Honest John rocket into Korea would take place without advance publicity. “Upon inquiry from press, no objection to stating that Honest John and/or 280 mm gun are present in Korea. However, no information whatsoever is to be given reference time of arrival, number of weapons, location, designation of units or other details of an intelligence nature.” (U.S. Army Military History Institute, Department of the Army Communication Center Files)
  3. The United Command Report on the 75th meeting of the Military Armistice Commission at Panmunjom, June 21, 1957, was enclosed in despatch 128 from Seoul, August 23, 1957. (Department of State, Central Files, 795.00/8–2357) This meeting is summarized in an editorial note in Foreign Relations, 1955–1957, vol. XXIII, Part 2, pp. 460461.
  4. On July 29 Ambassador Dowling commented on a draft of telegram 978315 in telegram 41 from Seoul: “UK 978315 July 30 was not seen by Embassy before its despatch and I do not concur in the recommendation therein. Contemplated action might carry implication that we feel bound to report any such moves as introduction Matadors to MAC, and might result in Communist side stepping up propaganda by demands for detailed accounting our moves since abrogation para 13d.” (Department of State, Central Files, 795.00/7–2958)