304. Editorial Note

At the 429th meeting of the National Security Council on December 16, Allen Dulles reported on the situation in Laos as part of his usual briefing to the Council, “Significant Developments Affecting U.S. Security.” The report reads as follows:

“Mr. Dulles then reported on the reorganization of the government of Laos. He said the government has been a coalition of Phoui and the “Young Turks”. After an impasse, Phoui had reorganized the Cabinet without the Young Turks. The King had been favorably inclined toward the Young Turks, but had accepted the new Phoui government. Mr. Dulles felt that these developments may mean that the anti-Communists in Laos are split, although it is still too early to tell. In addition, the question of the legality of the Laotian parliament has raised a constitutional problem which, although not too serious, is unfortunate.” (Memorandum of discussion by Boggs, December 16; Eisenhower Library, Whitman File, NSC Records)