23. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Pakistan1

2379. Re Karachi Embtel 2326,2 rptd info New Delhi 299, London 132. Following secret memorandum delivered Department by British Embassy representative March 18:


We understand Dr. Graham may present his report end this month. Nehru’s statement Parliament New Delhi March 33 and Noon’s speech National Assembly Karachi March 84 suggest little hope progress through direct negotiations between the two parties, as Graham apparently contemplates.
We should be able avoid Security Council meeting for period of about month after presentation Graham’s report by arguing need to study before we commit ourselves. Intransigent tone Noon’s speech [Page 73] March 8 must be taken as warning that a repetition of last year’s acrimonious debate in SC may be imminent with consequent exacerbation of relations between the two countries. In circumstances we consider time has come for full and frank consultations with US authorities about Indo-Pakistan relations.
Such consultations might be on following lines:
US–UK discussions should be held Washington on strictly secret basis soon as convenient after presentation Graham’s report; perhaps during week beginning April 14.
These discussions should cover in particular questions of Kashmir and of supply of arms to India and Pakistan.
It might in addition be useful discuss Indus Waters question, dependent on progress of Iliff’s negotiations at the time; and also economic aid insofar as it bears on these three questions.”

Department replying to effect it agrees talks would be helpful and would like leave date open bit longer permit clearer assessment current Graham and Iliff negotiations.

FYI. Department also believes it desirable have firmly cleared USG position re package approach and addressee Embassies suggestions re timing and agenda prior setting definite date for talks with British.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 690D.91/3–2058. Secret. Drafted by Bartlett on March 18 and cleared with Rountree. Also sent to New Delhi and London.
  2. In telegram 2326, March 19, from Langley to Rountree, the Ambassador commented on telegram 98 from London, March 20. (Ibid., 790D.5622/3–1858) He indicated that he found some encouragement, “in an otherwise disturbing telegram,” from the Embassy’s conviction that the British Government was genuinely worried by the Indo-Pakistan arms race and would welcome discussions with U.S. officials on the whole problem. “I believe initiation talks suggested Embtel 2250 and London’s 98 imperative,” Langley stated, “and believe they might help tide us over until other contemplated US initiatives in sub-continent are further developed.” (Ibid., 790D.5621/3–1958) Telegram 2250 from Karachi is printed as Document 15.
  3. In this speech, Nehru endorsed Krishna Menon’s rejection of the U.N. resolution of December 2, 1957, and said that the Government of India had reiterated to Graham its position that “action has to be taken by Pakistan to vacate the aggression.” The text of Nehru’s remarks was transmitted to the Department in despatch 1033, March 13. (Department of State, Central Files, 690D.91/3-1358)
  4. See footnote 2 Document 300.