- Abbas, Ghulam, 116, 129
- Abdullah, Sheikh, 63
- Adalat, Ghulam Haider, 266
- Adams, J. Wesley, 177n, 207, 479n, 554, 571, 573, 610n, 611
- Adams, Robert W., 133n, 280n, 285, 535n, 545n, 708n, 711n, 719–721
- Adams, Sherman, 225n
- Adenauer, Konrad, 420–421, 513, 555
- Afghanistan (see also
Pushtunistan crisis):
- agriculture, 230, 234, 252, 255, 295, 296
- Baghdad Pact, 259, 260, 276, 277
- China, People’s Republic, relations with, 297
- economic development, 215–216, 252, 294, 295–297, 302, 306, 345, 350, 353n, 355, 356
- economic situation, 230, 297, 326
- Iran, relations with, 45, 259, 284, 289–290, 307, 318, 356, 357
- Japan, relations with, 351–352
- multilateral economic assistance, 351–352
- neutrality, 222, 233, 251, 253, 255, 257, 258, 263, 288, 289, 290, 293, 306, 316, 322, 327, 348, 352, 361
- Pakistan, relations with, 17, 34, 35, 38–39, 45, 220, 229, 240–247, 251–252, 253–254, 259–261, 264, 288, 289, 300, 307, 317–318, 322, 323, 324, 326, 330–335, 357–358, 714, 716, 723, 750, 776, 791, 792, 806, 815
- cooperative economic projects, 229, 264, 277, 282, 312, 317, 330, 331, 363
- martial law in Pakistan, 240–241
- U.S. military assistance to Pakistan, 253n, 254, 257, 258, 261, 262–263
- U.S. position, 253
- political situation, 2, 219, 239, 251, 265, 287, 327, 331, 333, 364, 370
- Soviet bloc, relations with, 35, 159, 223, 276, 287, 290, 292
- Soviet economic assistance, 215, 217–218, 248, 255, 257, 264, 281, 287, 315–316, 326, 327, 341, 350
- Soviet military assistance, 220n, 221, 248, 274, 279, 281, 287
- Soviet Union, influence of, 237–238, 251, 253–254, 255, 275, 277, 280, 285–286, 288, 290–291, 297–298, 307, 314–318, 327, 331, 334, 340, 341–342, 355n, 536
- Soviet Union, relations with (see also Soviet subheadings above), 39, 45–46, 215, 219–220, 227–228, 248, 252, 272, 277–278, 280–281, 294, 297–298, 307, 322
- Turkey, relations with, 259, 264–265, 283, 323, 324, 351–352
- United Kingdom, relations with, 283, 291, 315, 326
- United States, relations with (see also U.S. subheadings
below), 219, 226, 233–234, 235–236, 238, 250–253, 262–262, 275, 276, 281–285, 298, 332–333, 340
- Daud visit to U.S., 222, 223, 225–236, 238, 249, 262, 276, 286
- Eisenhower meeting, 232–234
- Eisenhower visit, 321–325, 327, 358
- Naim visit to U.S., 292–306
- U.S. economic assistance, 45, 216–218, 226, 230,
252, 256–257, 266–267, 275, 278,
281, 286, 288, 294, 296, 298, 302,
308, 314, 318, 328–329, 336–337, 345, 346–354
- air transport project, 216, 217, 225, 256, 282
- Development Loan Fund, 230, 231, 234, 284, 296, 352
- educational aid, 231, 252, 256, 267, 279, 282, 283, 286, 291, 295
- energy projects, 222, 235, 296
- Pakistani view of, 300, 790–791
- P.L. 480, 216, 235, 254–256, 282, 352
- trade promotion, 282
- transit projects, 216, 217, 219, 223, 229, 238, 252, 256, 277, 282, 295, 299–300, 308, 334, 354
- water resources project, Helmand Valley, 222, 230, 231, 232, 256, 266, 295, 299, 308, 319–320
- wheat from U.S., 254–256, 352
- U.S. military assistance, 220n, 221, 223, 248–250, 258, 264, 283, 291, 307, 317
- Afghanistan Action Group, 306–308
- Africa, 558, 559, 560–561
- Agriculture, Department of, 179, 254, 518, 929, 1134
- Ahmed, Aziz, 146, 187, 209, 210–212, 285, 697, 726–729, 732, 733, 735, 741–743, 752–757, 797n, 811, 813, 814, 821n
- Ahmed, Farid, 649n
- Ahmed, Zahiruddin, 157, 705
- Algeria, 525
- Ali, Syed Amjad, 59, 83, 84, 88, 90–93, 95, 97, 116n, 616, 635–638, 640, 645, 654, 657, 662–663
- Ali, Chaudri Mohammed, 464
- Ali, Mohammed, 90, 95, 150, 151, 250, 258, 321, 624, 630–632, 635
- Allen, George V., 496, 530, 680, 1000
- Almendras, Alejandro, 942
- Amereasinghe, 381
- American Iron and Steel Institute, 498
- Amphorn Suwannabon, 1152
- Anderson, Daniel V., 1103n
- Anderson, Robert B.:
- Anjaria, I.I., 186
- Areeda, Phillip, 969n
- Arellano, Lt. Gen. Alfonso, 894–896
- Arey, Hawthorne, 423
- Ari Tantiwetchakun, 979
- ARMCO International, 503
- Army Corps of Engineers, 328–329, 346–347, 349, 353–354
- Arneson, R. Gordon, 239n, 672
- Arreglado, Juan M., 841, 847, 946
- Asghar, Ali, 622
- Asghar Khan, Mohammad, 622–623, 641, 643, 645, 702, 728–729, 802n, 817
- Atomic Energy Commission, 490, 491, 492, 493n, 496, 526n, 527
- Australia, 555, 1175
- Austria, 555, 562
- Aytona, Dominador, 873, 878, 881, 882, 922, 925, 926n, 927, 962, 965
- Ayub Khan, Gen. Mohammad, 240n, 244n, 539n, 558–559, 734–735, 741
- Afghan view of, 252, 357
- Afghanistan–Pakistan relations, 240, 241, 244–245, 246, 251–252, 253, 259–261, 311–313, 321, 331, 332, 333, 336, 346, 783, 790–792
- economic situation, 732
- India–Pakistan dispute, 88, 90, 95, 96, 184, 185, 196, 201, 202n, 206, 523, 642, 697, 758, 783–787, 822
- Indian view of, 144, 146, 193, 194
- political situation, 33, 247, 665, 666, 668, 669, 671, 672, 674n, 675, 676, 677, 795, 818
- Pushtunistan crisis, 269–270, 273n, 274n, 303, 309–310, 312–313, 339, 341, 364
- Soviet Union, 814
- U.S–Pakistan relations, 635, 701, 709n, 757–760, 811, 818, 822–823
- U.S. view of, 170, 309, 311, 356, 357, 522, 524, 713–714, 737, 795
- Azam, M., 701
- Aziz, Abdul Hai, 294
- Baghdad Pact (see also
Central Treaty Organization):
- Afghanistan, 259, 260, 276, 277
- Indian position, 34, 159, 418, 419, 717
- meetings, 159, 624, 658
- Pakistan, 19–20, 34, 50–51, 61, 79, 92, 106, 254, 277, 618, 636, 640, 647, 690, 694, 717, 722, 737, 813
- Soviet threat, 19–20, 50, 276, 695
- U.S. defense commitment, 658–659, 683, 694, 704, 708, 709
- U.S. membership, 152
- Bahadur, Sher, 702
- Baig, M.O.A., 87, 128, 129, 130, 259
- Bandaranaike, Felix Dias, 413n
- Bandaranaike, S.W.R.D., 373–374, 376, 380, 383n, 389n, 390, 393–397, 400, 401, 403–406, 408, 409, 410, 411
- Bandaranaike, Sirimavo, 412
- Bane, David M., 1091n
- Barnes, Robert G., 682
- Barrera, Jesus C., 831–832, 845
- Barrows, Leland, 192, 295, 306, 308, 481, 497, 498, 703
- Bartlett, Frederic P.:
- Afghanistan, 230, 259n, 301, 303, 306
- Ceylon, 387, 409, 411n
- India, 440, 472n, 473, 489n, 505, 507–508, 530, 545n
- India–Pakistan dispute, 57n, 71n, 84, 88, 90, 102–105, 112n, 115n, 123n, 126, 131n, 140, 151–156, 157n, 185
- Nepal, 581n, 583, 601, 603–606
- Pakistan, 648, 655n, 666n, 668–670, 679–681, 707, 747, 762, 780
- Pushtunistan crisis, 300
- Baxter, William L., 306, 549, 551
- Bayar, Celal, 323
- Becker, Loftus, 708n
- Beitzel, George B., 1145
- Belgium, 558
- Bell, John O., 192n, 226, 227, 229, 234, 254n, 295–297, 349, 354n, 465, 628, 703, 731, 732, 736n, 744–745, 746, 749, 780, 819n
- Bendetsen, Karl R., 825n, 827, 828, 829, 831, 836, 839
- Bendetsen mission. See under Philippines: U.S. military bases negotiations.
- Benson, Ezra Taft, 461, 518, 803
- Bergin, Charles K., 641, 643–644, 688n
- Berlin, 561, 753, 756
- Bernau, Phyllis D., 889n
- Berry, J. Lampton, 52, 53, 57–58, 419, 621n, 1130–1131
- Bevin, Aneurin, 53, 93–94
- Bhabha, Homi Jehangir, 490n, 491, 493n, 499, 500, 527, 528n, 529n
- Bhumibol, King, 1130, 1131–1133, 1139, 1141, 1142, 1143, 1153
- Bhutan, 280
- Bishop, Max W., 978n, 979–980, 1021, 1025
- Bisudhi, 1114–1116
- Black, Eugene, 7, 102–105, 153, 163–165, 166, 167, 169, 170, 172, 175, 177, 178, 182, 209, 211, 437–440, 728
- Boggs, Marion W., 15n, 29n, 166, 279, 408, 614n
- Bohlen, Charles E.:
- Bolen, David B., 220n, 240n, 242n, 270n, 277n
- Borromeo, Emilio O., 873
- Bostwick, Dudley C., 224n, 254n, 294n, 295, 306
- Bottomley, J.R.A., 84, 88, 132, 153, 154, 156
- Bowles, Chester, 579n, 753, 786
- Bradford, Saxton, 306
- Bramble, Harlan P., 1134, 1135
- Brand, Robert A., 827n, 836n, 846n, 873n, 880n, 882n, 891n, 897n, 917n, 928n, 941n, 1112
- Brand, Vance, 295, 535n, 780
- Brewster, Robert C., 425n, 479n
- Brewster, William L., 960
- Brohi, A.K., 202, 209
- Brown, Elizabeth A., 112n, 170–171
- Brown, Richard R., 1058n
- Brown, Winthrop G., 465, 514, 731
- Bruce, David K.E., 421n
- Buchanan, Wiley T., 588n
- Bulganin, Marshal Nikolai Aleksan-drovich:
- Bunche, Ralph, 560
- Bunker, Ellsworth, 496
- India:
- economic situation, 429–430, 431, 445
- political situation, 176–177, 448, 473, 497, 532n, 679n
- Soviet Union, influence of, 2n, 10, 23, 489n, 498, 500–501, 553
- United States, relations with, 120–121, 173–175, 429n, 449, 472n, 473–474, 535–537
- U.S. economic assistance, 23–24, 417n, 429–430, 432–433, 444–449, 465, 473, 474–478, 498–499, 510–511, 516n, 526–527, 528, 535n, 543–544, 548n, 574
- U.S. military assistance, 536, 538–539, 542, 545–547, 552–553, 578
- India–Pakistan dispute, 101, 108–109, 114–115, 117, 175, 202n, 206, 512–513, 521, 709–711
- Nepal, 580–581, 585–588, 590–596, 606
- Pakistan, 679
- India:
- Burke, Adm. Arleigh S., 49
- Burma, 381, 1049, 1079, 1080, 1119, 1123, 1134, 1136
- Burma Oil Co., 506
- Burton, Rufus, 413
- Bushner, Rolland, 883n, 978n, 984n, 985n, 986n, 994n, 1001, 1003n, 1013n, 1033n, 1035n, 1050n, 1054n, 1058n
- Business Committee for International Understanding, 25
- Byington, Homer, 1059
- Byrd, Harry Flood, 927
- Byroade, Henry A., 206, 336n
- Cabal, Brigadier General, 894, 961
- Caldwell, Robert, 413n
- Calhoun, John C., 201n, 589n
- Callanan, Paul E., 931n
- Cambodia:
- Canada:
- CARE program, 392
- Carpenter, William T., Jr., 549, 815n
- Carr, Robert M., 931n
- Carter, Peers, 504
- Cavell, Nik, 382, 408
- Central Intelligence Agency:
- Afghanistan, 284, 287n
- Ceylon, 376n, 393n, 402n
- India, 452n, 569n
- Nepal, 598n
- Pakistan, 713n
- Philippines, 850n
- Central Treaty Organization (see also Baghdad Pact):
- Afghanistan, 299, 300, 307
- Iran, 289
- Pakistan, 768, 769, 787
- force goals, 788
- Pushtunistan crisis, 342, 343, 362
- Thailand, 1042
- U.S. role, 204, 789
- Ceylon:
- agriculture, 376
- Burma, relations with, 381
- China, People’s Republic, relations with, 377, 378, 379–380, 392
- trade with, 380
- Commonwealth membership, 378–379
- economic development, 4, 384, 394, 414
- economic situation, 373, 377, 384, 385, 387–388, 390, 394, 403
- flood damages and relief, 371–372, 375, 379, 385, 387, 392, 400
- importance of, 36
- India, relations with, 36, 379, 380–381
- labor unrest, 377, 394, 395, 396, 401n, 404, 406
- military forces, 407
- naval and air facilities, 25, 29, 46, 378, 409
- neutralism, 40, 46, 374, 378–379, 390, 397, 401
- political situation, 2, 36, 373, 381–382, 383, 386–387, 390–391, 393–412
- Soviet Union, relations with, 376,
377, 378, 379–380, 390, 392, 409
- trade with, 380
- U.K. military assistance, 378
- United Kingdom, relations with, 378, 409
- United States, relations with, 375, 386, 390, 398n, 409, 411
- U.S. economic assistance, 40, 371, 372, 375n, 379, 381–389, 391–393, 398
- U.S. foreign policy position, 389–390
- Voice of America broadcasts, 379
- Chagla, Ambassador, 146, 161–162, 184–185, 193, 547
- Chalerm, Dr., 1082, 1083, 1086n, 1087
- Chalermchai, Colonel, 977, 985, 1003, 1034, 1040, 1042, 1043, 1044, 1052
- Chalermkiat, Air Chief Marshal, 1043, 1066
- Chalor Wanaputi, 1104–1105
- Chamnarm, Admiral, 1043
- Chapin, William, 490n
- Chatterjee, D.N., 185n, 213, 516
- Che Abdullah, 980
- China, People’s Republic:
- Afghanistan, relations with, 297
- Cambodia, relations with, 1046
- Ceylon, relations with, 377, 378, 379–380, 392
- India, relations with, 3, 4, 9–10, 18, 31, 44, 94, 96–97, 166, 176, 189, 194, 204, 444, 493, 514, 526, 538, 539, 567, 570–571, 639, 749, 802
- Nepal, relations with, 36, 46, 166, 596, 598, 599, 603, 608, 609
- opium trade, 1079
- Pakistan, relations with, 718, 769, 806, 815, 820
- South Asia, influence in, 1, 29, 32, 43, 783
- Southeast Asia, influence in, 900
- Soviet Union, relations with, 487, 561, 566, 782
- Taiwan, 305, 787
- Quemoy–Matsu crisis, 916–917
- Tibet revolt, 3, 31, 166, 176, 274, 718, 727, 728, 753
- U.N. membership, 1002
- United States, relations with, 787, 900, 975
- Chittimavisthrira, General, 1005, 1007
- Chote Gunakasem, 1062, 1063, 1065
- Chou En-lai, 305, 526, 567
- Chulin Lamsan, 1052
- Civil Aeronautics Board, 938, 957, 968, 969
- Clark, Clyde L., 935n
- Clark, W.A.W., 152
- Clarke, Fred, 329
- Cleveland, Robert G., 1111n
- Coal and Steel Community, 561
- Collantes, Manuel, 898, 961
- Colombo Plan for Cooperative Economic Development in South and Southeast Asia, 392, 447, 555, 584, 701, 773, 775, 1120, 1125
- Commerce, Department of, 919–926
- Commonwealth, British:
- Conger, Clement E., 426, 1088n
- Congo, 558
- Congress, U.S., 16, 347, 349, 732, 744, 747, 748, 750–751, 753
- acts of:
- Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act (P.L. 480) (see also under name of specific country), 149, 163, 1111n, 1112, 1125–1126, 1132–1136
- India Emergency Food Act of 1951, 416n
- Indus waters plan appropriations, 191, 205
- Mutual Security Act of 1954, 248–250, 551, 555, 578, 807
- Mutual Security Act of 1958, 1113, 1114
- Mutual Security Act of 1959, 1140
- Sugar Act of 1948, 574
- Sugar Act of 1956, 935–937, 961–962
- House Foreign Affairs Committee, 193, 754
- Kennedy–Cooper resolution on India, 121, 424, 482, 509, 753–754, 823
- Senate Foreign Relations Committee, 193, 519, 712–713, 734n, 753
- acts of:
- Cooley, Harold D., 447n, 937n, 962, 967
- Coomaraswamy, Rajendra, 383, 385
- Coon, Carleton, 549
- Cooper, John Sherman, 121, 424, 482, 753–754, 786
- Corrigan, Robert F., 588n
- Coughran, Thomas B., 461, 873, 878, 881, 882
- Cromer, Lord, 540n
- Crowe, Philip K., 387
- Cuaderno, Miguel, 873, 878–880, 881, 882, 884, 887, 888, 889, 902, 921
- Cuba, 936, 937n, 962n
- Cuenco, Mariano, 933
- Cumming, Hugh S., 400–401, 588n, 1045
- Cuomo, Anthony, 497, 499, 540n, 557n
- Cutler, Robert, 853, 854
- Czechoslovakia, 223, 486
- Dahanayake, Wijeyananda, 408, 410
- Daman Shamsher Jang Bahadur Rana, 245, 497, 595, 600–602
- Das, A. Kumar, 616
- Daud, Mohammed:
- economic situation, 230, 326
- neutrality policy, 289
- Pakistan, U.S. military assistance to, 253n, 257, 258
- Pakistan–Afghanistan relations, 242, 247, 326, 346, 791
- political situation, 219, 265, 287, 364, 370
- Pushtunistan crisis, 274n, 289, 292, 310–311, 312, 334, 335n, 339, 360–362, 364
- Soviet–Afghanistan relations, 227, 228, 229, 257, 263, 273, 286, 326, 790
- U.S.-Afghanistan relations, 216, 217, 218n, 223, 226, 234, 250, 256–259, 321
- U.S. economic assistance, 226, 229, 231, 232, 235, 257, 308, 319, 320n, 336–337, 354–355
- U.S. foreign policy, views on, 236
- U.S. view of, 326
- U.S. visit, 222, 223, 225–236, 238, 249, 262, 276, 286
- Day, Arthur R., 1153n
- Dayal, Harishwar, 604
- Dayal, Rajeshwar, 158, 461, 465, 560
- de Gaulle, Charles, 513, 525–526
- de Silva, Annesley, 375
- de Silva, C.P., 413n
- de Zoysa, Stanley, 381, 383–389
- Defense, Department of (see also Joint Chiefs of Staff):
- Delgado, Francisco, 826
- Dembo, Morris, 655n
- Dennison, Robert L., 914
- Desai, Moraji, 119, 122, 141, 186, 431, 432, 434, 461–464, 515, 554–557, 809–810
- Development Loan Fund (see also under name of specific country), 19, 23, 141–142, 177, 179, 191
- Dhebar, U.N., 176, 434
- Dillon, C. Douglas, 1n, 12, 25, 75n
- Afghanistan, 159, 227, 285n, 295, 355n
- Ceylon, 383, 384, 400
- Development Loan Fund, 23, 230–231
- Europe, 21
- India, 461, 489n, 513n, 538, 557n, 771
- India–Pakistan dispute, 75n, 157, 159–160
- Nepal, 583, 585, 601–602, 606n, 607, 611
- Pakistan, 635n, 663, 703, 732, 746–750, 752–757, 780, 803
- Philippines, 922
- Thailand, 1088n
- Dixon, Owen, 47
- Donhauser, Robert, 193
- Douglas, James, 578–579
- Douglas Aircraft Company, 939
- Drake, Russell P., 591n
- Draper Committee, 689n, 700–703, 719, 721–725, 755
- Drodie, Henry, 958
- Dulles, Allen W., 16, 166, 279, 408, 493, 502, 528, 530, 531, 614n, 676, 679, 853, 1000
- Dulles, John Foster, 12, 16, 53n, 159
- Afghanistan:
- Afghanistan–Pakistan relations, 242
- Baghdad Pact, defense agreements, 659
- Ceylon, 383n, 387–389
- China, People’s Republic, 1002
- India, 426n, 428n, 461
- India–Pakistan dispute, 53, 71–72, 90, 93, 95–97, 98
- Nepal, 583–585
- Pakistan:
- Philippines:
- Thailand, 985, 986, 994–995, 1000, 1001–1003, 1035–1039, 1060–1061
- Durbrow, Elbridge, 1058n, 1059n, 1090
- Dutt, B., 521, 557
- Easum, Donald, 1163n
- Economic Commission for Asia and Far East, 1173–1174
- Egypt, 657, 698, 700, 716
- Eilts, Herman F., 262n
- Eisenhower, Dwight D.:
- Afghanistan:
- Afghanistan–Pakistan relations, 241, 293, 536, 792
- Africa, 558, 559, 560–561
- Ceylon, 25, 383n, 389n
- China, People’s Republic, U.S. position, 787, 1002
- communism, 609, 784
- Congress, U.S., 347
- defense spending, U.S., 427
- disarmament, 233, 560, 563–565
- Europe, U.S. assistance to, 20–21, 787
- India, 9, 11, 21, 22, 206, 426–429, 513–514, 535–537
- India–Pakistan dispute, 187–190, 195–197, 201–202, 205, 426, 428, 784–787
- Iran, political position of Shah, 788
- Mutual Security Program, 689n, 700n
- Nepal, 599–601, 602n, 606–609
- Pakistan, 21, 623n, 673–674, 792–794
- Philippines, 854, 855, 961n
- Presidential war powers, 16–17
- Pushtunistan crisis, 269, 348, 356–358, 363–365, 365–367
- South Asia:
- Soviet Union, U.S. position, 428, 472, 563–565, 784
- Thailand, 999–1000, 1052, 1131–1133, 1153–1154
- United Nations, mission and importance of, 557–558, 560, 561, 563, 564
- world tour, 1959, 194, 195–197, 201, 205, 320–321, 520–521, 535–536, 781, 794–795, 962n
- Eisenhower, Col. John S.D., 178–179, 321, 557, 606n, 607, 608
- Eisenhower, Milton S., 56, 80
- Elwood, Robert B., 216, 220, 247, 268n
- Eqhbal, Manouchehr, 658
- Erhard, Ludwig, 556
- Erskine, Gen. Graves B., 987, 989, 994, 1020n
- Etemadi, Nur Ahmed, 321
- Etzel, Franz, 555
- EURATOM, 490, 500, 501, 561
- Europe:
- European Common Market, 561
- Exchange of Persons Program, 16
- Export-Import Bank (see also under name of specific country), 19, 384, 388
- Farley, Philip S., 499
- Faruque, Ghulam, 656–657, 663
- Farwell, Albert E., 747
- Felt, Adm. Harry D., 896, 1071n
- Fernandez, Estanislao A., 944
- Finland, 257, 485, 583
- FitzGerald, Dennis A., 229, 497, 688n, 780
- Fleck, Benjamin A., 84, 173n, 213n, 541–542, 549, 588n, 610n
- Floberg, John, 499, 500, 501
- Fluker, J. Robert, 280n, 306, 465
- Ford Foundation, 447, 764, 774
- Foremost Dairy Company, 1007
- Foster, John, 208
- Fraleigh, William N., 327
- France, 24, 455, 525, 539, 541, 665, 913, 1170, 1175
- Franco, Francisco, 327, 794
- Franks, Oliver, 509
- Free, Lloyd, 943, 945
- Fulbright, J. William, 13, 436n, 482, 511, 712, 786, 916
- Galbraith, Francis J., 140, 152, 155–156
- Gale, Oliver N., 678
- Gandhi, Indira, 176, 495, 512
- Gandhi, Mohandas, 434
- Garcia, Carlos P.:
- economic situation, 921, 922, 924, 927, 930, 961n, 967
- Eisenhower visit to Philippines, 962–966, 968, 969
- political position, 856, 941–943, 944, 945, 973
- U.S. economic assistance, 832–834, 869–878, 880–890
- U.S. military assistance, 838, 895
- U.S. military bases, 825, 831–832, 890–891, 905, 971
- U.S. view of, 852, 859
- U.S. visit, 834n, 849, 854, 857, 869–890, 891, 950n
- Garcia, Dominador, 895
- Gatch, John N., 354n
- Gates, Thomas S., Jr., 575
- Genasekera, Douglas, 383, 385
- General Tire Company, 993
- Germany, Democratic Republic of, 486
- Germany, Federal Republic of, 21, 24, 165, 166, 186, 291, 351–352, 706, 733, 773, 774
- Ghaffar Khan, Abdul, 241, 242, 243, 245, 638, 652
- Ghana, 559
- Ghosh, Sudhir, 471
- Gilpatric, Roswell, 579n
- Gleason, S. Everett, 6n, 502, 679, 852n
- Gluck, Maxwell, 373, 375, 381–382, 389–393
- Goa, 44, 507
- Goodpaster, Andrew J., 201n, 205, 321, 355n, 420n, 428n, 520, 521, 524n, 781, 792, 796n, 962, 1153n
- Goonetilleke, Oliver, 381, 394, 395, 404, 406–407, 412
- Graham, Frank P., 47, 59, 60n, 62–64, 65–66, 68, 69, 70, 72–73, 74, 78, 117
- Graham mission. See under India–Pakistan dispute: Kashmir dispute.
- Grantham, E.B., Jr., 741, 800n
- Gray, Gordon, 8, 9, 12, 13, 15–17, 21, 22, 25, 26–28, 530n
- Green, Marshall, 928n
- Greene, Joseph N., Jr., 832n
- Gufler, Bernard A., 409
- Guinea, 1152
- Gulick, Clarence, 705
- Gunasekera, Douglas, 385
- Gunawardena, Philip, 372, 376, 377, 396, 398, 399, 400, 403, 406, 409
- Gunewardene, R.S.S., 371–372, 375–376, 383, 385, 386, 387
- Gupta, N.C. Sen, 431n
- Gurmani, Mushtaq Ahmed, 654
- Hagerty, James C., 321, 962
- Hall, John, 493n, 499
- Hall, William O., 757
- Hammarskjöld, Dag, 62, 70, 111, 176, 557, 559, 560
- Hare, Raymond G., 214n, 819, 821n
- Harlow, Bryce, 195
- Harman Company, 657
- Harr, Karl G., 7, 225n, 530
- Harriman, W. Averell, 753
- Hart, John, 1026
- Hart, Parker T., 185n, 190n, 250, 259n, 270n, 297n, 306, 349, 545n, 599n, 600, 610n, 800n, 810n, 811, 813n, 814, 817, 819n
- Hasan, Said, 657
- Hayaud-Din, M., 641
- Hayter, William, 618
- Hazard, George F., 516n
- Heck, Douglas L., 596n
- Henderson, Loy W., 278, 588n, 600, 696, 697, 703, 708, 762
- Heppal, R.P., 152
- Herter, Christian A.:
- Afghanistan:
- China, People’s Republic, 567
- India, 426n, 515, 542n, 565–568
- India–Pakistan dispute, 48n, 187
- Eisenhower visit, 195–197
- Nepal, 581–582, 588n, 599n, 609–610
- Pakistan, 703, 810–813, 814
- Philippines, 853, 854, 961–962, 965
- Pushtunistan crisis, 365–366, 762
- Soviet Union, 562, 563, 564
- Thailand, 995–996, 1019, 1094, 1116–1117, 1131, 1132, 1141–1142, 1148–1149, 1155–1156, 1161, 1163
- United Nations, 560
- Hickenlooper, Bourke B., 916
- Hickerson, John D., 938, 957n, 962, 963, 965, 970, 971–972
- Hirshtritt, Ralph, 461
- Ho Chi Minh, 567, 1102
- Hodge, Charles L., 902n
- Hoffacker, Lewis, 375
- Hoffman, Paul G., 472, 474, 600, 602n
- Hollister, John B., 510n
- Home, Lord, 133n
- Hong Kong, 1080
- Horgan, Rogers B., 193, 510, 530
- Houston, H.E., 465
- Howison, John M., 234, 621n, 655n, 673n
- Hungary, 436, 460
- Hunt, J.J.B., 152
- Husain, Arshad, 693, 694
- Ikramullah, Mohammed, 187, 781, 811, 814
- Ilangaratne, T.B., 413n
- Iliff, William A.B., 60, 61n, 73, 102–105, 111, 149n, 153, 154, 156, 164–165, 167n, 168, 171, 178, 186, 190n, 191, 193, 207–209, 211, 212
- India (see also
India–Pakistan dispute):
- agriculture, 448, 457, 462, 467, 468, 477, 517
- atomic energy development, 489, 490–493, 498, 499–502, 526–527, 528–529
- Baghdad Pact, 34, 159, 418, 419, 717
- Bhutan, 598, 599
- Canada, relations with, 439, 443, 478, 492, 498
- Ceylon, relations with, 36, 379, 380–381
- China, People’s Republic, relations with, 3, 4, 9–10, 18, 31, 44, 94, 96–97, 166, 176, 189, 194, 204, 444, 493, 514, 526, 538, 539, 567, 570–571, 639, 749, 802
- economic situation, 4, 10–11, 15–16, 22, 31–32, 38, 100, 418,
421, 424–425, 432, 434,
493, 507, 519, 569
- fertilizer plant, 462, 534–535, 573
- First Five-Year Plan, 467
- foreign exchange shortage, 420, 424, 429–430, 438, 440–441, 443, 445, 453, 454, 456, 457, 458, 471, 479, 481, 540, 556, 577, 584
- GNP, 456, 570
- inflation, 453
- petroleum industry, 486, 500, 506, 510–511
- poverty, 466
- private investment, 448–449, 462, 467, 469, 471, 489, 499, 534, 544, 556, 575, 577
- Second Five-Year Plan, 38, 56, 79, 418, 430, 432, 440, 445, 450, 452, 453–455, 457, 459, 467–468, 492, 501, 534, 540, 555
- steel industry, 448, 463, 471, 488, 498, 503–504, 505, 510, 529
- Third Five-Year Plan, 44, 443, 445, 463, 468, 471, 482, 484, 492, 493, 499, 500, 507, 508–509, 510, 511, 515, 517, 519, 520, 534, 540–541, 555, 570
- trade situation, 448, 453, 454, 456, 457, 485–486, 489, 506, 543, 554, 574
- food supply, 457, 467
- France, relations with, 455, 525, 541
- Germany, Federal Republic, relations with, 420–421, 439, 443, 478, 540, 541, 555–556, 573
- Goa dispute, 44, 507
- Hungary, relations with, 436
- Japan, relations with, 421n, 443, 478
- maritime law, 525
- military spending, 439, 442, 451, 455, 463–464, 469, 549–550, 639
- military strength, 18, 32, 37, 42, 90, 95–97, 98, 147, 174–175, 455, 464, 571, 741, 749, 768
- multilateral economic assistance, 15–16, 31, 138, 437–444, 452, 454, 462, 555–556, 570
- nationalization of industry, 467
- Nepal, relations with, 36, 40, 46, 584, 599, 603–604, 613
- non-alignment policy, 9, 38, 176, 204, 453, 460, 473, 488, 570, 804
- Northern Border Development Program, 538, 552–553, 575, 578
- Outer Mongolia, 566–567
- Pakistan, relations with, 2–3, 5, 17–18, 19, 32, 34, 38, 41, 71–72, 90–95, 117–119, 166, 170, 175, 187–188, 189, 193, 195, 199, 203, 206, 207, 213, 426–427, 428, 464, 522–524, 545, 623, 640, 661, 694, 696, 714, 715, 723, 741–742, 743, 756, 776, 783–787, 804, 815, 822
- political situation, 2,
31, 32,
- Bengal political instability, 448, 459, 528
- communism in India, 56, 82, 176, 418, 420–421, 433–437, 446, 448, 452, 453, 457, 459, 462, 464, 473, 485, 487, 495, 502, 505, 508, 513, 528, 530, 532–533, 567, 570, 639, 640, 758, 822
- Congress Party, 2, 31, 32, 82, 176–177, 432, 434, 436, 448, 452, 457–459, 462, 493, 495, 497, 498, 502, 512–513, 569, 570
- Kashmir, 464
- Kerala, 433–437, 447, 448, 459, 462, 485, 494–496, 497, 502, 508, 509
- Nehru, successor to, 569–570
- population growth, 11, 466, 468, 570
- Romania, relations with, 436
- Sikkim, 598, 599
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, 418, 419
- Soviet economic assistance, 13, 31, 456, 471, 484–487, 498, 500, 501, 504, 505, 510, 527, 529, 531
- Soviet military assistance, 53, 549–553, 575–578, 619
- Soviet Union, influence of, 2n, 10, 23, 30–31, 82, 280, 448, 460, 475, 483–489, 506, 507–508, 513, 553, 576
- Soviet Union, relations with, 2n, 30–31, 137, 460, 474, 524, 531, 566, 571
- tax policy, 470
- U.K. economic assistance, 456, 478, 492, 499, 526n, 529, 540
- U.K. military assistance, 53, 61, 72, 89, 91, 442, 455, 536, 542, 546, 550, 619, 802
- United Kingdom, relations with, 419n, 439, 440, 443, 504–509, 567, 573
- United States, relations with (see also U.S.
subheadings below), 120, 169, 422,
427, 449, 460, 473–474
- consulate establishment, Cochin, 435
- cultural exchanges, 436, 445–446
- Eisenhower visit, 535–536
- Pakistani military assistance from U.S., 44, 52–53, 89, 97–99, 120, 134, 144, 145–148, 158–159, 162, 169–170, 174, 184–185, 196, 442, 512, 523, 525, 539, 617, 627, 628n, 679n, 709–711, 771, 778n, 779, 784, 799, 802, 804, 809–810
- trade, 416, 574
- USIS activity, 435–436, 448, 475
- U.S. economic assistance, 9, 10, 22–24, 43, 55, 79, 95, 97, 138–139, 183, 415–425, 427,
430, 441–442, 445, 460,
479, 488–489, 510–511, 513, 516n, 517–520, 537, 540–541, 571–574, 661,
- Development Loan Fund, 415–418, 421, 422, 423, 437–438, 441, 442, 443, 447, 450, 463, 479, 480, 482, 491, 497, 510, 511, 515, 519, 520, 530, 534, 535, 540, 541, 552, 554, 555, 571–573
- Kerala, 496, 533
- Pakistani views on, 59, 68, 92, 95, 99, 136, 619, 626, 633, 636, 642, 663, 671, 694, 696, 699, 700, 716, 741–742, 753, 758, 784, 786, 822–823
- P.L. 480, 416–417, 418, 421, 430, 431n, 432, 439, 444, 446–447, 448, 451, 463, 465, 475, 476, 480, 491, 511, 515, 516, 517, 537, 541, 555, 573–574, 1130, 1132, 1135
- power projects, 477, 480, 490–493, 510, 526–527, 528–529
- wheat, 416, 421, 437n, 438, 444, 511, 517, 537
- U.S. foreign policy toward, 4, 43–44, 444–449, 488–489
- U.S. military assistance, 536, 538–539, 549–553, 577, 578–579, 783
- India–Pakistan dispute (see also
India; Pakistan):
- arms race, 51, 52–53, 61, 72–73, 97, 189, 536, 628n, 639, 727, 805
- arms reduction, 6, 17–20, 27–28, 37, 38, 42, 45, 48–49, 50–51, 57, 83, 89, 132, 133–134, 176, 710, 711, 729–731
- East Pakistan disputes, 158
- Eisenhower visit, 194, 195–197, 201, 205
- Indus waters issue, 26, 32, 37, 38, 41, 43, 83, 124, 145,
192, 508
- Bahkradam, 151, 208
- IBRD mediation, 3, 5, 8, 55n, 60, 61n, 66–67, 73, 78, 80, 81, 83, 93, 94, 96, 102–105, 109, 132, 148–149, 157, 160, 166, 167–168, 171, 175, 464, 637, 715, 758
- Indian position, 150, 168, 207, 208, 211, 464, 523
- Karnafuli dam, 140, 141, 661
- Mangla dam, 91, 111, 153, 167, 208
- Pakistani position, 58–59, 66n, 90–91, 93, 96, 150, 157, 160, 166, 168, 207, 208, 209, 210–211, 213, 626, 636–637, 699, 728
- Rajasthan canal, 90, 93, 104, 111, 151, 640
- settlement, financing of, 149, 150, 153–154, 163–165, 166, 167, 172, 177–178, 179–183, 186–187, 191–192, 205, 492, 773, 793
- settlement agreement, final stages, 167, 170, 171, 178, 180, 186, 190n, 193, 205, 207–213, 558, 608, 711, 737, 783, 803
- U.K. position, 67n, 508
- U.N. Security Council session, 93, 94, 104, 105, 107–108, 110–111, 155, 637
- U.S. position, 7–9, 58–59, 77, 80, 99, 150, 213, 512, 640, 727, 740
- Kashmir dispute, 3, 7, 32, 37, 81, 83, 116, 124, 128,
132, 166, 188, 202, 205, 426, 508,
571, 608, 640
- border incidents, 116, 119, 122, 129, 135, 170, 185, 653, 661, 715
- Graham mission, 47, 59, 60n, 62–64, 65–66, 68, 69, 70, 72, 74, 78, 112, 117, 132
- Indian position, 63, 121, 193, 194, 202, 204, 206, 464
- Pakistani position, 58–59, 62–63, 65, 86–87, 96, 107, 111n, 135, 137, 143, 145, 155–156, 157, 160, 198, 199–200, 626, 636, 700, 784, 785
- plebiscite, 59, 63, 64, 65, 86, 130, 145, 160, 188, 214, 700, 784
- U.N. peacekeeping force proposal, 62–63, 64, 66, 214
- U.N. Security Council session, 62, 64, 65, 68, 69, 70, 72–73, 83, 86, 107–108, 110, 112–114, 131, 132, 135, 155–156, 188
- U.S. position, 76, 99, 116n, 201, 214, 512, 740, 786
- military situation, 51, 95–97, 154
- Nehru–Ayub meeting, 185, 188, 787
- Nehru–Noon meeting, 139, 140
- Pakistani political situation, effect on negotiations, 122, 123, 124, 126, 129, 131, 134, 135, 139n, 142–143, 168, 661
- Soviet influence, 71, 74, 507, 640, 812
- U.K. role, 54, 72–73, 74, 78, 81, 82–84, 84–89, 103–104, 109, 110, 111, 113, 114n, 132–133, 153–156, 188, 508, 536, 730
- U.N. Commission for India and Pakistani, 63, 74, 113
- U.N. involvement, 47, 99
- U.S. “package plan,” 73, 74, 100–101, 103, 142–143, 628n, 634
- Indonesia, rice under P.L. 480, 1083–1085
- Indus Basin Development Corp., 165
- Indus Basin Development Fund, 182, 186, 191, 212
- Indus waters dispute. See under India–Pakistan dispute.
- International Atomic Energy Agency, 492
- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
- Helmand River dispute, 324–325
- India, assistance to, 424–425, 432, 437–440, 443, 447, 470, 478, 479, 509, 519, 540, 573
- Indus waters issue, 3, 5, 8, 55, 60, 61, 66–67, 73, 78, 80, 81, 83, 93, 94, 96, 102–105, 109,
132, 148–149, 157, 160,
166, 167–168, 171, 175,
464, 637, 715, 758
- Indus Basin Development Corp., 165
- Indus Basin Development Fund, 182, 186, 191, 212
- settlement, financing of, 149, 150, 153–154, 163–165, 166, 167, 172, 177–178, 179–183, 186–187, 191–192, 205, 492, 773, 793
- settlement agreement, final stages, 167, 170, 171, 178, 180, 186, 190, 193, 205, 207–213, 558, 608, 711, 737, 783, 803
- Pakistan, assistance to, 701, 707, 773
- Philippines, assistance to, 879, 880, 883, 886
- Thailand, assistance to, 1107, 1155, 1171
- International Committee of the Red Cross, 1073, 1074, 1077, 1082, 1083, 1085–1089, 1091, 1102
- International Control Commission, 176
- International Cooperation Administration:
- International Development Association, proposed establishment of, 187, 462
- International Finance Corporation, 1107
- International Mineral and Chemical Corp., 534
- International Monetary Fund (IMF):
- Iran:
- Afghanistan, relations with, 45, 257–259, 284, 289–290, 298, 307, 318, 356, 357–358
- Afghanistan, Soviet influence in, 280, 307
- opium trade, 1079, 1080
- Pakistan, relations with, 716
- political situation, 237, 683, 728, 753, 770, 788
- U.S. defense commitment, 658–659, 694–695, 704
- U.S. military assistance, 19–20, 257, 258, 800, 801, 803n
- Iraq, 237, 700, 728, 753
- Irwin, John N., II, 205, 306, 641n, 682–683, 697, 698, 699, 779, 780, 803, 810n, 815, 816n, 821, 898–899, 901
- Iverson, Kenneth R., 701
- Iyengar, H.V.R., 466
- Jackling, Roger W., 84, 504
- Jaganathan, S., 466
- Jagdish, S. Rana, 610
- James, J.M.C., 82n, 83, 84–89
- Jantzen, Robert J., 1079
- Japan, 3, 9, 351–352, 421n, 443, 473, 501, 706, 856, 864, 871, 914, 939, 940, 965, 969
- Jarring, Gunnar V., 62, 63
- Jarvis, Francis G., 938
- Jelley, Robert E., 609n, 612n
- Jenkins, Alfred leS., 1050n, 1054n, 1058n
- Jenks and Ballou, 629
- Jha, L.K., 461, 466, 540, 554, 556
- Jirgah, Loe, 341
- Johnson, Chadwick, 499
- Johnson, Edmund R., 591n
- Johnson, Robert H., 26n
- Johnson, U. Alexis:
- Economic Commission for Asia and Far East, 1173–1174
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, 1174–1176
- Thailand:
- appointment as ambassador, 985n
- economic situation, 990–994, 1131, 1133, 1134, 1170–1172
- military situation, 1021–1027, 1096–1099, 1172–1173
- opium trade, 1078–1081
- political situation, 987–989, 996–997, 1023, 1039–1042, 1043–1044, 1050n, 1051–1054, 1056, 1057, 1064, 1065, 1075–1077, 1099, 1168–1170
- refugees, 1058n, 1059n, 1073–1075, 1077–1078, 1081–1082, 1085–1088, 1094, 1095, 1102, 1104–1106
- United States, relations with (see also U.S. subheadings below), 1013, 1017–1019, 1061n, 1089n, 1143–1146, 1150–1152, 1156–1160, 1162, 1164
- U.S. economic assistance, 1027–1030, 1031–1033, 1061–1063, 1100, 1106–1108, 1111–1113, 1114–1117, 1136n, 1137–1140, 1147–1148, 1164–1167
- U.S. military assistance, 1066–1067, 1070–1071, 1094n, 1101, 1113–1114, 1146
- Joint Chiefs of Staff, 25, 26n, 27
- Jones, G. Lewis:
- Afghanistan, 280–285, 286, 292, 297–300, 301, 303–304, 305, 306–308, 311–313, 333n, 345, 354n, 355n, 359
- India, 504, 532n, 534, 538, 542n, 545–547, 557, 565
- India–Pakistan dispute, 201n, 210, 212, 213
- Nepal, 607, 609n, 610n
- Pakistan, 187, 333n, 337–338, 745n, 746, 762, 779, 780, 796n, 797n, 803, 808n, 811n, 819, 822n
- Jones, Howard P., 827n, 984n
- Jones, Owen, 779
- Jordan, 585
- Kaiser Steel Co., 503
- Kalb, Bernard, 1072
- Kapitsa, Ambassador, 812
- Kasavubu, Joseph, 558
- Kashmir dispute. See under India–Pakistan dispute.
- Kassim, Abdul, 700
- Katz, Abraham, 505, 508
- Kaur, Rajkumari Amrit, 174
- Kayeum, Abdul, 230
- Kearns, Harry S., 780
- Kennedy, Donald D., 150, 163n, 171, 172n, 178, 182n, 190, 192, 207, 354n, 426, 451n, 481n, 490n, 504, 508–509, 540, 543n, 548n, 703, 705–707, 731, 746
- Kennedy, John F., 121, 424, 482, 509, 753–754, 786, 823
- Kerala. See under India: political situation.
- Khan, A.R., 702, 735
- Khan, Aly, 111n, 285, 624, 634, 659
- Khan, Asghar. See Asghar Khan.
- Khan, Ghaffar. See Ghaffar Khan.
- Khan, Qayum, 638
- Khattak, Mohammed Ahram Khan, 218–220, 259, 268–271, 272, 273, 276, 312
- Khoi, 1077
- Khrushchev, Nikita S., 20, 22, 215, 228, 305, 316, 335–336, 340, 343, 428, 524, 531, 561, 564, 565, 566, 582, 640, 812
- Khuhro, M.A., 674
- Khunying Vichitra, 1062
- Khurshid, M., 702
- Killen, James S., 656, 658n, 746
- Kirby, Edwin, 1108, 1112
- Kittredge, Paul, 932
- Knapp, Burke, 437, 439
- Knight, Ridgway B., 116n, 124, 126, 128–130, 131, 139n, 140, 678, 681–682, 693–695, 741, 747, 748, 750
- Knight, Robert, 915
- Kocher, Eric, 978n, 984–985, 994n, 999n, 1000–1001, 1003, 1008–1010, 1013n, 1015, 1021, 1033n, 1046–1047, 1050n, 1054n, 1058n, 1078
- Koirala, B.P., 497, 590, 594, 595, 596, 597, 598, 607–609
- Korea, People’s Republic of, 486, 1091–1092
- Korea, Republic of, 834, 838, 990
- Korean war, 1025
- Koren, Henry L.T., 943, 962
- Krishnamachari, Tiruvallur Thattai, 52, 83, 427, 465, 468, 471
- Lacson, Arsenio H., 944
- Laithwaite, Gilbert, 156, 636–637
- Lang, William, 827n, 836n, 846n
- Langley, James M.:
- Afghanistan–Pakistan relations, 244–247, 253n, 261n
- India–Pakistan dispute, 72n, 101, 106–108, 111, 114n, 136–139, 158–159, 167, 253n
- Pakistan:
- political situation, 619–620, 649n, 650–655, 661, 664–665, 669, 670–672, 674–676, 677n, 681
- United States, relations with, 615, 633, 656–658, 662, 684–686, 693–695, 709n, 734–735, 745–746
- U.S. military assistance, 616–617, 622–623, 660–661, 687–688, 689, 692n, 693n, 697, 721–725, 726n, 731n, 759, 796n
- Pushtunistan crisis, 270n, 271n, 272n
- Laos, 1079, 1080, 1092, 1175
- Laskey, Denis, 618
- Lathram, L. Wade, 418n, 688n
- Lay, James S., 1n, 14, 858–859
- Le Van An, 1058n
- Lebanon, 132n, 133, 137, 900
- Leddy, John M, 465, 878, 881, 882, 926n
- Leffingwell, William M., 747
- Lemnitzer, Lyman, 49, 362, 697, 698, 751
- Liaquat AliKhan, 198
- Linebaugh, David, 804, 807n
- Lintott, Henry, 151, 154
- Lloyd, Selwyn, 618–619, 624
- Lockheed Aircraft, 556, 575, 577
- Lodge, Henry Cabot:
- Lopez, Fernando, 933
- Luang Chart Trakarnkoson, 1102
- Luang Vichit Vadakarn, 1053, 1151, 1152, 1156
- Lumumba, Patrice, 558
- Macapagal, Diosdado, 860, 943, 944–945
- MacArthur, Douglas, II, 928n
- Macau, 1080
- MacDonald, Malcolm, 89, 114, 122, 202
- Macmillan, Harold, 86–87, 89, 110, 122, 513, 564, 623, 659, 1056, 1057
- Maffitt, Edward P., 124
- Magsaysay, Genero, 942
- Magsaysay, Ramón, 827, 828, 829, 838, 840, 851, 856, 860, 863, 869, 870, 874, 884, 932n, 941, 943, 972
- Mahendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev, King, 497, 580–581, 586, 587, 588, 594, 596, 598
- Maiwandwal, Mohammed Hashim, 226, 227, 229, 232, 234, 240–244, 254, 292, 294, 297, 301, 303, 305, 321, 337–338, 341, 355, 365n, 366
- Malaya, 1049, 1059, 1119, 1123, 1127
- Malikyar, 254
- Manahan, Manuel P., 932
- Manglapus, Raul, 932, 945
- Mann, Thomas C., 516, 746, 937, 967–970
- Mansfield, Mike, 1140n
- Marcos, Ferdinand, 942, 943–946
- Mark, Louis, 935n
- Martin, Edwin M., 554, 803
- Mathai, M.O., 127
- Matlock, Clifford C., 1093n
- Maurer, Ely, 827n
- McClelland, Roswell D., 692n, 736n
- McCone, John S., 526
- McElroy, Neil H., 24
- McGhee, George C., 689n, 700
- Mcintosh, Dempster V., 465, 703
- Mcjennett, John, 932
- McMillan, Carl, 932
- McPhee, Homer, 967
- Meadows, John S., 938, 957n
- Mehta, Ganganvihari Lalubhai, 71, 419–420, 423–424
- Mein, John Gordon, 873, 878, 881, 882, 897n, 898, 946–957, 961, 972–976
- Menderes, Adnan, 658
- Menon, V.K. Krishna, 161, 162, 189, 422, 538, 539n, 546, 549n, 550, 576, 577
- Merchant, Livingston T., 201–202, 329, 530, 578, 810n, 815–816, 1118n, 1149n, 1163n
- Meyer, Armin H.:
- Middle East, 132, 134, 280, 442, 683
- Miller, Clarence L., 780
- Mills, Sheldon T.:
- Afghanistan:
- Pakistan, relations with, 219, 237–239, 245–247, 251–252
- political situation, 219, 237–239, 251
- Soviet Union, relations with, 219–220, 227, 229, 237–238, 251, 257, 258
- United States, relations with, 226, 232, 238, 250–253, 256–259, 261–262
- U.S. economic assistance, 214–218, 234, 235, 252, 254, 256–257
- Afghanistan:
- Mills, Wilbur E., 927
- Mirza, Maj. Gen. Iskander, 137, 142n, 240n, 244n, 426, 635, 657, 658n
- Molotov, Vyacheslav, 524
- Monroney, Mike, 424
- Moreno, Florencio, 873, 878, 880, 882
- Morocco, 913
- Morrison-Knudsen, 256, 308
- Moyer, Raymond T., 873, 881, 882
- Mueenuddin, 66, 150, 151, 210–212
- Mueller, Frederick H., 22, 23, 25, 28, 504n, 803
- Mukerjee, Air Marshal, 538
- Murphy, Robert, 913, 915
- Murphy, Robert D.:
- Musa, General, 146, 245
- Mutual Security Program, 186, 205, 233, 388, 444n, 447, 604, 660, 661n, 755–756, 863
- Nai Det, 1041
- Naim, Prince Mohammed:
- China, People’s Republic–Afghanistan relations, 297
- economic development, 215, 216, 294, 295–297, 356
- Iran–Afghanistan relations, 293, 298–299, 324, 325, 356
- Pakistan–Afghanistan relations, 241, 245–247, 293, 300, 323, 324, 330, 332, 791
- political situation, 219, 265, 333, 791
- Pushtunistan crisis, 268–270, 293–294, 310–311, 313, 339, 340, 341, 356–358, 367–370
- Soviet–Afghanistan relations, 274, 297–298, 351, 790
- U.S.–Afghanistan relations, 216, 217, 250, 298, 329, 336
- Nair, Govindan, 440, 461, 543n
- Narong, General, 993, 1029
- Nash, Walter, 159, 811
- Nasser, Gamal Abdul, 716, 782
- National Intelligence Estimates:
- National Security Council, 349
- actions:
- documents:
- meetings:
- 368th, June 3, 1958, 852–858
- 383d, Oct. 16, 1958, 676
- 384th, Oct. 30, 1958, 679
- 404th, Apr. 30, 1959, 166
- 408th, May 28, 1959, 6–14, 493
- 411th, June 25, 1959, 502
- 422th, July 9, 1959, 502
- 416th, Aug. 6, 1959, 15–26, 279, 757
- 417th, Aug. 18, 1959, 26–29
- 420th, Oct. 1, 1959, 408
- 434th, Feb. 4, 1960, 528
- 435th, Feb. 18, 1960, 531
- Ne Win, 1049
- Nehru, B.K., 165, 186, 422, 423–424, 431, 432, 437, 438, 439–443, 449–451, 461, 463, 480, 481–483, 498, 510, 511, 540–541, 548, 549, 554, 571–574
- Nehru, Pandit Jawaharlal, 31, 137, 152, 171, 173–174, 557–568
- Ceylon–India relations, 379, 380–381
- China, People’s Republic–India relations, 204, 526, 562, 567–568, 787
- communism, 152, 160, 434, 473, 567, 787
- disarmament, 563–564
- economic development, 11, 32
- Eisenhower meetings and correspondence, 195–197, 428–429, 472–473, 474, 513–514, 521–526, 557–565, 784–785
- India–Pakistan dispute, 93, 147, 148n, 170,
184, 185, 536, 637
- aircraft, shooting down by Pakistan, 162, 171
- coup in Pakistan, 143n, 144, 145
- Graham mission, 63, 72n, 109
- Indus waters issue, 83, 104–105, 109, 153–154, 163, 165, 175, 208, 212, 523, 558, 636
- Kashmir, 202, 203, 204, 426, 523, 786
- meeting with Ayub, 185, 188, 203, 787
- meeting with Noon, 139, 140
- U.S. negotiating strategy, 113, 123, 126–128, 129, 131, 133, 135
- U.S. “package plan,” 69, 78, 79, 80, 85, 88, 99–101, 106, 108–110, 114–115, 117–123, 134, 143, 153
- India–Pakistan relations, 175, 187–188, 201, 203, 522–523, 526, 728, 743
- political situation, 457–458, 502, 569–570
- regional security, 525
- Soviet Union, 524, 563, 566,
619, 787
- Khrushchev, view of, 561
- United Nations, 559, 560, 564
- U.S. economic assistance, 417n
- U.S.–India relations, 428–429, 513–514
- U.S.–Pakistan relations:
- Nepal, 40
- Afghanistan, Soviet influence in, 280
- agriculture, 600
- China, People’s Republic, relations with, 36, 46, 166, 596, 598, 599, 603, 608, 609
- economic situation, 585, 588, 597, 599, 600, 607, 614
- energy devlopment, 582, 584, 586
- India, relations with, 36, 40, 46, 584, 599, 603–604, 613
- internal security, 581, 605–606
- land reform, 597, 613
- Mount Everest, 607
- neutralism, 599
- political situation, 581, 588, 594–595, 598
- road construction, 586, 595, 607
- Soviet economic assistance, 497, 580, 582n, 583, 585–586, 587–588, 590, 595
- Soviet Union, influence of, 592
- Soviet Union, relations with, 13, 36, 46, 497
- United Kingdom, relations with, 603
- United States, relations with (see also U.S. subheadings below), 497
- U.S. economic assistance, 580, 581–582, 584, 590, 594, 597, 602, 611
- U.S. military assistance, 581–582, 603–606
- Net Khammayathin, 979, 988, 1152
- Netherlands, 555
- Ngo Dinh Diem, 1088, 1091, 1092
- Nicholl, Helen R., 57n, 75n, 78n, 423n
- Nichols, Clarence W., 929n, 966n
- Nigeria, 560
- Nixon, Richard M., 20, 25, 305–306, 753, 754
- Nkrumah, Kwame, 558, 561
- Noon, Malik Firoz Khan, 137, 625, 652, 654, 657, 672
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 782, 837, 848
- Northwest Airlines, 938, 969
- Nutter, William H., 894, 895
- O’Connor, Jeremiah J., 168–169, 345–346, 512–513, 530–531
- Olympio, Sylvio, 558
- Operations Coordinating Board:
- Organization of American States, 556n
- Ortiz, Frank V.>, Jr., 345n
- Osmena, Sergio, Jr., 944, 963
- O’Sullivan, James L., 926n
- Outer Mongolia, 566–567
- Overseas Internal Security programs, 605
- Owen, Henry, 78n, 420n
- Padilla, Ambrosio, 945
- Pahlevi, Mohammad Reza Shah, 237, 307, 324, 325, 788, 803n
- Pajo, Juan, 933, 942
- Pakistan (see also
Baghdad Pact; Central Treaty
Organization; India–Pakistan dispute;
Pushtunistan crisis; Southeast Asia Treaty Organization):
- Afghanistan, relations with, 17, 34, 35, 38–39, 45, 220, 229, 240–247, 251–252, 253–254, 259–261, 264, 288, 289, 300, 307, 317–318, 322, 323, 324, 326, 330–335, 357–358, 714, 716, 723, 750, 776, 791, 792, 806, 815
- Afghanistan–Soviet relations, 280, 285–286, 300, 307, 311, 313, 336, 361, 363, 716, 728, 753, 769, 783, 790–792, 820
- Afghanistan-U.S. relations, 300, 790–791
- agriculture, 209, 629, 671, 701, 707, 732–733
- anti-Western sentiment, 630–631, 638, 656, 662–663, 666, 723
- Canada, relations with, 662, 774
- China, People’s Republic, relations with, 718, 769, 806, 815, 820
- Commonwealth, membership in, 619, 622, 662, 717
- East Pakistan, 629, 649–650, 652–653, 672, 673, 679, 720, 739
- economic situation, 68, 138, 151, 655, 675, 701, 703–704, 705, 714, 723, 732–734, 767, 780
- Egypt, relations with, 716
- foreign policy, 636, 640, 654, 669, 671, 714–718, 760
- Germany, Federal Republic, relations with, 706, 733, 773, 774
- India, relations with, 2–3, 5, 17–18, 19, 32, 34, 38, 41, 71–72, 90–95, 117–119, 166, 170, 175, 187–188, 189, 193, 195, 199, 203, 206, 207, 213, 426–427, 428, 464, 522–524, 545, 623, 640, 661, 694, 696, 714, 715, 723, 741–742, 743, 756, 776, 783–786, 804, 815, 822
- Iran, relations with, 716
- Japan, relations with, 706
- military spending, 56, 61, 637, 706, 723–724, 725, 737, 738, 749, 764, 769, 770
- military strength, 6, 17–22, 26–27, 28, 34, 37, 38, 42, 45, 49, 51, 142, 174, 637–638, 660, 683, 690, 698, 702, 720, 722, 724, 734–735, 739, 741–743, 747, 748–749, 754, 756, 760, 764–765, 768–769, 807n, 819
- multilateral economic assistance, 764, 773–774
- neutralism, 136, 634, 640, 718, 758, 814, 818
- political situation, 33–35, 108, 110, 122,
136, 246, 247, 619–622, 626, 636,
648, 651–655, 662–663, 668–672, 776, 795,
- army, political power of, 664, 665, 673, 730
- Ayub takeover, 142n, 143–146, 244n, 679, 680, 681–682, 687, 795
- constitutional reform, 665, 677, 680, 818
- corruption, 671, 674
- elections, scheduled for 1959, 122, 123, 124, 126, 131, 134, 620, 621, 634, 649n, 652, 653, 656, 661, 669
- martial law under Mirza–Ayub, 142n, 143n, 200, 240n, 664–665, 668, 671, 672–678
- Rawalpindi as capital, 558–559, 772
- Soviet Union, relations with, 618, 640, 656–657, 694, 696, 717, 768, 806, 811–813, 814, 815, 818, 819–820, 1152
- Turkey, relations with, 716, 818
- U.K. military assistance, 61, 65, 91–92, 618–619, 622, 627, 641, 643, 645, 789
- United Kingdom, relations with, 91–92, 664, 706, 717, 774
- United States, relations with (see also U.S.
subheadings below), 68, 120–121, 136–137, 152, 342–343, 344,
364, 627, 630–631, 633, 635, 657,
662, 664, 679–681, 735, 757–760, 763–765, 822
- aggression against Pakistan, U.S. policy, 708–709, 754, 806–807, 814, 820
- bilateral defense agreement, 158, 159n, 176, 262, 658–659, 693n, 694, 695n, 704, 709, 710, 717
- Eisenhower visit, 320–321, 781–795
- exchange programs, 773
- India–U.S. relations, 59, 68, 92, 95, 99, 136, 539n, 542, 545–547, 619, 626, 633, 636, 639, 642, 663, 671, 694, 696, 699, 700, 716, 741–742, 753–754, 758, 784, 785, 786, 822–823
- military personnel in Pakistan, 815–816
- Peshawar communications facility, 615, 726, 812, 815–816
- trade, 625
- USIS activities, 680, 771–772
- U.S. economic assistance, 39, 151, 183,
626, 628–630, 637, 656,
722, 725, 731, 737, 740, 765–767, 793, 807
- Development Loan Fund, 151, 628, 658, 661, 704, 706, 707, 723, 733, 750, 756, 758, 763, 765
- fertilizer plants, 629–630, 706
- Ganges–Kobadak project abandonment, 745–746
- irrigation, 629
- P.L. 480, 661, 662, 684, 707, 733, 750, 763, 765, 780, 809
- refugee rehabilitation, 706
- steel industry, 656–658
- water resources, 629, 633
- U.S. foreign policy objectives, 44–45, 669–670, 685–686, 763, 805
- U.S. military assistance, 5–6, 34, 44–45, 51, 61, 68, 79, 97–99, 199, 246,
678, 682–683, 687–693, 698–699, 724, 732,
735, 736–740, 744–745, 747–748, 751–752, 767–771, 780, 796–802, 803,
805, 819–821
- Afghan attitudes toward, 253n, 254, 257, 258, 261, 262–263
- congressional criticism of, 744, 747, 748, 750–751, 752–753, 760, 771, 786, 805
- destroyers, 748
- fighter aircraft, 702, 726–729, 730, 751, 770, 771, 780, 788, 790, 796n, 799, 800–801, 802n, 808–809, 810, 817
- Indian attitudes toward, 52–53, 89, 97–99, 120, 134, 144n, 145–148, 159n, 162, 174, 184–185, 196, 442, 512, 523, 525, 617, 627, 628n, 709–711, 771, 778n, 779, 784, 799, 802, 804, 809–810
- light bombers, 98, 618–619, 622–624, 627–628, 631–632, 634, 638, 639–640, 641, 644–647, 689, 710, 712, 748
- objectives of, 719–725, 804, 806
- processing delays, 659–660
- reduction in, 39, 48, 56, 154–155, 719, 729–731, 761–762, 769
- Sidewinder missiles, 709–712, 777–779, 780, 788–789, 797, 798, 799, 802, 808–809, 810
- submarines, 619
- tanks, 660, 691, 692, 699, 761, 770, 798
- Palmer, Gardner, 873, 878, 881, 882, 978n, 983n, 1003, 1005–1008, 1009, 1010, 1013, 1015, 1085
- Pan American Airlines, 938, 969
- Pandit, Vijaya Lakshmi, 514
- Pant, Pandit, 434
- Paredes, Lucas, 826
- Parsons, J. Graham, 159, 836n, 846n, 911n, 935, 941, 955, 957, 962, 965, 971n, 1013n, 1020n, 1046, 1050n, 1058n, 1088n, 1094n, 1103n, 1111, 1113, 1143, 1148, 1155n, 1161n, 1163n
- Partridge, Gen. Richard C., 1026, 1041–1042
- Passman, Otto E., 1143
- Pathet Lao, 1023, 1024
- Patil, S.K., 104, 434, 517n, 537, 1135
- Pazhwak, Abdul Rahman, 222–223, 226, 227, 229, 232, 234, 292, 294, 297, 301, 303, 305
- Pelaez, Emmanuel, 825n, 848, 946
- Perera, N.M., 394, 396, 404n, 406
- Perez, Roderigo, 932–933
- Perkins, Raymond L., 541n
- Perry, Hart, 306, 572
- Persons, Wilton B., 530n
- Peterson, Avery F., 1112n, 1148n, 1153n
- Phao Sriyanon, 1041, 1050, 1168
- Phibun Songkhram, 1041, 1045, 1050, 1168
- Philippines:
- agriculture, 863, 871, 872, 959
- armed forces, 850, 857, 865
- Clark Air Base, 840n, 890n, 893, 913, 949
- economic development, 868, 871–873, 974–975
- economic situation, 834, 840, 850, 854, 862–863, 868, 871, 880, 958–959
- foreign policy, 864, 973
- independence of, 608, 855
- Japan, relations with, 856, 864, 871, 939
- multilateral economic assistance:
- mutual defense agreements, 836–838, 865, 869, 950
- political situation, 840, 857, 859–862, 867, 932–933, 941–946, 973, 975
- population groups, 861, 867
- religion, 852, 854, 861, 862, 933
- social reforms, 867, 870, 874
- strategic importance of, 859
- Subie Bay Naval Reservation, 913
- Taiwan, relations with, 841
- Thailand, relations with, 841, 1119
- United States, relations with (see also U.S. subheadings below), 860, 973, 975, 1161
- U.S. economic assistance, 832–834, 849, 853, 854, 857, 860n, 863–864, 868, 869, 991
- U.S. foreign policy objectives, 866–869, 975–976
- U.S. military assistance, 836, 838–839, 865, 869, 894–896, 897–901, 911–912, 976
- U.S. military bases negotiations, 836–839, 852, 866,
869, 890–891, 892–893, 904–911, 912, 917–919, 946–957, 976
- allied aircraft base access, 841–845, 847, 934
- ballistic missile stockpiling, 848, 905, 909
- Bendetsen Mission, 825n, 827, 828, 829, 831, 836, 839, 842, 866, 892, 908, 910n
- consultation on combat uses, 892, 893–894, 897, 905, 909, 913–914, 928–929, 950, 951–952, 953, 954–955
- criminal jurisdiction, 825–830, 866, 891–892, 905, 909, 914–916, 918, 946, 948, 952, 955, 956, 963, 971–972
- duration of agreement, 836, 949, 950–951
- land requirements and use, 839, 947, 949
- Phin Chunahawan, 1041
- Phong Punnakan, 1039
- Phra Tiranasan, 1102
- Pibulsonggram, Field Marshal P., 978n
- Pierce, Edward, 306
- Pillai, N.R., 114, 119, 120, 121, 125, 126, 172, 202n, 521
- P.L. 480. See under Congress, U.S.: acts of and under name of specific country.
- Plowden, Lord, 520
- Poland, 486
- Ponomarenko, Panteleimon Kondratevich, 585n
- Pote Sarasin, 978n, 979, 980, 989, 1031, 1032, 1039, 1042, 1052, 1055
- Poullada, Louis B., 66n, 224n, 225n, 226–230, 262n, 295, 297, 300, 306, 307, 333n, 337n, 461, 719n, 721n, 726, 726n, 729, 762, 796n, 804–809, 808n
- Powers, Gary Francis, 811n
- Praphat Charusathien, 980, 989, 1046, 1047, 1048, 1050, 1053, 1054, 1068, 1069, 1079, 1080, 1086, 1105, 1106n, 1169
- Prasad, Rajendra, 509
- Prasad, Tanka, 595
- Price, Don K., 608, 609n, 610
- Pridi, Phanamyong, 987, 988, 995, 998, 1003, 1014, 1075–1077
- Primicias, Cipriano, 826
- Pushkin, Georgiy Maksimovich, 812
- Pushtunistan crisis, 159, 264, 278, 279, 288, 317–318, 762
- Afghan position, 243, 274–275, 293, 303, 339–340, 344, 357, 360–361, 364, 369
- Afghanistan–Pakistan relations, 35, 39, 307, 337–342, 345–346, 356, 536
- arrest of Pushtu leaders in Pakistan, 240–243, 244, 245, 260, 716
- Ayub, role of, 252, 303, 309–310, 348
- border incidents, 359–364, 368, 792, 820
- Daud, role of, 289, 292, 310
- Durand Line, 260, 318, 338, 339, 343, 344, 360–361
- Pakistan–U.S. relations, 342–343, 361, 368
- Pakistani position, 286, 345–346, 364
- plebiscite, 337, 339
- propaganda, 268n, 269, 275, 284, 286, 310, 312, 330–335, 337, 338, 344, 348n, 356, 363, 364, 368, 792
- Soviet position, 335–336, 338, 339–340, 341, 343, 344, 361, 362, 363, 812, 820
- U.N. role, 357, 358, 364
- U.S. communications facility at Peshawar, 812, 815
- U.S. position, 260, 268, 270–271, 284, 301, 309, 310, 312, 342n, 360, 363–368, 740
- war risk, 369
- West Pakistan “one unit” administration, 241, 246, 247
- Qadir, Manzur, 46, 159–160, 187–190, 260, 270, 271n, 272, 273n, 276, 285, 286, 300–301, 304, 312, 313, 330–331, 332, 336, 361, 615, 688n, 693–695, 697, 700, 701, 708, 762, 781, 810–814, 818
- Qizilbash, H.E. Ali Khan, 625, 653
- Quarles, Donald A., 873, 880, 882, 1020
- Radford, Adm. Arthur W., 689n, 700
- Radhakrishnan, Sarvepalli, 71–72, 98, 174, 426–427, 632
- Radio Moscow, 772
- Rahman, Ataur, 276, 310, 362653
- Ramsey, Henry C., 711n
- Randall, A.B., 678
- Randall, Clarence B., 503–504
- Raza, Haider, 641
- Reams, Robert B., 984
- Recto, Claro M., 848, 860, 941
- Red Cross. See International Committee of the Red Cross.
- Reddi, Pulla, 547
- Reinhardt, G. Frederick, 618
- Reynolds Philippines Corporation, 923–924
- Richards, James P., 218n, 630n
- Riddleberger, James W., 347, 349, 497, 531, 747, 751
- Roach, John, 411
- Robertson, Walter S.:
- Rockefeller Foundation, 447
- Rodriguez, Eulogio, 933, 942, 945
- Rogers, William P., 16–17
- Romania, 436
- Romualdez, Eduardo, 873, 878, 881, 882, 888
- Romulo, Gen. Carlos P., 835, 849, 870, 873, 880, 882, 884, 897, 900, 901, 917, 922, 935, 961, 962
- Rossow, Robert, Jr., 321
- Rountree, William M., 1n, 206n, 336n
- Afghanistan:
- Ceylon, 371–375, 385, 386, 387, 388
- India–Pakistan dispute, 48n, 49, 53, 71, 72, 75–81, 90, 92, 110n, 136
- India–U.S. relations, 418n, 423n, 451n, 461, 539n, 639
- Nepal, 581n, 582
- Pakistan, 703, 763–777, 792
- appointment as ambassador, 746n
- political situation, 620, 635–639, 648, 666n, 668, 776
- United States, relations with, 342–343, 539n, 625n, 630–631, 650–651, 662–663, 708n, 771–773, 777, 781, 815, 817n
- U.S. economic assistance, 628, 662, 731, 765–767, 809
- U.S. military assistance, 618–619, 624, 627n, 631–632, 639–640, 641n, 644, 688–691, 711n, 712n, 719, 726–731, 736–740, 747, 748, 767–771, 796n, 797, 801–802, 808, 809n, 817–818
- Roy, A.K., 186, 466
- Rumbold, H.A.F., 151, 154, 504–509
- Russell, Francis H., 159n
- Russell, James S., 678
- Saccio, Leonard J., 295, 306, 307, 346, 349, 497, 499, 703
- Sahay, Bhagwan, 595
- Samad Khan, Abdul, 241, 242, 243, 245
- Sangvan, 980
- Sankar, 176
- Santos, General, 817, 894, 962
- Saquib Khan, Najmul, 210
- Sarit Thanarat, Gen.:
- communist threat, 1002–1003, 1023, 1035, 1043, 1160
- Eisenhower meeting, 999–1000
- health condition, 977–978, 982, 984–986, 994, 996, 1017, 1039, 1050n, 1052, 1055, 1062, 1069, 1169
- opium trade, 1079, 1080
- political situation, 980, 987, 989, 995, 997, 1003–1004, 1014–1015, 1039–1041, 1045, 1050, 1054–1057, 1064, 1065, 1068–1069, 1076, 1097, 1098, 1131n, 1168, 1169
- refugee problem, 1058n, 1059, 1106n
- U.S. economic assistance, 981, 990, 991, 994, 1001–1002, 1009, 1010, 1013–1014, 1015, 1017, 1018–1019, 1027, 1029, 1030–1038, 1040, 1043n, 1061, 1063, 1100, 1109–1111, 1136, 1139, 1142, 1144, 1146, 1155–1156, 1166
- U.S. military assistance, 1020, 1038–1039
- U.S–Thailand relations, 1060, 1061n, 1140–1146, 1152, 1153–1154, 1156, 1158n, 1159–1162
- Sarwar, G.M., 230
- Schaetzel, J. Robert, 490n, 499, 500
- Schmukler, Sisney, 479n, 571, 1005
- Schwartz, Harold E., 306, 497, 601
- Scott, Walter K., 588n
- Scribner, Fred C., Jr., 14
- Sen, A.K., 434, 525
- Senanayake, Dudley, 405, 407, 412
- Serrano, Felixberto:
- Shah, Shri Sahebju Parandra Bikram, 582, 583–585, 595
- Shaha, Rishikesh, 600, 601, 607, 609, 610–611, 612n
- Shahi, Agha, 624
- Shaikh, M.S., 271n, 624, 630, 631, 659–660, 726
- Shamaher, 581, 583, 586, 590, 595
- Sharp, Dudley C., 546n
- Sheppard, William J., 277n, 512n
- Sherwood, Sidney, 544, 549
- Sherzad, 215, 216, 274
- Shoaib, Mohamed, 104, 157, 209, 684, 697, 699, 701, 703–704, 705–707, 731, 732–734, 745, 780, 781, 792–794, 803, 809
- Shook, Cleo, 321
- Shuff, Charles H., 641, 643, 645, 759
- Sihanouk, Norodom, Prince, 1049, 1161
- Simons, Thomas W., 495
- Singapore, 1080, 1111
- Singh, K.I., 581, 595
- Singh, Tarlok, 465
- Sirkit, Queen, 1131n, 1141, 1143, 1153
- Smith, Bromley, 532n
- Smith, Gerard C., 214n, 711, 913
- Smith, James H., Jr., 226, 227, 229, 231, 254, 461, 630n, 656, 658–
- Smith, Rufus Burr, 371, 383, 384n, 385, 409–411, 437n, 519–520, 628n, 636
- Snowdon, Henry T., 957n, 970n
- Snyder, Robert M., 218n
- Sommers, Davidson, 102, 178
- Soulen, Garrett H., 261n, 621n, 624, 630, 631, 632n, 636, 655n, 659
- South Asia:
- China, People’s Republic, influence in, 1, 29, 32, 43, 783
- economic development, 42–43
- importance of, 1–3, 30, 37, 190
- neutralism, 2, 31, 37
- Soviet Union, influence in, 7, 19–20, 29, 43, 50, 722
- U.S. economic assistance, 4–5, 12, 43
- U.S. foreign policy objectives, 40–46
- U.S. military assistance, 20, 22
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization:
- Afghanistan, 276
- Australia, 1175
- France, 1175
- Indian position, 418, 419
- meetings, 625–626, 811, 831n, 1072n, 1107, 1130, 1134
- Pakistan, 34, 50, 61, 79, 618, 625–626, 640, 690,
717, 722, 768, 769
- withdrawal threat, 625
- Philippines, role of U.S. bases, 904, 905, 913
- Pushtunistan dispute, 338
- Thailand, 995, 996, 1062, 1067, 1070, 1072n, 1107, 1121, 1122, 1123, 1128, 1130, 1141, 1149, 1150, 1153, 1157, 1163, 1170
- U.S. position, 147, 837–838, 1149–1150, 1160, 1161, 1163, 1174–1176
- United Kingdom, 1175
- Soviet bloc, 35, 159, 223, 276, 287, 290, 292
- Soviet Union:
- Afghanistan, influence in, 237–238, 251, 253–254, 255, 275, 277, 280, 285–286, 288, 290–291, 297–298, 307, 314–318, 327, 331, 334, 340, 341–342, 355n, 536
- Afghanistan, relations with, 39, 45–46, 215, 219–220, 227–228, 248, 252, 272, 277–278, 280–281, 294, 297–298, 307, 322
- Ceylon, relations with, 376, 377, 378, 379–380, 390, 392, 409
- China, People’s Republic, relations with, 487, 561, 566, 782
- Economic Commission for Asia and Far East, 1174
- India, influence in, 2n, 10, 23, 30–31, 82, 280, 448, 460, 475, 483–489, 506, 507–508, 513, 553, 576
- India, relations with, 2n, 30–31, 137, 460, 474, 524, 531, 566, 571
- India–Pakistan dispute, 71, 74, 812
- Iraq, relations with, 700
- Middle East, influence in, 753, 782–783
- Nepal, relations with, 13, 36, 46, 497
- Pakistan, relations with, 618, 640, 656–657, 694, 696, 717, 768, 806, 811–813, 814, 815, 818, 819–820, 1152
- Pushtunistan crisis, 335–336, 338, 339–340, 341, 343, 344, 361, 362, 363, 812, 820
- South Asia, influence in, 7, 19–20, 29, 43, 50, 722
- Sputnik, 218
- Thailand, relations with, 1095, 1151–1152, 1170
- trade situation, 505
- United Nations, role in, 820
- United States, relations with, 305, 428, 472, 563–565, 685, 726, 755, 782, 784, 820
- Special National Intelligence Estimates:
- Spencer Chemical, 534, 535n
- Spengler, William F., 210, 300, 692n, 815n
- Spielman, Henry W., 154, 163n, 481, 505, 510, 535n, 625n, 662, 705, 732
- Sprague, Mansfield D., 49–51, 57, 641–643, 644
- Springsteen, George, 383
- Spurgin, C. Richard, 1093n
- Sputnik, 218
- Stanley, Henry S.H., 152, 504
- Stans, Maurice, 13, 16, 17, 21, 27, 182n, 192
- Stebbins, Henry E., 596n, 600, 601, 603, 612–614
- Steeves, John, 961, 1027, 1048, 1103n, 1131, 1140n, 1153n
- Stephens, John, 498
- Stevenson, Adlai, 753
- Stoffel, Albert W., 549, 550
- Stoneman, Walter G., 983n, 1005, 1006
- Strong, Gordon B., 216
- Stubinger, David B., 1079
- Stump, Adm. Felix B., 1027
- Suez crisis, 92
- Suhrawardy, Huseyn Shaheed, 259, 619, 620, 621, 651, 653, 654, 655n, 672
- Sukit, 980, 989, 1023, 1032
- Sumulong, Lorenzo, 848
- Sunfed, 600, 602
- Sunthorn, 1114, 1115
- Sutherland, E.V., 747
- Swezey, Anthony C., 1020n, 1088n, 1091n, 1094n, 1103n, 1140n, 1148, 1153n, 1161n, 1163n
- Switzerland, 555
- Syracuse University, 519
- Taiwan, 305, 787, 838, 841, 893, 894, 896, 898, 900, 935, 937n, 990, 1049
- Tanada, Lorenzo, 860
- Tanguy, Charles R., 911n, 917n
- Tarutao Island, 1059
- Taylor, Maxwell D., 622n, 646, 913
- Tennekoon, 381
- Tenneson, Charles E., 701
- Terrill, Robert P., 280, 295
- Thailand (see also
Southeast Asia Treaty Organization):
- armed forces, 993, 1021, 1024–1026, 1172–1173
- Buddhist groups, 1124
- Burma, relations with, 1049, 1119, 1123
- Cambodia, relations with, 1049, 1053, 1057n, 1110, 1119, 1123, 1127, 1130, 1137, 1152, 1161
- China, People’s Republic, influence of, 987, 988, 995, 998, 1002, 1014, 1046, 1049, 1121, 1169
- China, People’s Republic, relations with, 1075–1077, 1114, 1168
- Chinese minority residents, 1003, 1006, 1014, 1043, 1049, 1051–1052, 1124, 1127
- communism in Southeast Asia, 996, 998, 1002, 1011, 1021, 1058–1060, 1074, 1085, 1092, 1118, 1141, 1160, 1162–1163, 1170, 1173, 1175
- economic development, 998, 1097–1098, 1138–1139, 1142, 1144, 1148, 1165, 1171
- economic situation, 1107, 1133, 1170–1172
- Laos, relations with, 990, 1002, 1022, 1058, 1086n, 1094n, 1101, 1119, 1123, 1127, 1138, 1141, 1143, 1146, 1149, 1150, 1151, 1152, 1156–1158, 1160, 1162, 1163, 1170
- Malaya, relations with, 1049, 1119, 1123, 1127
- military spending, 1139
- multilateral economic assistance:
- neutralism, 1152, 1169–1170
- news and newspapers, 988–989, 995, 996–997, 1004, 1014–1015, 1034, 1041, 1064, 1109–1111
- opium trade, 1078–1081
- Philippines, relations with, 841, 1119
- political situation, 979–980, 987–989, 1014,
1039–1040, 1050, 1065, 1075–1077, 1120, 1168–1170
- communism in, 987, 988, 989, 991, 995, 1002, 1003, 1023, 1043, 1045, 1046, 1048, 1051, 1056, 1122
- constitutional reform, 1065, 1068–1069
- coup, 1040, 1041, 1046–1048, 1050n, 1053–1057, 1099
- insurgency, prospects of, 1022–1024
- martial law, 1043–1046, 1051–1052, 1096–1099
- National Socialist Party, 980, 987, 1040–1041
- Soviet Union, relations with, 1095, 1151–1152, 1170
- strategic importance of, 1002, 1121
- trade situation, 1083–1085, 1126
- United Kingdom, relations with, 1076, 1081, 1095
- United States, relations with (see also U.S. subheadings below), 1018–1019, 1034, 1054–1057, 1060–1061, 1095, 1108, 1114, 1137, 1141–1146, 1153–1154, 1156–1164, 1169–1170
- U.S. economic assistance, 981, 983, 990–992, 994, 999, 1000–1002, 1008–1014, 1015–1019, 1027–1034, 1036–1037, 1040, 1043n, 1052, 1061–1062, 1063, 1072, 1100, 1109–1112, 1125, 1136–1140, 1142, 1144–1145, 1147–1148, 1154, 1155–1156, 1158, 1164–1167, 1171
- U.S. foreign policy objectives, 1019, 1118–1129
- U.S. military assistance, 990, 1000, 1020, 1028–1029, 1038–1039, 1066–1067, 1070–1071, 1072, 1075, 1093–1094, 1101, 1117–1118, 1119, 1122, 1146, 1154
- Vietnam, relations with, 1049, 1094, 1103–1104, 1123
- Thanat Khoman:
[Page 1204]
- political situation, 1003, 1048–1049, 1054–1055, 1065, 1069n
- refugee problem, 1073, 1081, 1088, 1094, 1105n
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, 811
- trade situation, 1130, 1132, 1133, 1134–1136
- United States–Thailand relations, 995, 996, 998, 999, 1001, 1014, 1114, 1150, 1151, 1152, 1156–1157, 1162, 1164n
- U.S. economic assistance, 1005–1013, 1015–1017, 1019, 1032, 1062, 1063, 1072n, 1107, 1109, 1110, 1111, 1113, 1115
- U.S. military assistance, 1148n
- Thanom Kittikachorn, 979n, 980, 983, 988, 989, 991, 1023, 1043, 1045, 1046, 1048, 1050, 1053, 1054, 1068, 1069, 1072, 1169
- Thapa, Nara Pratap, 497, 581, 582, 583, 590, 595
- Thayer, Robert H., 306
- Thep Chotenuchit, 1014
- Thimayya, Kodandera Subayya, 174
- Tibet, 3, 31, 166, 176, 274, 718, 727, 728, 753
- Tim Buriphat, 979
- Tito, Josip Broz, 460
- Togo, 558
- Toure, Sekou, 561
- Tran Van Dinh, 1073, 1077
- Trans World Airlines, 938, 969
- Treasury, U.S. Department of, 13, 14, 177n
- Truman, Maj. Gen., Louis, 623, 632
- Tuason, Pedro, 831
- Tubman, William V.S., 561
- Tudor Engineering Company, 629
- Turkey, 632
- Turnage, William V., 415n, 425n, 461, 510, 511, 705, 706
- Twining, Gen. Nathan F., 20, 48, 49, 622n, 644, 742, 853n, 1020
- Twist, H.A., 152
- Ty, Leon O., 944
- Umrao, General, 664
- Unger, Leonard, 1077, 1078, 1081, 1111, 1117–1118, 1136–1137, 1139n
- United Kingdom, 24, 29, 913, 1170, 1175
- Afghanistan, relations with, 283, 291, 315, 326
- Ceylon, relations with, 378, 409
- India, relations with, 419n, 439, 440, 443, 504–509, 567, 573
- India–Pakistan dispute, 54, 72–74, 78n, 81, 82–84, 84–89, 103–104, 109, 110, 111, 113, 114n, 132–133, 153–156, 188, 508, 536, 730
- Nepal, relations with, 603
- Pakistan, relations with, 91–92, 664, 706, 717, 774
- Thailand, relations with, 1076, 1081, 1095
- United Nations, 41–42
- China, People’s Republic, membership, U.S. position, 1002
- Commission for India and Pakistan (UNCIP), 47, 63, 74, 113
- India–Pakistan dispute, 47, 99
- Indus waters issue, 93, 94, 104, 105, 107, 108, 110–111, 155, 637
- Kashmir dispute:
- Graham mission, 47, 59, 60n, 62–64, 65–66, 68, 70, 72, 74, 78, 112, 117, 132
- peacekeeping force proposal, 62–63, 64, 66, 214
- plebiscite, 59, 63, 64, 65, 86, 113, 130, 145, 160, 188, 214, 700, 784
- Security Council session, 62, 64, 65, 68, 69, 70, 72–73, 83, 86, 107, 108, 110–111, 112–114, 131, 132, 135, 155–156, 188
- mission and importance of, 557–558, 559, 560, 561, 563, 564
- Pushtunistan crisis, 357, 358, 364
- Soviet role in, 112, 113, 155, 188, 820 [Page 1205]
- Special Fund, 600, 602
- Upham, Charles, and Associates, 1116
- Upton, Graydon, 177–178
- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 328–329, 346–347, 349, 353–354
- U.S. economic assistance, policy issues, 22–23, 25, 28
- U.S. Information Agency (USIA), 775
- U.S. Information Service (USIS), 392–393, 435–436, 448, 475, 591, 592, 593, 680, 771–772, 1041, 1064
- Usher, Richard E., 1149n
- Vargas, Jesus, 841, 842, 843, 846, 847, 873, 880, 882, 894–896, 912, 932
- Vellodi, M.A., 565
- Viet Minn, 1024, 1073, 1089
- Vietnam, Republic of, 1022, 1023, 1073, 1134, 1136, 1175
- Villareal, Cornelio T., 945
- Visutr Arthayukti, 1054n, 1083, 1131, 1134, 1143
- Vitacchi, Tarzi, 411
- Vivat, Prince, 1107
- Voegtly, Colonel, 986n
- Voice of America, 379, 772
- Vu Van Mau, 1058n, 1088
- Wailes, Edward T., 319n, 803n
- Walter, Ambassador, 1073
- Walter, Mercer C., 699
- Wan Waithayakon, Prince, 979n, 980, 1017, 1031, 1032, 1047, 1049, 1055, 1069
- Ward, Angus, 247
- Waugh, Samuel C., 422, 461, 465, 470, 496, 541, 544, 548, 549, 873, 878, 879, 880, 882, 883, 887
- Weil, T. Eliot, 365n, 549, 552, 611, 819n
- Weld, Col. Seth L., 1026, 1041
- Wells, Algie, 499
- White, Alfred D., 424n, 479n
- White, Gen. Thomas D., 362, 734, 735, 754, 913, 914
- Whitehouse, Charles S., 437
- Whitnack, Doris, 505
- Whittington, Floyd I., 986n, 1005, 1006, 1010
- Wilbur, Donald, 265
- Wilcox, Stanley, 780n
- Wile, Frank S., 1005, 1010, 1015, 1030n, 1134n, 1140n, 1153n, 1155n
- Willia, G.H., 465
- Williams, Maurice J., 1079, 1080
- Williams, William L.S., 649–650
- Wilson, Evan, 804, 806, 807
- Wilson, Geoffrey M., 504
- Wilson, George, 1026
- Wilson, James M., Jr., 811n
- Wilson, Weary, 329
- Wing, Herbert G., 588n
- Wollmar, Stellan C., 295, 306, 308, 328
- Wongsa, Prince, 1081
- Worakan Bancha, 980
- World Bank. See International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
- Yahya, A.M., 702
- Yost, Charles W., 987
- Yugoslavia, 227, 485, 583
- Yusuf, Mohammad, 226, 227, 229, 232, 234
- Zahir Shah, King, 216n, 220, 241, 247, 250, 265, 276, 278, 283, 365–366, 369, 370
- Zhukov, Marshal Georgiy, 524