14. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Pakistan1

2032. Re Embtel 1955.2 Department encouraged by sympathetic consideration given Iliff’s new proposal for settling canal water dispute. Department does not wish identify itself with any one proposal but hopes that India and Pakistan work out a mutually agreed solution to this vital problem, utilizing services of IBRD. This principle should govern character representations by Embassy seeking to encourage GOP respond positively to new Iliff proposal. As in past Department [Page 61] anxious avoid giving excuse for any impression USG is intruding in field of IBRD negotiations.3

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 690D.91322/2–758. Confidential. Drafted by John M. Howison and Henry W. Spielman of SOA and approved by Bartlett. Repeated to New Delhi, Dacca, and Lahore.
  2. In telegram 1955, February 7, the Embassy reported on a conversation between Ambassador Langley and William A. B. Iliff, Vice President of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, held on February 3. Iliff reviewed the results of his recent trip to India and Pakistan in his continuing effort to mediate the Indus Waters dispute. The Embassy commented in part as follows: “We are favorably impressed by new IBRD plan which would approximately cut costs old proposals in half according Iliff’s very rough calculation. Iliff comments Indian position moderately encouraging and we believe Pakistan’s initial response does not preclude agreement to exploratory talks.” In closing, the Embassy requested the Department’s instructions on the extent to which it could support the IBRD proposal with the Pakistanis. (Ibid., 690D.91322/2–758)
  3. During a meeting in Washington with Department of State officials on March 4, Iliff presented a copy of the IBRD’s plan for settling the Indus Waters dispute. The Department transmitted the text of the plan in telegram 2166 to New Delhi (also sent to Karachi and London), March 7. (Ibid., 690D.91322/3–758)