59. Editorial Note
On June 20, 1960, the Federation of Mali, composed of Senegal and Soudan, former autonomous republics of the French Community, became independent. A message of that date from President Eisenhower to President Modibo Keita extended U.S. greetings and congratulations, remarked that the Mali Federation’s achievement of independence in friendly cooperation with France was a source of pride and satisfaction to the United States, and declared that the United States looked forward to close and friendly relations. The message was transmitted to Consul General at Dakar Donald A. Dumont in telegram 510 to Dakar, June 17, 1960, for delivery on the occasion of his presentation of credentials as Chargé d’Affaires on June 20. (Eisenhower Library, Whitman File, Project Clean Up, Africa—Republics) The Department of State announced on June 20 the elevation of the consulate general at Dakar to an embassy as of that date; see Department of State Bulletin, July 11, 1960, page 73. For further information, see 2 Whiteman 227–228.