44. National Security Council Report0
NSC 5903
February 4, 1959.
- A. NSC 5615/11
- B. NIE 76–582
- C. OCB Report, July 9, 1958, on NSC 5615/13
The enclosed draft statement of policy on the subject, prepared by the NSC Planning Board in response to the
recommendation in paragraph 3 of the reference Operations Coordinating Board
Report, is transmitted herewith for consideration by the National Security
Council at its meeting on Monday, February 26, 1959.4
Two maps of the area, prepared by the Central Intelligence Agency, are also
enclosed for information. A Financial Appendix will be circulated
subsequently for the information of the Council.5
The enclosed statement of policy, if adopted, is intended to supersede NSC 5615/1, “U.S. Policy Toward Ethiopia”.
It is recommended that, if the Council adopts the enclosed statement of
policy, it be submitted to the President with the recommendation that he
approve it; direct its implementation by all appropriate Executive
Departments and Agencies of the U.S. Government; and designate the
Operations Coordinating Board as the coordinating agency.6
[Page 180]
General Considerations
[Here follow sections headed “Importance of the Area,” “Threats to Peace
and Stability in the Area,” “Ethiopia,” “Somalia,” “British Somaliland,”
and “French Somaliland.”]
- 23.
- Denial of the Horn of Africa to Soviet domination and minimization
of Soviet influence.
- 24.
- So far as consistent with the preceding paragraph, denial of the
Horn of Africa to UAR domination and
minimization of UAR
- 25.
- Unhampered use of important Western sea and air communications in
the general area of the Horn of Africa.
- 26.
- Access by the United States to such military facilities in the
area as it may require.
Policy Guidance
- 27.
- Cooperate with friendly nations in (a) encouraging the resolution
of conflicts and tensions in the area, (b) seeking to deny the area
to Soviet domination and to minimize Soviet influence, and (c) so
far as consistent with (b) seeking to deny the area to UAR domination and to minimize UAR influence.
- 28.
- Strengthen U.S. information and cultural exchange programs in the
Horn of Africa, and encourage other friendly Free World nations to
take similar action.
- 29.
- To strengthen Ethiopia’s orientation toward the West, continue to
provide Ethiopia with:
- a.
- Technical assistance, with emphasis on education and
training programs.
- b.
- Limited economic assistance.
- c.
- Minimum military equipment and training of a kind suitable
for maintaining internal security and offering resistance to
local aggression, making every effort to avoid a military
build-up which would strain the Ethiopian economy, lead to
commitments for indefinite U.S. support, or to increased
tension within the area.
- 30.
- Consult with Ethiopia on Middle East and African matters of
concern to it. Encourage Ethiopia to maintain an interest in
Pan-African affairs and to exercise a moderating influence in such
- 31.
a. Encourage the resolution of differences existing between
Ethiopia and the Somalilands, including border disputes.
b. When feasible, encourage cooperation between Ethiopia and the
Somalilands in the development of common economic resources.
c. As appropriate, encourage Ethiopia to accept a merger of
British Somaliland and Somalia and to act in such a way as to
enhance the possibility of closer Ethiopian-Somali political
- 32.
- Encourage Italy to continue to exercise a major role in the
maintenance of Somalia’s stability and Free World orientation.
Encourage Italy, the UK, and other
friendly nations to provide economic and technical aid, including
budgetary and police assistance, to assist Somali leaders favorable
to the West to remain in power and to maintain stability in areas
under their control. Be prepared to supplement these efforts by
providing limited U.S. economic and technical assistance. Encourage
the UN to provide technical
assistance and to exercise a stabilizing influence on Somalia’s
internal situation and on its relations with other countries.
- 33.
- Study alternative consolidations of countries and territories of
the Horn of Africa to determine which would best serve U.S.
interest. In the meantime:
- a.
- Encourage Somali leaders to be moderate in advancing the
concept of a Greater Somaliland and, to the extent feasible,
to consider as an ultimate end closer relationships with
- b.
- Be prepared to accept moves on the part of French
Somaliland to join such a Greater Somaliland, provided this
is acceptable to the peoples concerned and is not
inconsistent with U.S. security interests.