109. Telegram From the Embassy in the Congo to the Department of State0
35. This is effort (at four am) to identify current problem, estimate possible developments ahead and contingent lines action.
Government is striving to maintain loyalty of Force Publique and its dedication to maintenance law and order. As Department aware certain demands have been met, i.e., sharp reduction Belgian officers, promotions. These may not prove sufficient if Force Publique does not actively and loyally support government, no other effective instrument available except foreign aid which I feel probably would not be requested until last minute, perhaps after balloon has gone up. From our own direct experience, at least some of Force Publique have deliberately and without provocation or even encountering effort self-defense (which might have been fatal error) severely roughed up Americans on streets, robbing one as well. This pattern makes for great uncertainty regarding whom to trust, or indeed for how long. Should Force Publique break down wholly or in substantial degree, Africans (already being harangued by some radio speeches re disparity wages and living standards) might start sacking and worse. According to very highly-placed government official this likely. That would require fast and strong action before too late.
Any such action however would entail obvious risks—would be likely make pot really boil over and immediately endanger many isolated people not so far known to be in trouble. This would more likely be case if Belgian troops used though I admit no other substantial force apparently now in neighborhood. Even some other force would have only slight advantage since so few Force Publique or Congolese would recognize difference or care.
I intend strongly recommend evacuation women, children, and non-essential Embassy personnel, preferably by boat. We were told by Chief State’s secretary yesterday no permission would be given but if necessary I intend go to government this morning saying US Government would take very serious view denial inherent right all people be permitted evacuate especially if requested by diplomatic representative. French got off by boat and Sabena took off mixed planeload last night including few Americans.
[Page 284]While night calm and uneventful here and at other concentration points, and we hope day will be likewise, wave of last twenty-four hours may be followed by another day or so later. My considered opinion, we should try get out indicated Americans and recommend return only after we have reasonable assurance (1) Force Publique firmly established as reliable instrument and (2) effervescence has subsided for long enough to assure us bubbles all out at least in current bottle.
Use whirlybirds, except very outlying areas not likely to be very closely patrolled, would be counter productive without specific GOC approval and even then the word might not get to all Force Publique or even be understood.2
Following as of 8 am: curfew ceased 6 am and circulation, so far as known, returned to normal. Pan Am airport crew on way to field and Kimball will advise if plane service to be resumed. He also plans call in plane from Accra presumably [to] Brazzaville but if later developments recommend, might bring it in here.
Downtown business seems returning to normal.
Missionary radio net reports no trouble at any posts on net.
Will continue report developments. For moment contemplate no action other than recommendation mentioned and given.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 770G.00/7–960. Unclassified; Niact. Repeated niact to Brussels.↩
- The time of transmission is not indicated. Received at 6:56 a.m.; a notation on the source text indicates that Ferguson was notified at 7:25 a.m.↩
- At a meeting of State and JCS representatives on July 8, Merchant asked the Department of Defense to take urgent action on a Department of State request that helicopters be sent to Brazzaville as soon as possible. (Memorandum on Substance of Discussion at State–JCS Meeting; Department of State, PPS Files: Lot 67 D 548, State–JCS Meetings)↩