84. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Jordan1

29. Amman’s 2523, Jerusalem’s 378, Tel Aviv’s 1048, New York’s 1135.2 Hart called in Israel Chargé Herzog alone 6th to express concern with reported harassment Isawiya villagers by Israel Mt. Scopus patrols. He made following points: [Page 185]

HKJ recently addressed note to USG complaining that patrols subjecting villagers to indignities and creating unnecessary difficulties for them.3
While note specifically cited incident in which wedding party allegedly forced out of cars and off road, it appears this only culmination series of incidents occurring with increasing frequency since UNSYG’s discussion of problem with GOI last year.
It is our understanding UNTSO had complained of patrols’ behavior to Israel authorities.
Asked Herzog to inform GOI that in interests of peace in area, harassment of Isawiya villagers should cease and that in our opinion, nothing is gained by constant irritation this neuralgic point.

Hart recalled that on visit to Jerusalem in 1954 he had discussed what he considered unnecessary inflammation border tensions with Herzog, other foreign ministry representatives and IDF officers. He had left Jerusalem feeling there was difference of opinion between Foreign Ministry and IDF and that approach towards border problems would have been more conciliatory had Foreign Ministry viewpoint prevailed. It was because of this previous impression that Hart wondered if IDF personnel on Mount Scopus now acting in manner that has no official sanction. He added it was because of their earlier consideration of similar problems he had decided to discuss Isawiya villagers with Herzog on personal basis rather than making official démarche.

Herzog said that sort of dichotomy Hart outlined did exist to considerable extent in 1954 but had largely disappeared since Sinai Campaign. Officials concerned now working in better relationship. He said he regretted wedding party incident and agreed such frictions were potentially dangerous. He would report to his Government immediately. However, underlying cause of difficulty was failure to implement Article 8 of GAA.

For Amman: In lieu formal reply to HKJ note, suggest you see Majali and inform him confidentially as follows:

Department is concerned to learn that despite efforts by SYG and others, incidents in Mt. Scopus area continue. Department has taken problem up with Israel Government in manner it hopes will be effective. In interests of effectiveness this U.S. endeavor to be helpful should be regarded as matter of confidence by HKJ.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 684A.85/6–1659. Confidential; Limit Distribution. Drafted by Hamilton on July 3, cleared with Palmer, and approved by Hart. Repeated to Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, and USUN.
  2. Dated June 10, 15, 16, and 12, respectively, these telegrams discussed various aspects of Israeli harassment of the Isawiya villagers. (Ibid., 684A.85/6–1059 through 684A.85/6–1659)
  3. Text of the June 6 note was transmitted in despatch G–50 from Amman, June 11. (Ibid.,684A.85/6–1159)