64. Telegram From the Department of State to the Mission at the United Nations1

655. Re: Israeli-Syrian border. In light seriousness with which SYG views present situation and fact he believes Israeli press campaign makes prompt action necessary, and taking into account UK and French have already agreed to SYG suggested procedure, you authorized inform SYG US prepared support his plan as outlined urtel 611.2 We also concur in SYG’s sending letter to Ben Gurion along lines indicated paragraph 3 urtel 620.3 We would like to know whether SYG considered advisability awaiting Israeli reply before instructing Von Horn. We wonder also whether SYG is considering sending appropriate letter to UAR. Even if main problem is Israel, fact of UAR assent to plan would place further pressure on GOI.

In agreeing to SYG suggested procedure, Department wishes make additional suggestion, as well as inject note of caution.

We believe that as part of procedure outlined by SYG, UNTSO Chief of Staff should be requested make analytical report to SYG based on complaints pending before MAC, possibly using complaints registered last month or two as illustrative of differences in views of parties re GAA rights. Purpose such analysis would be to establish clearly fundamental problem underlying rash of border incidents and make recommendations for strengthening UN machinery, including possible reinvigoration and renewal meetings of MAC. This might involve for example finding that problem stems in part from unjustified attempts establish claims to sovereignty over demilitarized area. Among possible results, UNTSO Chief of Staff might decide desirable recommend MAC get fresh start by wiping slate clean of existing complaints.

Note of caution which Dept wishes inject relates in part to desirability using Von Horn in manner suggested by SYG. SYG undoubtedly aware Israelis are quite unsympathetic to Von Horn, and this being case we are inclined to doubt whether Israelis would accede to his request for permission conduct interrogations and inspection military [Page 147] installations. Furthermore, we tend question right Von Horn interrogate parties on military instruction, disposition etc. outside DZ. Obviously has clear authority in DZ.

Nevertheless, Dept willing support SYG’s plan for conduct of investigation and initial approach by Von Horn in view fact we seriously concerned over pattern of events in area during past two months and do not wish to put ourselves in position of impeding UN, particularly since Israelis appear bent on campaign of demonstrating UN inability take effective measures in circumstances.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 684A.86B3/2–559. Confidential. Drafted by Brown, Buffum, and Sisco; cleared by Ludlow; and signed for Dillon by Wilcox.
  2. Telegram 611, February 2, transmitted the text of Hammarskjöld’s orders to Von Horn to initiate an investigation on the Israeli-Syrian border area, stated that he would send them if he had U.S., British, and French support, and asked for comments on them. (Ibid.)
  3. Telegram 620, February 4, reported that London and Paris had agreed to the orders for Von Horn and stated that the Secretary-General was planning to send a letter to Ben Gurion saying that certain steps would soon be taken. (Ibid., 684A.86B3/2–459)