399. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in France1

1098. Elbrick today saw Alphand on subject arms for Tunisia. Informed him we had consulted with GOT on OSP question and had received negative reaction from Bourguiba on arms coming from [Page 860] France, no matter how procured.2 Told him in view our desire strengthen Bourguiba and provide him with arms believed necessary maintain order and prevent subversion, we felt we must go ahead with deliveries from US sources of arms for 2400 men. Stated we had no precise date in mind for shipments but we are hopeful being able inform Bourguiba in relatively near future that shipments would be made.

Alphand confined remarks basically to his intention inform his Govt of conversation.

No discussion Tunisian request to UK.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 772.56/9–2958. Secret. Drafted by L. Dean Brown, cleared by Bovey, and approved and signed for Dulles by McBride. Repeated to Tunis, Rabat, and London.
  2. Alphand had informed Elbrick on September 9 that France agreed to offshore procurement of arms for Tunisia. (Memorandum of conversation; ibid., 772.56/9–958)