175. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Israel1

380. 1. Under Secretary Dillon this date determined that continuing broad TC program for Israel should be terminated by June 30, 1962. Possibility is recognized of further occasional ad hoc technical advice on consultative basis as outlined para 3 below. Similar determinations made for TC programs in Lebanon and Greece and Embassies being notified accordingly.

2. Basis this decision is: (a) progress Israel relative less developed regions in acquiring indigenous technical skills in areas for which ICA assistance normally available (b) recognition that alternative sources foreign advice available (c) requirement U.S. reallocate available TC resources to more urgent needs of less developed countries and (d) [Page 386] conclusion that continuing programs in Israel involve unwarranted administrative overhead and perhaps irritating intervention in host country affairs given their declining contribution to overall technical developments in Israel.

3. Termination of regular continuing TC program will not affect continuing expressions of U.S. interest and support through other forms of U.S. grant and development assistance. Further, while we cannot continue to support a broad technical assistance program in Israel, on basis of annual programming and Congressional appropriation process, we recognize possibility that there may be occasional need to assist with technicians for special short term assignments funded by GOI or by U.S. Bilateral aid agreement will not be terminated and could be used for this purpose if and when desired.

4. Ambassador is instructed to inform host government of this decision at time he considers appropriate but no later than January 1, since by that date we will be proceeding with aid proposals for Congressional presentation. Believe most important GOI understand that decision on technical aid in no way affects U.S. sympathy with GOI development problems and our willingness to respond to its needs within limits of our capabilities and overall responsibilities. GOI officials should be disabused any view that present U.S. technical mission is essential for dealing with development assistance since U.S. Embassy will provide continuing point for consultation these questions.

5. In course presentation you may at your discretion propose that there might be advantages to a joint public announcement of phasing out of TC aid. Such announcement could give full recognition to real progress made by Israel in this area and its willingness to forego such help in favor of newly emergent states where need is greater. However if GOI prefers to implement decisions without public statement we would interpose no objections. In any case, as agreement for termination is implemented by phase-out of projects, departure of U.S. technicians, and is reflected in U.S. Congressional appropriation requests we assume fact of closing out technical mission will become public knowledge.

6. After agreement in principle with GOI, request Country Team view as to most desirable method phasing termination individual TC projects and scheduling personnel actions involved.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 784A.5–MSP/11–1860. Confidential. Drafted in U/MSC; cleared by ICA, H, Jones, and Meyer; and approved and signed for Herter by Dillon.