172. Telegram From the Department of State to the Mission at the United Nations1

707. Re: PCC: Urtel 1002.2

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You should tell Menemencioglu that Dept also regrets PCC inability take greater initiative these past six months re carrying out 14th GA’s charge to it to explore repatriation and compensation prospects. As you indicated, part of reason for this was failure reach agreement with GOT re using Turk for PCC reconnaissance mission. USG has explored GOT counterproposal use Spaniard for such mission, but consensus is this not practical.3 For the record, in future conversations with Menemencioglu and other interested parties, you should correct mistaken impression that Res. 1496 “enlarged” PCC mandate. Rather, it merely reaffirmed PCC responsibilities, and requested it make further efforts to resolve key issue.
Dept concurs that early PCC meetings may be desirable to chart acceptable course action in discharge 14th GA’s request and to deflect insofar as possible enlargement impetus.
Dept fears that if PCC merely asks states concerned what it should do, positions both sides would tend become even more rigid. Highly improbable either Arabs or Israelis would be at all forthcoming in such exercise.
Dept still reviewing repatriation study which it believes requires considerable editing before it can be made available to goverments concerned for their comment. Believe revision could be most expeditiously accomplished by informal meeting pertinent Dept and Mission officers with Chai (Secretariat).
While aware of certain tactical advantage that might be gained by circulation repatriation and compensation studies prior UNRWA debate, we believe early release would not be consonant our desire have item initiated in as low key as possible this GA. In this connection, USDel should if it has not done so already approach SYG (or Bunche or Cordier) along lines requested G–13 of September 9.4 Our tactics should be aimed at most advantageous use entire period prior 16th GAUNRWA review provided for by Res 1496.
In any case, if and when circulation two PCC studies agreed upon, it should be simultaneous, so as not to give impression PCC regards compensation arrangements more possible than repatriation, or vice versa. Dept considering utilization these studies in fairly direct relation possible PCC initiatives which we hope will be made early next year.
While US would wish consider any proposal re PCC enlargement, our position would be determined, at time specific proposal made, by whether such enlargement likely make PCC more effective body. We would oppose inclusion Sovbloc or most ASAF states as not [Page 381] likely further PCC activities. In past we have inclined to view enlargement PCC or new, larger UN group to handle Palestine problem would be more cumbersome and probably be less effective in working toward solution of problem. Crux of matter is not so much composition of PCC as terms of reference that would currently be more effective.
This leaves PCC progress report for use at present. Report should stress acceleration valuation program and refer to draft repatriation—compensation studies that are nearing completion. Dept recognizes this not as extensive as might be wished; therefore, all the more important attempt deflect probable enlargement pressure and charges “inactivity” in corridor talks.
PCC might also ask Davis (UNRWA) meet with it while he is in NY and explore with him arrangements for issuance new identity cards along lines Dept’s CG–296.5 With Dept officers Davis took line that PCC should take initial responsibility such issuance, but that UNRWA would be willing lend personnel to operation.
In light need further clarification above and related questions, Mission requested on urgent basis make arrangements for visit pertinent Dept officers (per Pederson–Palmer telecons)6 for consultation Mission officers and Chai. Desirable that consultation take place when Davis also available.
  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 325.84/10–1460. Confidential. Drafted by Eilts; cleared by Hart, Meyer, and Cargo; and approved and signed for Herter by Wallner.
  2. Telegram 1002, October 14, reported that Menemencioglu had approached the U.S. Mission to find out if the United States had something in mind for UNRWA. (Ibid.)
  3. On September 9, the Embassy in Ankara reported a further conversation for a Turkish initiative in the PCC. While the Turks were unwilling to go ahead, they strongly suggested the utility of a Spanish national. (Airgram G–153; ibid., 325.84/9–960)
  4. See footnote 1, Document 167.
  5. Dated October 5, it suggested that separate identity cards for Palestine refugees would afford UNRWA greater maneuverability in rectifying the relief roles. (Department of State, Central Files, 325.84/10–560)
  6. No records of these conversations have been found.