167. Circular Airgram From the Department of State to the Mission at the United Nations1


Re UNRWA item, CA–1178.2

Mission requested discuss with SYG at earliest appropriate opportunity desirability avoidance “usual” debate Palestine refugee problem 15th GA. You should, inter alia, urge SYG consider having presentation UNRWA Director’s report handled in such a way as to allow item to be treated in lowest possible key, e.g., circulation of report rather than oral presentation and assignment of item to plenary rather than committee. (Department pleased to note that nature of Davis’ draft report such that neither Arabs nor Israelis could take serious exception.)
We believe acrimonious exchange between Arabs and Israelis could benefit neither side and could complicate SYG’s efforts secure reasonable modus vivendi Suez transit and Davis’ quiet efforts rectify UNRWA relief rolls. Also, debate this year might postpone and frustrate possibility of behind scenes efforts by PCC to make progress toward solution of refugee problem. Key to avoidance extensive debate would seem to be persuasion of Arab dels that contentious debate in 15th GA not in their interest. (We understand UK also prefers minimum UNRWA debate.)
We believe SYG in best position sound out key Arabs, probably in first instance Jordan, UAR and Saudi Arabia re informal preagreement to approve Davis report without partisan comment. SYG will recall that res. 1456 (XIV) contains admirably suitable peg on which to hang avoidance UNRWA debate; it provides for review in two years, i.e., at 16th GA.
Report SYG response foregoing suggestions. Assume SYG would wish advise Davis of any effort avoid acrimonious debate, and direct Davis accordingly.
  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 320/9–960. Confidential. Drafted by Buffum and Palmer, cleared by Thacher, and approved and signed for Herter by Wallner. Repeated to Amman, Beirut, Baghdad, Cairo, Jidda, London, Ankara, Paris, and Tel Aviv. The original number of this document, G–13, was changed before transmission.
  2. Circular airgram 1178, August 4, transmitted preliminary views on how UNRWA might be treated in the forthcoming General Assembly session. (Ibid., 320/8–460)