124. Memorandum of a Conversation, Department of State, Washington, February 16, 1960, 3 p.m.1
- Israel’s Boycott of I/S MAC Meeting, February 16
- Avraham Harman, Ambassador, Embassy of Israel
- Moshe Erell, Counselor, Embassy of Israel
- Col. Aharon Yariv, Military, Naval and Air Attaché, Embassy of Israel
- NEA—G. Lewis Jones
- NE—Armin H. Meyer
- NE—William L. Hamilton
Mr. Jones expressed disappointment at reports that Israel had declined to attend a meeting of the I/S MAC called by General Von Horn to discuss the recent flare-up between Syrian and Israel forces in the southern Demilitarized Zone. He observed that with UNEF or UNTSO personnel on all its borders Israel is unique in having a “built-in trip wire” against surprise attack. This was an asset Israel should make full use of. Ambassador Harman replied that Israel is prepared to [Page 268] discuss frontier problems at any time but cannot participate in a MAC meeting if there is a possibility it will provide Syria with an opportunity to assert an interest in the Demilitarized Zone. He said Syria has no locus standi in the Demilitarized Zone under the terms of the Armistice Agreement. Israel is determined to avoid any concessions that tend to suggest that Syria does have such status.
Mr. Jones reaffirmed U.S. support of the UN view that the question of sovereignty in the Demilitarized Zones is in abeyance pending final settlement of the Palestine issues.
Ambassador Harman said that leaving quite aside the question of Israel’s sovereignty over the Demilitarized Zones, Syria had been definitely excluded from them by the terms of the Armistice Agreement, a 1951 ruling by General Riley, then UNTSO Chief of Staff, and a subsequent letter by Dr. Ralph Bunche. The Chief of Staff of UNTSO but not the I/S MAC had certain supervisory responsibilities in the DZ, Ambassador Harman said.
Mr. Jones commented that the Department believes General Von Horn is doing an excellent job and, with UNTSO, constitutes a very valuable entity of which maximum use should be made.
Asked why Israel felt it necessary to insist in advance that there be limitations on the I/S MAC’s terms of inquiry, Ambassador Harman reiterated Israel’s determination to avoid actions tending to concede locus standi to the Syrians. He said General Von Horn is aware that the Israelis are willing to discuss the incidents themselves and corrective measures. This could be done at any time either with or without the Syrians, but not necessarily within the framework of the I/S MAC.