107. Telegram From the Department of State to the Mission at the United Nations1

Gadel 143. Re UNRWA (Delga 495).2 Dept commends GADel for manner in which it has conducted delicate behind-the-scenes discussions with Arabs and others on UNRWA item. We believe string has been played out now and time has come for us to make our concrete views known with respect to resolution which Special Committee can be expected to adopt. Debate thus far as well as discussions in corridors indicate that Arabs at this point are in reasonable mood and are prepared to talk seriously on terms of what should be included in res in addition to continuance of UNRWA for specified period of time. We believe best tactic would be for USDel to consult directly with Arabs on basis of Pakistan-Indonesian resolution2 which Arabs are well aware is unacceptable to us in its present form. However, with certain basic changes we believe this resolution can provide basis for acceptable action by Special Political Committee.

Following comments on Pakistan-Indonesian draft resolution provided for your guidance, and you are authorized initiate direct consultations with Arabs on following basis soonest:

First three preambular paragraphs satisfactory.
We suggest addition of two new preambular paragraphs as follows: “Noting further that various suggestions have been advanced in the debate with regard to reactivating the PCC”, and “Having reviewed the budget and noting with concern that contributions from member states are not sufficient,”.
Substitute “two” for “five” in operation paragraph one. We believe important to start out on this basis, though GADel authorized to agree to three-year extension provided other parts of res satisfactory to Department. We believe that as a result conversations already held with Arabs that initial starting position of two years will come as no great surprise to them.
In order to assure that res will incorporate positive recommendations of the character which we have long sought we suggest following two operative paragraphs to which Dept attaches very considerable importance: “Requests the governments concerned to assist the Agency in giving urgent effect to the recommendations contained in paragraphs 5, 6, 12, and 16, of Part II of the Secretary-General’s report,”, and “Endorses the proposals in paragraph 47 of the Director’s report and requests the host government to cooperate with him in [Page 238] giving urgent effect to these proposals,”. With respect to recommendation relating to turn over of responsibility to host governments in field of education, we leave it to your discretion as to whether and when to suggest its inclusion in res to Arabs in view their particular sensitivity on this point.
Dept would also like very much to see some reference to PCC. We suggest you put following paragraph to Arabs: “Requests the PCC in consultation with the countries concerned to consider urgently what measures can be taken to enable the commission to discharge more effectively the function assigned it in resolution 194 of December 11, 1948.”3 This paragraph would replace operative paragraph two of Pakistan-Indonesian resolution.
There are several other points of lesser magnitude which we suggest for possible inclusion in res in addition to present third operative paragraph of Pakistan-Indonesian resolution. These are: “Directs attention to the precarious financial position of the Agency and urges governments to consider to what extent they can contribute or increase their contributions so the Agency can carry out its programs,” “Directs the Agency to continue its program of relief for the refugees, and, insofar as is financially possible expand its programs for their rehabilitation.”

In connection with above Department wishes stress what it has previously said on this matter: that resolution should provide for extension of UNRWA for limited specified period and it should also include various recommendations of SYG on questions of interest to us, rectification of relief rolls; turn over of administrative responsibility for education to host governments; and cooperation between UNRWA officials and host governments. In addition we are hopeful in view of statements made in Committee that it will also be possible to retain in resolution reference to PCC along lines indicated above.4

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 320.511/11–2059. Confidential; Priority. Drafted by Sisco and Palmer, cleared by Ludlow, and approved and signed for Herter by Wilcox.
  2. Delga 495, November 20, transmitted the text of the Pakistani-Indonesian draft resolution on UNRWA (U.N. Doc. A/SPC/L.38). (Ibid.)
  3. Delga 495, November 20, transmitted the text of the Pakistani-Indonesian draft resolution on UNRWA (U.N. Doc. A/SPC/L.38). (Ibid.)
  4. For text of this resolution, see U.N. Doc. A/810, pp. 2125.
  5. Discussion of the U.S. revisions began on November 26 at a meeting with Arab and British delegations. In the course of the next week, the U.S. Mission met regularly with other interested missions before an agreed text could be reached on December 3. For text of the resolution on UNRWA, as finally approved by the General Assembly on December 9, see U.N. Doc. A/4354, p. 8. Documentation on the discussions leading to the agreed draft is in Department of State, Central File 320.511.