296. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Jordan1
643. You should inform Rifai (urtel 594)2 that USG believes Arab resolution passed by UNGA offers constructive possibilities as regards working toward solution problems in Lebanon and Jordan. We hope that governments concerned will collaborate closely with UNSYG to achieve above end. Admittedly, much of success in carrying out resolution depends on attitude which UAR adopts toward it. We have received strong impression UAR in light developments GA now does not wish to see further deterioration Jordan situation. We also have the view that implications of unanimous vote of nations representing virtually whole world will not be lost on Nasser.
In circumstances we would hope HKJ will enter conversations with UNSYG in spirit of exploring maximum extent to which resolution can help achieve objectives toward which we are all working. One of these is removal of threat to security of Jordan.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 783A.00/8–2258. Secret; Priority. Drafted by Rockwell and D.L. Gamon in IO/UNP and approved in IO by Hanes. Repeated to Beirut, Cairo, and USUN.↩
- Document 288.↩