288. Telegram From the Embassy in Jordan to the Department of State1
594. Reference: USUN 10, sent Department 671,2 Beirut 39, Cairo 14. During course conversation Prime Minister Rifai on other matters I took occasion request his views effect Jordan so-called Arab resolution adopted last night GA.
RIFAI replied both King Hussein and he generally pleased, gave reasons closely paralleling those provided our UN delegate by his brother Monem Rifai outlined reference telegram. However he said from practical standpoint it offers little assistance Jordan whose most pressing problem one internal security since effective implementation resolution depends largely UAR “good faith” in which he personally has little confidence. He did agree that resolution might cause Nasser adopt more reasonable attitude outwardly but insisted he would continue pursue basic subversive program using covert means. His opinion at best resolution could only provide “breathing spell” which in view Jordan’s isolation provides its enemies opportunity continue their attack by means economic attrition which could only benefit Nasser/UAR. I inquired when he expected visit UNSYG Hammarskjold, he replied probably next week/ten days. Rifai again reiterated oft-repeated HKJ position of no UN police force, no UNOGIL, no radio broadcast monitoring teams unless UAR agreed accept same. I remarked [Page 513] if this HKJ attitude what could SYG do implement GA resolution within Jordan territory. Rifai invited my attention to that part resolution providing for “UN presence” within affected area, proceeded advance pro-position under which UNSYG would establish office Beirut headed by high ranking personal representative to whom he would delegate authority act in his place coordinate UNOGIL activities, receive reports, prepare recommendation UN. As part such office Rifai would be willing accept one officer inherent right Jordan appeal direct UN if circumstances require.
RIFAI made clear while he encouraged fact Arab states have demonstrated ability/willingness reach agreement within “own family” including implied condemnation UAR interference other states he firmly convinced UN lacks necessary authority/capacity/desire provide adequate protection Jordan against further external aggression and/or subversion.