71. Editorial Note

Ambassador Beam reported that Murphy’s April 10 statements (see Document 70) apparently upset Spasowski and Polish Government officials. In telegram 1345 from Warsaw, April 17, Beam stated that Winiewicz said he had been instructed to raise the subject of the “heated interview” between Murphy and Spasowski. Winiewicz claimed Murphy had indicated that the statements at the Third Party Congress would delay credit negotiations. Winiewicz told Beam he had been directed to take serious exception to Murphy’s remarks and to make the Polish position clear: Poland’s basic policy was determined by its alliances while at the same time it hoped for continuation of good relations with the United States. Beam replied that the United States had the right to object to being singled out for invidious and offensive remarks and charges by Polish leaders. Beam concluded that the conversation ended [Page 187] on a “not unfriendly note.” (Department of State, Central Files, 611.48/4–1759)

In a letter dated April 28, Beam sent Kohler some short notes he planned to read to Winiewicz in order to minimize the MurphySpasowski talk. In those notes, he stated he believed that the Polish representations concerning that talk were caused by some misunderstanding and that from the U.S. point of view, the talk had been friendly and useful. On April 25, Beam gave Bohdan Lewandowski, Deputy Director of the Foreign Ministry, a copy of these notes after reading them to him and asked him to give them to Winiewicz.

In a letter of May 6 to Beam, Kohler wrote that these notes had apparently been very useful “in dispelling misconceptions in the Foreign Office about the tone and substance” of Murphy’s talk. Kohler recommended that Spasowski be given a copy of Beam’s notes. Kohler noted that Spasowski had been considerably shaken by his talk with Murphy and that his reaction may have been caused by rumors of his impending transfer from Washington. Kohler hoped the response both in Warsaw and Washington would inspire the Ambassador “to report future conversations more accurately.” Copies of Beam’s and Kohler’s letters are Ibid., Polish Desk Files: Lot 64 D 152, Foreign Relations General (Jan-Mar. 1959).