362. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Cyprus0
210. Ref Nicosia Airgram G–61, November 29.1 Dept in essential agreement ideas expressed ref airgram although probable period service any American unionist limited ninety days. UAW investigating availability Chiakalous. We also will be in touch with Nile about possible program. Need to know how many Cypriots could be programed in US at one time.
Primary job American unionist, as Dept views it, is develop and guide implementation structural changes, apply pressure for more aggressive leadership, prepare advice for workers education project through TC program in US and possibly on Cyprus itself if this is considered feasible by Embassy.
We continue believe with Emb that ideally US assistance to Cypriots in labor field should be initiated only when Cypriots have themselves evidenced determination take effective action against Communists in trade union movement. Realistically, however, we can envisage situation developing in way which would make it desirable to send American unionist Cyprus even though Cypriots had not done all we thought they might in attacking problem.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 880A.062/11–2960. Confidential. Drafted by Bruce H. Millen. Repeated to Beirut.↩
- Airgram G–61 reported on the results and recommendations of an Embassy review of the labor situation in Cyprus. (Ibid., 880.062/11–2960) The recommendations reiterated those contained in Document 359.↩