105. Telegram From the Embassy in the Soviet Union to the Department of State 0

428. I believe that from United States standpoint Vice President’s visit was highly successful. He was able in his discussions with top leaders to convince them of United States desire for peace while at same time impressing upon them our determination to resist pressure. While visit [Page 381] was to some extent hampered by Captive Nations Proclamation and deliberate heckling which was patently ordered by Soviet Government, Vice President was also able to impress Soviet people with our desire for peace and friendship. More importantly by his two speeches1 and the widespread publicity they received he was able to confirm suspicions which Soviet people already held that there are two sides to great international issues. Soviet concern at impact visit had was shown in many ways including Kozlov’s remarks at airport on his departure.2 On other hand many courtesies shown him by Soviet officialdom particularly after Sunday lunch with Khrushchev indicated visit was, as they would put it, “positive”. Vice President’s experience and skill as result his many foreign visits stood him in good stead in striking balance between getting our story across and at same time not upsetting bigger game we are playing by provocative statements. While to American ears his TV-radio speech may have seemed soft it was in my opinion extremely effective with Soviet audience and this is confirmed by experienced foreign observers here.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 033.1100–NI/8–359. Secret; Limit Distribution. Repeated to Geneva.
  2. Regarding Nixon’s speeches at the opening of the American National Exhibition on Jul 24 and on radio and television on August 1, see Document 92.
  3. For the transcript of Kozlov’s speech at the airport, see The New York Times, August 3, 1959.