328. Telegram From Secretary of State Herter to the Department of State0

Cahto 24. For the President from the Secretary.

“Dear Mr. President:

I have just sent a brief summary wire to the Department covering our position at the present moment with the special request that it be forwarded to you. We have practically reached the end of the open session period with set speeches outlining our positions or rejecting those of the other side. I feel the only possible progress hereafter can be made through types of individual or informal four-power conferences such as I outlined in Secto 105.1

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Gromyko shows very little sign of giving in and all indications point to his expecting long-drawn-out discussions. I hope next week will give a glimmer of light, but feel patience must still be the watchword.

It must be terribly exasperating to you to read of our political exchanges, but this seems an inevitable part of negotiations such as these. Allied unity is holding firm and fewer stories are being circulated regarding divergence of views in the Allied camp.

I expect to be an expert Russian scholar before the end of the conference. Faithfully. Signed: Chris.”

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files. 110.11–HE/5–2259. Secret; Niact.
  2. See the source note, Document 325.