143. Editorial Note
Most of the correspondence between President Eisenhower and President de Gaulle in October focused on the question of a possible summit meeting. In his letter of September 30, Eisenhower reported on the visit of Premier Khrushchev to the United States September 15–28, and told de Gaulle that his talks with the Soviet leader removed many of the objections he personally had to a summit conference. Regarding this letter and de Gaulle’s reply of October 8, see volume IX, Document 18, footnote 1, and Document 24, footnote 3. Regarding Eisenhower’s letter to de Gaulle, October 9, see ibid., Document 24, footnote 2. Eisenhower’s letters to de Gaulle of October 16 and 21 are ibid., Documents 27 and 32. Regarding his letter of October 28, see ibid., Document 38, footnote 2. de Gaulle’s letters to Eisenhower of October 20 and 26 about a possible summit meeting are ibid., Documents 30 and 36.