142. Editorial Note
On February 27, at the 356th meeting of the National Security Council, with the President presiding, Allen Dulles, in his review of significant world developments affecting U.S. security, raised the question of the recent elections in Argentina. The memorandum of discussion reads as follows:
“Turning to the recent Argentine election, Mr. Allen Dulles stated that Frondizi had actually won more decisively than had been contemplated prior to the returns. He had very nearly secured a clear majority [Page 468] of the votes. He got the Peronista vote and most of the Communist vote. Frondizi made a deal with Peron during the campaign—allegedly in writing. In general he had promised that the Peronista Party would be legal, and that he would grant a general amnesty to Peronistas. Of course, we do not know whether he will keep his word, but unless the United States is able to exert some real influence on Frondizi, he is likely to take Argentina along a neutralist path. Of course, it was possible that he may change views when he assumes the responsibilities of his office.” (Memorandum of discussion at the 356th meeting of the National Security Council, February 28; Eisenhower Library, Whitman File, NSC Records)