596. Report of Working Group to Committee of Principals1
Report of Working Group to Committee of Principals on Preparations for Resumption of Nuclear Test Negotiations
The Conference on the Discontinuance of Nuclear Weapon Tests will resume on September 27 in Geneva. Preparations on both political and technical aspects of the negotiations are under way and staff level consultations with the U.K. have been arranged in Washington beginning September 7. A report will be made to the Principals on these preparations and consultations during the week of September 12.
We expect to propose the following general approach in discussions with the U.K.:
- 1.
- Pending further consultations and decisions regarding the dates and arrangements under which the U.S. will conduct its first nuclear detonation in connection with project Vela we should reaffirm our readiness to proceed on the basis of the safeguards proposal advanced July 12 and reaffirm the White House statements of December 29 and May 7 regarding nuclear explosions. We should likewise press for Soviet acceptance and lay the groundwork by full explanations in the conference for public understanding of the necessity for the program of seismic research we have proposed.
- 2.
- Pursuant to the recent discussions in London we will take the position at an early appropriate time after resumption of negotiations that the moratorium referred to in the Eisenhower-Macmillan communique of March 29 be effective upon treaty signature for the remaining portion of the two year seismic research program (which will begin [Typeset Page 2168] when announced by the U.S.) plus a period of three to six months to review results of the program.
- 3.
- We will upon resumption press for a resolution of the complex of technical issues relating to the number of inspections, the number and location of control posts, the treaty article on on-site inspection, the phasing of installation of control posts and Annex I on the Detection and Identification System. Preparations are under way on key issues in this field which are listed as TAB A. An AFTAC review of the technical aspects of these issues is attached as TAB B.
- 4.
- We will seek U.K. agreement to press in informal negotiations outside the conference the package of organizational issues as authorized NUSUP 968 (TAB C) to determine the price the Soviets would be willing to pay for a 4–4–3 parity arrangement in the Control Commission. In consultations with the U.K. during the recess we will stress that we consider it of the utmost importance that there be no deviation from present Western staffing positions on chief of posts and staffing of inspection teams and observers on special aircraft flights during these informal negotiations.
- 5.
- We hope to reach agreement with the U.K. during the forthcoming consultations on a definition of nuclear detonations.
- 6.
- We will during the recess begin exploration with the U.K. of the technical aspects of the high altitude question without prejuding the position the U.S. will finally take with respect to it.
- 7.
- If the general approach outlined above is followed upon resumption of negotiations it will be necessary to strengthen the technical side of the U.S. and U.K. delegations during the period immediately following resumption.
- Source: Preparations for resumption of nuclear test negotiations. Confidential. 2 pp. Eisenhower Library, McCone Papers, Testing.↩